#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 27


Twelve hours later, we arrived at Alpha Sal’s pack in northern Maine. This leg of the trip was definitely more pleasant than the first half. Thea and I were able to converse much more easily and, if I dare say, she laughed much easier, too.

It was past 10 o’clock at night by the time we arrived at Alpha Sal’s packhouse. It was a modest sized wooden lodge with hundreds of small cabins scattered all around the woods. I guessed that the members lived in individual homesteads and that the packhouse was only for official business and visitors, maybe the ranked members as well. The pack was buried deep inside the woods, covered by tall and ancient looking trees; red oak, white oak, cedar, pine, juniper, and fir.

Despite the hour, we were promptly greeted at the front door by two members of the staff. They ushered us inside and into an office. A few minutes later, the man I assumed was Alpha Sal, entered. He was true to his lore, a tall, looming man with long dark hair and an even thicker looking beard.

If rumors were true, and they often were about these things, Sal was over a hundred years old at this point. He started the Warrior Pack of Maine when he was a teenager with the goal of training up strong, elite Alphas, Betas, Gammas, and Warriors. When the realm rose up, Alpha Sal was held in high esteem by the royals and granted knightship. Sir Alpha Sal, as it were. His curriculum was used to create dozens of other Warrior packs as well as being the template for the Archer’s training program.

With the stories of Alpha Sal came tals of war and bloodshed, a merciless man they say, which is why I couldn’t help but stare as his hearty laugh filled the room. Thea grinned and jumped up, throwing herself at the Alpha for a jolly hug. Right now, in his sweats and untamed hair, he looked like a werewolf Santa Clause.

“So good to see you, little red.” Sal chuckled, ruffling Thea’s hair. She whined and swatted at his hand,

“Thanks for calling, Sal.” She smiled, “This is Alpha Xaiver Valor of Valor Moon in Florida.” She motioned towards me. I stepped up and shook his head,

“Pleasure to meet you, Alpha Sal, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Oh Goddess, if it’s from Thea, it’s all lies.” He laughed strangely.

“Now, now, Sal.” Thea teased him.

“Red, I put you up in your old cabin. Still how you left it, of course.” Sal said, “Have you still got the key?”

Thea tugged a chain from around her neck and pulled it out from under her shirt. The silver chain had two bronze keys and a red pendant dangling from it.

“Course I do. I can’t believe you left it the same, you old fool.” Thea shook her head causing Sal to burst into another fit of laughter.

“Come up for breakfast tomorrow. Most of the others should be here by then and we can start.” Sal said, clapping Thea on the back once before walking off.

“Come on.” Thea grabbed my hand and drug me from the office.

She skillfully navigated the packhouse, back out the front door, and across the yard. She took me down criss crossing sidewalks until we ended up at a cabin in the back of the ground. She pulled off her necklace and unlocked the door, pushing it open and stepping inside.

“This is where I lived when I was here.” She said, switching on the lights.

The cabin was well maintained, as if someone was still living there. We entered into a small living room with a couch, wood burning fireplace, and a TV hanging above the mantle. Off to the left was a kitchen with all the necessities. A door was slightly ajar, showing off a full bathroom. Next to the bathroom, were a set of stairs.

“I’m surprised he kept it the same.” I said, looking around the living room.

There was one picture on the mantle of Thea’s family, that was it. No other personal items or touches were done to the cabin. It had typical furnishings for a log cabin with dark colors and plaid covering the cushions and pillows.

“I was his favorite.” She said proudly.

“I could tell.” I chuckled.

“The bedroom’s upstairs.” She said, grabbing her bag and bounding up the steps. I picked up my bag and followed after her.

The steps opened up to a large room with slanted ceilings, like an attic. It had a king sized bed with a red and blue plaid comforter, an end table on either side of the bed, another fireplace, and two doors which, I would assume, led to a closet and bathroom.

Thea tossed her bag on the bed and opened up the one door, revealing a bathroom. She switched on the light and shut the door. I sat my bag down on a chair in the corner of the room and switched on the fireplace, this one was gas which made it easy to start up. In minutes, the room was already starting to warm up. The air in northern Maine was damp and cold, frosty even with the taste of snow.

“You okay?” Thea’s voice startled me as she stood across from me. I didn’t even know she left the bathroom.

“Perfectly fine, dear. I started the fire.” I said, motioning towards it.

“I see that.” She said, eyeing me curiously.

“Yes, well, I better go downstairs and get the other one going so I don’t freeze to death down there.” I chuckled.

“Why would you be down there?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.

“I’ll sleep on the couch and leave the bed to you.” I stated obviously.

“Or, we could conserve warmth, and both sleep in the bed.” She smirked at me, pulling back the covers.

I stared at her open mouthed and wide eyed.

“I like that idea better.” I said and she laughed, plopping down into bed.

That’s when I saw she had changed into her sleep clothes. Another set of matching shorts and tank top, only this time she had a sweater pulled on over top. I opened up my bag and pulled out a pair of sleep pants, quickly changing before joining her in the bed. She was already curled up on the left side, claiming her spot, so I settled into the right side. I pulled the covers over us both and turned to face her.

She shifted, making the bed creak, as she faced me as well. Her face was so close to mind that her eyelashes nearly brushed against my face. A strand of hair fell over her face and I reached out to tuck it behind her ear. She smiled so soft and light, and it reached her eyes. Her hazel eyes were swirling and sparkling a light and playful honey color.

“I can’t believe that I was given to you.” I whispered, still holding her face, “You’re so beautiful.”

“Given to me?” She replied quietly.

“Oh yes, I’m all yours, my dear Thea.” I smiled.

“I suppose that means I’m supposed to be yours, Xaiver.” She teased me.

“If you’d like to be.” I winked.

She lifted her own hand and brushed my hair from my forehead, pushing it up and running her fingers through it gently. I felt my eyes close and a purr formed deep inside my chest. The feeling of her fingers playing with my hair was quite literally Heaven.

“I think maybe I’d like that,” She said and my eyes snapped open, “One day.” She adds but my mood didn’t damper.

“I’ll take that.” I said before I closed the space between us with a kiss.

It was meant to be timid and gentle and soft, but turned out to be anything but. Thea pushed herself against me, her arms going around my neck as her fingers wove themselves in my hair. She tugged at me and I followed her lead, rolling on top of her and she pressed her back into the mattress. I ran my hands from her face and down her arms, gripping her hips. She gasped and I released her mouth, allowing her to breathe.

I trailed my mouth down her face, her jawline, nipping at her marking spot and continuing down her neck. I sucked on the base of her throat, kissed across her collar bone, and moved back up the other side. She was wiggling under me, soft little moans escaping her. Before I returned to her mouth, I caught her eyes. They were on fire, no longer honey but burning a dark caramel with swirls of green.

“I love you. Goddess, Thea, it’s irrational how much I love you.” I gasped and her red lips turned up into a wicked smile.

“Irrational. That’s us.” She said before fisting her hands in my shirt and yanking me back down.

I chuckled as my lips covered hers once more. This time, I pushed her mouth open and our tongues wrestled for dominance. She giggled into my mouth which only succeeded in turning me on even more. I bit down on her lip and she moaned. I had to pull away before I lost complete control.

“You kill me, woman.” I groaned and she threw her head back, laughing.

I took the opportunity to shove my face into her neck once more, taking a deep whiff of her intoxicating scent. I sucked on her marking spot stubbornly, determined to leave some sort of mark behind.

“Don’t start with me.” I chastised Cain before he could even say anything.

“I didn’t….”

“You were thinking it.” I said,

“Guilty. Can you blame me? I want this adorable creature marked as ours so no other vial wolf thinks he can take liberties with what’s ours.” Cain snarled.

“Soon enough, Cain.” I said before turning my attention back to our mate.

“What do I smell like?” She said, surprising me. I pulled away from her neck to look at her.

“What’s that?” I chuckled.

“I know wolves smell their mates. What do I smell like to you?” She asked again.

“Like rain on a summer’s day.” I said, dragging my nose against her skin again and sniffing, “Absolutely perfect. The sexiest scent ever.”

“Hm. Is it?” She sounded unsure. I kissed the tip of her nose,

“No one has ever smelt such a scent.” I said before rolling over and taking her with me. Once again, we laid on the bed facing each other.

“I wish I could smell you.” She said with a pout, scrunching up her nose, “I think it’s the one thing I miss out on being a human.”

“Give it some time, you might be surprised.” I said, trailing my finger down the side of her face.

“I’m human, Xaiver.” She stated.

“You don’t say?” I chuckled. She rolled her eyes at me and I was sent over the edge. I felt Cain pushing on the edge of my mind before my control snapped.

“Lovely mate, always trying to defy me.” Cain’s voice was darker than mine and husky, cracking with desire.

“Cain.” Thea called him out immediately.

“Yes.” Cain wrapped his arm around Thea and up her back, pushing her firmly against him, “My human understates things. Don’t you dare think that your scent is anything less than sensual and intoxicating. It makes it hard to think or do anything other than want you.”

Cain.” Thea gasped his name this time as his hand slipped under her shirt, grazing her bare back with his fingertips. He began kissing her neck, nibbling at her earlobe.

“Oh, I like when you say my name, angel.” Cain growled low in his chest, “Goddess, I don’t know how the human fights off this urge to mark you every second of every day.” He mumbled against her skin.

“I’m not ready.” Thea started to panic. Cain pulled away and shushed her, holding her face gently.

“I know you aren’t, angel. Besides, Xaiver won’t let me until you ask. I think I’ll require you to beg.” Cain purred, “You don’t need to worry about either of us, my mate. We would never rush you or take what isn’t given to us.” He said,

“I know patience isn’t exactly natural for a wolf.” Thea laughed nervously.

“What’s natural is caring for you and giving you whatever you need, angel. Now, don’t think anymore of it. It’s time to sleep.” He said.

Cain settled Thea against his chest, tucking her under his chin while he stroked her hair gently. By the time he gave up control to me again, Thea was asleep, snoring quietly with her face pressed into my chest.

“I promise, Thea, I promise to give you everything you could possibly desire. I swear to protect you, care for you, love you, and do or bed anything else you need. Above all, I promise to heal you. One day, your heart will no longer be guarded and hardened, it will be free like it always should’ve been. I’ve already given you my heart, you know? Oh, you must know.” I sighed, kissing the top of her head gently.

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