#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 17


Another two hours passed, and we arrived in the city. Leo drove us strategically through the bustling streets of Newport. The town itself seemed pretty laid back, but very busy. Leo explained that Newport was a harbor town with maritime life taking over the local culture. Tourists flocked to the beach and boardwalk filled with shops and art galleries.

“It’s beautiful here.” I gasped, looking out the window to observe the city as it flew past my window.

“Our reservations are for dinner, so we have time to kill. I had a few ideas.” Leo shrugged.

“Okay, sure.” I nodded, feeling excited for the first time in a longtime. Leo grinned widely and I knew he was thrilled with my enthusiasm.

“First, we’re going to stop at a boutique to get you an outfit for dinner. And,” Leo held up his hand to stop my protest,

“You’re just going to have to amuse me because I’m not backing down on this one. I’m paying.” I sighed loudly at Leo but didn’t argue.

Leo laughed at my stubbornness as he parked along the street. He was at my door in a flash, opening it and helping me out. My ribs have healed quickly and I am feeling much better now than I did a week ago. I was still stiff and sore, but I didn’t need the gauze wrap anymore and I didn’t get tired as quickly.

Leo took my hand and I let him, liking how our fingers fit together. The warmth of his skin consumed me and I couldn’t help the blush that overtook my body. Leo led us to a fancy looking shop with huge windows. The mannequins in the display were dressed in elaborate ball gowns. I gulped nervously,

“How fancy is this restaurant?” I asked. Leo looked down at me with a smirk,

“Not quite that fancy.” He pointed towards the display case. I sighed in relief as he pushed open the door and a little bell chimed over us.

A short blonde girl skipped over to us with a smile plastered on her face,

“Hello! Welcome to the Sunshine Boutique. How can I help you today?”

“I’m Leo Storm, I have….” Leo started to speak but she interrupted him,

“Oh, welcome Mr. and Mrs. Storm! I’ve prepared a dressing room just for you!” Her voice was at an unnaturally high octave. I winced at her voice and at being addressed as Mrs. Storm.

“Right this way!” She said before Leo or I could correct her. Leo looked down at me with an apologetic smile and I just shrugged.

“There’s a robe in there for you to change into, Mrs. Storm and Mr. Storm, you can sit here,” The woman pointed towards a small couch in front of the dressing room door,

“Mrs. Storm, may I ask for your dress size?” She added.

“We’re not married.” I mumbled at her. Her eyes widened,

“Oh, my apologies!”

“It’s okay. I’m Austyn, Austyn Merriweather.” I introduced myself.

“Nice to meet you Ms. Merriweather. I’m Lilia.” The girl introduced herself before I slipped inside the dressing room to change. After telling Lilia my size, she went to find me some options. I gave Leo a skeptical look as I waited for her to return.

“I’m sorry about her.” Leo sighed.

“I wonder what it’s like to be that chipper?” I laughed to myself.

“No idea.” Leo shook his head with a grin. Lilia came back then with her arm full of dresses.

“That’s a lot.” I gulped, eyeing the dresses as she hung them in the dressing room.

“Maybe I can help,” Leo quickly injected,

“My tie is red.” Lilia nodded eagerly and started sorting through the dresses, leaving four red ones on the hanger. I sighed in relief,

“Thank you.” I mouthed at Leo. He nodded, the grin never leaving his face.

I looked at the four dresses and picked my favorite. I stepped inside the long red dress and shimmied it up my body. I held the dress against my breasts as I stood in front of the mirror admiring myself. I wasn’t able to reach the zipper in the back, so the dress hung loose over my frame. I stepped out of the dressing room and watched as Leo’s jaw hit the floor.

“I need help with the zipper.” I said, clearing my throat. Leo remained unmoving on the couch. Lilia hurried to me and zipped it up. She helped me stand on the small pedestal in front of a huge mirror.

The petite dress cascaded down my body, glued to my curves. It hit the floor, leaving a small train dangling from the pedestal. It had a thigh-high slit that allowed the dress to move endlessly. The stretchy fabric was supportive and touchable as it framed me. The shoulder-baring neckline was delicious and sexy, revealing just enough of my chest to be alluring. It was long sleeves with a backless design. The fabric cut down my back in a drastic V, stopping just before my tailbone; my shoulders and upper back were completely exposed.

“What do you think?” I looked at Leo’s reflection in the mirror. His eyes were huge and I was afraid that he had stopped breathing. The sound of my voice made him finally stand from the couch and move behind me. His hands went to my hips and I didn’t even complain.

“I think that you are the most beautiful, sexy, delicious creature I have ever seen. I think this dress is threatening every single ounce of my control.” Leo’s voice came out as a desirable growl, his eyes dark.

“Should I try something else?” I asked shyly.

“No way in hell. This is the one.” Leo said, tightening his grip on me. I giggled, both embarrassed and thrilled at his attention.

“It’s perfect.” I agreed. Leo helped me unzip the dress and I waddled back in the dressing room. I changed into my street clothes and handed the dress to Leila. She secured it in a garment bag while Leo paid, despite my arguments.

Leo offered me his arm as he escorted me back to the car, carrying my dress in his other hand. He hung my garment bag next to his in the back seat of the car, and opened the door for me.

“Where to next?” I asked him once he was settled in the driver’s seat.

“I thought we could go to the boardwalk, maybe for a walk on the beach? The restaurant and hotel aren’t far from there.” He said.

“That sounds amazing.” I agreed. Leo grinned, clearly proud of himself, as he drove the car to our next destination. Leo parked in the boardwalk parking lot and we walked towards the beach.

“It’s beautiful here.” I said, admiring the ocean view.

“It’s beautiful everywhere I go with you.” Leo smiled. I looked over at him and noticed that he was staring at me.

“That’s pretty cheesy, Leo.” I sighed.

“What can I say, you bring out my romantic side.” He chuckled and I just rolled my eyes at him.

I couldn’t argue with myself any longer. My heart is finally overtaking my brain. Leo is finally breaking through my walls. I couldn’t deny what I felt for him. I was afraid of loving him, afraid of being happy with him, because every time I let my guard down something terrible happened to crush it all. I was tired of letting fear stop me. At least for today, in this moment, I would let myself trust him.

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