#3 By the Light of the Silver Moon

Chapter 5


I entered Stone’s room without knocking and found that he was already waiting for me.

“I’ll convince her to stay with you and come home with us.” Stone spoke quickly, having overheard our entire conversation through the wall with the use of his wolf hearing.

“I meant what I said, Stone. She has to be able to make her own choice. We can’t force her to do anything.” I sighed.

“I know, Fox, I won’t be forceful. I’ll just tell her how wonderfully amazing you are.” Stone batted his eyes at me using fake flattery.

“Great, she’ll surely run for the hills then.” I grumbled, plopping down on the bed with a frustrated groan. Stone chuckled,

“I got your sister, didn’t I?” Stone slapped me on the back and I growled at him,

“Watch it, Gamma.” I flipped around on my back and sat up, glaring at Stone.

“I’ll work my charm, it’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Stone said.

“I wasn’t worried until just now.” I replied,

“Besides, the only thing I care about is that you keep her safe, and away from Alpha Torrin and his pack of mutts. She’s probably going to hate it, but I don’t want her to leave your sight. I don’t trust anyone here to treat her properly. They’ve treated her like a slave and I won’t stand for that any longer.” I told Stone seriously.

“You got it, boss. Alpha douchebag won’t be a problem.” Stone nodded in agreement as I stood up. I shook my head at him but couldn’t help but grin,

“Apparently there’s a portal to the fae realm in the basement. I’m going to find Alpha douchebag and inform him of the situation, then I’m off.” I said. Stone held out his hand and I shook it sternly.

“Be safe, brother.” He said and I nodded once before leaving the room.

I found Torrin back in his office with his Gamma and Beta undoubtedly up to no good.

“Marigold has informed me that you have an entrance to the fae realm in your basement. I will be using it immediately.” I told them,

“My mate will be staying in my room under the protection of my Gamma. She is not to be harmed or treated like a servant, she will be received as a member of my pack from this moment on.” I reminded them.

“Of course, Alpha Finn, we wouldn’t have it any other way.” Torrin lied. I eyed Beta Collins and Gamma Patrick, sure that they were just as much to blame for Marigold’s treatment as their Alpha.

“Since you are the gracious host and I am using your portal to amend your deal, Alpha Torrin, perhaps you would like to accompany me?” I changed my tone. If Alpha Torrin was with me, he wouldn’t be near my mate and it would be one less thing for me to worry about. Torrin seemed to consider this for a moment,

“I think you would be better off on your own, Alpha Finn. The King doesn’t like an audience.” Torrin responded tactfully. I eyed him, seeing right through his facade.

“Torrin is up to something. Be prepared.” I mindlinked Stone subtly.

I didn’t like Torrin’s attitude nor his calmness, I also didn’t trust an Alpha who didn’t want to take care of his own business.

“I’ve already mindlinked Ferra to send a couple warriors our way to lay and wait, just so they’re close by in case something goes wrong.” Stone replied and I approved of his decision.

“It’s your decision, Alpha Torrin.” I frowned.

“I’ll escort you to the portal.” Torrin said, leading the way to the basement.

The basement was set up like an old medieval dungeon, matching the theme of the rest of the packhouse. All the way back a dark, stone hallway was an arched wooden door with iron detailing.

“Open the door and address King Titan. He has to grant you entrance into his realm.” Alpha Torrin explained.

“If you’re not coming with me, I’ll take the rest from here. Privately.” I snapped. Alpha Torrin bowed his head and sulked off.

Once I was sure he was out of the dungeon, I pulled open the door. On the other side was a dark, gray mist swirling around in the emptiness. I called for King Titan and heard my own voice echo back.

“I want to discuss a deal regarding my wolf pack, Silver Moon of Washington in North America.”

After a few moments of silence, the mist cleared and a stone pathway appeared in the darkness. I looked around, there was nothing but blackness on either side of the path and I couldn’t make out its end. I grumbled at the theatrics of the fae king and stepped onto the floating sidewalk.

The door immediately slammed shut behind me and the blackness was replaced by the fae realm. Tall cotton candy colored trees towered above me, sweet smelling grass swayed in the breeze, and the sky was a deep, crimson red. The flowers were nearly as tall as the trees with butterflies and bees the size of birds. It reminded me of this Disney movie Ferra used to make me watch as a kid, Alice in Wonderland.

“Welcome Alpha Finn. The King will see you now.” An elf skipped up to me and showed me the way to the castle. He had pointy ears, a gray beard on his child-like face, and a red hat on top of his head. He was short and round, like an Oompa Lompa.

“Okay.” I answered wearily, following the strange little man. Apparently there was a reason the fae realm was hidden from the humans. They weren’t so good at blending in, and I say that as someone who turns into a giant dog.

I followed the elf to a shiny gold castle and I realized that this must be the place where all of the human fairytales come from. The castle was like something out of of the Wizard of Oz with a colorful cobblestone path leading straight to the pearly gates.

“Right this way, Alpha.” The elf’s voice sounded like bubbles popping. He led me through the elegant hallways of the castle.

Everything about this place was the exact opposite of Torrin’s castle. The fae castle was clean and light, white marble floors and statues lining the halls, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and colorfully dressed staff carrying sparkling trays of food and vases of flowers.

The king’s throne room was at the end of the long hallway. The elf pushed open the heavy wooden doors and introduced me to the room. Sitting on a large throne was King Titan. He had a man on either side of him, each sitting on an equally grand but slightly smaller throne. They looked like younger versions of the king and must have been his sons.

“Alpha Finn, what a surprise!” King Titan grinned.

“King Titan, thank you for allowing me access to your realm.” I bowed respectfully.

“I couldn’t refuse a proposed alliance with such a well known and powerful werewolf pack. Allow me to introduce my sons, the crowned prince, Solaris, and Prince Bayu.” King Titan introduced the men on either side of him. They both shared Marigold’s auburn hair and round face, but lacked her green eyes and petite frame.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I said.

“Allow us to discuss this alliance of yours. What did you have in mind?” King Titan asked, getting straight to the point. Good.

“I am proposing a trade. I offer you the allegiance of the Silver Moon pack so long as I am Alpha. You will have our guidance at your disposal along with our assistance if necessary.” I began. King Titan looked at both his sons, a mischievous sparkle in his eye.

“And what would you like in return?”

“Your daughter, Marigold.” King Titan’s expression was wiped clean and both his sons stood in surprise.

“What do you want with our sister?” Prince Solaris asked.

“Silence, boy.” King Titan snapped, glaring at his sons. They sat back on their thrones looking frustrated.

“However, I do echo my son’s question. What interest do you have with Marigold?” King Titan asked.

“During my visit to Alpha Torrin’s pack, I met your daughter and discovered that she is my destined mate.” I explained. King Titan leaned back on his throne, stroking his chin.

I know Marigold told me not to tell her father that we were mated, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops and I certainly wanted to brag about it to her father. I had no idea why Marigold didn’t want her father to know about us and I’m sure she had a good reason, but I also believed it was my best chance of getting her, her freedom.

“Is that so? That’s very curious, indeed.” He said.

“I need her released from Alpha Torrin’s control and her freedom granted.” I ordered as gently as possible, not wanting to immediately piss off the fae king.

“And Alpha Torrin is okay with this bargain?” King Titan asked.

“He and I have struck a new deal,” I explained,

“I offered him an alliance with Silver Moon as well.”

“You’re willing to offer much for Marigold.” King Titan observed. I noticed his son’s both shot him a well hidden glare and I wondered what they thought of their sister’s arrangement.

“She’s the most precious person in the world to me, of course I am.” I answered obviously. It was extremely clear that King Titan wasn’t a loving father and he didn’t care about Marigold’s happiness, he couldn’t even bother to call her his daughter.

“You want to trade Marigold for an alliance?” King Titan clarified.

“No, I want to trade your daughter’s freedom for an alliance. I don’t want to own her nor do I want anyone else to control her. She deserves her own freedom.” I replied sternly. Solaris and Bayu looked at their father curiously, almost like they weren’t sure what he was going to say.

“I gave her to Alpha Torrin in order to keep her from my realm. If I grant her her freedom I need assurances that she will not come back to my realm. Her banishment will still stand.” King Titan said, leaning forward.

I wanted to ask why a father wouldn’t want his daughter home, but I wasn’t about to open that can of worms. I just had to hope that Marigold wasn’t interested in a family reunion anytime soon.

“Fine.” I replied.

“You understand your bargain? You promise an alliance with your pack and to keep Marigold from the fae realm?” King Titan said again. I thought about what Marigold told me, that her father’s fae magic allowed him to make deals no one could break. I thought about King Titan’s words carefully,

“I offer you an alliance, not blind obedience. I still am the Alpha of my pack and remain in control of its movements. I will agree to assist in any way my pack is capable of as long as it does not unnecessarily endanger them or break any of our laws.” I clarified. King Titan seemed to ponder this for a minute,

“I accept these terms.” King Titan said, standing from his throne and offering me his hand. I shook it and watched as our hands began to glow.

“The bargain is struck.” The king grinned like he had just gotten away with murder. I didn’t care, all I needed was Marigold’s freedom.

“Let us honor this deal with a feast this evening before you return to the human realm!” King Titan cheered and I had the distinct feeling that I didn’t have a choice but to attend.

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