#3 By the Light of the Silver Moon

Chapter 27


I blinked against the sunlight that was streaming in from the balcony. I rolled over, reaching out for Finn, but came up empty. I forced my tired eyes open and found that I was alone in bed. I pressed my face into the spot where Finn had slept and breathed in his scent. I sighed as the intoxicating smell of honey filled my nose.

Grudgingly, I got out of bed, groaning the whole way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went to work on my hair. I had gone to bed with a wet head and my hair wasn’t thanking me for it this morning. I pulled out the curling iron and found some detangler in the closet, mentally sending Zoey a big thank you.

About 30 minutes later, I was finally satisfied that I no longer looked like a homeless person. I went to the closest and stared at the now overwhelming amount of options. I pulled out the phone that Finn had given me and checked the weather.

It was June in Anacortes and I was pleasantly surprised with how warm the weather had been. My phone told me that the high today would be 68 degrees so I decided on a pair of jean capris and a short sleeve shirt. I shimmied into the jeans, then grabbed a bra that matched the cotton underwear I had put on earlier. The shirt I picked was maroon in color with tiny white and navy flowers covering it. I tugged the shirt over my head and realized that this was one of the crop tops Ferra had picked out for me.

I stood in front of the large, floor length mirror and admired the outfit, trying to decide if I felt confident enough to go out with my belly button showing. I remembered what Ferra told me, how Finn would like seeing me in these clothes. I wasn’t about to make myself uncomfortable for anyone else’s benefit anymore, but I did like the idea of Finn admiring me.

I shrugged at my reflection and decided to go with it. I grabbed a pair of the cute sandals Ferra had picked out and walked back to my bedroom. I had no idea where Finn was or what I was supposed to do with myself now. As if sensing my anxiety, a knock sounded at the door.

“Zoey.” I sighed in relief at the familiar brunette standing in front of me.

“Good morning, ma’am, I hope this is a good time?” Zoey asked, bowing her head.

“Sure, I just finished getting dressed. What is it?” I motioned for her to come in.

“I was going to collect your laundry and clean the room.” Zoey said.

“Oh okay.” I shrugged, looking around my bedroom. There really wasn’t much to clean,

“My clothes are in the laundry basket in the closet.” I added.

“Yes, ma’am. Would you like me to change your bed sheets?” Zoey asked as she walked towards the bathroom. I thought about how the sheets smelt like Finn and shook my head,

“No, thank you. Maybe leave that to once a week?” I suggested. I was selfish, I didn’t want to remove Finn’s comforting scent from my bed in case he decided he didn’t want to sleep with me that night.

“Of course, ma’am.” Zoey smiled politely and disappeared inside the bathroom.

“Zoey?” I called out to her. She poked her head out from the doorway,


“Do you happen to know where Finn is this morning?” I asked.

“No, ma’am, I don’t. I’m sorry. But, my mother, Tori, should know; she’s his housemaiden. I can call her for you.” Zoey quickly pulled out her phone.

“Oh, no, it’s okay. I’ll find him.” I motioned for her to put the phone away, not wanting to interrupt her work. Zoey nodded her head and went back to collecting the laundry.

I snuck out of the room and decided to check Finn’s bedroom first. I quietly knocked on his door and heard no reply. I tried the door knob and found that it was unlocked so I pushed open the door and peek my head in.

“Finn?” No reply. I opened the door wider and stepped inside. I felt like I was being nosey as I crept inside his room. I noticed that Finn had kept his word and tidied up the room. I heard the shower turn on and assumed that it was Finn.

“Finn?” I said again, knocking on the bathroom door.

“Is that you, baby? Why don’t you join me?” A female voice answered back. I froze, my hand hovering above the door knob. The door nearly hit me in the face as it was flung open.

“Who the hell are you?” A blonde woman was standing in front of me in all her glory. She put her hand on her naked hip and glared at me,

Hello?” She snapped. I was stunned into silence. The blonde’s pink lips turned up in a smile,

“Oh, I see, you must be that girl everyone’s been talking about. What was your name again? Something floral, right? I’m Renee, I’m sure you’ve heard of me.” The girl, Renee, purred. Renee eyed me up and down and waved her manicured finger at my shirt,

“Cute. Is that supposed to get Fox’s attention? Listen, honey, he has a much healthier appetite than a little midriff.” Renee giggled.

“Do you speak?” She asked, waving her hand in front of my face.

“Why are you here?” I squeaked.

“Oh I’m here to entertain our Alpha, of course. It’s okay, sweet heart, I can share.” Renee winked at me,

“You can be his mate out there,” she pointed towards the bedroom door,

“And I can be his mistress in here.” She motioned towards the bed. I was either feeling sick or murderous, I wasn’t sure which yet as I stared down the perky blonde psychopath.

“That’s not going to happen.” I forced out of my clenched jaw.

“Don’t be a spoilsport. It’s not up to you anyway. It’s the Alpha’s decision.” Renee shrugged and I was acutely aware that she was still completely naked. I glared at her face, avoiding looking anywhere else.

“I think you should get dressed and leave.” I said.

“You’re cute, really.” Renee rolled her eyes at me. I was feeling murderous, definitely murderous.

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