#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 9


I had no desire to be at the dark, loud, and cramped bar inside the french quarter, but, here I was. Cole had been bugging me all week to visit again. This girl, Junie, really had Cole obsessed. He was over the moon with her, convinced that she was the best thing since the Moon Goddess herself graced the Earth. I haven’t seen this woman in a week and, yet, she was still a giant pain in my ass.

This morning, Cole confessed to me what Junie told him about her father and brother. How she was abused as a child and left home at the age of 18. More importantly, about Corbin and Reid Cooper’s involvement with the rogues on the outskirts of Cypress’ territory. I called up Alpha Avery to give him the heads up and decided that I needed to speak to Ms. Cooper myself about the situation.

When I entered the bar, Jess started howling and pacing in my head. He was drooling over the idea of being near his mate, after hounding me to visit her all week. He was as obsessed as Cole. I was wrestling with him when her scent overwhelmed me. I turned towards the direction of her smell and realized that she was already watching me.

Her hazel eyes were huge as she drank me in, her curls fighting free from her messy bun and her cheeks flushed. She was standing behind the bar, pouring a brown liquid into a bunch of shot glasses. I resisted the urge to laugh when the other bartender started yelling at her, the alcohol spilling all over her hand and the floor. When she looked away, I made my escape, meeting Cole in some corner away from prying eyes.

“You came.” Cole smirked, “Where’s your babysitter?”

“Jett’s at the packhouse. The last thing I needed was an audience.” I huffed in frustration at his stupidity.

“She’s filling in for one of the bartenders today. She’s in a terrible mood.” Cole explained.

“I don’t care what kind of mood she’s in. I want to talk with her and get this over with.” I growled.

“Well, you’ll have to wait until the bar closes. She’s too busy to leave Jackson alone now.” Cole looked at me smugly.

“Jackson?” I resisted the urge to snarl the man’s name.

“The other bartender.” Cole said.

“You’re awfully chumy with all these humans.” I accused my Gamma.

“This lot’s not so bad.” Cole shrugged.

“Go get me a drink.” I ordered him.

“You can’t get it yourself?” Cole was testing me.

“If I have to sit here all night, then you’re going to shut your face hole and get me drinks.” I nearly ripped his head off. Cole raised his hands but not without laughing at my threats.

I watched him walk towards the bar and lean in, speaking quietly to Junie. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Jess was seething at how close the two were.

“Get it together, Jess. Who cares who she’s with?” I snarled.

“I care, I care!” Jess yelled at me.

“I don’t.” I grumbled.

“Sure you don’t. That’s why you’re so grumpy.” Jess mocked me.

“I’m grumpy because I’m surrounded by a bunch of humans.” I replied.

“Just give her a chance, come on.” Jess begged.

“No.” I snapped the link shut.

Cole returned with our drinks then. I downed a glass of beer quicker than it took Cole to pick his up. He laughed and handed over his glass.

“Why so tense?” He said.

“Your dumbass mouth spilling everything you see to my mother.” I said, narrowing my eyes on Cole. I hadn’t had the chance to curse him for telling my mother about Junie, yet. Cole had the good sense to finally look guilty.

“Yeah, in retrospect, that wasn’t my smartest move.” Cole admits, “But, when the Queen Luna levels you with her gaze, it’s hard to resist.”

“Resist what? She didn’t even know there was anything to ask about.” I grumbled.

“She scares me, okay?” Cole admits and I laughed sarcastically at him.

“I seriously hate you sometimes.” I said.

“Sure, but you love me all the time!” He threw his arm around my shoulder and sloppily kissed my cheek. I growled and shoved him away, watching as he stumbled off the stool and fell onto the ground.

“What the hell?” I couldn’t help but stiffen at the sound of her voice behind me. I couldn’t turn to face her.

“It’s all good, Junie, I was egging him on.” Cole laughed, jumping up and wiping off his pants. I watched Cole closely as he walked behind me. Turning on my stool, I followed him all the way to Junie where he put his arm around her shoulders.

“I don’t tolerate violence in the bar.” Junie glared at me. I looked at her, appalled.

“Excuse me?” I snapped.

“Relax, both of you,” Cole said, “Goddess, you really are made for each other.” He mumbled under his breath.

“Shut up, Cole.” Junie and I said at the same time. She glared profusely at me before shoving Cole’s arm off of her and planting her hands on her hips.

“What are you even doing here?” She leveled me with her harsh gaze.

“I didn’t realize I needed to clear my schedule with you.” I spat. Cole flashed me a warning look but I ignored him. Junie rolled her eyes.

“Whatever. Just don’t start a scene.” She scoffed before turning her back on me.

“Wait,” I grabbed her arm and immediately retreated from her. Touching her bare skin sent a mess of sparks scattering throughout my body.

“What?” She snapped me out of my daze, looking down at where my hand had just touched her arm.

“We need to talk.” I demanded.

“I’m busy, in case you haven’t noticed.” She replied, “You’re not my priority.” She hissed through her teeth.

“I should be.” I said before I could even think about it. She clamped her mouth shut, finally seeming to be left speechless, while Cole smirked at me. I quickly clarified, “I am the king, afterall.” I added.

“Oh, so sorry, your highness.” Junie recovered her attitude, “If you want to speak with me, you’ll have to wait until the bar closes.” She said right before stomping away.

“Oh, my, my, my.” Cole tsked at me.

“What?” I snapped at Cole.

“You’re so offended at not being one of Junie’s priorities.” He raised a smug eyebrow.

“I am offended by her lack of respect.” I answered stiffly.

“You haven’t exactly given her a reason to respect you.” Cole said.

“A reason? I’m her king.” I glared at him.

“She’s packless, you think she has any loyalty towards the werewolf kingdom?” Cole asked.

“She’s a werewolf. She doesn’t have a choice.” I said.

“Careful, King Caspian, you’re starting to sound like the tyrant your grandparents overthrew.” Cole dared to say. I opened my mouth to chastise him but the sound of glass breaking tore my attention towards the bar.

“God damnit!” Junie huffed, throwing a rag down on the ground. The other bartender, Jackson, rushed over towards her.

“You’re bleeding, boss.” He said. Jess barked anxiously in my head, urging me forward to check on his mate.

“I’m fine.” She yanked her arm away from Jackson and I caught a glimpse of her red stained hand.

“Go clean yourself up, I’ll take care of this.” Jackson said, shooing her away.

She stomped away from the bar and back down the hallway where I knew her office was. I followed after her absentmindedly, ignoring Cole’s questions. I knocked on her door before opening it, without waiting for a reply. Junie was perched on the corner of her desk, struggling with a first aid kit.

“What are you doing here?” She grumbled, not looking up at me.

“You need help.” I said, crossing the room and taking the cotton ball from her hand.

“I’m fine.” She yelped, glaring at me in irritation.

“You’re clumsy is what you are.” I chastised her, dabbing down her hand with the cotton ball.

Once the blood was cleared away, I could finally see the cut. It was more than an inch wide and deep, the dark red blood immediately pooling in the wound, again.

“This probably needs stitches.” I said.

“I might be a packless, but I’m still a wolf. I’ll heal.” She tried to rip her hand out of my grasp, but I wouldn’t let her go.

I dug around in the first aid kit and came out with some butterfly strips, gauze pads, and a large bandaid.

“I wasn’t insinuating anything, Ms. Cooper.” I tried to even out my tone. This woman might be the bane of my existence, but something about her being in pain made me loosen up. I blamed Jess.

“I don’t need any help.” She said again.

“I think that you do.” I didn’t take my gaze away from her hand, using the butterfly strips to pull the wound together.

Her scent was swirling around me as we were closed in her small office together. My nerves were on edge, my skin itching at our closeness, and a strange feeling of desire was pooling in my stomach. Jess was purring for our mate. I knew if I looked up into her eyes, I might give in to my temptations.

I placed the gauze pad on her palm and wrapped a bandage around it. I took a deep breath and forced myself to drop her hand, stepping away from her so I could think clearly again. When I was finally brave enough to look at her face, her eyes were wide and her cheeks were a crimson shade of red.

“Thanks.” She whispered.

“You okay?” I asked in a bored tone.

“I’m fine, it was just a glass.” She replied quietly.

“Okay.” I made a move towards the door to retreat.

“Wait,” Junie’s voice stopped me, “What did you want to talk to me about?” She asked. I turned back around,

“I thought you were too busy to talk.” I meant to sound smug, but instead it came out sounding curious.

“We’re here now.” She shrugged.

“Cole said your father and brother were involved with rogues.” I said.

She sighed loudly and jumped down from her desk. I gulped at the way her chest bounced and her jeans hiked up on her legs. Even though they were covered by fishnet leggings, they were still so desirable that I could hardly handle it.

“That’s true, but I don’t know anything else.” She said, looking disappointed, “And I have nothing to do with it.” Her voice cracked and I realized that she looked scared, too. I stumbled forward before forcing my feet to freeze, rooting myself in place.

“I don’t think that you’re involved.” I assured her and her eyes met mine, they were swimming with unshed tears.

“Why not? I’m nothing but a packless wolf.” Her expression was hard and her voice was nearly inaudible. I knew she meant to sound angry, but it came out sounding broken.

“You’re packless but not nothing. I know you’re not working with the rogues.” My tone hardened in seriousness as I attempted to convince this small, insignificant she-wolf of her own worth.

“She’s more than significant. She’s everything.” Jess said clearly in my mind. I ignored him.

“I haven’t spoken to them in three years.” Junie sniffed.

“How do you know they’re working with rogues?” I forced myself to remove my emotions from the conversation. I came here for information.

“My father’s been working with them all my life. I’m not sure when Reid started joining him. Sometimes the rogues came to the house in the middle of the night, but mostly Father and Reid went out to meet them. They came back reeking of rogue wolves and booze. I knew better than to ask any questions. My senior year of highschool, they started going out more and more, and started talking crazy. They threatened my life if I didn’t commit myself to their cause. I left on my 18th birthday.” She sighed, wrapping her arms around herself like a protective shield.

“Those bastards must die for hurting our mate!” Jess hollered.

“What do you mean talking crazy?” I asked, trying to focus.

“The usual ramblings about how the Council should never have been overthrown, the royal family is weak, Alpha Avery is as pathetic as his father and grandfather before him, Cypress pack needs a strong leader….blah, blah, blah.” Junie waved her hand dismissively.

“What about your mother?” I asked and Junie’s eyes immediately hardened. She glared harshly at me.

“I don’t know anything about her. She left when I was a few days old.” She snapped.

“Way to go, idiot.” Jess barked.

“She was involved with the rogue conspiracy before.” I said.

“I wouldn’t know seeing as I wasn’t born, yet.” She nearly growled at me and I knew her defenses were going back up.

“Why haven’t you gone to Alpha Avery?” I asked, pushing the interrogation forward despite Jess’ complaints.

“I don’t have any desire to travel to the packgrounds and I am not getting myself involved in rogue business. I removed myself from all of that and I plan to stay out of it.” She replied.

“So, you’re happy here, with the humans?” I cocked an eyebrow at her.

“These humans are the only family I’ve ever had.” She said, squaring up to me, “Anything else?”

“No, that was it. I’ll inform Alpha Avery for you.” I said plainly.

“How kind.” She said sarcastically, walking around me and towards the door, “Oh, and why don’t you recall your lap dog? I don’t need a babysitter.” She said, looking back at me.

“Cole makes his own choices.” I said.

“But, he follows your command. You clearly don’t give a damn about me and I could care less about you, in case that was unclear. I don’t need a bodyguard, a nanny, or anything else from you.” She hissed at me before yanking open the door and storming out.

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