7 days till Heartbreak

Chapter Day 6 - Friday

Day 6 ~ Friday ~ 2 days until rejection finalizes


She had been awake for an hour, staring at the clock feeling like her cheeks would start a house fire. Sometime in the night, they had shifted to human form, (following the repeated action in which while in wolf form he begged to be let in) and now they were cuddling on her bed. His leg was on top of hers, one of his arms was over her waist while the other was somehow under her head. His mouth was near her ear and she could feel every breath as it tickled her.

How was this comfortable? How was he peacefully sleeping in such an awkward position? Or maybe, Willow was just imagining it was awkward. At this point, she wasn’t sure what to believe. She knew if she moved he would wake up, and if he woke up they would have to move. And a part of her didn’t want him too, she secretly wanted to stay here in the warmth of his embrace and never leave. Was this how it felt to wake up next to someone? Safe?

It was nice, having someone there but at the same time, that was less of the bed where she could spread out and enjoy. And having something warm tickle her ear every few seconds was annoying. How was she supposed to sleep like this? You’re comfortable and you know it. shut up. Willow had reached the tipping point of insanity.

His body shifted, he was waking up. Finally. “Good morning.” Willow turned to look at him. He looked so, adorable. His eyes were blinking open like a new cub and he stretched out like a cat. Willow snorted, maybe he was related to one. Which made her be on the receiving end of a suspicious look. That look turned to a knowing smile. “So, how did you get me to shift back?” Willow narrowed her eyes as he continued. “If you wanted to cuddle, Willow, you just needed to ask.”

Willow huffed and wished she had the strength to punch him and make it hurt. “Careful Drayn, or another ball with join the one you threw yesterday.” He eyed her as if he wasn’t sure if she was serious or not. “Is that any way to talk to your Alpha, Omega?” “You won’t be my Alpha for long.” She had mumbled it, but from the way his body tensed and how quickly he got up she had a feeling he heard it. She hesitated she should apologize but what did she have to say sorry for? Being disrespectful means death. She shuddered it was one of the lessons drilled into her as a child. Not that she minded, she knew the teacher just wanted her to not draw attention. well, looks like I died 4 days ago when I threw him out of my house.

Her inner debate was worthless as he spoke a moment later. “I have to handle some pack issues today.” Pack issues, she really was selfish. “Can I come?” the question surprised her and him, he stopped and blinked at her like she was an alien.

“Of course you can come, it’s- yeah, yeah you can come.” He covered up the slip-up. He wanted to say it was her pack too, but from what she just said it seemed like her mind was still on leaving. He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear another word about it. Maybe if he got her involved that would give her something to hold onto?

Willow watched him from a distance, a roof had caved in on one of the homes and he was helping fix it. He seemed to have a talent for building, he knew all the technical terms, how to handle not hitting his hand while hammering something into the wall, like she did, several times. Hindering their progress because every time she would shout in pain Drayn would run to her and demand to kill what hurt her. Only to stare in exasperation as she held up a hammer. So, after the fifth time, she agreed to go sit down and watch until they headed to the next job.

he looks hot the giggle had come from her wolf, as Drayn carried some materials into the house she swallowed, he was, even with his brown hair a complete mess and the sweat that was beginning to soak his shirt. Hell, that’s probably why she was watching. Willow leaned back in her chair, trying to imagine it to get so hot that he’d have to remove his shirt. She felt like a school girl again, admiring from a distance. A shadow came over her. “Hey Willow.” Her eyes looked up to see Ray one of the pack warriors. Brown curly hair and golden eyes always seeming to sparkle, he was the source of quite a few pack members’ attention before the mate bond activated. “I haven’t seen you around, back to helping out the pack?”

She forced a smile, she had no idea why but she suddenly felt nervous. “No, I leave Monday. I’m just relaxing after murdering my hand.” She held up the throbbing offender, trying to ignore the bitter taste in her mouth from the words. She thought she had her emotions about this under control well, she was mistaken. He raised an eyebrow at her. “You leave Monday? To go where?” Right, no one was supposed to know. ”Yeah, I am moving to neutral territory.” Ray sat down in the seat next to her, sitting awfully close. “Oh? Why?”

She shrugged “There’s not really anything for me here,” Why did that hurt to say? He placed a hand on her knee, reminding her of her choice to wear shorts. “That is too bad.” His voice seemed to lower, and the warm feeling caused by his hand was confusing and slightly unwelcoming. Ray was hot but Drayns better. Where did that come from? She tried to pull herself out of her thoughts with the idea that maybe Ray was just interested in knowing about her.

Opening her mouth to respond a growl cut her off. Willow turned to see Drayn headed towards them his blue eyes glowing with determination. The moment he reached them he grabbed her arm and pulled her up from her chair and away from Ray. “Alpha,” Ray’s voice had changed to that of a cold tone. She felt Drayns arm wrap around her waist and pull her up against him. “Ray, go finish the house.” He nodded but didn’t leave before sending Willow a playful wink eliciting a snarl from the angry man holding her. The moment he was out of hearing distance she yanked herself away from him.

“What was that?”

He grunted and crossed his arms. “What were you talking to him about?” The demand made her take a step back.

“Excuse me? Why do you need to know?” His eyes hardened as they narrowed. “You’re my mate. I have every right-”

“You lost those rights!” She hissed out “You lost those rights when you rejected me and decided to choose other girls over me,”

He scowled “We talked about this Willow. Why do you need to bring up this again?”

Groaning she felt like they had just taken three steps back. “An apology and excuse doesn’t make up for what happened.” He snarled at her “What more do you want?! Huh Willow? What else do you want? I don’t know what to do! I tried playing the part of a mate but obviously-”

“Play the part? Play the part? Well, I am so sorry that your plot to use me to better your life was ruined because I didn’t go along with you playing your part. This isn’t a damn play, Alpha. There’s no script here.”

“We both know why you came after me, it’s not the matebond, it’s not that you like me, you came after me to have me help you solve a problem.” She wrapped her arms around her waist closing her eyes as she forced herself to say the next part in a low whisper. “After this week you won’t give me a second thought, you’re under an influence greater than you this week but you also are just here to hope that Ill magically get the curse lifted.”

He ran his fingers through his hair and gripped the ends. As he tried to calm down. “Shut the fuck up, Willow. Just shut up. Yes, I came after you for that but I also came after you for the bond. I wanted to try.-”

“You should’ve tried 3 years ago!”

“I am not the only person in this mate bond, Willow! I’m not the only person at fault, you didn’t try either.”

She threw her hands into the air.

“I was an Omega, I am an Omega. So excuse me, for not passing your stupid freaking test seconds after learning that I was going to be a Luna!”

There was a pause as the two need to catch their breath. Their voices had raised to a yelling point high enough that other pack members would glance overlooking worried.

“Do you even want this bond? Would you stay, forget about what happened, and give us a try?”


“I’m serious. We still have time, we can try it, Lady Mayari paired us for a reason, Willow. We were idiots then, we both made a terrible choice but we can move past that, we can try.” His voice sounded pleading, begging her to give them a chance to prove that they belonged together.

“You don’t mean this, you really don’t this is just you overcome by the-”

“For Mayari’s sake I am not in one of the episodes, stop digging your head in the sand and be honest. Do you want this?”


She couldn’t respond, her mouth opened and closed unable to formulate a proper response. Did she want it? Her stomach twisted as her heart urged her to reply in affirmative. Drayn took her silence as an answer. He scowled. “Alright, fine. Goodbye Willow. Have a nice life.” He turned and began to walk away only to pause a moment. “There was no other girl, by the way, I couldn’t bring myself to that. I wanted you. Even if I didn’t know it then, I do now. I wanted you, Willow and I would have chosen you as Luna if I could go back and change it.”

He left.

Thunder rumbled as the rain began to pour, but she didn’t move as the rain hid her tears.

She let him go.

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