300 Days With The Alpha Beta Triplets




All hell was let loose when the Luna knew that the first child would be a girl, but there was nothing she could do immediately. This made her decide she would stress Evelyn out so much in order to cause a miscarriage. She started maltreating Evelyn throughout the pregnancy, but she never did this in front of Herald. She was a saint when he was around, but the moment he stepped out, the two women were at loggerheads.

Herald believed that Evelyn's constant nagging was from the effects of the pregnancy, so he provided more material things for her without waiting to hear her out each time she tried to complain to him. This continued until the Fifth month of the pregnancy when Evelyn started spotting. The stress had weighed her down so much that her body could no longer take it.

She was placed on bed rest, and she feared her baby would die. That same night, she woke Herald up because she was in a lot of pain, but he didn't believe that she would go into labor. He called a doctor, and the doctor ordered an emergency surgery to save the life of the baby. Evelyn panicked when she heard this, and she could literally see her parents in the room with her, because the line between her crossing over to the other side was very thin.

Seeing Evelyn in that condition made Herald scared, and that was when he realized he had only been an alpha and not a husband. This made him even more scared of being a father, but seeing Evelyn pass out on the hospital bed made him determined to love this child and to love Evelyn more, even if she wouldn't love him back.

The surgery was successful, but Evelyn suffered so much that she was hospitalized for almost a month. She didn't allow her baby to be taken from her, so Herald handed most of his duties to his mother in order to remain in the hospital with his wife and baby.

When Evelyn was finally discharged, Kate finally set her eyes on her grandchild. She fell in love with Bella instantly, but she hated the fact Bella couldn't rule, and they didn't have an heir yet. She feared the family name would end with Herald, so she began to bug Evelyn immediately, reminding her of her duty to bear an heir.

"You spent almost a month in the hospital, so I am sure that you have healed completely. Now it is time for you to fulfill your duties. You must birth a male child, and it starts tonight." Her words sent pain to Evelyn's chest, and she couldn't believe that she was going through all this.

Around that period, news got to Evelyn that her grandma was very sick. The old woman was guilty, and she wanted to see her grandchild, who had cared for her, one last time, but when Evelyn remembered it was she who caused her problems, she sent a letter back to the Frost Pack.

"I hope you rot and die," was the only thing in the letter, and when the old woman saw it, it sent her straight to the afterlife.

There was no time for her to mourn the mistake she had made with her grandchild-she passed on immediately. Although her grandma had wronged her, Evelyn felt the weight of her passing, especially the fact she didn't get to see Bella. It made her sad, but she had to force herself to move on as every single person was out to hurt her. Evelyn tried to focus on her baby, but Kate didn't make it easy for her. She kept pressing the issue, and when Evelyn wouldn't give in, she proceeded to poison Herald against Evelyn. She complained so much about Evelyn to Herald, making her seem like an incompetent mother.

Herald had grown up to the love of his mother, so he believed every single word she said, and somehow, her words seemed true in his eyes. She complained about Evelyn always lazing about and not caring for the baby. Bella was irritable as a baby, but Herald saw the truth in his mother's words, so he quarreled with Evelyn over every minor mistake, disregarding the fact she was a new mother.

If he saw the house help with Bella, he would scold her and say she was lazing about. This got to Evelyn, and although she knew she could never love Herald, he had treated her like a delicate piece, but after Bella came, he changed toward her, scolding her in the slightest.

Evelyn almost developed hatred for Bella, but each time she thought of it and looked into her baby's eyes, she saw hope. She was a replica of her, and she wasn't willing to allow the world to make her hate her baby.

Kate went on with Herald.

"You are Alpha and her husband, yet she treats you like the female. As a man, you should have sex with your wife whenever you want to, and remember that you have to preserve this lineage. You have no brothers, Herald. Bella might be your first child, but she is a girl."

Kate's words kept echoing in Herald's head for a couple of days, and Evelyn became distasteful in his sight. He tried to make her have sex with him, but she wouldn't agree to it, stating that she needed time now that they had a child.

One night, he got really drunk from the stress of work and from arguing with Evelyn. When he came home, his mother fed him with the usual nonsense, and she was going to let it slide, but she said something that got to him.

"If you do not keep her pregnant, she will remain in shape, and she will devise a means to leave you one day. Fred is waiting for her, and you will watch them together someday."

This fueled something in him, and that night he walked into Evelyn's room, demanding they have sex. When she refused, he came unto her and forced it on her in front of the baby, who cried all night long, but he was too drunk to care. The next day, he woke up to Evelyn cowering in a corner, clutching her baby, who wouldn't stop crying. When the events of the previous night replayed in his head, he was disgusted with himself, but it was too late. He had done it. He had raped his own wife, and he could never take it back.



My body paled at that moment, and as I looked at my mother, I wondered how one could go through such and still have the guts to smile.

"Mother," I called out, reaching for her hands, and when she turned to face me, her tears were everywhere. "I... I am sorry."

These were the only words that I could say to her because truly I was, and I had given her a tough time. No one deserved to go through what she went through, and I wouldn't even wish it on someone as terrible as Fae.

"It's okay," she said, then wiped her eyes with a tissue.

"The war broke out when vampires attacked the pack because of some silly prophecy about a messiah. I saw an opening to leave, and I ran with my baby. But Kate... Kate wouldn't just let me leave. She found me before I could escape, and she took you from me. She said if I didn't leave you behind, she would kill us both, and I was weak from all the torture I had received back home, so I left knowing that you were loved at home, but I had no clue she would abandon my poor baby for vampires," she said, trying to hold her tone, but I could feel the pain in it.

"She left you there that night, and the vampires attacked you. Then she lied to everyone that I left you and fled the pack, and she rescued you from the vampires. It was all a lie, but Herald believed her, and I didn't care. I swore never to go back to that pack until she was dead, and I didn't."

So that was why she never visited me until I was ten.

"Herald tried to hate me, but he wanted me back because he fell in love with me. But I couldn't forget, and even when he visited Frost pack with you, I wanted to keep you with me for only a week, but he wouldn't let me. I had to wait until you were ten because that was when your grandma died. I came back, and we reached an agreement on how we could share our child," she said.

"It was difficult, but I had to wait, and my only crime was birthing a female child. But I do not regret it because when he wouldn't have a male child, they changed the rule. Rune pack is the oldest werewolf pack, so they hold more power in making rules in Moon Fire. They revised the rules because of you, Bella, and that is the reason we can have female alphas. Power had never left the Runestones, and everyone in the Rune pack wasn't willing to take a chance, so they all agreed." She said, forcing a smile to her lips.

While she wiped her tears, I tried to hold down the emotions swirling around me. My father was not a good man, and I had to come to terms with that. To be honest, if I were in her shoes, I would have hated myself. She went through a lot, and birthing me made it worse.

Maybe it was because I expected a lot from my father, but knowing that he raped my mother a few weeks after she returned from a battle between life and death made something dark grow within me. I didn't know if I could ever forgive him in my entire life.

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