#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 27


“Well, sweetie, it sounds like you’ve had a very eventful month.” Fern squeezed my hand after I caught her up on my life events. We were sitting at my kitchen table sipping coffee as I contemplated how things went so wrong with my mate.

“I thought things were going well.” I sighed.

“Oh, things will turn out fine, you’ll see.” Fern smiled.

“Your optimism is something that I don’t share.” I grumbled.

“Alpha Leo kept his promise, didn’t he? He stopped seeing his mistress, he saved me from Alpha Victor, he’s given you a home and kept you safe. Why would he start disrespecting you now?” Fern asked with wisdom in her eyes.

“How do I know that he really stopped seeing Madeline?” I replied in a petty voice.

“You said it yourself, you felt pain when he was with her. Have you felt that again?” Fern asked.

“No.” I mumbled.

“There’s all the proof you need.” Fern said.

“He promised he wouldn’t control me, and now he is.” I snapped.

“To keep you safe. Austyn, he’s worried about your safety. I know you don’t feel the mate bond like he does, but I have felt that connection before and I’ve felt what it’s like to lose your soul. It’s the worst pain in the entire world. My children were the only things that kept me from going feral or committing sucide. He’s absolutely terrified to lose you.” Fern sighed, answering with a heavy voice.

I kicked myself, feeling like an ass for making her drudge up such a painful memory. Fern’s mate was killed by the same rogue attack that took my parents from me and my wolf. She had young children. They’re both grown now and left the pack, living with their mates, leaving Fern alone at Dark Moon.

“I’m sorry, Fern, you’re right. It’s hard for me since I don’t feel the connection the same way, but I still do feel it. Ember has a connection with Quinn that I could never ignore. I told him I loved him today and I meant it, I mean it still. I don’t want to fight with my mate, I don’t want to hurt us. But, I need answers.” I spoke freely.

“And your need for answers overshadows your mate bond.” Fern said, not phrasing it as a question.

“I guess it does.” I admitted.

“Alright, let’s just get some sleep and think it over tomorrow on the shopping trip. Some separation might be good for you two.” I could tell that Fern was concerned about my confession, but she tried not to show it. She stood from the table and took both of our cups to the sink. After cleaning them up, we went upstairs. I showed Fern to the guest room and said goodnight before heading to my room.

I took a very angry shower and flopped down in bed. I was not even close to being in the right state of mind for sleep. I pulled out my newly acquired phone and clicked on Emma’s number. Leo had taken the liberty to put her number into my contacts along with his, Nick’s, Jacks’, and Mallory’s. I was furious at Leo’s gesture because it only made my heart long for him even more.

I looked at the time, 9:30pm. I decided it was still early and started texting Emma.

Hey, it’s Austyn! Still up for shopping tomorrow?

OMG yes! I’m so excited. What time?

Let’s go early. I’m in the mood to get away.

Sure thing! How’s 9?

Perfect. We can have breakfast at my cabin.

See you then!

I tapped the back arrow and found Mallory’s number. I grumbled at the need for a phone. It would be so much easier to just be able to mindlink the pack. I kicked myself for putting off the Luna ceremony for so long.

Hi! It’s Austyn.

Hi Luna!

I’m going to have company tomorrow for breakfast if that’s okay.

Of course, Luna! I’ll make sure to bring extra. What time?


Okay! Goodnight, Luna.

Night, Malle.

I closed the messenger app and started fiddling with the phone. I played with the settings and downloaded a few apps. I found an app for e-reading and picked a book to read for the rest of the night. I groaned as I watched the hours tick by. When my alarm went off at 8:00am, I was on my third book and still hadn’t slept.

I heard Fern moving around in the hallway and decided that it was time to get ready. Obviously sleep wasn’t going to happen for me. I walked over to the closest to choose an outfit for the day. It was seasonably warm for June in Oregon, so I elected for a short sleeve, knee length sundress. It was red with a pattern of tiny flowers. It had butterfly capped sleeves and a plunging neckline. I won’t lie, a part of me picked out this outfit specifically for Leo, knowing how much my body drove him crazy.

I found my way to the kitchen where Fern was already making coffee.

“I have breakfast coming and Emma will be here at 9.” I said just as a knock came from the front door. I looked at my watch strangely, it was only 8:20. I pulled open the door and was surprised to see Amber standing on my porch,

“Nick said you were going into the city today, to go shopping. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to invite myself, but I’ve been dying for a trip to the mall.” Amber sighed, looking embarrassed.

“Of course, Amber. I should have invited you in the first place. Come on, breakfast will be here soon.” I pulled Amber inside. Amber entered the kitchen and gasped at the sight of Fern, who turned and nearly dropped her cup in shock.

“Miss. Amber.” Fern ducked her head, old habits dying hard.

“Please, don’t.” Amber shook her head fiercely.

“Fern, you know that Amber is Gamma Nick’s mate. She’s pledged herself to New Moon and to me.” I defended Amber but she quickly held up her hand to stop me.

“No, wait,” She walked towards Fern,

“I owe you an apology, too, Fern. I treated you terribly. My family treated you terribly. I hope you can forgive me.” Amber ducked her head in guilt. Fern grabbed her hand and smiled at her softly,

“I forgive you, dear.” Amber’s face lit up,

“Thank you.” The three of us sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee while we waited for Emma and Mallory to arrive. At 8:50, Mallory let herself into the cabin with a cart filled with food.

“I said a couple of guests, Malle, not the entire packhouse.” I laughed at her as she organized the food on the counter. Mallory shrugged,

“It never goes to waste, Luna.” She gave me a smug grin, knowing that I was going to feed my three guard wolves, too.

Teddy, Riley, and Peter were on duty this morning. I arranged three containers of food and set them on the porch for the boys. They barked at me in appreciation just as Emma showed up. I waved hello and welcomed her inside. We all enjoyed our breakfast at the kitchen table. By 9:30, we were finished up and ready to leave.

“Mallory, do you want to join us?” I asked. She nearly dropped the box of leftovers she was stuffing in the fridge.

“I have work to do….” She stammered,

“I thought you were the Luna’s maid? Well, the Luna is leaving.” Emma grinned, draping her arm casually over my shoulders.

“She’s right. I might need something while we’re gone, best that you travel with me.” I smirked.

“But, the Alpha….” My eyes narrowed at his name,

“Leave him to me. Go get changed, Mallory. We’ll wait.” I shooed her out the door.

“This is turning into a real girls trip!” Emma clapped her hands excitedly.

“I’m afraid I’m just going to slow you girls down.” Fern frowned. We all jumped on her immediately,

“No way!”

“We need adult supervision!”

“Don’t think you’re getting out of this!” We cried in a chorus of complaints. Fern laughed but I could see the happiness in her eyes,

“Okay, okay.”

I heard the front door open and close, and I assumed it was Mallory. So did the others.

“That was quick, Malle….” Emma’s voice caught in her throat and I knew instantly who was standing behind me. His scent engulfed me.

“Come on ladies, let’s go wait for Mallory outside.” Fern shuffled Emma and Amber out the front door. I grumbled to myself, waiting for Leo to face me.

“Looks like you’ve recruited some more friends for your trip.” Leo’s face appeared in front of me. He had bags under his bloodshot eyes and I could tell that he had gotten just as much sleep as I did.

“Is that okay with you, Alpha?” I bit. Leo sighed sadly at me,

“Please, Austyn, I don’t want it to be like this.

“Then you shouldn’t have Alpha-toned me and locked me in your bedroom.” I said in a plain tone.

“Alpha-toned you?” His lips turned up into a slight smirk.

“I felt it, don’t lie.” I glared.

“I’m not lying. I know you felt it. I felt your Luna aurora, too.” His expression told me that he was impressed.

“Yeah, I didn’t do that one on purpose.” I mumbled.

“I know. I’m surprised you could.”

“Worried that I’ll try to command you?” I said in a snarky voice. Leo shook his head at me with a sigh,

“I don’t want to command you, Austyn, I just want you to be safe. My father isn’t safe.” He was struggling with his emotions.

“I need to go, the girls are waiting for me.” I changed the subject, grabbing my purse and heading for the door.

“Austyn.” I froze at the pain in his voice. Ember was whimpering in my head, my heart pulling me towards him. I couldn’t turn to face him. One look in his seafoam green eyes and I would be a goner.

“Please, just be safe while you’re out. I know you’re mad at me, I know you hate me, but I still love you and I will always want you to be safe. I’m sending Nick and those three with you.” Leo’s words were making me feel warm and fuzzy inside, until he started talking about my bodyguards. I knew he was pointing towards Riley, Peter, and Teddy.

“You want me to take four guards with me?” I growled, turning to face him.

“No, I’m telling you that four guards are going with you.” He corrected me.

“What is wrong with you?” I snapped,

“Didn’t you just say that you didn’t want to control me?”

“I also said I wanted you to be safe. They will keep you safe.” His tone was bored and I knew he wasn’t interested in my opinion.

“I’ll be with four werewolves.” I crossed my arms stubbornly over my chest.

“Now you’ll be with eight.” He shrugged. I nearly screamed at him, my face red with frustration.

“You’re impossible!” I yelled, turning on my heels and storming out the door.

Emma, Amber, Fern, and Mallory were all waiting for me on the porch.

“Let’s go.” I growled at them, storming past the girls,

“I’m driving.” I led the group to the parking garage. Nick was following behind us, the guards were still in wolf form following closely as well.

“Where are we going?” Emma asked.

“Nick, what’s the code to Leo’s garage?” I demanded without turning around. I was standing in front of the keypad.

“Uh, uhm, erm.” He was stalling.

“The code!” I turned my glare on him, the Luna tone slipping between my clenched teeth. His eyes went black and I knew he was mindlinking Leo.

“I swear to the Goddess, Nick….” I started to threaten him.

“0515!” Nick yelled, feeling intimidated.

“Wussy.” Amber grumbled at her mate.

I punched in the code and froze as my finger hit the enter button. I realized what the code represented: May 15th. It was the day Leo and I first met. I glared at the keypad, hating its existence. The door to Leo’s garage was already opened and the others were staring at me.

“Let’s go.” I said again, walking towards his collection of cars. I chose the most expensive car I could find that would fit five girls.

“You’re on all fours.” I jabbed a finger towards Nick,

“Sorry, Amber.” I said to his mate.

“No, girl, this is all you.” She smirked, understanding my rage. Nick gave her the pouty face, but she ignored it. We all jumped in the car and I realized I was in the driver’s seat. I stared at the wheel.

“Uhm, guys?”

“Yeah?” They all responded.

“I just remembered that I don’t know how to drive.”

“You just remembered?” Emma sighed at me.

“Honestly, Luna.” Amber shook her head. Fern unblocked her seat belt,

“Move over.” She laughed. I switched spots with her so I was now sitting in the passenger seat.

We started our journey into the city. Little did the girls know, I had much bigger plans for today. After the shopping, of course.

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