#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 58


We all stood as Queen Isla entered the dining hall. Knox hurried to greet his new guest, probably eager to attempt to get on her good side. A lost cause, I’m sure.

“Please, join us.” Knox gestured towards the table. King Nile greeted his wife with a solemn kiss and pulled out a chair for her.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you here, my dear.” He said.

“I had decided to come at the last moment. I needed to see our daughter with my own eyes.” Queen Isla said, gazing over towards Navy.

“Good thing I did, otherwise I may not have gotten to know about my grandchild.” Navy’s eyes widened even further as we tried to figure out how much of the conversation the queen had overheard.

“Hudson and Lachlan, how dare you question your sisters activities in the bedroom. They are not any of your concerns. I expect better from my sons.” Queen Isla glared at her sons, causing them to dip their heads in shame.

“Mother, what are you doing here?” Navy asked.

“I believe that I answered that question already, Navy.” Queen Isla sighed. Then, she turned her gaze on me,

“Cameron, I couldn’t help but overhear your declaration.” I frowned at the queen,

“Yes.” I replied simply, not sure what else to say.

“I mean simply to say that I am surprised. You have always been so soft spoken.” Queen Isla clarified.

“Not when it comes to my mate.” I answered sternly.

“I can see that. I must admit that this isn’t what I had in mind when I sent you here.” She said,

“Isn’t it? I thought you wanted Navy to accept me as her mate.” I raised my eye at her suspiciously.

“I’m sure that you know what I mean.” She said, unamused.

“Are you only here to make fun of my relationships, mother?” Navy grumbled.

“No, dear, I’m not. I’m here to congratulate you.” Queen Isla’s face softened as she looked at Navy.

“You are?” Navy’s shock was echoed by her siblings.

“Navy, I think that perhaps I overreacted. It’s clear that you are happy and that you can be successful as both a mate and a mother here. All I want is for you to live a good life, dear.” Navy gasped at her mother as did the rest of the table.

“Are you serious?” Navy asked, not believing her mother’s sincerity.

“I owe Alpha Knox an apology as well.” She turned her attention on Knox who suddenly looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

“No apology is necessary, Queen Isla, I understand that you were just trying to look out for your daughter. I assure you that I mean to give her nothing but the very best. She is loved and adored here by my entire pack.” Knox spoke elegantly, breaking out his best Alpha tone.

“You seem like quite the good young man, Alpha Knox.” Queen Isla actually smiled at him.

“Navy, maybe you and your mother want a private moment together.” I suggested, tugging at my mate’s hand. She was the only one still standing as she studied her mother.

“I would like that.” Queen Isla reponsded.

“Right, everybody out.” I said, shooing Navy’s family out of the room. Knox and I stood in the doorway, watching our mate,

“She’s safe in there….right?” Knox eyed Navy’s mother hesitantly,

“If anyone is unsafe it’s the queen.” I chuckled, clapping Knox on the back and leaving to attend to Navy’s family,

“Besides, we have our hands full with her siblings anyway. It seems that they do not like you much.”

“That’s not true. I think Nadia likes me.” Knox protested.

“She’s sixteen.” I snorted.

“My youngest sister started hating me at ten.” He stated.

“Come on.” I laughed at him as we left to find Navy’s family. They were waiting for us in the sunroom.

“Knox, I’m sorry for being disrespectful.” Hudson grumbled. Both he and Lachlan looked like chastised children as they stood in front of their father.

“I apologize as well, Knox. We should know better than to question our sister’s choices.” Lachlan agreed.

“Let’s put it in the past now, boys.” Knox smirked, walking past the duo to grab a bottle of liquor,

“Anyone fancy a drink?” He said in mock politeness.

“Yes, please.” I sighed, eagerly taking a glass from his hand and nodding for him to fill it up.

“I’m surprised that your wife came, King Nile.” Knox said, handing the king a glass.

“We’re family now, Knox, call me Nile. I am shocked by her arrival as well.” King Nile accepted the glass and the pour.

“Nile, Cameron and I asked you here for more reasons than we originally confessed.” Knox said after everyone had a drink in hand, besides Nadia. I eyed Knox curiously, surprised that he had picked now to address this.

“Is that so?” King Nile eyed us.

“Yes, we wanted to ask for your blessing.” I said.

“Oh dear lord.” Hudson collapsed dramatically in his chair.

“Shut up, Hudson! Let them speak.” Nadia looked at us like a dreamy school girl.

“We want to ask Navy for her hand in marriage, to both of us.” I said, ignoring their bickering.

“We want to propose after Cameron is officially added to the pack after her Luna ceremony.” Knox added.

“So, King Nile, would you allow Knox and I the privilege of marrying your daughter?” I asked.

“Of course, Hudson, Lachlan, and Nadia, we extend the same question to you. We want her entire family to bless our union.” Knox said, looking at her siblings. I rolled my eyes at him. Kiss ass.

“If my daughter sees fit to say yes to you both, then I cannot see any reason to argue. You have my blessing.” Nile nodded his head with an astute smile.

“Navy’s happiness and wellbeing is all that matters. As long as you both can assure me of that, you have my permission.” Hudson agreed.

“Mine as well.” Lachlan said.

“I want to be in the wedding!” Nadia clapped her hands with a wide grin. Knox and I both shared a laugh at her expense.

“Allow me to present you both with these.” King Nile stepped up to us with two small wooden boxes,

“I bought these just in case this subject would arise. As is tradition in the siren realm, Mr. Knox, the head of the household must pass down the family jewels to his daughter’s suitor to be used as an engagement ring. I had two rings made from our jewels for my two daughters. When I found out about this union, I had Navy’s ring divided into two.” King Nile explained.

Knox and I each took one of the boxes and opened them side by side. One ring had a red stone, a ruby, and the other a bright blue sapphire, each with several small diamonds around the perimeter. The gems were cut so that they connected together, forming one unified ring.

“This is so thoughtful, Nile.” Knox admired the rings.

“This is perfect, your grace.” I bowed respectfully at King Nile, understanding the importance of the family jewels more than my werewolf counterpart.

“You shall call me Nile, Cameron, we’ve known each other long enough for that.” King Nile chuckled.

“Thank you….Nile.” It felt strange to address my king so improperly.

“How do you think our mate is fairing against her mother?” Knox leaned down to ask me.

“I haven’t heard any screaming yet.” I joked but Knox didn’t not laugh,

“I’m kidding, Knox.”

“Dover!” Knox shouted and rushed off.

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