#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 61


“Luna! Welcome!” The shop owner, Rachelle, welcomed us into the shop.

“Thanks, Rachelle. I’ve brought two new guest with us who will need dresses.” I said.

We had been to the boutique once before and picked out everyone’s dress besides mine. The rest of the girls were simply here for their final fittings. My dress was made from scratch, so I was here to see the finished product and have any last minute alterations made.

“Sure thing, Luna!” Rachelle smiled.

“Isla!” Cordelia grinned at her daughter-in-law,

“I didn’t know you would be here.” She noticed Nadia then,

“Grandma!” Nadia smiled and ran into her arms for a hug.

“Hello, dear.”

“Mom decided to come. Her and Nadia are going to pick out dresses as well. Mom wanted to match your dress so let’s try yours on first.” I told Cordelia,

“Oh, and this is Harper.” I motioned towards Cordelia’s eldest daughter.

“Harper, this is your sister-in-law, the Queen Isla and your youngest niece, Nadia.” Cordelia said.

“Isla is fine. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” My mother took Harper’s hand gracefully. Nadia elected for a hug.

“Rachelle, let’s start with Cordelia and Harper’s dresses and then you can find my mother and sister dresses that coordinate.” I said. Rachelle nodded and pulled their garment bags from the rack. Harper helped her mother into the dressing room and into her dress, before getting into her own.

Their dresses were both nude. Cordelia’s was a very plain, floor length dress with a modest neckline and bedazzled shaw to cover her shoulders. Harper’s was the same color, but more elaborate. It had cap sleeves and a scooped neckline that was covered in crystals that matched her mother’s shaw. The skirt was decorated in a pinkish colored lace.

“Very nice.” I said, nodding at them on the pedestals,

“Do you like them?” I asked and they both nodded.

“And the shoes.” Rachelle brought over a pair of flats for Cordelia and small heels for Harper, both in the same nude color.

“What do you think, Mom?” I looked at my mom who was sitting regally on a chair.

“It’s a lovely color on them, it’ll go well with whatever your theme is. I shall match.” She nodded and followed Rachelle to the racks.

“Nadia, why don’t you go back with mother and find a nude dress as well. ” I said to my sister.

“Okay!” She agreed, sounding excited.”

“Girls, why don’t you all go next while my mother is looking for her gown?”

Julia, Jenna, Tasha, and Mally’s dresses were all a deep violet color but varied in style. Julia’s was short but flowy as it was made of a tulle-like material. It looked almost like a tu-tu with a sparkly bodice, cap sleeves, and scooping neckline.

Jenna and Tasha’s dresses were both floor length with stretchy material. They looked more like evening gowns with different lace patterns on the bodice, instead of the sparkles from Julia’s. Jenna’s neckline was deeper and sleeveless, while Tasha’s had sturdy sleeves to accommodate her growing body.

Mally’s dress was tea-length with lace on the hem and sparkles on the v-shaped neckline. They all wore matching high heels in the same nude color as Cordelia and Harper’s.

“What do you think of them?” I asked the ladies.

“What do you think, Luna, it’s your day?” Jenna asked, looking at me in the mirror.

“I love them. I think you all look amazing. How do they feel?”

“Very beautiful.” Julia said,

“And comfortable.” Tasha agreed.

“Perfect!” I clapped my hands together just as my mother and Nadia came back with their choices. Rachelle helped them into the dressing room.

My mother’s dress was anything but modest, it was fit for the queen that she was. It had large skirts with intricate lace and bead work. It had a high neckline, just like all of her other gowns, and was long sleeved with frilly tulle around her wrists. Nadia’s was short, more like a traditional bridesmaid’s dress. It had pinkish lace like Harper’s and a sparkled neckline that went straight across her neck.

“Do you like it, Nadia?” I asked my sister first.

“It’s so pretty!” She grinned at herself in the mirror and I nodded approvingly at Rachelle.

“Mother, that dress looks just right for you.”

“Are you sure it’s not too much? I don’t want to outshine you, dear.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at my mother’s smug comment. I knew she didn’t mean it that way, it’s just the way she was.

“No, mom, it’s a good choice.” I nodded, waving to Rachelle to start taking measurements on her as well.

Rachelle’s ladies started working on Isla and Nadia, knowing that they had to move quickly to have the dresses done in two days. They also made a few adjustments to the others’ dresses.

“Before they change so we can make the alterations, let’s try on your dress, Luna, so we can see them all together.” Rachelle suggested and I nodded eagerly.

I let Rachelle help me into the dressing room and into my large gown. It was made of all the fabric in the store, at least that’s what it felt like. As a positive, it covered up my whale-ness.

My dress was a light lilac color and had a large train. It was an A-line gown made of a light, tulle-like fabric. The neckline was low cut and the slim sleeves fell off my shoulders. The back was laced up with a series of strings that dangled down the small of my back.

“Absolutely stunning, Luna.” Jenna gasped.

“The picture of grace and beauty fit for a Luna.” Cordelia smiled at me with tears in her eyes.

“No,” My mother’s tone was abrupt,

“Fit of a queen.” She corrected my grandmother. Dare I say she had tears in her own eyes. I blinked in surprise at my mother, I don’t remember the last time I had seen her cry.


“My precious girl has grown into a radiant woman.” She kissed both my cheeks and studied me at arms length.

“Let’s see everyone together.” Rachelle said, motining for everyone to stand side by side. We turned and faced the large mirror.

“A magnificent sight. This will surely be the most beautiful Luna ceremony ever.” Rachelle clapped her hands together proudly,

“Let’s get everyone out of their dresses so we can make quick work of the final alterations. We will personally deliver the dresses tomorrow, my Luna.” Rachelle said.

“You wound me, Rachelle.” I was seriously getting tired of these unwanted interruptions. I froze, refusing to face our new guest.

“What are you doing here, mother?” Jenna scolds her mother, surely feeling the same way I felt earlier today.

“Isn’t the current Luna invited to the future Luna’s dress fitting?” She laughed.

“You aren’t the current Luna, Navy’s been our Luna since she arrived. You haven’t done anything befitting of a Luna in a long while, mother.” Jenna said in a cool tone.

“Now, this is my daughter’s special moment, I won’t allow anyone to ruin that.” I was shocked when my own mother got involved.

“Oh, my apologies to your highness.” I could almost see Fiona bowing mockingly at my mother, even with my back turned to her.

“Enough!” I snapped, pushing my way through the crowd. Dover moved protectively next to me.

“You are, of course, welcomed here, Fiona, if you are here for the right reasons. You and Meredith our ceremony if you are willing to put your anger aside and pledge your loyalty to me and your Alpha. I won’t tolerate you or anyone else harming my mate any further.” I glared at Fiona.

“I would never harm my son.” She narrowed her eyes on me.

“You’ve been harming your son for weeks, months, now. Ever since you acted against me, you’ve been harming him. He loves me, can’t you see that? He loves me and our mate bond, including the one we have with Cameron. He loves his life. He loves our baby!” I wrapped my arm around my stomach and watched as her expression changed to shock,

“I’m not going anywhere. Cameron isn’t going anywhere. Our family isn’t going anywhere. I promise you this, we are all here to stay. We all want you to be a part of our family, a part of our lives, but we won’t sacrifice our happiness or our safety for anybody, including you, Meredith, and Alto.” I sighed.

“Meredith and I have come back, Alto is still away.” Fiona said in a much less confrontational tone.

“And Alto will stay away. He threatened the pack and our family by bringing the Council here. He’s been exiled and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.” I sighed.

“Yes and I assure you I knew nothing of Alto’s plan until he returned. I would never have agreed to him bringing the Council here because I know better than to think Knox will ever stand down. The Council did vial things to Velvet Moon and I don’t wish that fate on my son. Alto just cannot accept a siren Luna and he cannot accept his son acting against his will.” She said and I believed her.

“What about you?” I asked.

“I cannot accept not being a part of my son’s life and my grandchildren’s lives.” She looked over at Jenna then,

“I’m so sorry I missed your son’s birth. That broke my heart and, seeing the way your father was so impartial, enraged me. I knew then that I couldn’t stand behind a man who wasn’t affected by missing the birth of his first grandchild. I don’t want to support a man like that. I want to support my family.” Her face was racked with guilt but Jenna remained unmoving. She looked back at me,

“If you will allow me, Luna, I want to come home.” I was shocked when she called me Luna.

“You will need to talk with Knox, he’s the one whose trust you need to earn.” I said.

“I will, believe me, but I need to earn your trust as well and your forgiveness.” She bowed her head to me respectfully.

“You have neither,” I said, earning a shocked look from Fiona,

“But, I’m willing to give you a chance. You can show your loyalty for me by coming to the ceremony and pledging it with everyone else and apologizing to Cameron. You haven’t met him yet, but you have discredited him. He’s my mate and he’s a part of your son’s life and your grandchild’s life, he deserves your respect as well.” I stated my terms.

“Yes, Luna, anything you wish. I’ll go immediately to the packhouse and apologize to Cameron and beg for my son’s forgiveness.” She said,

“No, just wait. They’re at their fitting, I don’t want to ruin that. Is Meredith here?” I asked. Fiona nodded and motioned to something outside. Meredith appeared in the boutique then,

“I’m sorry for my part, Luna.” She bowed her head at me.

“It’s okay. Rachelle?” I looked back at the shop owner who looked at me with a defeated face. She knew what I was about to request,

“I’ll need two more dresses.” Rachelle resisted the urge to sigh,

“Of course, Luna.”

“You’ll need to pick out a nude dress, both of you.” I motioned towards my family who were adorned in their matching gowns.

“Thank you for including us, Luna.” Meredith nodded and followed Rachelle.

“Are you sure about this, Navy?” Jenna asked me.

“Yes. It’s up to Knox to have the final say, though.” I said, turning towards Dover,

“Mindlink the Alpha and let him know what’s going on here and what to expect.”

“Yes, Luna.” Dover nodded and his eyes went black.

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