Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Whenever I felt trapped when I was younger, I ran from whatever situation was holding me down. It always worked.

But you know the saying. Ninety days for the thief…

I dive in the opposite direction, my heart thumping wildly as I try to escape the monster behind me. Just as I arrive at the door, I make the mistake of turning to see how far I’ve gotten from him.

The short version? I sl*p on the polished kitchen floor and the glass in my hand goes flying like a whacked baseball. My eyes widen in horror as I watch the fragile crystal shatter to a hundred tiny pieces.

I come to a halt, staring from the broken glass to the dark g od behind me who hasn’t even moved a muscle since I decided to display my embarrassing running skills.

His sapphire eyes glint and burn with savage annoyance. Sh it. I’m in trouble.

“Stay where you are.” He growls.

“I’m so sorry.

“Shut the f uck up, Lily.”

He advances towards me, his gait stiff with anger. When he’s within close range, arms shoot out and wrap around my waist, pulling me against his chest.

“You do not run from me, little girl. You know why?”

His hot, minty breath against my cheeks makes my thighs clench in response.

“N-no.” I whisper.


“Because I will give chase. I will always give chase…and I will always find you. When I do, you might not like the consequences. Do you understand?”

I remain mute, trying to process the entire conversation.

“I said, do you understand me?” He repeats, his time quieter and more dangerous this time. “Don’t you ever run from me again.”

“Yes. Yes, I understand.” I murmur, blood roaring in my ears.

He lets go of me and I can finally breathe.

“Now go up stairs and wait for me. I’ll find someone to clean this sh it up.”

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Chapter 18

I stare down at the broken glass.

“I can do it. Let me do it.”


Without waiting for his permission, I bend over and rapidly fill my palm with shards. glass. Gosh, I’m so stup id.

“What the hell are you doing?!” He bellows, startling me.

I reflexively wrap my fingers around the glass in my palm and a cry of pain sl*ps past. my l*ps at the sharp sting.

“Lily. What the hell?” Marco’s voice seems to be coming from another dimension.

I let go of the broken pieces and shoot to my feet, my eyes already swimming with tears. My blood is dripping all over the place and I already feel sick.

Marco lifts me in his arms like I weigh nothing and plop my ar se on the kitchen. counter. He pushes my legs apart and steps between my thighs, his eyes sharp with focus.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” He bellows.

Shocked, I give him a look through my tears.

“Don’t scream at me. Just…please, don’t.”

He pins me with a hot stare. For a moment, I go completely still when I see the concern etched in those beautiful blue eyes.

“Let me see.” He says softly.

I fist my bleeding palm and shake my head.

“No, it hurts.”

“I want to make it stop hurting, princess but first, I have to see it.”

I shake my head stubbornly. I don’t know why, but I don’t want Marco Marcelli looking

at me like that…like he cares for me. I want to keep the image of a savage beast I have of him engraved in my mind. I want to keep hating him. Anything other than that is unacceptable.

1 sense the moment his b*dy language tenses, becomes stiff with annoyance and I swallow a gulp of fear.

He trails the tip of his fingers over the top of my thighs, eliciting a violent shiver from my traitorous b*dy. My gaze finds his torturous ones and my tongue fl*ps out to lick my

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Chapter 18

lower l*p. His eyes follow the movement with intense focus.

“Wh-what are you doing?” I stutter.

x 61%

Without warning, Marco leans in closer to me and his l*ps start a gentle trail against the sensitive skin of my n*eck. I shut my eyes tight and pray to G od for strength.

“Since you’ve refused to do as I say, I’m choosing to do what I want.” The movement of his l*ps against my skin is electrifying…mind blowing.

“And what is that?” I whisper helplessly.

“I will take you, princess, right here and now.” I freeze as his l*ps climb up my throat. I struggle slightly, trying to dislodge him. It doesn’t work.

He pins my arms to my sides with a powerful grip and I just end up flailing uselessly against the counter.

“You have five seconds to decide, my baby girl. Do you want daddy to f uck ten ways to Sunday all over this counter? Do you want to feel your tight, quivering pus sy grip my co ck in helpless pleasure? Do you want to know if you would actually scream this entire building down if I pin you to this counter with thrust after merciless thrust…or will you. take the easy way out and just let me tend to that wound?”

At the end of his d*rty, mind numbing speech, I am trembling from a plethora of emotions I don’t quite understand…most of it coming from the traitorous or gan. between my legs.

I have no doubt that Marco actually has the power to forcefully check. Mind games and submission is just his way of getting what he wants.



“Five…” the count down begins and my heartbeat quickens.

“Four…” Marco’s fingers trace the inside of my thigh, moving dangerously close to my most private place.


Oh, f uck my stu pid pride. I’d rather have him check my wounds any time of the day than let him f uck me.


“Fine! Fine. There it is.” I let go of my palm, revealing the bloodied limb to his watchful


His fingers on my thighs come to a halt, but the intensity of his gaze does not lessen. one bit. He retrieves a tiny first aid kit from a locker above and gently begins to clean

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Chapter 18

my injuries.

I’m surprised that for a man his size, his touch is as light as a feather.



A hiss of pain escapes my l*ps when he brushes the salve over one of my sharp cuts. He comes to a pause.

“Are you okay?”

I bite my l*ps and nod quickly.

“Don’t lie to me, Lily,” He says authoritatively.

“I’m fine. It just hurts a little.”

Three minutes later, my cuts are completely cleaned and dressed.

“Can I go now?” I would give anything to bolt out of this room right now. Something tells me that I might not survive one more minute with this man.

“No. There’s one more thing.”

Marco keeps his eyes firmly on my face as he lifts my palm to his l*ps. I feel my breath hitch when he begins k*ssing my cuts, one after the other.

My blood heats when his l*ps meet my skin. I try to pull away but he tightens his palm around my wrist, keeping me captive.

“What are you d-doing?”

“I’m k*ssing it better.” He says without missing a beat.

Ten seconds later, he wraps his arm around my waist and lifts me from the counter, setting me on my feet.

“Go take a shower. I’ll join you soon.”

“Um….thank you.” I mumble before fleeing the room.

Just as I’m about to step through the threshold, his dark baritone stops me.

“And Lily…?”

1 freeze in my



“The next time you try to from taking care of you, I will take you over my knee and I will not let you go until that pert little ar se is red and throbbing from the effects of my palm or belt. I let you off the h ook easily this time. Don’t do it again.”

Fri, 26 Jan DO.

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