5 More Minutes (Timeless Series Book 1)

Chapter 5 More Minutes: Epilogue

Three months later

“I CAN’T BELIEVE you’re actually going to be married!” Leti exclaimed as she looked at me, Macie smiling brightly behind her.

“Why not?”

“Umm, how about you guys just got back together?”

“Great things can happen without you planning on them, Let,” Macie interrupted, surprising both of us with her sentiment.

“Interesting.” I pressed my lips together, wondering if my best friend was keeping something from me.

“That has a story right there!” Leti said, our attention on Macie.

“Maybe, maybe not. Either way, right now is all about Nina and Brandon!” she diverted, and Leti and I both laughed.

Once Brandon and I had gotten out of bed after his proposal, he had filled me in on everything he had been up to while I had slept. He shared how my dad had seen him during graduation and they’d spoken. I could see my dad wanting Brandon to know he understood where he’d come from when he had ended things between us. My dad was a fair man with a kind heart and had told me just as much in the past. The part that surprised me was how after I had fallen asleep, Brandon had called my dad, probably waking him up, a risk all on its own if anyone knew Gerardo Montenegro. But Brandon risked it and had pushed it one step further by asking for my hand in marriage. What I would have given to have been a fly on the wall of that phone conversation. To my surprise, after an emotional conversation, my dad gave Brandon his blessing. Once Brandon had his future father-in-law in his pocket, he made the call to his own parents back in California.

He had been that sure about us.

So, maybe that in part had to do with how calm I felt. Or maybe it was because we didn’t get married that very day. We’d decided there was no rush. Instead, we’d picked up his parents, had dinner with both sets, and had gone sightseeing the next day. Once both sets of parents were gone, we’d packed my place up and done the road trip across America with my best friend and his. Yup. Macie was coming back home with me, and the news had been the cherry on an already amazing sundae.

Both Macie and I had accepted the administrative positions we had been offered at the University of the Desert in Southern California. Brandon and I and our moms had dived in and planned a gorgeous day to celebrate our commitment in front of our loved ones in less than three months.

Don’t get me wrong; I wasn’t naïve. I might have had hearts in my eyes, but I knew it would be tough. I was a realist, after all. We were both back home, living in a tiny studio apartment five miles away from work, and Brandon was just starting a new job. But I was excited for everything the future had in store for us. Because it would be a future we would be facing together.

A knock came at the door, snapping me out of my thoughts, and Macie quickly moved to open it just slightly so no one would see me in my dress. Sam’s deep voice sounded from the other side, and I saw the way my best friend looked at him and wondered if maybe the sparks I had seen on the road trip were more than momentary.

“Looks like the future hubs has sent you a present!”

“Okay, I gotta give it to Brandon. He’s pretty romantic.”

She handed me a gorgeous box wrapped in what looked like white satin with a champagne organza bow, a note next to it. My name in Brandon’s masculine handwriting sat there, and I took in a deep breath.

With unsteady hands, I took the note and opened it.

Niña Linda,

In five more minutes, you’ll be walking down the aisle to become my wife. My wife!

I can’t wait to be your husband. I love you so much. I’m lucky, I know I am.

One small glance in your direction, or when you look at me, and I’m reminded of how

lucky I am you love me the way I love you. Thank you for giving me forever.

I promise to work so you never regret saying yes.

Always Yours,


“Shit!” Leti cursed, moving quickly around me, grabbing a box of tissues. “You cannot cry! You cry, and you will mess up my masterpiece.” I laughed at her crazy, taking deep breaths in the hopes of keeping the happy tears at bay. My little sister had spent a lot of time on my makeup.

“I’m okay.” I opened the box and was stunned at what lay there. My necklace. The one he had returned. But it couldn’t be because I was wearing it and this one was bigger. Shinier. I wasn’t a jeweler, but I knew those were real diamonds around it.

“Holy shit! Is that real?” Leti exclaimed, and I smiled.

“Oh my,” Macie whispered as I traced the heart.

“Fuck, it’s okay to cry,” Leti granted permission as a tear rolled down her own face, making me giggle. I pressed my lips together, picking up the pendant and turning it around.

Five More Minutes was inscribed in the back, and there was no holding back the tears then.

“Help me put it on?” I asked Macie, and she silently nodded, tears in her eyes too.

“You do that while I fix her eyeliner!” Leti bossed around, scrambling around me. They worked around me as I sat there, holding his note. His words in my hands, engraved in my heart, I was ready.

Before I knew it, I was ready again and my dad and I were waiting outside the chapel doors, the bridal party already having walked in.

“Ready, Mija?” my dad asked, and I smiled up at him. I was wonderfully calm. Me. The girl who had a plan for everything before this moment was actually throwing her hands up and letting life happen. It was a great feeling.

“He’s a good man, Nina. Quidensen siempre.” Take care of one another always. My dad’s sweet words settled deep, and everything in front of me turned blurry just as the music started to play in the chapel. “No tears. Your sister would kill me if I made your makeup run.” He winked with a teasing tone, and I laughed. He was right. Leti would never let him live it down.

“Love you, Dad.”

“Love you too, Nina.” We took a step forward, and he stopped. I looked at him. Something was playing over his face. My dad was a lot like me; we couldn’t hide our emotions.

“What is it?” I asked, and the expression cleared up, a small smile on his face, his eyes going kind.

“I might be giving you away, but I’m not really. You and Brandon ever need us… your mom and I are always here.” His voice cracked, and I had to blink furiously.

“Dad.” I hiccupped, but he winked and patted my hand with his as he took another step forward. He’d said what he needed, and it was more than enough. With a sniffle and a cheesy smile, I followed his lead.

My eyes pinned directly on the man at the end of the aisle. In a black suit, my man was standing tall, and I saw the moment he turned and set eyes on me for the first time.

It was like the first day on the beach four years ago all over again. So many don’t believe in love at first sight, and before Brandon, I would have agreed. I would have looked at someone with laughter in my eyes, smirking, believing to the bone there was no such thing. But I had been wrong.

Every time my eyes caught a glimpse of him, my heart fell in love all over again, like the very first time. Today was no different.

He turned, and his eyes locked on me, and even with the distance of the aisle between us, I could see everything play out. He blinked. His handsome, clean-shaven face stoic, not giving an inkling of a hint away. Then a second blink. His beautiful dark eyes, ones I hoped he inherited to our kids one day, narrowed and filled with wonder. Almost like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing was real. I was that person for him, and he was that for me. There was no doubt in the love we shared.

And like the first time, he smiled, and our hearts connected. Everything and everyone around us faded, blurs to a mere existence, as I walked toward the man of my dreams to become his wife.

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