#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 41


The next morning, Gretchen and Cat were there again to help get me ready. I, admittedly, was in a worse mood today than yesterday. Something about the second early morning was even worse than the first, as my body began to realize that the early rise wasn’t just a cruel joke; the reality of my situation began to sink in.

Just like before, Caspian informed the staff that I wasn’t to be rushed down to breakfast, which I was grateful for. I was able to take my time waking up in the warm shower before the girls forced me into one of three overly formal outfits.

Today, being a bit sunnier and less rainy than the day before, I decided on a tea length, long sleeved dress that was a warm mustard yellow. I paired it with strappy red sandals that matched the color of fall leaves. As usual, I left my hair natural, or rather, Cat left my hair natural. Caspian was, again, waiting outside my door to escort me to breakfast.

“Good morning, dearest.” His grin lit up his face as he caught sight of me, ducking his head down low to meet my lips. I sighed against his embrace and gathered up all of my nerves,

“I want to go home.” I blurted out as soon as he released my mouth.

“You….” Caspian blinked in surprise, standing frozen in the middle of the hallway.

“I want to talk to Viv. Just for the day.” I explained quickly.

Gretchen and Cat scurried away down the hall, sensing the rising tension between us and wanting no parts of it.

“You’re not a prisoner here, but it’s not safe to leave.” Caspian frowned.

“I’ve lived in the scary human realm for 21 years, Caspian, I think I can manage. Besides, I’m sure Cole will be eager to follow me around.” I reasoned. Caspian didn’t look thrilled at all,

“I should go with you.” He said and I quickly shook my head,

“You have a lot on your plate, you don’t have time nor do you need to be my chaperone. I’ll be back by the end of the day. I’ll go hang out with Viv, check in on the staff when they open the bar, and then come back here.” I was trying to be reasonable, to be compromising.

Still, Caspian had a sour expression.

“Jett is with her, he says everything is fine. She’s adjusting.” He argued.

“Caspian, that’s not the point.” I grumbled.

“I know. The point is that you’re not safe out there, not when we don’t know what Cohen and the other rogues are up to.” He said.

“We don’t even know if the two are related.” I snapped.

“Junie.” He sighed in frustration and I felt the direction of this conversation going downhill fast.

“I was trying to be compromising, but I wasn’t asking for permission.” I glared at him. Caspian’s face scrunched up as his eyes narrowed on me.

“Cole isn’t enough protection.”

“You’re really going to tell me that you don’t already have a guard picked out for me?” I challenged him, crossing my arms over my chest.

“No, I do.” He stated.

“Then send some of them.” I waved my hands around.

“That’s not enough.” He said again.

“I suppose you think that you’re the only one who can provide enough protection?” I said sarcastically.

“Well, yes, as a matter-of-fact.” His expression told me that he saw nothing wrong with that statement.

“I told you before, I wasn’t going to be your little damsel in distress. I won’t be kept.” I was fuming at this point and Caspian’s eyes were nearly black.

“I will take you to see Vivian and have a meeting with Jett. You two can have plenty of time to catch up.” His voice was commanding, but I wasn’t about to bow down.

No. I will go alone.” I turned to stomp down the hallway, but Caspian’s hand gripped my arm and rooted me in place.

“You’re not leaving this realm without me, Junie.” He practically snarled at me, spitting out my name. I glared at my arm as if my gaze alone could set his hand on fire.

“If you want me to stay you’re going to have to throw me in a cell like the prisoner you’re treating me as.” I said in a low, dangerous voice.

We stood like that, in a silent struggle for power, for several minutes before Caspian finally released my arm with a growl.

“Why can’t you just listen?” He huffed.

“You mean why can’t I just submit?” I replied snarkily.

“No, I mean why can’t you listen to reason, to sense?” He argued, his hands shoved deep in his pockets with no trace of softness left in his eyes.

“You can’t handle me with kid gloves, Caspian.” I sighed.

Caspian’s face contorted, like he was thinking something complex, before he released a breath of air.

“I will send Cole and your guards to the portal room.” He said before walking past me and towards the elevator without another glance.

I resisted the urge to scream at nothing once Caspian was gone. I had no idea how one person could be so gentle and kind while also being so incredibly dimwitted and infuriating.

Glaring at nothing in particular, I stomped into the elevator and rode it to the ground floor. The hallway was empty by the time I made it out, Caspian’s scent lingering faintly. I stuck my chin up stubbornly in the air before walking in the opposite direction of his scent.

Cole was already in the portal room, although I had no idea how he managed to move so quickly, accompanied by four unfamiliar individuals.

“Oh this is overkill.” I threw my hands up in the air.

“I have no idea what you did, Junie, but you set him off real good this time.” Cole clicked his tongue at me.

“I told him no.” I rolled my eyes and stepped up to the portal.

“This is your guard, including Simon and Jake as well. This is Mack, Nikki, Reece, and Quincey.” Cole introduced the others in the room, “Simon and Jake will join your guard once you’ve permanently vacated the apartment.”

“Pleasure.” I waved lamely. The only girl among them, Nikki, smirked at me,

“Cole says you prefer familiarity.” Nikki said, pausing for an answer.

“Yes, you can all call me Junie.” I mumbled.

“In the spirit of being familiar, Junie, might I say that I admire how you speak so honestly to the Alpha King. Someone should.” Nikki said and I cocked an eyebrow at her,

“A woman guard?” I asked instead of replying to her comment.

“I’m the first female warrior in the realm, outside of the ranked members.” She smiled proudly.

“I’m not sure if Caspian was smart or stupid for pairing us up, but I have a feeling I will be glad he did.” I offered her a smile and she returned it.

“Ready?” Cole asked, motioning towards the portal and offering me his hand. I nodded and took his hand in response.

We stepped through the portal as a group and into the human realm. I felt a little less like throwing up this time, emphasis on a little. We all climbed into one of the cars that waited outside the portal and made our way to my apartment. I strolled up the outside steps to the apartment, pretending like I wasn’t being followed by a small army of werewolves. Simon was at the back door and he greeted me with a bow before opening up the door.

“Junebug?” Viv’s voice perked up from where she sat in the living room. She shoved Jett out of the way to throw herself at me, “Thank God!” She shrieked as her arms flung around my neck.

“I’ve missed you, too.” I laughed, hugging her tightly in return.

“You’ve brought more of them?” I could tell she was glaring at the people behind me. I quickly introduced them and explained what a Luna guard was.

“You need seven guards?” She asked, counting everyone in the room besides Jett.

“No.” I answered sharply and I heard Cole snort behind me,

“Honestly, Junie, you’re lucky. If Caspain had it his way…” I interrupted him,

“I’d be locked up in my bedroom unable to leave.” I snarled, not even bothering to look back at him.

“Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise?” Jett asked and I turned my glare on him.

“You can go.” I said and Jett’s eyes went wide, “I’m sure your boss could use your expertise and I need Viv to myself.” Jett looked between Viv and I, wrestling with his desire to stay with his mate versus his instincts to follow his Luna’s command.

“I’ll be back tonight.” He said, looking at Viv. Viv nodded encouragingly,

“It’s okay.” She smiled. Jett and Viv shared a quick kiss before he left the apartment.

“I need you.” I grabbed Viv’s arm and drug her into the bathroom, slamming the door in my guards’ faces. I switched on the sink and the shower water so they couldn’t over hear us and spoke in a whisper,

“I need you to help me distract my babysitters so I can get away, alone.”

“What?” Viv shouted and I quickly shushed her, “What’s going on?” She corrected her volume.

“Caspian didn’t want me to leave, he’s being completely overbearing. I need to go to Cypress and see what’s going on with my father and brother. I have a feeling Caspian won’t tell me the truth when it comes to them and I have a right to know.” I explained in a hushed tone.

“How am I supposed to distract all seven of them?” She asked with wide eyes.

“We’ll wait until this evening when the bar opens. They’ll spread out to guard all the entrances and get the best vantage point of the floor. You tell Sophie, Toonly, and Clyde what’s going on. Once I see how they are set up, I’ll tell you three who to distract. Then, I’ll slip out. Cole will be the hardest to get away from, I’ll need you to put Sophie on him and turn on the charm.” I said while Viv listened closely.

“I’ll do what I can.” Viv nodded, “What do we do until then?”

“Oh I have lots for us to talk about in the meantime.” I said before shutting off the water. She nodded in agreement before we left the bathroom.

“Do you have a problem?” I snapped at Cole as I nearly took him out with the bathroom door.

“What were you two talking about?” He asked.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I shoved past him and into the living room.

Viv and I settled into the living room to discuss my frustrations with Caspian, my experiences in the realm, and, most importantly, Caspian’s offer to bring the bar to the realm.

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