#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 62


I was shocked when my mother and Meredith came home and begged for our forgiveness. Navy seemed ready to give them a chance so who was I to argue? Besides, today was her day and I wasn’t going to let anything ruin that. It was finally the day of her Luna ceremony. The day she and Cameron would officially be added to our pack.

“You ready for this, man?” Clay asked as he entered my office.

“Absolutely.” I was nervous about leading the ceremony but more than ready to make Navy my Luna.

The guys slowly filed into the office which had been turned into a mock fitting room. We were all dressed in black suits with ties that matched our date. Cameron and I’s tie was a light lavender color, while Mason, Clay, and Dover all had deep, violet colored ties. Nile, Lachlan, Hudson, Henry, and Quinton’s ties were nude. We all had corresponding flowers in our chest pockets.

“Thanks for letting us be a part of today, Knox.” Hudson said, straightening his tie.

“Anything for Navy, besides, you’re all family now.” I clapped Hudson on the back and stood in front of the mirror myself.

“You look spiffy, man.” Cameron teased me, staring at my reflection.

“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes at him. I just kept telling myself that I was wearing a suit for my mate and that I had to just muddle through it with a smile.

“Everything’s ready, Alpha.” A staff member knocked on my office door and gave us instructions on what to do next.

“I guess we’re all just waiting here for our ladies?” Mason said, looking at the closed elevator doors.

We were huddled around the french doors in the back of the packhouse, waiting for the women to be ready. A sheer curtain was hung over the doors, keeping us from seeing the outside.

“Wait no longer.” Jenna smiled at her mate as the elevator doors opened with a soft ding.

“Hello, gorgeous.” Mason offered Jenna’s his hand. I knew better than to look for my mate, she would be coming down later after Cam and I were far, far away so that we wouldn’t spoil the moment.

Natasha exited next with Dover who was already in the elevator after looking after Navy. Julia was the last to exit, taking Clay’s arm. The elevator zipped back up to bring down another wave of ladies. Nile helped Queen Isla out who was regally dressed as well as Nadia, Henry was there to escort Harper, and Quinton was escorting Cordelia.

“Is that everyone?” I looked around just as the elevator opened for the third time,

“Just us.” My mother smiled weakly at me as she stepped out holding Meredith’s hand.

“I’ll escort you both out, just give me a moment.” I told them, turning to look at the three men who remained in the hallway.

“Cameron and I will be going to the stage, Lachlan and Hudson, you’ll stay and wait for Navy.” I said.

“We know the plan, Alpha.” Hudson assured me.

“Alright. If she’s not down in five minutes go up there and make sure that she’s okay. It’s the fifth floor.” I said, already feeling anxious about Navy being up there unguarded.

“She’ll be fine. Let’s go, the sooner we get out there the sooner she’ll come down.” Cameron laughed at me, dragging me away from the sunroom.

“Come on.” I offered Fiona and Meredith each an arm. I walked them to their seats in the front row where the rest of the party was already sitting.

Cameron and I stepped onto the stage where the eldest member of our pack, Elder Jonathan Race, was waiting. Cameron moved off to the side of the stage to wait for his turn. I stood in the center and watched the door like a hawk, desperate to see my mate.

Finally, the orchestra started playing and the doors were thrown open. Lachlan and Hudson stood on either side of my beautiful mate who was positively glowing in her lavender gown. The fabric of the dress flowed out from behind her like an ethereal cape. Her silvery blonde hair was wrapped up in intricate braids, leaving her shoulders and chest bare.

Her eyes lit up as she saw Cam and I waiting for her at the end of the aisle. The nerves left her face and a wave of joy washed over her. Thanks to the mark on her neck, I could feel everything she was feeling. The overwhelming love, bubbling excitement, and the sureness she felt in her decision. Navy glides down the aisle, clinging to her brothers’ arms as she is led up the steps.

“My love.” I smiled widely at her, stretching out my hand to help her up the last step. She released Lachlan’s arm and gripped my hand. Once on the stage, her brothers kissed her cheek and found their seats,

“You look beautiful.” I whispered in her ear as I walked her across the stage.

“You ready?” I asked her and she nodded, her cheeks filled with a crimson blush as she faced the crowd.

“Blue Moon….” I dove into the traditional speech of welcoming a new member.

“Navy, princess of the siren realm, do you pledge your loyalty to the Blue Moon pack? Do you promise to see this pack as your family from this day forward?” I faced my mate and searched her face,

“I promise.” She nodded sternly, holding out her hand.

“Blue Moon, do you accept Navy as the newest member of this pack?” I looked over at the crowd.

“We do!” They spoke as one.

I laid her hand in mine and carefully slid a knife across her palm. She didn’t even flinch when I held her palm over a golden chalice and watched as her blood dripped into the bowl. I held the chalice up to the pack and they all placed their hands over their hearts, accepting the new member of our pack.

“Now, Elder Jonathan Race will commence with the Luna ceremony.” I said, squeezing Navy’s hand before stepping away.

Elder Jonathan stepped forward and nodded at me before turning towards Navy. He placed a large, ancient looking book a pedstole and began to read from it.

“Navy, princess of the siren realm, you have mated with the Alpha of Blue Moon, earning you the respect and title of the Luna of Blue Moon. Are you prepared for this commitment?” He asked Navy.

“I am.” She nodded.

“As Luna, you will be responsible for loving, caring for, and mothering all of Blue Moon. You are responsible for baring the future Alpha of Blue Moon. Your duty is to protect, defend, and live for the pack and for the Alpha. You, as the Luna, will be the Alpha’s one true love, his most important confidant, the one who calms and heals him, and the only one who will truly see the Alpha for the man he is, both in his weakness and strength,” I watched as Navy clung to ever word the Elder said, truly committed to be the best she can be for Blue Moon,

“Do you accept these duties and responsibilities?”

“I do.” She nodded sternly.

“I hereby grant you the title of Luna should your Alpha accept it.” Elder Jonathan bowed his head and looked towards me. I stepped forward,

“I, Alpha Knox Greystone, accept Navy as my mate and Luna.” I said as strongly as Navy voiced her own commitment to the pack.

“Luna, Alpha.” Elder Jonathan motioned towards the chalice.

We both gave him our palms and he sliced the ancestral dagger across them. Even though it was only a small scratch, my heart ached for my little mate who now had two wounded hands. We laid our hands over top of the second chalice and our blood dripped in the bowl together. Elder Jonathan turned us towards the pack, standing between us,

“I give you your Luna!” He announced and the entire pack cheered.

I watched as Navy’s face changed, her eyes grew darker and darker until they were pitch black. She stumbled backwards at the invasion of voices. I wrapped my arms around her waist, steading her.

“It’s okay, my love, it’s just the mindlink. Give it a moment, the pain will fade.” I whispered into her ear, kissing her cheek. Her body was shaking for a while before it settled and the tension left her face,

“It’s better now.” She nodded, smiling at me and then back towards the pack.

“Our first act as a unified Luna and Alpha will be to accept Cameron Cotton of the siren realm into our pack.” I said, motining for Cameron to step forward,

“As many of you know, Cameron is Navy’s siren’s mate. We have all made the greatest commitment to each other, accepting our unique mate bond. Cameron will become a member of our pack and we have the greatest hope that you all will accept him as I have and accept our mate bond as we have.” I explained as Cameron entered center stage.

The pack blinked up at us for a moment, unmoving, before more cheers followed our new announcement. They began to mindlink me and I looked at Navy to see if she was receiving the messages as well. The smile on her face and her hopeful expression told me that she was. They were all congratulating us and encouraging us to be happy.

“Cameron Cotton of the siren realm, do you pledge your loyalty to this pack and promise to treat it as family from this point forward? Do you swear to honor and obey your Alpha and Luna above all else?” I said to Cameron, holding out the knife and chalice again. He nodded,

“I promise and I commit myself to Blue Moon.”

“Luna, would you like the honors?” I held the knife out for Navy who nodded. She took the dagger and carefully sliced a line straight across Cameron’s palm. She hovered his hand above the chalice as his blood joined with ours.

“Today is truly a historic day, Blue Moon. You have accepted two sirens into your hearts and into your family. I am a proud Alpha today.” I grinned at my pack.

“There’s something else.” Navy spoke for the first time, turning towards her new pack,

“I want you all to be assured that, even as we stand here today, I am keeping my promise to you as the Luna, I have secured the heir to Blue Moon. Knox and I are having a child, a baby boy.” She announced to my greatest shock. I had no idea she was planning on announcing her pregnancy let alone that our baby was a boy.

“I went to the doctor yesterday and found out. I just had to know.” She whispered towards me as the crowd cheered.

“Cameron and Knox will make the best fathers of that I am sure. I am proud to be standing here before you with the future of our pack growing inside me and standing beside me.” She spoke so gracefully and powerfully that I had no doubt of our success as leaders.

“Today is a day to celebrate indeed. The future of the pack has been secured, my family is growing, my greatest wish, to be a father and to have a mate, is being fulfilled, and my pack has graciously accepted it all. Now, only one thing remains,” I said to the pack before motining Cameron forward,

“To make our mate, your Luna, our wife.” Cam smiled out over the crowd before turning to look at Navy. We both hit our knees in front of our mate and pulled out the family rings.

“Navy?” Cameron said,

“Will you marry us?” I finished.

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