#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 16


“Are these all yours?” Austyn asked, looking around my private section of the parking garage.

“Yeah, I like cars.” I shrugged, walking over to the SUV.

“There are a lot of cars, Leo.” Austyn observed, spinning in circles as she observed my collection.

“Come on.” I chuckled at her, unlocking the SUV and opening the passenger side door for my mate. She slowly walked over, still recovering from her broken ribs. I helped her into the car and pulled the seat belt across her body,

“You know, I can do this part myself.” She sighed at me.

“I know, but I like to help you.” I said, securing the belt. I hurried over to the driver’s side and started the car.

“Leo?” Her sweet voice was quiet, like it always was when she was unsure of herself or wanted to ask a question. She was always afraid that I would scold her for asking the wrong question or wanting too much information.

“Yes, baby?” I asked.

“What do you do?” I looked sideways at her,

“What do you mean?” I asked. She motioned back towards the cars as we sped out of the garage,

“Those cars weren’t cheap and you work a lot from home. I was just wondering what your job was.” She mumbled.

“Oh, yeah, I guess I never told you that,” I chuckled to myself,

“I’m the founder and CEO of a tech company. I graduated with a master’s in computer sciences and did an internship at a large company in California. I got close with my boss there and he saw potential in me, so he helped me start up my own company. We have major contracts with the government and the military.” I explained.

“That’s amazing.” Austyn said breathlessly, looking at me with admiration in her eyes. I felt pride swelling in my chest,

“Thanks, baby. I did it all for the pack and for you.”

“Me?” She asked in a high pitched voice.

“Well, for my mate. I wanted to be able to provide her with the life she, you, deserve.” I said with a shrug.

“I told you….” Austyn began,

“I know, I know. You’re loaded and independent. Doesn’t mean I still can’t spoil my girl.” I waved my hand at her, laughing. She smirked at me, but tried to cover it with her hand.

“Why do you hide from me?” I asked her, moving her hand away from her face and entwining our fingers.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I do it.” She shrugged sheepishly.

“Are you….you’re not afraid of me, are you?” I asked hesitantly. She looked over at me in shock,

“Of course not!” She cried,

“I’m afraid of myself.” She mumbled.


“I guess I’m afraid to be happy, to let myself be happy. It’s easier to hide.” She confessed.

“I’ll change that, I promise.” I said, bringing her hand to my lips and kissing it softly. She didn’t pull away.

We sat in silence for a while as we began our journey. She started to fiddle with the radio and found a station she liked, before resting her head back on the seat and staring out the window. All the while, our hands were entwined and resting on my thigh. I was feeling a new sort of high, one I’m sure no one else has ever been lucky enough to experience. This was my peace.

“I wanted to ask you about something.” I said. She rolled her head to look at me,


“I want to introduce you to Jacks and Nick, my Beta and Gamma.” I said. She looked at me strangely,

“I met them at Dark Moon.” She replied.

“You saw them, you didn’t really meet them. They’re not just my second and third in command, they’re my best friends. And Nick is your protector, I want him to start doing his job. He wants to start doing his job.” I explained, thinking about Nick’s eager complaints throughout the week. With the presence of a Luna, Nick’s Gamma instincts have kicked in at full force and he was desperate to do his duty.

“Sure, I’d love to meet them.” She replied,

“Although, I’m not exactly sure what the Gamma’s job entails?” She asked, her eyes pulling together in concern.

“Just protecting you. If you go somewhere, he’ll be like your bodyguard.” I shrugged.

“I don’t….”

“I know, I know. But, do it for me?” I interrupted her, batting my eyes shamelessly. Austyn rolled her pretty little eyes and pressed her lips together before nodding.

“Thank you.” I gave her hand a squeeze.

“What about your parents?” She asked.

“What?” I asked, startled.

“Well, you haven’t introduced me to your parents.” She said plainly.

“Oh, yeah, uhm….that’s complicated.” I mumbled. She turned in her seat to face me, her interests were peaked. Great.

“More complicated than mine?” She laughed.

“Well, no, but it’s not a pleasant story.” I said, really not in the mood to talk about my parents.

“Neither were any of my stories, but I told you.” She glared at me and I knew she was right, like always.

“Fine,” I grumbled,

“My father is a dick. A dick as a mate, a dick as a dad, and a dick as an Alpha. The pack actually kicked him out of the position. They threatened a coup if he didn’t step down. He blames me. He disapproves of everything that I do as an Alpha. He tried to arrange for Amber to be my mate because he thought I was taking too long to choose someone as the Luna,” I paused, looking over at Austyn, swearing that I heard her growl under her breath. I raised my eyebrows at her and she shook her head, looking down,

“His father did the same thing to him. He chose my mother for him, as his mate and Luna. My parents hate each other. After I was born, they moved to separate houses and each saw other people. I lived with my mom most of the time and trained with my father. Honestly, my childhood and my parents are just one big hot mess.” I laughed without humor.

“Oh, so he must love me then.” Austyn mumbled.

“I don’t care what he thinks.” I growled.

“I do.” Austyn answered stubbornly.

“You shouldn’t. He’s not important.” I shook my head at her, my expression hardening.

“He’s your dad.” Austyn replied with a pout on her face. If what she was saying didn’t upset me so much, her pout would be absolutely adorable.

“But, he’s not, not really. He’s just the past Alpha.” I snapped, unable to contain my frustration.

“What happened when he found out about me?” Austyn asked, not ready to let it go. I grumbled incoherently at her under my breath,

“He was happy that you came from a ranked family.” I said.

“Uh-huh, and when he found out that I’m wolfless?” She pressed.

“Not so happy.” I admitted,

“I banned him from the packhouse and I threatened to exile him if he so much as looks in your general direction.” I added, with a darkness to my voice.

“You did what!?”She yelled at me. I looked at her in shock,

“He’s not worth our time, Austyn, seriously. What he’s done to my mother is enough to make me hate him, let alone his attitude towards you. I won’t put up with that.” I said. I didn’t care how angry Austyn got at me, I wouldn’t sacrifice her for anything. She huffed at me, crossing her arms over her chest,

“I just think that was a little dramatic, is all.”

“That’s me, Mr. Drama.” I teased her. She rolled her eyes at me,

“What about your mom?” She asked.

“We’re not very close, either. She shut down a longtime ago after being forced to put up with my father. She’s pretty withdrawn, but I try to connect with her as much as possible. Actually, she stopped by to see me today asking about you.” I said.

“Really?” Austyn asked.

“Yeah, she just wanted to congratulate me on finding you. I’d like you two to meet one day, soon maybe?” I said in a questioning voice.

“Yeah, maybe.” She lifted her shoulders up in a casual shrug. I was happy to accept that answer, or any answer that wasn’t running away or crying.

“Someone is full of questions today.” I smiled at my mate, enjoying her interest in me.

“I’m sorry, is that….I’m sorry.” She started rambling.

“Stop, stop, baby, I’m joking,” I laughed at my mate, holding her hand tightly,

“I love that you’re interested in me. Ask all the questions that you want.” I assured her. She relaxed again, taking a deep breath.

“Okay.” She sighed.

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