9.5ft full of scars, A Yautja fantasy story

Chapter 6.


The days that followed were filled with education. The women were given instructions on how to behave in their new abode, physical classes such as dance, pole dancing and several types of yoga to improve the elasticity of the body. During those exercises, the tall beings observed the women to see what they excelled at, and that quality was further enhanced.

Iris didn't really excel at dance or any other physical ability for that matter, in other words you didn't have to be a genius to see they couldn't dangle her from a pole or place her on the show team, even her voice wasn't special .

What did become clear was that Iris had had the ability to comfort most women when they were anxious or sad. Iris had a certain calmness and charisma that made everyone want to be around her, to confide in her.

The canine creature noticed this and instructed one of the tall creatures to initiate Iris into various massage techniques and the use of fragrant oils to relax or excite her prospective clients.

This gave Iris an insight into the kind of clientele she could expect, because each breed had its own erogenous zones.

Needless to say, she was terrified when she saw the kind of creatures to come. None of them were human, not that she had expected this, but the foreign way they looked... Some were covered in fur, others had huge bodies, hands and tusks, others had scaly skin or jaws instead of mouths or all combined and then there were those that were very handsome nevertheless with their teeth and claws they were scary as hell as well.

In the brothel where Iris would be placed, the creatures all had two traits in common, they were unbelievably large and terrifying in appearance, even those that could almost be called handsome.

"What's wrong chérie? Hmmm? You look like you've seen a ghost..."

After seeing the creatures they would have to "serve" in the near future, Iris had lost heart and separated herself from the rest. This had not escaped Veronique's attention and she sought out her buddy.

"I know what's in store for us, Nique." Her voice trembled a little.

"Yeah, I know what's in store for us too, but I'm not going to worry just yet. Once we get there, we'll see how we can get out of there... Don't worry..."

Iris laughed scornfully. "Don't worry? You didn't see what we're going to face, I did... Trust me when I tell you, once you've seen them, you can't get those creeps out of your head!" Veronique tilted her head and looked at her friend.

"What do you mean, Iris...? How do you know what we're going to deal with?"

Iris sight, and start to confide her friend in her knowledge. As she was explaining her findings to her friend, another person had joined them and listened intently.

In the days after the physical changes, small groups had formed, and that's how they got befriended with Jelmer, one of the men.

Jelmer was a cheerful, bubbly and gentle gay guy of eighteen, with wild, curly, light brown, that fell just short of his shoulders, he had a slim build, large brown eyes and a wide mouth that seemed to smile almost constantly, a nose piercing through his septum finished the picture.

"Well tell me girl, what are we going to face? Are they really that ugly?" Crossing his legs, one hand on his knee and the other on Iris's knee, he looked at her expectantly.

"What he says, cherie... Tell us..."

So Iris did, and after she was done, the look on her friends faces had changed from curiosity to disbelief.

"Hell, no, girl... You mean I'm going to have to fuck chewbacca? That's nasty! All that hair!" The overly cheesy gestures, he deliberately made to make his girlfriends laugh, brightened the atmosphere and made the girls laugh.

"Look, we all new they wouldn't look human, and yeah, they sound scary as hell, but there's nothing we can do about it, at least not right now." He said, and gave her a soft pinch in her knee.

"Try not to worry to much, let's take it from day to day... Who knows what the future will hold... Yeah, yeah, I know... we're going to get dumped in a brothel. Still..., worrying won't get us anywhere." He gave them his bright smile.

"You know that's my job, right? I'm supposed to make you guys feel better, that's why they let me do massages and use scented oils, not the other way around..." Iris said with a grin, and laid her head on his shoulder.

"That's what friends are for, n'est-ce pas ? Move over will you, I need a hug too..."

It took the ship fifteen days to get to "Vas Brec naDir", where the women were exhibited to the owners of the brothels and private parties.

Being altered to the wishes of their new owner, meant that Iris, Jelmer and Veronique together with four other women and two men, didn't have to get onto the catwalk to be sold by god knows who...

They were taken to their new residence by five monstrous orcs, after the ship docked at the gigantic space station and the cargo doors of their vessel opened.

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