A Beast For A Beauty

Chapter 8

Alpha Brooks

I am in my office doing work when there is a knock at my door. Before I could even say come in, I knew by the scent it was Allison.

“Come in”

“HOW COULD YOU!” Allison yells at me coming in


“How could you do that to my best friend? YOU'RE OWN MATE!"

“What is it you think I did, Alison?”

“Are you for real right now, Alpha? You cheated on her; the pain was so bad. She passed out Alpha how?why?"

I stood away from my desk and moved in front of Alison. I am a little shocked that she did not move or change her demeanor. She kept that death stare on me and did not flinch once.

“Let me get this straight, shall we? For one, I did not cheat on your friend because she is not my mate, girlfriend, or wife; therefore, I can sleep with who I want.”

“ As for the pain that caused her to pass out. Well, that is not my problem; she is a weak wolf.’

“YOU BEAST” she screamed up in my face and punched my chest.

“I HOPE KARMA GETS YOU AND GETS YOU HARD. I, for one, hate you, Beast, and if I have my way, I will take my best friend and MY mate and leave the Beast's den for good.” She then turns and walks to the door.


She did not listen. She kept walking.


She still keeps walking down the hall. I use my wolf speed , catch up to her, and slam her into the wall.



I look up and see Caleb standing there. his fists clenched and his chest heaving.

“Your mate threatened her, Alpha,’ I said.

“You are not my Alpha,” she says and storms off.

“DO NOT EVER touch her again, Brooks” and he walked away.

What is happening to my pack? Since Caleb found his mate, he has been different towards me. The whole pack looks at m differently for rejecting my mate bond. I have to get my pack back in order. I will not stand for this.


Seeing Payton in that much pain crushed my heart. When she passed out, I felt so hopeless. I am just so ashamed of my cousin and Alpha. I know the kind of man he is, but to not want his mate? Fly off the handle and kill a drunk wolf for touching her, only to go home and take another girl to bed, knowing damn well she would feel it and be in pain. When he did not even care, Payton passed out from the pain and just went back to f****g the omega in his bed. I wanted to beat I a*s 50 badly.

“Hey man, are you OK?” Austin asks me

“No, no, I am not alright” I said.

I filled in Austin on what happened after the club last night.

“That is 50 ****d up, man, cousin, or not hell, Alpha or not, that is not right, not at all’ said Austin.

I take a bite of the chicken that was made for tonight's dinner just as none other than the a*****e Alpha himself walks int the dining room. I wanted to go and smack that smirk off his face.

“Good evening, everyone,” he said.

I noticed only the omegas had returned his greeting. The rest of the room had all heard what he had done at the club an his mate got to their feet and left the room and packhouse, leaving a confused Alpha standing there in an empty dining room.

I got to my feet , got an empty plate, and started putting food on it to take up for Payton.

“ What was that all about?” he asked.

“Word had got around, * I said.

“Not one person in this pack has any respect left for you after last night."

I started to leave the room.

“ Where are you going, cousin? Eat your food here with me. Let's talk”

“I do not think so, man, and the food is for a special friend.”

I heard a growl and turned around.

“ Really, man, you are going to growl at me for taking care of my friend?” I said.

“You may be family and my so-called Alpha, but I have lost all respect for you."

I continue to walk out, not caring; I may have hurt his feelings.

I knocked on Payton's bedroom door, but there was no answer. So I tried the door and it opened. I pushed it open and walked in and noticed Payton was still sleeping. I put her food down on the night table next to the bed as I sat next to he body lying on the bed. She is so beautiful. How can anyone not want her as their mate? My hand reaches up and strokes her hair, so beautiful, so soft. Her eyes open, and she smiles at me. She has such a sexy smile.

“He handsome. What are you doing here?” she asks.

“I came to check on you and bring you some dinner I said.

“ Oh wow, is it dinner time already?”

“Yes” I chuckle

As Payton eats, I find myself mesmerized by her mouth.

“ Thank you, Mav, for bringing me dinner. I was really hungry,’ she says.

“It was my pleasure’, I smiled at her.

“I missed training today. I am going to go and take a run. Aurora needs it she says.

“Oh umm OK, I guess I will see you later then" I stood to my feet. I was a little disappointed I had to leave her.

“Well, you can always see me later if you want, or you can come take a run with me."

I smile

“1 would love to, “I said.


I was glad he said yes. He would run with me. I miss running with my brother, so Mav will be the next best thing.

We headed off to go running. When we hit the bottom landing, The Beast comes out of the kitchen and stops when he se us. 1 looked away and kept walking towards the door.

“ How are you feeling, Payton?” I heard the Beast ask me.

I stopped in my tracks but didn't turn around.

“What do you care, Beast? You sure as hell did not care last night or this morning, so do not care now.”

“ Fine, forget I asked then.” He said.

" But where are you two heading?”

“Why? Do you want to murder someone else?” I said.

He doesn't answer; instead, he jogs two steps at a time, up the stairs.

Mav and I went out and headed to the tree line.

We head to different sides and slip behind trees and shift. Aurora shakes out her golden shiny fur and gives a little howe Mavs’ grey wolf walks towards us. Aurora rubs her head on him. Mavs wolf licks Aurora on the nose. Then, together, we tal off running. The feel of the wind in our fur felt amazing.

“Care to tell me what that was back there with Mavs Wolf?” I asked my wolf.

“His name is Damien, and 1 like him,” she says.

“Oh and what about our mate?” I asked her.

“I love our mate, but our mate hurts us. Our mate does not even want us, but Damien and Maverick do.”

“They are cute, aren't they?” I said.

We laugh and keep running,

We came to a little open spot with a lake. Aurora comes to a stop at the water's edge when we are tackled to the ground. Damien and Mav have playfully tackled us and are on top of us. We are looking into each other's eyes, and again, Damien licks our nose. I do not know why, but I shifted underneath him. Now, am human with a wolf on top of my naked body. + head comes down, and our heads touch. I reached up and ran my fingers through his soft grey fur. Damien's tongue licks my face, and I gigele. It filled my whole face. Then Maverick shifts back, and now I have a naked man on top of me. Our ey met again, and then his lips were on mine. He pulls back and looks at me.

“You are so beautiful, Payton.’

I reached my arms around his neck and pulled him into another kiss. Soon, he is kissing my neck, jawline, and back to my lips. 1 can feel his hard c**k against my now wet p***y. As he picks up the make-out session, there is a loud growl, and Maverick is thrown off of me. I hear a splash as he lands in the water. I do not even have time to get up when a pitch-blac wolf is on top of me. His face inches from mine, snarling. I looked into his gold eyes.

“ALPHA GET OFF OF HER," I heard Maverick yell.

So, this wolf is the Beast.

The wolf's head leans down lower, the drool from his mouth drops on me, and his snarling gets louder.

“Get off me, Beast," I say

His snarling stops. I looked at his gold eyes going between gold and blue.

“Shift Brooks”

Again, I see the fight between blue and gold.

Then I see a blur of grey as it pushes the black beast off of me. I hurried to my feet and saw the two wolves fighting. I ran behind a tree and put on a long shirt I found and ran back out.

“ST00 0 PI yell in my Alpha voice

Both wolves stop and look at me.


Maverick shifts back; he has cuts, scratches, and bite marks on him. The Beast did not shift back being an Alpha; as well, the command did not work on him. But at least I got them to stop.

“ Maverick, go dress and go get checked out. I will talk to you later” I told him.

“ Payton, are you sure? He might hurt you.’

The Beast lets out a growl

“Just go. 1 will be ok”

Aman walks over to me and kisses my forehead. The Beast growls and comes at us, but I step between them before he cz bite Mav. He stops just in time, not to bite into me.

“Go, Mav. I will see you later, I said, not taking my eyes off the Beast.

When Mav shifted and took off towards the packhouse, the Beast walked behind a tree to shift. I walked back over to the water, looking out at it well. I waited for him to come back.

“What the hell do you think you were doing with Maverick Payton?” He asked.

“1 believe I was making out with him after our run," I say, still looking at the lake.

He grabs me and turns me around to face him. The tingles from his touch annoyed me.

“You think because I had s* with a she-wolf and hurt you, you were going to get me back?”

“Honestly...No, I was not even thinking about that when he kissed me;’ I said.

“But tell me something, Brooks. Why. Why do you care? You do not like me. You do not even want me, so why?"

“1 may not want you as my mate Payton, but you are MINE," he says,

“I am begging you, please.. Please reject me’

“ Why?" he asks

“Why not? Then, I can leave here and go back home and live happily.”

“No,” he says

“Yes, reject me now!”

“I said no.”

“Mark my word, Beast. Somehow, someday, I will find out your full name, and 1 will reject you."

I turned and started to walk away.

“Good luck with that, Payton; you will never find out my name.”

I turned to look at him. He was smiling

“If I can not find out your name, then I will kill myself," I said.

" Death is way better than this and being stuck with you."

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