5 More Minutes (Timeless Series Book 1)

5 More Minutes: Chapter 11

“MARRY ME. TODAY,” he said.

He didn’t ask but told, and I’m sure anyone looking in from the outside would have been surprised by this, but I wasn’t. At the core of him, Brandon was still Brandon. The man who made me feel safe and beautiful. The man who made me feel loved. The man who, no matter how insane it was, leaped off the edge and took a chance.


“I know it’s— Wait, did you say okay?”

“Yes,” I whispered with a soft smile on my lips.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes.” I nodded, taking another kiss. “My family’s still in town. How much would your mom hate not being here?” I questioned, completely and wholeheartedly in the moment and everything we were doing.

“I don’t know. I called her last night when you went to sleep, and they’ll be here in a couple of hours.”

“Shut up! Are you serious?” I laughed, burying my head into the crook of his neck, enjoying the feel of being naked and in his arms.

He pulled back and sat us up so I could straddle his thighs. “I love you, my niña linda. I’ll make you happy. I promise,” he said, looking deep into my eyes.

“We will make one another happy.”

“Always.” His hands held my face in place, and he kissed me. Our limbs tangled, our mouths fused, the sounds of our lovemaking echoed against the four walls of that room we would one day return to on our fifth wedding anniversary. The room where we went from being two people restarting something who had begun four years prior to one soul, finally complete.

From that moment on, Brandon Chu was my all.

My lover, my best friend, my partner in every possible way. And I was his.

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