#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 49


“All ready, baby?” I asked Navy as I threw her bag in the bed of my truck.

“Yep.” She gave me a kiss before climbing into the back seat. I helped her with the seat belt and shut the door.

“Good to go?” I asked Cameron who grunted in response before slamming the passenger door.

“See you in a few days, Clay. Call me if anything comes up.” I slapped my Beta on the back and waved at the car full of wolves behind me being driven by Dover. I jumped in the driver’s seat and looked back at my mate,

“Here we go.” I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes,

“Just drive the car, dummy.” She laughed at me. I reached back and squeezed her knee before focusing on the road.

“It’s about an hour drive from here.” Cameron reminded us, fiddling with the GPS on the truck’s display screen.

“Plenty of time for some road trip bonding.” I said, earning a groan from Cameron and another eye roll from our mate.

“Or we could pick a good station and just sit in silence.” Navy suggested.

“Now where’s the fun in that?” I complained.

“No, no, I agree with our mate.” Cameron said as he turned the volume up on the radio.

“You two are no fun.” I said.

“What are we going to say once we get to the rogue’s camp?” Navy asked. I looked at her in the rear view mirror and saw that she was nervously picking at her fingers. Cameron turned around to snatch her hand away.

“I’ll be fine. They were pleasant enough when Clay and I visited, they just didn’t want to give up any information. When you tell them who you are, it’ll go much smoother.” Cameron assured our mate.

“We’ll only bring Dover to the meeting, the rest of the wolves will stay behind so we don’t come off as threatening” I added.

“Okay.” Navy nodded, biting her bottom lip.

“I got us a couple hotel rooms nearby in case we need to stay longer.” I said,

“Good idea.” Cameron nodded approvingly, turning back around in his seat.

“Let me guess, you found the most expensive hotel and booked the most expensive rooms.” Navy eyed me suspiciously.

“Only the best for my mate and her boyfriend.” I winked at her.

“That’s weird, man, don’t say it like that.” Cameron groaned.

“Okay, only the best for my mate and our boyfriend.” I corrected myself.

“Nope, that’s worse.” Cameron shook his head and glared at me. I laughed out loud,

“Make up your mind!” I sighed dramatically.

“And you two say that I”m the dramatic one.” Navy huffed in the back seat.

“Nobody says that, angel.” Cameron smiled at her. This time he earned the eye roll.

“I’m glad that I’m not the only one who gets an attitude from her.” I said.

“She’s been giving me her sass since we were toddlers.” Cameron said.

“Ooh, a sassy toddler version of Navy, are there pictures?” I perked up.

“Obviously. Her brother, Hudson, was quite the photographer growing up.” Cameron said.

“Really? Navy, you never talk about them.” I eyed her in the mirror and she avoided my gaze.

“She’s really close to her two brothers.” Cameron clarified.

“I miss them.” Navy whispered.

“You know if you ask Hudson and Lachlan to come here they would, in a heartbeat. Nadia wants to visit but, well, you know your mother.” Cameron looked back at Navy.

“Nadia?” I asked.

“Her younger sister, she’s 16.”

“She’s like Meredith.” Navy added.It was Cameron’s turn to look confused,

“She’s my youngest sister.” I said, answering his unasked question.

“I’m glad I’m an only child, you both have enough siblings for all of us.” Cameron sighed.

“Navy, you can invite your brothers anytime, you know that.” I said.

“I know, Knox. I’m just getting used to being away from them, I’m not sure how I’ll handle seeing them and then watching them leave.” Navy mumbled.

“Well, they can stay for as long as they’d like.” I smiled.

“Hudson is the future king, he can’t leave very often, and Lachlan’s mate Mallary is pregnant.” Cameron said.

“She’s what?” Navy gasped from the back seat, earning a surprised look from Cameron.

“You didn’t know?”

“No!” She shook her head quickly.

“Oh, well, she’s like two months along. Maybe they didn’t know before you left.” Cameron looked guilty.

“We can go see them.” I quickly injected.

“Oh that’s a terrible idea.” Cameron said, looking at me. I glared at him,

“You’re creating more problems and less solutions here.” I grumbled.

“Sorry, it’s just, her mom really hates you.” Cameron chuckled.

“But, she likes you.” I smirked. Cameron eyed me curiously before recognition dawned across his face,

“Dude!” Cameron yelled.

“Create solutions, Cameron!” I said warningly.

“What are you two going on about?” Navy said from the back seat, sounding annoyed.

“Queen Isla hates Knox but likes me. He’s saying that if we all three go visit home that she won’t be as angry if I’m there and we tell her about the triple mates thing.” Cameron explained in a grumpy tone.

“Oh, yeah, that’s a bad idea.” Navy agreed with Cameron.

“You don’t think it’ll work?” I asked her.

“No, probably not.” Navy shook her head.

“Why not? Your mom wanted you to be with Cameron and now you are.” I shrugged.

“Yeah, but I’m still with you. She was only rooting for Cam because she thought that I would reject you and pick him, keeping me at home. This new arrangement is just going to make her hate Cameron instead of liking you.” Navy explained with a sour expression.

“Okay, fair point, but you still deserve to see your family. I can take your mother’s abuse, Navy.” I argued, looking at Cameron for some help.

“He has a point, too, Navy. We can’t avoid home forever and just pretend like we don’t have a family. I miss my mom and I know she misses you. She’s terrified of the surface, you know that, so she’ll never come and visit me here. And your brothers miss you, they want to see you. Besides, your dad is the king and Hudson is the future king, and they’re both on your side.” Cameron took pity on me.

“My mother scares me more than the king.” Navy grumbled.

“Okay, okay, let’s table this conversation for another time.” I sighed,

“After we find your Aunt and Uncle, your grandmother will want to see them. We can work on a family reunion then.”

“You really think we’ll find them?” Navy asked.

“Of course I do, baby.” I smiled confidently at her.

“How about we play a road trip game?” Cameron said, changing the subject.

“Look who’s coming around to the dark side.” I grinned at Cam.

“I just want to change the subject.” He sighed at me.

“Whatever, I’ll take it. What do you want to play?” I asked him.

“Two truths and a lie?” Cameron suggested.

“Isn’t that a game preppy girls play in high school?” Navy whined from the back seat.

“What do you know about high school, Navy?” Cameron laughed at her, then looked over at me,

“We don’t have school in the kingdom, just private tutors.” He clarified.

“You’re annoying.” Navy mumbled.

“Who?” Cameron and I asked at the same time.

“Both of you!” She glared at us.

“I’ll go first.” Cameron volunteered.

“Dude, there is no way you swam from the pacific ocean to the atlantic ocean in one day.” I called out Cameron after six rounds of two truths and a lie.

Dude, yes there is.” Cameron said in a mocking tone.

“Navy, help me out here.”

“No, you’re both stupid.” She shook her head at me.

“You’re a spoiled sport, Nav.” I accused our mate.

“Yeah, what gives, Navy? You love games.” Cameron eyed her.

“I’m just not in the mood.” She shrugged.

“Well, it’s your turn.” I said.

“No.” She crossed her arms and looked out the window.

“Come on, Ba….woah!” I yelled, slamming on the breaks. I felt Navy hit the the back of my seat. Cameron was already undoing his seat belt and crawling back to check on her.

“Are you okay?” I turned around,

“When did you take your seatbelt off?” I gasped and she glared at me, rubbing her forehead.

“Where did you learn how to drive?” She snapped.

“I’m sorry, baby, but there’s a wolf.” I turned back to the windshield and stared at the wolf standing in the middle of the road.

“So?” She yelled, but I ignored her. I undid my seat belt and opened the door.

“What are you doing?” Cameron asked but I ignored him, too. I stepped out of the car and looked curiously at the scrawny red wolf cowering in the road.

“I’m not gonna hurt you.” I said, raising my hands as a show of innocence. I heard Navy and Cameron step out of the car behind me.

“Maybe it’s just a regular wolf, Knox.” Navy said.

“He’s not, I can sense it.” I told them without turning around,

“And he can sense that I’m an Alpha, that’s why he’s not moving.”

“Is he a member of the rogue pack? Cam, are we close to them?” Navy asked.

“Yeah, they’re just over that hill.” He answered.

“We want to speak to your pack leader, can you take us to him? We’re peaceful.” I addressed the wolf, using a minimal amount of my Alpha tone to nudge the wolf into obedience.

The wolf relaxed from his defensive position and looked at me. He nodded his head once before walking down the center of the road.

“Come on, let’s follow him.” I motioned for Cam and Navy to get back in the car and followed the red wolf.

In a few minutes, we reached a point in the road where the brush and trees got too thick to follow in the car. We climbed out again and followed the wolf on foot. Slowly, we started seeing the beginnings of a camp. The wolf picked up its pace and disappeared into the camp. Others started climbing out of their tents, eyeing us curiously. I stepped protectively in front of Navy and watched Cameron stand next to me, shielding our mate as well.

“We’re here in peace. We just want to speak to your leader.” I announced.

“That would be me.” A voice called, causing the crowds to part and reveal an elder looking man.

“Who are you?” He asked.

“I’m Alpha Knox Greystone of the Blue Moon pack, this is Cameron from the siren realm.” I explained, motioning towards Cam. The elder’s eyes widened.

“A werewolf and a siren?”

“And this is our mate, Princess and Luna Navy of the siren realm.” Cam and I stepped aside as Navy appeared between us. The elder’s entire face turned white,

“Cordelia?” He gasped breathlessly.

“She’s my grandmother.” Navy answered,

“Are you Quinton Marshall?” She asked, stepping forward. We followed her closely.

“I am. You know about me?” He asked, motining for the wolves around him to relax.

“I found out when I mated to the Alpha of the pack who now resides on your land.” She said. Quinton looked over at me,

“Your pack is on Velvet Moon’s land?”

“My grandfather led members from Canada there in 1975.” Knox said.

“That was shortly after my pack was massacred.” Quinton said with pain radiating through his expression.

“We know. We didn’t know anything about that until Navy came to me. She wouldn’t give up until she learned the entire truth.” I smiled lovingly at my mate.

“Yep, she’s Coredila’s granddaughter alright,” Quinton chuckled,

“Come, let’s talk in my tent.” He motioned towards the largest tent in the camp. We followed him inside and sat on pillows on the floor.

“So, all three of you are mates?” He looked at us curiously.

“It’s a recent development.” I said, laughing at his expression.

“I’m sure. It’s not natural for werewolves, of course it’s very normal for the sirens.” Quinton said. I noticed he was staring at Navy,

“You’re marked by the werewolf.” He said.

“It’s a very recent development.” Navy shrugged, touching my mark on her neck.

“How did you find me?” He asked her.

“We found the cabin that Matilda took Harper and Henry to.” I answered instead.

“Awh, smart.” Quinton nodded.

“Are they okay?” Navy asked.

“Oh, yes, they are fine. They’re here, with me. Matilda took my children to safety while I found somewhere for us and the survivors of my pack to live. When I settled here, I sent for my children.” He explained.

“What happened? Why did the Council attack you?” Navy asked.

“I wasn’t willing to take a chosen werewolf Luna. It was either Cordelia or no one.” Quinton said sternly, confirming what we already knew.

“How did you survive?”

“I faked my death. I allowed a rogue to believe that he killed me. Once they left and before the Council came, I ran. When the Council confirmed that the pack was destroyed, I came back and released the survivors from the bunker. I told Matilda where to go with Henry and Harper. I gave my members a choice. They could run and try to find their own future, or they could come with me and start our own pack of strays.” Quinton said.

“How many survived?”

“About 50 members, out of more than 500.” He replied sadly. Navy’s expression became angry,

“How many came here?”

“Thirty or so. We’ve obviously grown since then. We collect strays who don’t want to become the Council’s feral lackeys.” Quinton grumbled in a bitter tone.

“Why didn’t you ever go find my grandmother?”

“I wanted to, believe me, but I had no idea how. She never showed me where she was from.” Quinton sighed sadly.

“Dad?” A man who looked to be about my age pushed aside the tent curtain and peeked inside,

“What is this about?”

“Come in Henry. Where’s your sister?” A young woman who had the same exact eyes as my mate stepped in behind the man.

“Right here.”

“Both of you, come sit.” Quinton motioned beside him. The girl, Harper I assumed, gasped quietly when she saw Navy. They sat on either side of their father.

“Harper, Henry, I want you two to meet your….niece.” Quinton smiled, motioning towards Navy.

“What?” The siblings gasped at the same time.

“This is your mother’s granddaughter from the siren realm.” Harper and Henry gawked at Navy who had tears swimming in her eyes.

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