#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 57


I woke up alone in the bed I had shared with not one, but two men last night. I’ll admit that I had never imagined sharing a bed with both my mates so soon. But, neither did I imagine sleeping with Cameron after my spa treatment. A surprising day yesterday turned out to be.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. Despite my embarrassment at the start of the night, I did have the best sleep of my life, and sleep was hard to come by when you were the size of a whale. I rubbed my belly as I stood in front of the mirror, standing sideways to look at my profile. I had already started to pop out, my ankles and wrists swollen and my lower back aching. The consequences of carrying siren royalty and a werewolf from an Alpha bloodline.

I sighed and waddled into the closet to decide on my outfit for the day. Gone were the days of the crop top. Instead, I pulled a light sweater over my head and a pair of stretchy pants. It was getting chillier out these days, which I was thankful for, since the heat only made my condition more sufferable. I pushed open my door and nearly smacked Dover in the face.

“Oh, geeze, Dover, I’m sorry. What’s wrong with you?” I laughed, taking note of his blood shot eyes and tired expression.

“Tasha’s morning sickness started last night. In case you were wondering, it was not properly named.” Dover grumbled.

“I haven’t had the pleasure.” I muttered, not at all excited about experiencing morning sickness.

“Times like these make me wish Tasha had a second mate.” He chuckled and I rolled my eyes at him,

“Is she in her room?” I asked and he nodded,

“Yeah, she’s finally getting some sleep.”

“Jenna told me about this soup that helps with morning sickness. I’ll go down to the kitchen and have Romino whip some up for her.” I said, stepping around my watchdog.

“How are you feeling, Luna?” Dover asked as he followed me into the elevator.

“I feel like I’m the size of a whale and my body aches in the same way.” I groaned.

“Well, you look ravishing.” Dover grinned at me and I weakly slapped his arm.

I instructed Romino to make some of the herbal soup for Tasha to help with her nausea, then I went on to find my mates. I went to Knox’s office first and was surprised to find it empty.

“Dover, can you find them?” I asked the Gamma who nodded and minklinked his Alpha.

“They’re on the beach.” Dover said with a curious expression. I narrowed my eyes at him,


“How should I know?” Dover shrugged and motioned for me to walk towards the back door. I stumbled to a stop when I noticed the progress on the indoor swimming pool,

“Wow, is it just me or did that happen overnight?” I asked Dover.

“Knox put Cameron in charge of it and he’s rather persuasive. I have to say, Luna, I didn’t give him enough credit at the beginning. He’s much better at being a leader than I thought, he makes a good comrade for the Alpha.” Dover admitted and I was shocked at his honesty.

“Watch out Dover, your heart is showing.” I laughed at him and he rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, Cameron picked a construction company that has been working feverishly to get the pool completed before the ceremony.” Dover said.

“That’s in two days.” I laughed in shock.

“It seems like your mate is eager to please, Luna.” Dover mocked me and I gave him a good shove before continuing towards the beach.

I was blown away by what I saw. Cameron and Knox were standing on the middle of the beach surrounded by a group of familiar faces.

“Hudson? Lachlan? Naida?” I gasped, running across the sand.

Knox and Cameron stepped to the side and my siblings grinned at me. Hudson stepped forward first and I flung myself, not so gracefully, in his arms. Lachlan and Naida joined in on the sibling hug.

“Navy, my darling daughter.” My father’s voice boomed over the beach. I stumbled out of the group hug to find my father.

“Dad!” I smiled and hugged my father closely,

“You didn’t have to come all the way up here.”

“Of course I wanted to see my daughter’s Luna ceremony and meet the man who swept her off her feet.” My father chuckled, stepping out of the hug,

“Or should I say men.” he eyed Cameron and Knox who were standing behind me.

“Should we head inside for some breakfast?” Knox suggested loudly. I laughed at his outburst and turned to greet my mates,

“You two were up early this morning.” I positioned myself between Cameron and Knox as Dover led my family towards the dining hall.

“We wanted to make sure we were here to greet your family.” Knox said, kissing my forehead.

“Did you sleep well, angel?” Cam asked, placing his hand gently on my back.

“Yes, actually, the best sleep I’ve had in a while.” I smirked at my mates who shared a knowing look.

“I have to say, sister, I wasn’t expecting all of this.” Lachlan laughed as he eyed Cam, Knox, and I from across the dining room table.

“I didn’t expect to find out about your impending baby through Cameron.” I raised my eyebrow at him. He nearly spit his drink across the table,

“I was going to tell you.” He glared at Cam.

“Mhm, sure.” I rolled my eyes. Cameron pinched my arm and looked at me questioningly.

“Do you have something to say, Cameron?” I narrowed my eyes on him.

“Not at all, my angel.” He chuckled.

“Are you happy, Navy?” Hudson interrupted our bickering.

“I am Hudson. I know this is all unexpected, but it’s exactly what I want.” I locked eyes with my eldest brother.

“I just want to make sure that you’re making your own decisions.” He said.

“Our sister knows her own mind.” Lachlan said.

“You really think that anyone is capable of controlling me?” I smirked at Hudson, ignoring Lachlan.

“No, I know better than to think that.” Hudson sighed.

“I know it’s hard to understand, especially with how I left things, but I love them, Hudson, I love them both.” I looked lovingly at my mates who smiled back, each taking one of my hands.

“I was the one who encouraged you to leave in the first place, Navy. I hope you know that I’m not judging you.” Hudson said, looking concerned.

“I know, you’re just looking out for me.” I said.

“We’ll miss you at home.” Nadia said, surprising me by speaking up.

“Nadia?” I eyed her curiously.

“Well, I’m the only sister now, it’s a bit overwhelming.” She laughed, trying to shake off the serious tone of the conversation.

“You can visit whenever you want, Nadia, all of you can.” I said.

“And Navy can visit home whenever she wants, too.” Knox added, squeezing my hand.

“You sure you can let her out of your sight for that long?” Lachlan laughed but I could see the seriousness in his expression.

“That’s why I’m here.” Cameron joined the conversation.

“And what if you weren’t? Would Navy be forbidden to come see us because the Alpha couldn’t come with her?” Lachlan asked.

“Lachlan!” I glared at him but Knox shook his head at me.

“I would never forbid Navy from doing anything. She makes her own choices. Even if I couldn’t come with her, even if Cameron wasn’t here to chaperone her, she would still be allowed to go wherever she wanted, including home.” Knox spoke sternly to my brother, addressing everyone’s unspoken concerns.

“I’m sorry for disrespecting you, Alpha Knox, I just want to make sure that my sister’s choices aren’t being taken away from her.” Lachlan replied.

“Please, Lachlan, call me Knox, and you don’t have to apologize. You would only be disrespecting me if you didn’t look out for your sister.” Knox smiled. Lachlan nodded, seeming content with Knox’s response.

“I have another announcement to make.” I said, ready to hash out all of our secrets.

“Oh Goddess, not another one. I don’t think I can take any more.” Nadia said dramatically.

“You’ll like this one, Nadia.” I laughed,

“Mallary isn’t the only one adding to this family.” My hand fluttered to my stomach and everyone watched my movements with wide eyes.

“You’re pregnant?” Nadia gasped.

“I am.”

“Navy, that’s wonderful!” My father exclaimed, grinning at me. I looked expectantly at Hudson and Lachlan but my face fell at their expressions.

“What’s wrong?” I asked my brothers.

“They are wondering the same things that you did, my love.” Knox whispered in my ear.

“The baby is Knox’s by blood, but it will have two fathers.” Cameron explained.

“We’re happy for you, Navy, honestly.” Hudson fixed his face and Lachlan smiled at me.

“Let them adjust, baby.” Knox whispered and I nodded at his suggestion.

“Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?” Nadia asked, completely obvious to any of the tension in the room.

“No, we’re waiting until birth to find out. What about you Lachlan?”

“A girl.” Lachlan nodded, forcing a smile.

“Of course, I’m hoping for a boy that way Knox has his heir.” I announced.

“Quite right, get the heir business out of the way as soon as possible and then you can just focus on your family.” My father agreed.

“That way you don’t have to worry about who’s the father then.” Hudson added. I grumbled and put my head in my hands.

“Hudson, enough of that.” My father sighed.

“I’m sorry, Hudson, but I don’t really appreciate what you’re suggesting with my mate.” Knox’s voice was low.

“And what do you think I’m suggesting?” Hudson said.

“That’s I’m a breeding stock being passed around between a siren and a werewolf.” I growled, glaring at my brother.

“Navy.” Hudson looked at me with wide eyes,

“That’s enough,” Cameron’s voice was even more dangerous than Knox’s,

“It’s no one’s business but our own. Your job is simply to be happy for your sister.”

“My, my, little Cameron is all grown up.” A voice stole across the room.

“Mother?” I gasped.

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