#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 10


Despite my altercation with Caspian, Cole continued to show up at my apartment everyday. Even Caspian showed up at the bar both Saturday and Sunday night, although he stayed far away from me and busied himself with other wolves and trashy females. I did my best to ignore him and his sluts. It was like he was throwing it in my face, glaring at me as the women grinded on him in scanty dresses. I found myself getting angrier and angrier, at some point I couldn’t tell if it was my rage or Violet’s despair that pissed me off more.

Mercifully, Monday came around and I was spared from seeing Caspian or Cole. My apartment was vacant of any wolfy visitors and I was left to focus on my school work, until Viv showed up that evening.

“Where’s your hot doorman?” She teased, flopping down next to me on the couch.

“Not here.” I answered plainly.

As far as Vivian knew, Cole was an old friend of mine who was visiting open endedly. He hung around because he was overprotective and worried that my family would come after me. Viv knew all about my abusive father and brother, she was mad as hell at them and she’s never even met them. So, she had no problems with Cole hanging around as my bodyguard.

“Let’s go out tonight.” Viv said.

“I have work to do.” I sighed. I swear, it’s not like we spend 5 nights out of the week in a bar.

“Girl, we both know that you’re a month ahead in school.” She laughed at me. Unfortunately, she was correct.

“I’m tired. My social meter was all used up this weekend.” I tried another excuse.

Please, Junebug!” Viv whined, clinging to my arm. I grumbled and rolled my eyes,

“You just need a wingman.” I accused her.

“I haven’t been laid in over three days!” She threw her head back, sounding desperate, “There’s been no good hookups at the bar.”

“Have mercy, Vivian.” I leaned my head back on the couch in frustration.

“How long has it been for you, Junebug, honestly? You could use a good lay yourself.” She smirked and I felt myself blush.

“I’m good, really.” I mumbled.

“Humor me.” She tried again, shooting me her best puppy dog eyes. I sighed loudly and she grinned, knowing she had me, hook, line, and sinker.

I owed my life to Vivian and her parents. She was my only friend throughout school and her parents offered me asylum whenever I could get away from my house. They knew all about my home life, but they knew better than to make life harder on me. They were my safe space and they offered me a way out the second I turned 18. Viv was my sister, no question about it.

My brother hit and kicked me, beating me down until I was nothing but a pathetic, blubbering little girl. He didn’t give a damn about me, but Viv did. My father starved and caged me, abusing me in every way he could think of. He was never my father, but Mr. Ryan was. My mother left me, alone and abandoned, but Mrs. Ryan stayed. Vivian’s parents were as good as mine.

So, that’s how I found myself all dressed up and ready to go out two hours later. Dressed in a dark red bodycon dress and black tights, my hair combed out around my shoulders and my face done up with smokey makeup and matching red lipstick; I finished off the look with a strappy pair of black, high heeled boots.

Vivan’s dark green dress was even tighter and shorter, and she wore no tights with it, leaving her pale legs exposed. Her black hair was straightened down her back, wearing a dark brown lipstick and the same smokey eyeshadow. She wore black satin high heels.

We hailed a taxi to the Carolina Yacht Club where a mixer was being thrown for its members. One of Viv’s playthings had gotten us on the guest list. The members of the yacht club had expensive, but wild tastes. They threw some killer parties with the best food and booze, top notch bands, and a well decorated venue. Everyone dressed to impress with their most expensive suits and jewelry.

All the single women of the club used these events as a way to meet eligible, and ineligible, men to use as their sugar daddies. They were dressed even more revealing than Viv and I, trying to look younger than they really were with fake boobs and unrealistic butts. Their hair was bigger than mine, done up with extensions, elegant curlers, and so much hairspray it didn’t even shift in the light breeze.

“This party is way above our pedigree, Viv.” I mumbled as we walked through the courtyard holding glasses of champagne.

“So are the men.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I sighed.

“You have a one track mind, Vivian Ryan.” I accused her and she laughed wickedly,

“You flatter me, Junebug.”

We wandered through the party for about thirty minutes before Viv was picked up by a thirty-something year old man. They were chatting at one of the high top tables, exchanging laughs and flirtatious remarks while I watched from the corner of the courtyard. I was two seconds away from making a break for it when a familiar sarcastic snicker stole my attention.

Cole was among the high top tables, laughing with one of the housewives of South Carolina. I narrowed my eyes at him and spotted Caspian a few yards away with a leggy girl hanging off his arm. She had short, flat brunette hair that was polished and hanging just above her shoulders. Her legs seemed to go on forever, spilling out of her miniskirt and ending with her red stilettos. She had on an expensive diamond necklace that dangled between her breasts.

“Who is that bitch?” Violet seethed in my head.

“I don’t know? His girlfriend? Why do we care?” I replied.

Despite my response to Violet, my hands were still visibly shaky at my side. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Caspian. He looked like a proper gentleman in a traditional black suit and a blue tie that brought out the color of his eyes. I was angry at myself for noticing how handsome he looked, but I couldn’t help it. His hair was shiny and full as it cascaded over his shoulders in soft waves. I was fawning over him shamelessly and I couldn’t seem to stop.

That is, until the brunette on his arm latched her lips to his neck and ran her hand down his back. He didn’t even pause in his conversation as his arm snuck around her waist and cupped her ass, giving it a squeeze. I couldn’t stop the snarl that escaped my lips as Violet roared in my head. I had the sudden urge to make him as jealous as I, irrationally, felt.

I snatched a glass of champagne off of a passing waiter’s tray and chugged it in one gulp before swaggering off to the dance floor. I pushed my way to the center of the crowd and started swaying to the music. I ran my hands through my hair as I rocked my hips from side to side. In a matter of seconds, I felt someone slip behind me, placing his hands on my hips and whispering in my ear,

“I haven’t seen you around here before, honey.” The stranger said in a sultry tone.

“It’s my first time.” I smirk, looking at him out of the corner of my eyes.

“Allow me to be your escort for the evening.” The man winked, stepping in front of me.

He was middle aged, early thirties maybe, with sandy colored hair and brown eyes that crinkled at the corners. He had high cheekbones and thin lips, and was finely dressed. He had a tan line where his wedding band was supposed to be. I mentally rolled my eyes at him in judgment, but was blinded by Violet’s jealousy.

“Oh sure, blame it on me.” Violet scoffed.

“What’s your name, honey?” The man asked, turning me in his arms so my backside rubbed against his groin.

“Get away from her.” A deep voice growled, ripping the man away from me. I gasped and spun around, watching as Caspian pounds his fists into the man’s face.

“Stop it!” I shrieked, shoving Caspian to the side. He turned his murderous gaze on me.

“What do you think you are doing?” He snarls.

“What?” I stammered.

“Letting this pervert touch you!” He hollered.

“Caspian, what’s going on?” The brunette from earlier whined with her hands on her hips.

“What do you care?” I shouted back, but I wasn’t sure if I was asking her or Caspian.

“What the hell is your problem?” The man jumped up.

“Mr. Storm, Mr. Wyatt, is there a problem here?” The manager of the yacht club came running up to the scene.

“Mr. Wyatt was accosting this woman.” Caspian said, angrily pointing at me. My mouth was hanging open in shock.

“I was not! She wanted it!” Mr. Wyatt demanded. I turned my wide eyes on him.

“Gentlemen, may I suggest we take this to a more private venue?” The manager said.

“Hi, hello, standing right here.” I waved my hand in the manager’s face as the men threatened to handle this issue without me.

“Yes, ma’am, I think you’ve done enough, thank you.” The manager had the nerve to glare at me.

“Surely you aren’t blaming the woman for the actions of two idiot men?” I cocked an eyebrow at him.

The manager eyed me like I was trash and I rolled my eyes dramatically. I made a loud sound of disgust before storming away from the scene. I had about enough of living the high life. Viv caught my retreat and hurried after me.

“What’s going on, June?” She struggled to keep up with me as I sped off towards the door.

“I’m leaving.” I stated.

“Well, I, uhm….” Viv muttered and I paused to address my friend,

“I’m fine, Viv, you can stay, if you want.” I faked a smile.

“You sure?” Viv looked over her shoulder at the handsome man who was waiting for her.

“Yes, I’m sure. Have fun but be safe. Call if you need me.” I squeezed her arm and watched her walk back into the party.

When she was out of sight, I dropped my false facial expression and regrettably, made eye contact with Caspian. I rolled my eyes at him before waltzing out of the club.

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