Chapter 19

Chapter 19


There’s something about Lily Carson that bewitches me, entrances me and leaves me. completely out of my wits.

I’m yet to figure out if it’s those beautiful grey eyes that could easily house a billion secrets, or the lithe b*dy that leaves me hard and pining for her without even trying.

When I first set eyes on those bewitching eyes wet with tears, the first thought that came to my mind was how I wanted to replace those tears of pain with tears of stinging, painful pleasure.

All I could think about was her eyes soaking up when the strokes of my belt hit that soft a rse over and over, or when she choked from the pressure of my co ck down her throat.

She’s stubborn, that much is certain, and I’ve never had the time nor patience for stubborn women until I met her.

I want her tied and helpless on my bed, awaiting whatever form of pleasure I choose to give to her. I want her tight pus sy wet and dripping for me.

I just plain want Lily Carson. Even if she doesn’t match my usual taste in women, I crave her ethereal beauty like a vampire craves fresh blood.

She’s stubborn. I like it. Because I will very much love to tame her…and I will. Even if it

kills me.

I lean back in my office chair and take a quick glance at my watch for the umpteenth time this morning.

I press the intercom on my desk impatiently.

“Isn’t she here yet?” I ask my secretary.

“I’m sorry, sir, but she hasn’t arrived yet. Should I send someone to check on her? Just to make sure she’s doing okay.”

It took a go dda mn miracle, and the serious thought of chaining myself to the guest room’s bed, to stop myself from sharing Lily’s bed last night.

I saw the fear in her eyes when she limped away from me. Strangely, even if I want her surrender, I do not crave her fear. I don’t want Lily to be scared of me.

“Uh…sir? Are you still there?”

Sh it.



Fri, 26 Jan DJ

Chapter 19

“Yes. Yes, please send someone to check on her. Get back to me as soon as possible.”

I told her to be here by eight. I warned her not to be late. Even though I know that she fell asleep during the early hours of the morning and must’ve woken up late, my co ck twitches at the thought of punishing her for her disobedience.

“Sir, that will not be necessary anymore.”




“Because Lily Carson is here. I’m sending her right up.”


I’m in huge trouble. I just know it.

Marco had specifically asked me to be in his office by eight and not a moment later. It’s already a few minutes to the hour of ten and I’m just arriving at his office complex. F uck.

I run my sweaty palm down the length of my formal skirt and smile shakily at the man who holds open the glass door to Marco’s office for me.

I take a deep breath and walk in. The sight of Marco sitting behind his huge glass desk, typing away at his laptop with his l*ps pinched tight almost sends me scurrying right back out that door.

After a minute of just standing without being recognized, I square my shoulders and cough lightly to draw some attention.

My heart thuds against my ribcage as Marco lifts his head slowly. Those fiery sapphire. blue eyes flash at me and I feel my mouth go dry.

“Uh…good morning. Sorry I’m late.” I mutter.

Marco merely gives me a onceover that leaves my entire b*dy burning and goes back to his work.

After another two minutes of being ignored, I really begin to feel frantic.

“I’m sorry, sir. I know I was supposed to be here over an hour ago but I fell asleep and…”

His gaze snaps to me and whatever I was about to say dies in my throat.


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Chapter 19


“What did you call me?” He asks softly.


He drops his pen on his desk and gives me the full intensity of that oddly beautiful


“I said, what did you call me?”

I swallow.

“Sir. I called you…sir. Please, don’t get angry. I was exhausted last night and…”

“Sit down, Lily.”


I stare at him numbly for a second before plopping down on the padded seat before him. His gaze on me doesn’t waver. It brings back forbidden memories – his c ock down my throat…Marco pressing me into the counter just a few hours ago….

“When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it exactly as I have ordered. You disobeyed me, Lily”

“I know. I’m sorry…”

He goes on like I haven’t just interrupted him.

“You need to understand that for every act of disobedience you display whilst still mine, there is a punishment for it.”

I don’t know why, but my core clenches at the thought of being punished by this man. Maybe it’s the way he says it…like he wants me displayed on his desk and…

“My punishments hurt, Lily.” He growls. “Keep that in mind when you try to disobey me next time.”

Before I can even speak, he retrieves a single piece of paper from his table and drops it

in front of me.

I look down at the paper in surprise. It only contains a few wordings;

“I, Lily Carson, do solemnly swear to become Marco Marcelli’s mistress for a period of three years and bestow, on him the ultimate power to do as he pleases with me during the period stipulated above”

I look back up at him in confusion.

“Is this all? Don’t I need a lawyer or something? Don’t I get to sign other documents?”

Fri, 26 Jan Doy

Chapter 19

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He folds both his hands on the table and leans forward, his gaze two hard, blue pools.

“What other documents, Lily?”

I raise both my hands in frustration.

“I don’t know, financial agreements, NDAs, boundaries, stuff like that.”

He’s silent for a moment, then he gets to his feet and moves to the floor to ceiling windows and leans against it, legs crossed.

I can only stare helplessly at him.

Go d, the man is so good looking it shouldn’t be normal.

“I already told you that I’ll be taking care of all your needs during the course of this agreement. After that, I will give you enough money to settle down for life. You would’nt even have to work again.”


His eyes glint icily.

“I honestly do not expect you to argue about any of this. The financial agreements have been drawn and finalised by my lawyer. However, they are for my eyes only. If you’re worried about money, stop worrying. You will be duly settled after this.”

His voice is cold and emotionless, but it sends a painful pang through my heart. I clench my fingers into fists, trying to control my own emotions of annoyance….and hurt.

I shouldn’t be surprised that Marco thinks I am just a wh ore who is after his money alone, but it still hurts.

“How about boundaries? There are some things I will never consent to, Marco. I have to know that you will respect my wishes.”

One minute he’s leaning against the window, the next, he’s in front of me, hauling me to my feet and slamming me against his chest.

My eyes widen as a gasp of surprise escapes my l*ps. What the…?


His gaze burns into my face,

“I hope you aren’t under the impression that you get to choose the things I do to you and the things I don’t.”

“Don’t I?” I ask breathlessly.

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‘No, Lily, you don’t. That contract explicitly provides that I own you…completely. Body and soul. I will do whatever I want to do with you, and you will fulfil all my requests. because you are being paid to do so.”

I look away.

“I am not a wh ore, Marco.”

His fingers wrap around my chin and snat ches my gaze back to his. His voice is a low, deep growl.

“Yes, tesoro. You’re right. You are not a wh ore. You are my wh ore.”

His words send electrifying tingles down my spine. His arms tighten around me and those beautiful eyes burn with a more fierce hue.

“When you sign that contract, you automatically become my wh ore and sl ut to do with as I please. No boundaries will exist in this relationship, cara, because you will belong to me. I will do everything and anything I want with you and you do not have the power to stop me. The earlier you understand that, the better.”

My eyes widen with pure horror at his words. He lets go of me, picks up the contract and a fancy pen and thrusts it in my face.

Now sign it.”

When I hesitate, he steps closer, effectively taking up all my personal space. I can barely breathe.

“There’s no going back now, Lily. Sign it.” The gleam in his eyes is desperate. Almost maniacal.

I take the paper and pen from him with shaky fingers.

At that moment, I only think of one person, my mother in the hospital. If I don’t do this, Marco Marcelli will throw her out on the streets. Then what will I do?

So with a heavy heart and stinging eyes, I scrawl my signature across the paper, signing over my life to a monster for three years.

My eyes pr ick with angry tears when I see the smug look on his face, tears I cannot control. Within seconds, they are spilling over and crawling down my cheeks.

“Do not think for one second that by signing this contract, you own me, Marco Marcelli.” I say through gritted teeth.

His eyes darken but he remains silent. Meanwhile, I’m literally shaking with anger.

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Chapter 19



“Yes, you own my b*dy. Yes, you now exercise full power over it, but I will never be yours. I will never want this…this madness. I will never surrender

10 you. You didn’t give me a choice, so I’m telling you that this is war, Mr. Marcelli. I will never surrender to you. Deal with it.”

He walks over once more and leans over me, so close, our l*ps are merely a hair’s breadth away from each other. So close, I can see the light blue circle which surrounds.

his eyes.

you will: to love this, cara.” His fingers sink into my blonde curls and he wraps a Strand around his finger. “And I will very much enjoy squashing this stubborn pride of yours. I will break you Vily, and I with

make you enjoy your road to ruin so much, you

wouldn’t even remember to put your guards up.

You will surrender to me and you will call me daddy while doing it.”

Then in one smooth move, he sinks his fingers fully into my hair and slams his l*ps against mine.

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