#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 42


Later that night, when the bar was filled with patrons, Viv and I acted out my plan. As I suspected, the guard wolves spread out over the bar so they could see every angle while Cole stayed close to my side.

Sophie played her part well, attaching herself to Cole and laying on the flirting thick. Toonly and Clyde were eager to help as well, distracting Mack and Reece who were posted at the front and back doors. Luckily for us, the DJ, Fred, seemed to take a liking to Nikki and fit into our plan naturally. Karly, who was usually up for anything, was happy to provide Quincey with a distraction.

After nine, the crowd was picking up and the guard was thoroughly distracted. I shot Viv a wink before slipping out the door and into the cover of darkness. I ran quickly to my car and was off to Cypress’ pack. I knew it wouldn’t take long for the guard to realize my absence, nor would it take long for them to contact Caspian. I had a small window of time to put enough distance between us to make my escape plan worth it. I knew that, eventually, they would break Vivian and get my location out of her, but I also knew that she could hold out long enough for me to get what I needed.

Cypress’ pack was a short drive away, hidden inside the Francis Marion National Forest which was settled between Charleston and Myrtle Beach. The Cypress pack was hidden behind lush pine and towering bald cypress trees, hence the pack’s name. The long, twisting driveway had swamps and marshes sulking on either side, with birds calling loudly from the trees.

My car bumped down the uneven driveway, rattling to a stop at a large iron gate with a tall guard tower on either side. There were four men standing guard on the ground and two more in each tower. Two of the men walked up to my car, one to my driver’s side window and the other to walk around my car suspiciously.

“I’m Junie Cooper, mate to the Alpha King.” I stated plainly, hoping that news had at least traveled to the Cypress pack of my identity.

The wolf at my door cocked an eyebrow at me and glanced up to the man circling my car. His eyes went black and I knew he was mindlinking Alpha Avery.

“Our apologies, Luna, we didn’t recognize you.” The man bowed his head in submission and waved towards the others to open the gate, “Follow the road to the packhouse. Someone will be waiting there as your escort.” He added and I nodded in thanks.

I did as the guardwolf said, the gravel drive turning into a smooth, brick laid road as I approached the packhouse. Standing on the large front porch was Alpha Avery’s Beta, Conrad. I stepped out of my car and was eagerly greeted by Conrad.

“It’s a pleasure to have you at our packhouse, Queen Luna.” Beta Conrad said. I sighed, it was obvious that he had no idea who I was prior to being Caspian’s mate.

“I need to speak to Alpha Avery.” I said and the Beta nodded, motioning towards the front door.

I followed after him through the house until, eventually, we ended up in Alpha Avery’s office. He was sitting behind his desk with another familiar figure standing next to him.

“Junie?” Malcolm looked at me with a suspicious smile.

“Miss. Cooper.” Alpha Avery greeted me.

“That’s Queen Luna to you.” Malcolm frowned down at the Alpha with a glare. Alpha Avery nodded but said nothing to correct himself.

“Caspian didn’t send word that you were coming?” Malcolm said.

“No, he wouldn’t have.” I replied hesitantly and Malcolm’s smile grew wider.

“I knew I liked you.” He mumbled.

“Was there something that you needed, Luna?” Alpha Avery looked at me with a judgemental expression.

“Yes, I need an update on the interrogations.” I said.

“The interrogations of your family?” Alpha Avery asked unnecessarily.

“Who else?” I bit.

“I have reported all of my findings to the Alpha King.” He stated.

“And now you will deliver them to me.” I glared at him, stepping up to his desk. Alpha Avery looked displeased,

“I don’t see why this is necessary.” He said.

“You don’t need to. Your Queen just gave you a command.” Malcolm said, standing beside me as a loyal prince.

“Of course.” Alpha Avery bowed his head towards Malcolm, purposefully denying me the respect of his submission.

“I want to see them.” I said.

“Right this way.” Alpha Avery stood up and walked towards a door in the back of his office, “The cells are down here.” He said, opening the door and revealing a staircase.

Malcolm motioned for me to go ahead of him, Beta Conrad bringing up the rear.

“It won’t be long before Caspian figures out where you’ve gone.” Malcolm whispered.

“I know.” I said.

“He’s going to be pissed.”

“I know.” I said again. Malcolm chuckled as we neared the end of the staircase.

Alpha Avery flipped a switch and fluorescent lights slowly started flickering to life above us. It wasn’t what I expected from a basement prison. The floors were stamped concrete and warm beneath my sandals, like they were heated, and the walls were covered in wood paneling painted a bright white. We were standing in a sitting room of sorts with a large sectional couch, coffee table, and TV. One would assume this was a meeting room or resting area for the guards and integrators.

Alpha Avery punched a code into a keypad and another door swung open, revealing a long hallway of cells. Each cell had a separate keypad entry. All were empty besides two. My father and Reid were in side by side cells, a solid cinder block wall between them so they couldn’t see or communicate with each other.

“You look terrible.” I said, standing in front of their cells.

It was true, Reid and Corbin Cooper were dirty, scrawny, shells of themselves after being imprisoned for going on two months. They had silver cuffs on their wrists and ankles, preventing them from shifting or healing. They both snarled at me, shuffling forward on the ground in an attempt to look threatening.

“You bitch! You did this to us!” My father roared at me.

“You will show your Luna Queen some respect.” Malcolm’s Alpha aura consumed him, stretching out across the room and forcing anyone into submission; anyone but me, that is.

What?” Corbin looked dumbfounded.

“You heard me.” Malcolm grumbled.

That’s why the Alpha King came to our house asking about you. You’re his whore!” Reid shouted.

Malcolm grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the cells, pushing me behind his tall, broad frame.

“You dare speak to your Queen that way!” Malcolm’s voice was fierce and shook the room. Reid cowardly looked away but Corbin’s glare remained locked on me.

“She is no queen, she’s nothing but a useless slut.” My own father spat in my face.

I put my hand on Malcolm’s arm and he looked down at me, I quietly shook my head before stepping around him.

“Your words cannot hurt me anymore. I know who I am now and it has nothing to do with where I came from.” I said in a level tone, “I am not here to debate with either of you. I’m here for answers and you will deliver them.”

“We won’t tell you anything.” Reid huffed like a child.

“You already have.” Alpha Avery spoke up, turning towards me, “They told us about their connection with Cohen and the blood oath.” I looked between Alpha Avery and my father before settling my curious gaze on the Alpha.

“Tell me.” I said.

“Cohen was originally from this pack.” That statement knocked the air out of my lungs.

“Does Caspian know about this?” I asked, and both Malcolm and Alpha Avery shook their heads.

“No, we haven’t updated him yet. We just got this information a few hours ago.” Malcolm said. I nodded for Alpha Avery to continue,

“Cohen was friends with Corbin’s father, your grandfather, Reagon Cooper. When the Council was overthrown, they both left the pack together. They made a blood oath to avenge the Council by bringing down the royal family.” Alpha Avery said. I looked over at my father and saw his reaction was indifferent, bored even,

“Reagon met his mate, Betty, and had Corbin. According to him, Reagon was killed by members of this pack shortly after Corbin was born. This led Cohen to becoming like a father figure to him. Sometime in Corbin’s teen years, Cohen left to carry out his mission. He began rallying other rogues to his cause and, eventually, established a small rogue pack inside the realm.”

“This was the pack that killed Sabrina.” Malcolm added then.

“Cohen’s son, Miles, took over the rogues here when he began traveling. Miles’ son is Benedict and he’s poised to take over the Alpha position soon. Benedict’s daughter is Brittney.” Alpha Avery explained, connecting the puzzle pieces between all of the rogues I’ve met or heard of so far.

Did your pack kill Reagon?” I asked with an uncaring tone. Honestly, I wouldn’t even be mad if they did, I just wanted to know the truth.

“Not that I know of. My father was peaceful, he never wanted conflict, even against the rogues. He wanted all the rogues to come back to our pack. The only issue I’ve heard of regarding your family is when it was rumored Corbin was working with the outskirts rogues with his mate. Of course, we now know that’s true, but, at the time, my father couldn’t find any proof and didn’t move against your family.” Alpha Avery explained.

“Liar!” My father yelled, “Your pack covered up the death of my parents!”

“Parents? I thought you said he only accused the pack of killing his father?” I didn’t even bother to look at Corbin.

“He did.” Alpha Avery looked as confused as I was.

“My mother died when I was ten, her body was never found.” Corbin said.

“And how do you know it was my pack?” Alpha Avery’s expression hardened.

“Who else would it have been? Besides, Cohen was a witness.” Corbin replied stubbornly.

“And who told you that Cypress killed your father?” I turned towards Corbin.

“Cohen.” He answered.

I looked back at Malcolm and Alpha Avery with a cocked eyebrow. They slowly began to come to the same conclusion as me.

“Cohen lied to you. He told you this to make you believe that our pack was cruel.” Alpha Avery said.

“No! He wouldn’t do that.” Corbin roared.

“He wanted to fuel your rage, so he blamed Cypress.” Malcolm said, nodding.

“Then, who really killed them?” I asked. We all exchanged glances and then turned towards Corbin and Reid.

“Cohen did.” I sighed.

“You are fools, all of you! Blinded against the tyranny of the royal family.” Corbin sprouted his nonsense.

I noticed, however, that throughout all of this, Reid was silent. I walked towards his cell and crouched down so I was eye level with him.

“What do you know?” I asked him in a gentle voice. Reid glared at me,

“More than you.” He spat.

“Reid, just tell me what you know and all of this will end. I’ll talk to Caspian about going easy on you.” I offered.

“I don’t need your pity.” He said but his eyes betrayed his fear.

“Fine, then prove that you know more than our father and tell me what happened.” I changed tactics, my voice hardening.

“Cohen told me the truth, he told me what happened to our grandparents. He trusted me with the knowledge.” Reid boasted.

“Shut up, boy!” Corbin shouted from the other side of the wall.

“Are you going to continue to let him control you like that when Cohen obviously trusts you more?” I stroked his ego. Reid glared at the wall that separated him from Corbin.

“Reagon began to grow soft, he was weak after meeting his mate and having a baby. He wanted to abandon Cohen and his cause. Cohen was worried that he would poison father’s mind with his feebleness, so he killed him and passed the blood oath down to Father. Then, Betty threatened to take Father away from Cohen and tell him the truth. So, Cohen had to kill her, too.” Reid answered in a hurried voice, quick to show off that he knew more than anyone else. He laughed at the end, like their death amused him.

I stood up and backed away from his cell, retreating from the sight of him and my father until I was hidden behind Malcolm. Malcolm watched me carefully,

“Are you okay?” He asked softly.

“My family legacy is betrayal and murder.” I mumbled.

“That is not true, Junie, your legacy is whatever you make it.” Malcolm stepped up to me and gently laid a hand on my arm, trying to comfort me.

I shook off his hand and ran through the basement, back up the steps and through Alpha Avery’s office.

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