#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 48


I couldn’t think straight with Cameron this close. I was shocked at how my body was reacting to him. I was pretty sure that my heart was about ready to beat out of my chest. Of course Cameron could hear it, the entire packhouse could probably hear it. My mind was foggy as I argued with myself. I was torn between looking at Cameron as my childhood friend and as the handsome, sexy man that was standing in front of me. I almost couldn’t believe that I saw him as sexy.

His breath was warm against my face, his nose so soft. I didn’t want to compare my mates against each other, but I couldn’t help it. Cameron was more assertive than Knox was at the beginning, he wasn’t afraid to push me to my limits, probably because he knew exactly what those limits were.

Cameron was consuming my body with his warm, chocolate eyes. I couldn’t miss the desire that plagued his face. He was so sure of himself, so sure of our mate bond, that it was almost contagious. I started to give myself over to it.

“What do you want, angel? You have to say it.” Cameron purred, pressing his forehead against mine. I sighed deeply, but it wasn’t because I was frustrated.

“Kiss me, Cameron.” The words left my mouth before I had even thought about it.

Cameron didn’t waste any time before his lips were moving against mine. I stood, frozen against him for a second before I decided to turn off my brain and act on instinct. My hands moved up his chest and around his neck as I deepened the kiss. Cam responded by pulling me even closer, both of his hands gripping my back. He tried to pry my mouth open, using his tongue to fight for dominance, but I wasn’t giving in.

Cam huffed against my lips and I giggled. He released me and I gasped for breath. Cam buried his face in my neck and kissed the bare skin above my shoulder.

“Soon my mark will be here.” His breath blew across my skin sending goosebumps scurrying over me. Cam pulled away and gave me a quick kiss before pulling away.

“We never got to eat.” He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the apartment.

We had an early dinner in the kitchen before taking another walk around the packhouse. Cameron wanted to see the movie theater so we bought tickets and watched a movie until it was dark. Cam needed to go back to the motel to get his things before returning and moving into the packhouse, so I went to Knox and I’s room to wait for him to finish work.

He was late getting back, it was almost 8 before he finally came to bed.

“I’m sorry I’m so late, love.” He draped his arm around me and pulled me close.

“It’s okay. How was work?” I asked, nuzzing myself into him.

“Boring, I’d rather talk about you and your day.” He pressed his lips against my neck.

“It was good. We had dinner and went to the movies. Cam went to get his stuff from the motel.” I said, but Knox sensed the avoidance in my voice. He propped himself up on his elbow to stare at my face,

“And?” He raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed.

“Between the two of you I’m never going to get away with anything ever again.” I huffed.

“Not at all, baby. What happened? You can tell me anything, you know that.” He kissed my cheek.

“I know, I’m just worried that you’ll be upset.”

“Upset that you and Cameron kissed?” he smirked at me as my mouth popped open in shock.


“I don’t know, I just sensed it like I always feel your emotions. I’m not upset, my love. I told you I was okay with this and I mean that. Obviously I know that I’m not the only one who gets to have you intimately.” He chuckled at me before kissing my lips,

“You’re the one who’s going to be spoiled rotten.” He purred.

“I don’t know if I can handle it.” I whispered, closing my eyes as his mouth explored my skin.

“Oh, you’re going to love it, baby, I promise. It’ll be all about you.” He assured me.

I shivered at the mere thought of having both Cameron and Knox. I wondered if the three of us would ever share a bed. I had no idea what they had in mind and my own mind was betraying me with its dirty thoughts.

“What are you thinking about? It’s getting you all worked up.” Knox purred darkly as his hands dipped under my shirt.

“Knox.” I moaned.

“Shh, baby, let me take care of you.” He said, rolling over to hovering over top of me. I closed my eyes and arched my back, allowing him to consume me.

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