#3 By the Light of the Silver Moon

Chapter 6


Finn was true to his word. A few minutes after he left, Gamma Stone knocked on the door, cracking it open and peeking his head through,

“Can I come in?” He asked.

“Yes, okay.” I mumbled. Stone entered the room and shut the door securely behind him.

“Well Fox is off to your realm.” Stone said, perching himself on the edge of the bed.

“Why do you call him that?” I asked, standing on the opposite side of the room.

“What, Fox?” Stone asked. I nodded silently.

“Oh that’s just always been his nickname. Nobody calls him Finn unless it’s official Alpha business.” Stone shrugged.

“How did he get it?” I tried to imagine what would give someone the nickname of Fox.

“It’s his initials, Finn Oxford.” Stone explained.

“Oh, I guess that makes sense.” I muttered.

“You know, he really is a great guy.” Stone said.

“Right, and you’re not biased as his Gamma or anything?” I replied snarkily.

“Well, I’m also his best friend and brother-in-law so I wear lots of hats.” Stone shrugged again, this time wearing a smerik.

“You’re his brother-in-law?” I asked, surprised.

“His twin sister, Ferra, is my mate,” Stone said. I remembered hearing Finn say that name before and wondered why the Gamma’s mate and Alpha’s sister would have anything to do with the pack affairs,

“She’s also the Beta.” Stone added and I could practically feel my eyes bulging from my head.


“Yeah, Fox didn’t think it was fair that he was going to be automatically given the title of Alpha just because he was the male, since he and Ferra were born at the same time. He actually wanted to compete for the rank with her, but Ferra isn’t the Alpha type. She doesn’t play well with others,” Stone chuckled, thinking about his mate,

“So, she conceded the title to Fox and he made her his Beta.”

“A female Beta?” I said in awe.

“This,” Stone gestured his hand around the room,

“Isn’t how most packs are run where we come from and it’s absolutely nothing like how our pack is structured.” I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say.

“You would be treated like a Queen in our pack if you came home with Finn.” Stone added. I eyed him skeptically, realizing that he was trying to not so subtly convince me to stay with his Alpha.

“I’m not convinced he’ll succeed with my father, anyway.” I said, avoiding Stone’s unasked question.

“Oh, you don’t know Fox.” Stone laughed.

“And you don’t know my father.” I countered,

“The only thing my father wants more than power is me out of his kingdom. I’ve been with three different wolf packs since I was 13 years old, jumping from Alpha to Alpha as my father found stronger packs to make bargains with.”

“Since you were thirteen?” Stone asked in disgust.

“Yeah, since my mother died. I’ve come to terms with my life a long time ago, Gamma Stone. One day I’ll end up becoming the Luna of the most powerful pack my father can find to make a deal with and be the surrogate for a bunch of little fae-wolf hybrid babies.” I explained without emotion.

“That’s disturbing,” Stone scrunched up his face like he smelt something bad,

“Fox won’t let that happen.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” I shrugged.

“Well I’m going to manifest positive vibes and pretend like it’s already happened.” Stone grinned and I couldn’t help but let a small smile slip onto my face.

“Is it cold in Washington? I’ve heard that it’s cold.” I decided to change the subject.

“Yeah it’s pretty cold, but we don’t get as much snow as you would think. It’s either sunny or rainy in Anacortes.” Stone was eager to tell me about his home. He described how the beaches were mostly made of pebbles instead of sand, how there were thick, full woods, and the beautiful Washington Park where they spent a lot of their time with family and friends.

“It sounds so nice.” I whispered. I couldn’t help but picture what it would be like to live somewhere so freeing and peaceful. I had never been to a beach before, sandy or otherwise, and I never had the freedom to explore any parks.

“When’s the last time you’ve been outside, Luna?” Stone asked me.

“Please, don’t call me that.” I mumbled.

“Sorry, Marigold….” Stone corrected.

“I don’t remember the last time I’ve been outside.” I replied. Stone stood up from the bed and grabbed my hand. I recoiled from his touch, but he wouldn’t let me run away.

“Let’s go, then.” Stone grinned, dragging me from the room.

“I’m not allowed!” I protested, trying to pry my hand free.

“You’re allowed to do whatever you want.” Stone said stubbornly. He pulled me down the hall, right past the other servants and ranked members. I tried to hide my face, making myself as small as possible as I walked beside the Gamma.

“Gamma Stone, I’m not sure about this.” I whispered.

“If you’re not going to let me call you Luna, then you can’t call me Gamma.” Stone complained,

“I promise you, Marigold, you’re safe with me.” Stone said, stopping briefly in the hallway to look me in the eyes as we spoke.

“Alright.” I grumbled.

“What are you looking at?” Stone snapped at Beta Collins as we neared the exit.

“Where are you taking her?” Beta Collins blocked the door.

“Outside for some fresh air.” Stone replied with a look that could kill.

“She’s not allowed to leave.” Beta Collins crossed his arms over his wide chests.

“While she’s under the protection of Silver Moon, she’s allowed to do whatever she wants.” Stone argued.

“Beta Collins!” Alpha Torrin’s voice echoed off the walls as he Stoneed towards the door.

“Yes, sir?” Beta Collins quickly submitted.

“I told you already, Gamma Stone’s command is to be honored.” Stone turned his murderous glare on the Alpha and I sunk even further behind his broad frame.

“The slave isn’t supposed to leave.” Beta Collins argued. Stone growled, grabbing Beta Collins by the throat,

“You will not call her that ever again.” I stepped away from the scene as Alpha Torrin approached Stone. He clapped Stone on the back,

“I apologize for my Beta’s behavior.” Stone dropped Beta Collins on the ground and moved towards me, standing in front of me protectively.

“I’m disgusted by the way you and your pack have treated my Luna.” Stone said.

“Of course, we didn’t know she was a Luna.” Alpha Torrin said in a diplomatic voice.

“Does it matter? She’s a person. No one deserves to be treated this way.”

“It was simply the way things were.” Alpha Torrin shrugged.

“Stone, let’s just go.” I pulled on Stone’s shirt and begged him to take me out of there.

“Don’t speak to a ranked member so candidly, girl!” Alpha Torrin’s polite face slipped and I felt the familiar burning sensation against my wrist from the bangle. I whimpered and sunk into myself.

“You are not to harm the Luna!” Stone roared.

“She was disrespectful, Gamma Stone, I won’t have that in my pack.” Alpha Torrin said.

“Do you want a war for your pack? Because that’s what you’re going to get if you command her one more time.” Stone threatened.

Suddenly, I felt a wave of relief over my body. I looked down at the bangle in surprise. Even when Alpha Torrin wasn’t ordering me around, the bangle still made its presence known. I gasped in shock as the it broke in half and fell from my wrist, clattering loudly on the ground.

“What’s happening?” I whispered.

“Not even fae magic can control a Luna.” Stone grinned, looking down at the broken bangle.

“What did you do?” Alpha Torrin accused me.

“Nothing!” I cried.

“Alpha Finn must be working his magic over there,” Stone said,

“Besides, a Luna isn’t meant to be controlled by someone like you.”

“A woman’s job is to be controlled by an Alpha!” Alpha Torrin began to show Stone his true colors as he realized his bargain with my father was in danger. I could hardly believe it myself.

“Wow, just wow.” Stone shook his head. He grabbed my hand and shoved Beta Collins out of the way in a single sweep. He shouldered the heavy door and released us to the cool, foggy air of Ireland.

I gasped in shock, squinting against the brightness. It wasn’t sunny persay, just a few beams of sunlight spilling out from the fog, but it was so much brighter than inside the medieval castle. I took a deep breath, breathing in the crisp, fresh air.

“What do you think?” Stone asked, letting go of my hand as I wandered down the steps and across the driveway.

“This is incredible!” I spoke so loudly my voice cracked, having only whispered and mumbled over the last several years trapped inside the packhouse. I untied my apron and let it fall to the ground, freeing myself from the constraints.

“I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile.” Stone appeared at my side.

“I’m sure it’s the first time I’ve smiled since I was thirteen.” I agreed.

“I told you Fox wouldn’t let you down.” Stone said, looking at my now empty wrist. There was a deep, raw-looking ring around my wrist where the bangle used to be. It was red and painful, but seeing my otherwise naked wrist was all the pain relief I needed.

“I can’t believe it’s actually working.” I sighed. I still felt trapped inside my own body, though; my magic dorment.

“He’s your mate and he’s not going to let you down.” Stone promised.

“He should hire you as his hype man, too.” I giggled. Stone’s face lit up,

“She laughs!” He yelled loudly into the open air.

“Can we go for a walk?” I asked excitedly.

“Of course, anything you want.” Stone smiled, offering me his arm. Instead of retreating from him, I hooked my hand around his elbow and allowed him to escort me down the driveway.

“You need a nickname, Marigold is such a mouth full.” Stone commented after a few moments of walking in silence.

“My mom always called me little flower.” I said softly, blushing as I revealed something personal about myself.

“Well that’s sweet, but not fit for a Luna.” Stone made a thinking face,

“How about Mari? Or…ooh, Goldie!” Stone’s outburst made me jump.

“Goldie? What am I, a dog?” I grumbled. I let go of his arm, feeling like a shaken baby from all his jumping around.

“Fine, fine. Mari it is.” Stone said.

“Okay.” I shrugged. I was just happy not being called slave or girl.

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