#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 26


Another hour passed and the hotel staff came back for the now empty carts. He grabbed both of our bags and left a large tip on the counter. He held open the door for me,

“Ready, love?” He asked and I nodded.

I followed him through the hotel’s corridors and into the lobby. Somehow, I felt more connected to him today and more relaxed. As we waited to check out, he held my hand in his and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. I leaned against his side almost on instinct, breathing deeply as I felt my body begin to unwind.

The receptionist, a busty woman with short blonde hair, red painted lips, and smoky makeup covering her eyes, came out from a room behind the counter. She smiled seductively at Xaiver, not so much as sparing me a sideways glance. Something began to stir inside me, bubbling and boiling deep inside my chest.

“May I help you?” She asked, leaning forward and over the counter, unnecessarily puffing her chest out and revealing parts of her that really should’ve remained covered.

“Checking out, room 303.” Xaiver said in a bored tone, not seeming to realize, or not caring, about the receptions advances.

“Of course, Mr. Valor.” The receptionist replied, typing away on her computer, “And how was your stay?” She asked, reaching out for the room key.

“Just fine.” Xaiver said, handing over the key card.

Her manicured fingers lingered on Xaiver’s hand much longer than was necessary. I shifted at his side and sneered at her. Xaiver glanced down at me with a puzzled expression.

“We’re in a bit of a hurry, if you don’t mind.” I snapped at the lady. She looked over at me with a sourpuss expression.

“Can I do anything else for you, Mr. Valor?” She asked suggestively, completely ignoring me.

Xaiver looked between me and her several times before a slow, sly smile spread across his face. I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest, ripping my hand from his in frustration. Xaiver chuckled low in his chest.

“Nothing at all. Thank you. My wife and I will be going now.” He said and my head snapped up to his.

He wrapped his arm tightly around my waist and yanked me towards him, planting a purposeful kiss on my temple. The receptionist frowned and I grinned wickedly at her, giving her a smug wave as Xaiver pulled me away from the counter.

“Not the jealous type, huh?” He whispered in my ear. I jabbed my elbow into his ribs.

“Shut up.” I snarled.

Xaiver laughed the entire way to the car. Throwing the bags in the back and opening the passenger door for me. Once he was inside, he started up the car and on we drove. It was another twelve hours to Alpha Sal’s pack, which was near Millinocket, Maine.

Millinocket is home to over 4,000 people and is the gateway to Mount Katahdin, the Golden Road, the North Maine Woods, the West Branch of the Penobscot River, the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, and Baxter State Park. Just inside Mouth Katahdin is the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail and, hidden away from the hikers, is the Warrior Pack of Maine.

“Lion,” Xaiver’s voice made me jumped. I looked over to see that he was talking on the phone, “Where are you?”

Lion had driven ahead of us along with four other wolves. Between the five of them, they took turns and drove straight through to Maine. They were to reach the pack before us to scope out the area, secure it, and prepare for our arrival. I argued profusely against it, knowing perfectly well that Sal’s pack was safe, but it was either that or Lion road along with us. So, I decided on the option that didn’t have me stuck in a car with Lion and Xaiver for 24 hours straight.

“Lion and the others are at the pack already. They say all is well and Alpha Sal is prepared for your arrival. Only a few others are there now, most are scheduled to arrive tonight or tomorrow morning.” Xaiver said, setting his phone down in the cup holder and glancing sideways at me.

“I told you everything would be fine.” I said and Xaiver smirked,

“Just let Lion feel helpful.” He said and I couldn’t help but laugh, “He did get the short end of the Gamma stick, after all.”

“I suppose.” I pretended to sound concerned for Lion which only made Xaiver laugh harder.

“Here’s to hoping these twelve hours go better than the last.” Xaiver added, raising his imaginary glass. I clinked my own imaginary glass against his and agreed,

“I can’t imagine it can get any worse.”

“Oh, you never know.” Xaiver said with a sigh.

It was 9:00 am when Xaiver received another phone call. This one he answered through the car’s phone system. Logan’s voice filled the car’s speakers.

“Hi daddy!”

“Hey, buddy. Thea is here, too.” He said, smiling at me.

“Mommy!” He shrieked, “I mean, Tia.” He corrected himself. I stifled a sigh and Xaiver shot me an apologetic look.

“How are you doing, Logan?” I asked.

“Auntie Shay and Auntie Yaya threw me a tea party last night!” He said and Xaiver laughed,

“A tea party?”

“Yes! Only I didn’t have tea, I had soda.” He whispered like it was a secret.

“Logan! I told you not to tell daddy!” Shay’s voice cried out in the background. We both laughed this time.

“That’s alright, Logan, Tia says you’re allowed to have soda when daddy’s gone.” I said, giving Xaiver a look that said, fight me. He smirked and shook his head.

“Tia’s right. When daddy’s gone, Aunties Shay and Yaya are in charge and what they say goes.” Xaiver replied.

“Yay! Because they say we’re going to have an outside picnic today and sleep in a tent!” Logan cheered.

“Oh, that sounds like fun. Tell your Aunties there better be a fire and smores or it’s not a real camp out.” Xaiver said,

“Aunties!” Logan yelled and we both winced as his high-pitched voice shook the car. There was the sound of static and then the phone call ended.

“Helping him get away with trouble already, my dear?” Xaiver cocked an eyebrow at me.

“I can’t help it. He’s cute. I’m starting to see why he gets away with anything and has a nanny.” I said,

“What’s wrong with a nanny?” Xaiver asked.

“Nothing, if you’re a spoiled rich kid.” I mocked him.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, but his tone wasn’t upset, simply curious.

“He has a nanny who cleans his room for him, takes care of his messes, and he knows it. He knows he doesn’t have to clean up after himself. How’s that teaching him responsibilities?” I asked.

“I learned responsibilities, I learned how to be an Alpha with a nanny cleaning up after me.” Xaiver shrugged.

“Yes, and have you ever cleaned up after yourself? Done the dishes? Vacuumed? Made your bed?” I challenged him. Xaiver frowned, staring intently out the window,

“No.” He mumbled.

“You have staff who do all of that for you, right?”

“Yes.” He mumbled again.

“I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying it’s spoiling him. My parents were just as well off as any other Alphas, not to mention the money Dad made from his business, but my mother was a human who lived simply. Both of those lifestyles were given to my siblings and I. We never wanted for anything, but we learned how to clean up after ourselves. It taught us to never look down on anyone or any task.” I explained.

“I don’t look down on my staff.” Xaiver argued.

“Maybe not. But, you do think their tasks are below you.” I pointed out. Again, Xaiver only frowned, “I’m not saying this to be mean.”

“You’re not, love,” Xaiver smiled, looking at me sideways, “I actually think that you’re right. Logan should be taught responsibility, starting with cleaning up his own room.”

“I’m not trying to tell you how to parent your son.” I said, starting to feel a little guilty.

“You heard him,” Xaiver’s smile grew as he motioned towards the car’s speaker, “He’s our son.”

Mommy. Logan had called me mommy and he meant it, too. It wasn’t the first time, of course. But the boy, so young and innocent, corrected himself to make me feel better. What three-year-old had that kind of self-awareness?

I turned away from Xaiver and looked out the window again, fiddling nervously with my hands. I saw my reflection in the window, my face was pale and my eyes were wide.

“Did I upset you again?” Xaiver sighed and I quickly shook my head.

“No. I was just thinking how lucky I am to have a boy like Logan call me his mommy.” I grinned, looking at Xaiver again. His face broke into an ear splitting grin.

“You mean that?” He whispered.

“The boy has spoken and there’s no arguing with him.” I replied and, if it was even possible, his smile got bigger.

“No, you cannot.” He laughed loudly and I couldn’t help but join in.

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