2400 AD

Chapter 11

The group collected at the assembly point within the prescribed period and Callum noticed one member of the group was missing.

“Anyone know where Jim is?” he asked. Everyone looked around.

“Have no idea. He might be a little late...,” Constance said but couldn’t complete the sentence because Gideon and Kendall arrived, exactly on time.

Gideon spoke as he made his way to them. “Jim has decided to pull out of the team. He’s been assigned to another project. You’re free to pull out at any time. Obviously, the earlier the better, that way we don’t waste valuable time and resources on you.”

Callum stepped forward and said, “What are the rules, if any, of this mission?”

Gideon noticed Callum the moment he arrived at the assembly point. Gone was the dark stubble of his beard and he looked younger. Dressed in blue Denizen 1 trousers and black boots, vest and brown camouflage jacket.

“There are rules with each Gauntlet. In a few minutes the gauntlet team will be arriving. There are twelve of them and they aren’t human. They’re part of the Denizen 1 Artificial Intelligence Outfit, or the AIO as we call them. You’ll know them as Androids. Each one of them are highly effective, trained, and deadly. Rule number 1 – Do not interact with them. Interaction usually ends in an emotional tie. Resist.

“The mission you are about to observe requires stealth and capture. Rule Number 2 – You may not, under any circumstance, reveal yourselves no matter how much you are tempted. Resist.

“The procedure is simple. We will be heading into a neighborhood that will, by now be overrun by death and destruction. In the few days you have been here, a lot has changed on the surface. You will see things that will upset you. Rule 3 - You are to keep your emotions in check. Recap. Callum, give me the three rules. Don’t think about them. Make it snappy.”

Callum swallowed hard and rattled the three rules off in quick succession. “No interaction with the Gauntlet team. Do not reveal during the operation and keep emotions in check.”

“Perfect. For this mission we’ll be using Anti-Simulation Lab 3.”

“Sorry to interrupt, what is Anti-Simulation?” Constance asked.

“It’s the reversal of a simulation. Like a mirror image. A simulation is not real, it’s an illusion. Anti-simulation takes you into the real world. What you see and feel is real. There are no frills. No psychedelic intrusion like floating, or flying. You won’t be able to walk through walls. You won’t be able to mind read. We are able to physically interact with the survivors on the surface and bring them back if necessary. Are you ready for this?”

The team agreed, they were ready.

And then the Androids arrived.

Soldiers, some men, some women, all well stocked with the required weapons. They looked and moved like humans, they seemed motivated and prepared. More prepared than a platoon of humans.

One, looking more like a commanding officer, approached Gideon. “We are ready, Commander.”

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