9.5ft full of scars, A Yautja fantasy story

Chapter 7.

They were welcomed by an odd looking creature. It was just al tall as they were, with rounded features, Iris suspected it was a female, as it had some kind of bosom, but she wasn't sure, it being an alien...

"Welcome, welcome, my darlings! I welcome you to your new home. Come on, sit down so we can go over the rules."

As they all sat down in a strange feeling chair, Iris felt like she was sitting on a spongy, tickling cushion, and looked around for a moment. The office had a bluish ambient light, which seemed cool but not chilly, the interior was modern in design and had several coves in the wall containing pieces of art, when Iris took a closer look at one of the pieces she saw that it was a representation of three beings in a very intimate entanglement, which left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

"I see you are admiring my art..." Iris was startled by a voice just behind her, and she jerked her head to the female being, who had silently snook up to her.

"I'm sorry, the statue just intrigued me..." Her heart was pounding, even though the females voice sounded sweet and kind, her voice held a coldness that was bone chilling, and Iris swallowed.

"How nice, I'd rather you heed my words. That scene over there..." and she pointed a fat finger at the stone statue.

"... will be a scene that you will probably see in your mirrors regularly in the future..."

She smiled sweetly at Iris and turned to walk back to her own chair on the other side of the room.

Iris's face had turned pale, was the woman serious, should she really be pleasing two of those huge creeps at once? She felt herself getting cold, a bile filled her throat and tears began to sting her eyes.

Ooohhh, how she would love to go back to her old, boring life... She tried pinching herself on occasions, in the hopes she was having a bad dream, but she always ended up with a bruise on her arm or leg.

All of a sudden Iris felt a hand on her knee, Jelmer, who was sitting next to her, had seen his girlfriend was having a hard time and gave her an encouraging squeeze, she gave him a small smile and tried to focus on the females words yet again. Pushing the fear she felt crawling up inside, to far back of her mind.


Unaware his little quarrel with Liu'an hadn't gone unnoticed, Kyr'nac headed back to his motel room to take a nap and freshen up. His dealer told him he had to wait another three days for the engine components to be ready.

With a deep sigh, he let himself fall on the bed, face forward, arms above his head.

Arrggghhh, he was a patient man, but to stay here wasn't his idea of fun. He always found himself getting into trouble somehow.

He moved his arm underneath his head and fell into a light slumber.

When he woke up again and took a quick look at the time, he saw he'd been sleeping for more than four hours, his stomach was growling, indicating it was in desperate need of food.

As he stretched his stiff muscles, Kyr'nac thought about what to eat. There was a huge variety of places to eat. Longtime ago he'd visited the little blue planet called earth with his father, and since he was in the mood for something different, it seemed an interesting challenge for him to eat at a place that served earthly food.

Walking through the crowded corridors and large public areas, a strangely familiar scent hit his nose, it was a scent he remembered from his youth, but couldn't remember were it originated from. He shrugged and walked on.

The alien that served him tried to resemble a human waiter, wearing a white button up shirt, a black waistcoat and around his hips he wore a long, black apron. He could have passed for a man in terms of clothing, had it not been for the fact that he wasn't wearing anything underneath. The furry legs and fluffy tail protruded from under the apron, giving it an odd appearance.

Although Kyr'nac had been annoyed hearing he had to stay on the space station a couple of days longer, the odd looking waiter made it a little more bearable, and he snickered seeing the creature turn his back to him revealing its hairy behind and waggling tail.

Kyr'nac ordered something called rump steak, an extra large one, with some kind of green, yellow and orange stuff that they called a salad and baked potatoes, Kyr'nac knew what baked potatoes were, as his mother had made them regularly for him, when he was a pup.

The food tasted excellent and he ordered another portion, and devoured it with pleasure.

As he was enjoying his diner, he saw in the corner of his eye a little female rushing over, but she came to a hold when she saw, he wasn't the one she thought him to be. Dread appeared on her face, and he noticed her looking around her face started to show more and more panic.


To her right he saw five men approaching her cautiously, noticing that the little woman, who he suspected to be a human woman, had no idea of ​​the approaching danger that surrounded her.

Before Kyr'nac had to come to her aid, a deafening roar came out of nowhere and relief appeared on the woman's face, only to disappear again as one of the men grabbed her from behind and was about to throw her over his shoulder.

Although he had resolved not to meddle in other people's affairs, this time, just like all the other times before, Kyr'nac had no choice, he couldn't allow these guys to kidnap the woman and got up.

He saw the woman raise her head as he walked towards them and he expected her to scream, but instead a glint of recognition appeared on her face, something that surprised him greatly. But he didn't have time to think about it, as two other pumped-up Orcs were already lashing out at him with iron chains and clubs, trying to knock him into oblivion.

It was forbidden to carry firearms on Vas Brec naDir, in basics it was forbidden to carry any kind of weapon, needless to say that no one adhered to the last rule. Basically every adult aboard the space station had a small or a somewhat larger blunt weapon or electroshock weapon, no one abided by that. It was different when it came to fire or laser weapons. Anyone caught carrying one could count on one simple punishment..., death.

If you were caught with a fire or laser weapon, you were immediately taken to an airlock and left there while the lock opened.

Although there were only five at the start, in a matter of seconds everything escalated and he was fighting off at least five of them. In the corner of his eye, he saw a creature his size marching up to him, and he turned his head to look at the being.

The bright yellow eyes he met at the same height as his, surprised him, but what startled him was that those eyes somehow looked familiar.

His head was suddenly smashed to the right, as one of the bulky Orcs had smashed his iron bat at the back of his head. A loud roaring escaped him, damn that hurt! And he launched himself at the attacking Orc.

It took him three more minutes to fight his opponents off, and when he looked around there were a lot of mutilated bodies lying around.

A heavy thumb caught his attention and he turned to see the last attacker being taken care of by the other giant. Before Kyr'nac was able to say or ask something, the creature rushed over to the little human female and grabbing her into the safety of his arms.

Sirens were screaming and Kyr’nac new he had to leave, it would be easy for the enforcers to blame him for all of the killings. Kyr'nac glanced at the couple for the last time, he noticed the other giant was watching him as well. He nodded and took off, he new they would come for him to question him, but as long as he wouldn't stick around, they wouldn't have anything against him, as there were no cameras around and at Vas Brec naDir, nobody saw or heard anything...

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