#3 By the Light of the Silver Moon

Chapter 28


“How cute am I now?” I growled at the blonde bitch who was now hanging upside down by a tree branch, still completely naked.

“Put me down you psycho!” Renee shrieked at me just as the bedroom door opened.

I turned to see Finn entering his bedroom with a surprised expression on his face. I gasped and quickly flicked my wrist, causing more leaves to grow around the tree branch that was holding Renee. The leaves strategically covering up all of the pieces I didn’t want my mate seeing.

“Marigold are you…..what’s going on in here?” Finn’s voice changed from concern to curiosity.

“Baby! Help me! This bitch is crazy!” Renee screamed before a flower was stuffed inside her mouth, silencing her.

“What happened?” Finn sighed, stepping up to me.

“She was in your shower. Naked.” I explained plainly.

“Marigold….” Finn started to panic,

“She offered to share you with me, she wants to be your mistress.” I interrupted him. Finn glared at Renee,

“Love….” Finn started again,

“And she informed me that any details in our relationship are up to you, not me.” I said. Finn grabbed my arms and spoke softly to me,

“None of that is true. I had no idea that she was in here and I do not want her as my mistress. I already told you that everything we do, we do together.” Finn’s eyes were wide with fear, fear that I wouldn’t believe him. I decided to ease his panic and finish my story,

“So, I informed her that I wouldn’t be sharing my mate with anyone and that she really should be careful with whom she calls cute.” I smirked. Finn’s eyes were searching my face as he realized that I wasn’t mad or accusing him of anything, and that the last person I believed was Renee.

“You never believed her.” Finn sighed.

“Not for one second.” I smiled, kissing Finn on the mouth. He pressed his hand to the back of my head, deepening the kiss. I felt the anger and magic release from my body as Renee landed on the ground with a thump.

“I hope you’ve learned your lesson.” I said, looking down at Renee.

“Get dressed.” Finn’s voice was dangerous as he commanded Renee with the Alpha tone. I turned towards him and saw that his eyes never left my face as he addressed Renee. Renee scurried to the bathroom.

“I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.” Finn said.

“What?” It was my turn to be confused.

“Her punishment.” Finn said like it was obvious.

“I thought that’s what the tree was?” I stated plainly, eyeing the broken window, leaves, and dirt I had drug in with the tree branch.

“I want to banish her from the packhouse.” Finn’s tone was still angry, betraying his emotions.

“If that’s what you want.” I softly smiled at him, reaching my hand towards his face and trailing my finger across his cheek. I felt him calm under my touch, taking deep breaths as he regained control.

“I love you.” He purred. Renee stumbled out of the bathroom and hung herself on Finn’s arm.

“Remove that arm from my mate before I remove it from your body.” I growled. Finn shoved Renee away and glared at her,

“Renee, you’re banished from the packhouse.”

“What!? Baby, no!” Renee whined.

“You will address me as Alpha!” Finn’s Alpha voice boomed, demanding control over Renee’s wolf. Renee ducked her head and hit the ground on one knee,

“Yes, Alpha.” She said, submitting.

“Get out of my sight.” Finn ordered. Renee hurried from the room, never turning her back on the Alpha.

“Are you okay, love?” Finn’s voice returned to normal as he addressed me.

“I’m fine.” I sighed as I found myself in his arms again.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that.” He said. I didn’t respond as I laid my head on his chest and felt his arms wrap around my body.

“Were you looking for something in here?” Finn asked after a minute of silence.

“I was looking for you.” I admitted, pulling back to I could see his face,

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spy on your room.”

“What’s mine is yours, I told you that, baby. You don’t need permission to go anywhere.” Finn chuckled, pinching my chin and giving me a quick kiss,

“I didn’t want to wake you this morning, I should have left a note. I was just in my office.” Before I had a chance to respond, my stomach growled loudly. Finn laughed aloud at my red face,

“Sounds like someone is hungry. Come on.” Finn grabbed my hand and escorted me down to the dining hall.

He pulled out the chair to the right of the head of the table and motioned for me to sit while he got me food. While Finn was at the buffet, Stone and Ferra joined us at the table.

“I heard you had a run in with Renee this morning.” Stone couldn’t contain the grin on his face.

“That was fast.” I mumbled.

“When the Queen Bee herself gets banned from the packhouse, word spreads quickly.” Ferra explained.

“That was Finn’s idea.” I shrugged.

“It was a good idea. About time, too.” Stone said.

“Is it true you hung her upside down from a tree?” Ferra asked, leaning forward on her elbows to gather the gossip.

“Yeah, naked.” I smirked.

Naked?” Stone choked on his word.

“She was in his shower.” I explained.

“Oh my Goddess.” Ferra covered her face with her hands as she attempted to control her laughter.

“What’s going on here?” Finn placed a plate piled high with food in front of me.

“Just getting the details from my sister.” Ferra grinned at her brother.

“This is going to backfire for me, isn’t it?” Finn groaned, staring between me and Ferra.

“It already has, man.” Stone said, shaking his head. Finn sat at the head of the table with his own plate of food. I was too distracted by the smell of waffles and eggs and syrup to say anything else as I dove into my breakfast.

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