#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 26


“What the hell is going on Alpha?” Nick and Jacks stormed my office,

“I can hear the Luna from our floor.” Nick said.

“She wants to do something that could get her hurt. I can’t let her.” I snapped from behind my desk. Nick and Jacks looked at eachother,

“Like what?” Jacks asked hesitantly.

“She wants to go see my father.”

“Why?” Nick asked.

“To get answers about her father. He might know why Alpha Victor and her father were arguing a few days before he was killed. But, I can’t let her go see him. He’s dangerous.” I growled.

“Why can’t you just ask him?” Nick asked and I glared at him.

“You don’t think I suggested that? I told her I needed time to figure it out. He’s not just going to answer my questions, he hates me. Alpha or not, he’d rather be in the cells than help me or my human Luna.” I said.

“And she’s not up for waiting?” Jacks dared to smirk at me.


“So, you locked her in your room?” Nick added.

“Yes.” Nick and Jacks looked at eachother again with amused expressions,

“You realize that’s not going to end well for you, right?”

“No shit.” I growled again.

“Is this really necessary? It seems a little excessive, Alpha.” Nick sighed.

“Yes, it’s necessary. Nick, go guard your Luna. Don’t let her out for any reason. Martha is bringing up dinner. Deliver it to Austyn and then lock her in again.” I demanded, using my Alpha tone on the Gamma. Nick nodded stiffly and left to perform his duty.

“What are you going to do?” Jacks asked.

“Get answers. Hopefully sooner rather than later.” I sighed, picking up my phone.

“Oh, that reminds me.” Jacks pulled a cell phone out of his pocket,

“For the Luna.” I groaned loudly, remembering Austyn’s plans to go shopping with Emma tomorrow. I snatched the phone from his hand.

“Who are you calling?” Jacks asked.

“Alpha Victor.”

“Alpha Leo, is this going to become a regular thing?” Alpha Victor snapped.

“I want to know what you and Beta Jason were arguing about before the rogue attack.” I said, wasting no time. Alpha Victor was silent for a long time.

“Why is that any of your business?” He asked.

“Because Beta Jason was my mate’s father. She wants to know why you and Luna Michelle were so against her from the very beginning, and I think it has something to do with whatever you two were arguing about.” I spoke quickly, eager to end this torment between Austyn and myself.

“I don’t know what lies she’s been telling you….” Alpha Victor started,

“You’re the only one spreading lies. I heard this from Amber, your daughter.” I glared at him through the phone. More silence.

“She’ll say anything to stay on your good side.” Alpha Victor threw his daughter under the bus. That’s two children now.

“I know you had an argument with Beta Jason before the attack. I heard it from my own father’s mouth.” I was growing impatient.

“We had a disagreement, that’s all. I didn’t want him dead.” Alpha Victor said,

“I’ll give you Fern, I’ll send her to the border in an hour.” He was trying to change the subject, trying to give me something so I stopped asking questions.

“Why do you hate Austyn?” I pressed.

“Do you want Fern or not?” He snapped. I growled angrily. He wasn’t going to give me any answers, but at least I could get Fern for my mate.

“Fine. One hour.” I ended the call and threw my phone across the room.

“Guess I’m going back to town for another phone.” Jacks sighed, eyeing the broken phone and sulking out of my office.

Two hours later, Fern was in our packhouse. She looked as malnourished and beat up as Austyn did when she arrived. I got her cleaned up and took her upstairs to see Austyn. I had a new plan.

“Wait here.” I said to Fern as I entered my room. Austyn was sitting in the center of my bed, mad as hell. She glared at me when I entered and said nothing.

“Are you okay?” I sighed, looking at her uneaten dinner. She picked up the glass of water and threw it right at my face. I side stepped it easily and watched as it shattered on the floor.

“I have a compromise.” I tried again. She picked up the apple next and chucked it at my head.

“Can you please stop?” She grabbed the plate but I stopped her, ripping the tray from her grasp and sitting it far, far away. She huffed and crossed her arms.

“Here’s your phone.” I handed her the phone Jacks got and she just stared at it. I dropped it down on the bed next to her.

“Give me one day, Austyn, just one day to deal with this. Go shopping with Emma tomorrow. When you come back, we’ll discuss it some more.” I offered. She continued glaring at me.

“I have a peace offering.” I pulled open the door and motioned for Fern to come inside. Finally, Austyn smiled. She threw herself off the bed and into Fern’s arms for a hug.

“Go with Fern and Emma shopping tomorrow.” I said again.

“I’m not staying here.” She spoke for the first time.

“Fine, go back home. Nick is staying with you. He’ll accompany you girls to the city.” I wasn’t about to let her out of my sight. Her eyes were full of fury and I knew this argument was far from over.

“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes at me and grabbed Fern’s hand, pulling her out of the room. I nodded towards Nick and he followed after them.

“You realize she’s never going to forgive you for this.” Nick mindlinked me.

“I don’t care, not if it keeps her safe.” I snapped.

“You could have handled this better, man.” Nick sighed.

“Shut up.” I growled, closing the mindlink.

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