#2 When the Moon Turns Red

Chapter 11


I decided that I wasn’t going to another bonfire ever again. There was way too much drama at bonfires in the bayou. I couldn’t pinpoint an emotion, I was feeling so many. I felt fear, anxiety, curiosity, excitement, and, perhaps the most terrifying of all, loved.

I couldn’t argue with a single thing that Noah said. Logically, it made absolutely no sense, none at all. But, in my heart and soul, I knew he was telling the truth. The emotions I felt for him and around him were unexplainable, so only the unbelievable made any sort of sense. It was also the unbelievable that scared me the most. It’s why I went into folklore studies, a need to understand what I couldn’t and the fear of never getting the chance to.

I think what scared me more than anything was his wolf, and not the idea of him turning into a giant wolf but the thought that a wolf, another being, lived inside his head. He thought the mate bond would be the hardest thing for me to understand, and it was difficult, don’t get me wrong. The mate bond was overwhelming, but, deep in my core, I knew it made sense; I knew it was right. I couldn’t find any logic in a wolf living inside Noah’s head.

A knock at my door made me jump off the couch in surprise. It was a little after noon on Sunday. I hadn’t slept at all last night and I couldn’t focus on anything but what happened yesterday. I was sitting in my living room staring at the blank TV that I hadn’t even bothered to turn on. I shook myself out of my trance and walked over to the door. I wasn’t expecting anybody and I half thought it was going to be Noah at the door; a part of me even wanted it to be him.

“Molly?” I was surprised to find her standing on my front porch.

“Evie! Thank the Goddess you’re okay!” She cried, shoving past me and entering my apartment.

“Please, come in.” I rolled my eyes, closing the door behind her,

“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” I asked.

“Are you kidding me? Yesterday was intense.” She plopped herself down on my couch.

“I’m fine, Molly.” I sighed, sitting down on the oversized chair catty corner to the couch.

“The Alpha said you were strong, I guess he’s right.” She was looking at me in awe,

“Anyway, I’m glad you know now. I hated lying to my friend!” She cried.

“You mean you hated lying to me for the entire week we’ve known each other?” I laughed.

“Well, yeah.” Molly frowned.

“Did Noah send you here?” I asked, suddenly worried that Molly had been sent as my babysitter.

“No way. I was worried about you, especially after you didn’t answer your phone.” I didn’t even realize she had texted me, my phone was plugged in on the kitchen counter and I had completely ignored it since last night.

“I know you set me up with him at the bar on Friday.” I accused her.

“Okay, yes, I am guilty of that. But, to be fair to Noah, I did that without him knowing. I didn’t tell him until that day that you were coming.”

“Really?” I was actually surprised that Noah had nothing to do with it. I was so sure that he had put Molly up to it.

“Really. After the bonfire last Saturday, Noah just asked me to keep an eye on you, to make sure that you were okay. I decided to try and get you two together on my own. I think you’re perfect for the Alpha!” Molly gushed, grinning from ear to ear.

“Molly, you’re at a ten right now, and I need you to come down a little bit.” I winced at her volume.

“I can’t.” She was literally bouncing on the sofa.

“Is that normal for you or is it just for my benefit?” I asked.

“No, it’s pretty normal.” She shrugged. I shook my head at her but couldn’t help the small smile that took over my lips.

“Honestly, though, Evie, how do you feel about all this?” Molly’s face scrunched up and I assumed this was her serious face.

“I’m weirded out, I won’t lie. I’m trying to wrap my head around everything. I almost think it would be easier if I just outright didn’t believe him, but I do. I just feel like I was dropped into a different world that I know nothing about.” I sighed.

“I can’t imagine what you’re feeling. Especially after hearing about your attack and how scary wolves must seem to you already. And I know that the mate bond isn’t a normal concept for humans, so that has to be overwhelming.” Molly looked like she wanted to hug me and I had to admit it felt good to have a friend like her around. She was easy to talk to and the most genuine person I had ever met.

“I think what freaks me out the most is that you guys have a wolf living inside your head.” I admitted.

“Yeah, that’s a little hard to explain.” She agreed. I suddenly had a thought,

“Is it okay to ask about your wolf?”

“Of course! Her name is Kira.” It was so weird how normal they talked about their other personality. In the human world, having another personality wasn’t such a good thing.

“How does it work? Can she talk when you’re still human?” I asked.

“Sure. She can take over in human form just like I can take control when we’re in wolf form. Did you want to talk to her?” I really didn’t want anything to do with their wolves, but if I had to meet someone’s wolf, I would rather it be Molly’s.

“Yeah, okay.” I agreed hesitantly. Molly grinned and closed her eyes. When she opened them back up, they were no longer blue, they were pitch black.

“Hi, Luna. I’m Kira.” I didn’t know what I expected, but Kira sounded exactly like Molly.

“Oh, my name’s Evie.” I corrected her.

“I know, but you’re the Luna.” Her tone was different then Molly’s. She was more sure, less peppy.

“I don’t know what that means.” I said.

“You’re Alpha’s mate, that makes you Luna.” Molly….Kira replied.

“Oh.” I said.

“Molly is a good girl, she’s a good friend.” Kira smiled.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t understand how you two both live in one body.” I said in a tense tone, frustrated that I couldn’t wrap my head around this concept.

“I know it’s confusing for a human. But, we’re happy.” Kira’s words surprised me. I never thought about them as happy, I never thought about wolves as having any emotions at all.

“Noah always talks in the plural, too. Are you both really that connected?”

“Molly is my soul, my favorite person. I love Molly. Wolves can’t live without their soul, I wouldn’t be alive without Molly.” I was stunned by Kira’s words. She truly cared about Molly, she loved her like a sister. I thought of the wolves as this being who was just hitching a ride inside their bodies, like a succubus. But, that wasn’t the case at all.

“What does a mate mean to you?” I asked Kira. She perked up, her eyes glowing with delight,

“Mate is a gift, mate is my life. I hope Molly and I find our mate.”

“You’re okay with sharing your mate with Molly?” I had this image of a wolf fighting Noah for control over me, like two jealous boyfriends.

“Molly and I are one, we have the same mate. Mate gets to be loved by us both!” Kira said.

“Noah says that he fights for control with his wolf, what does that mean?” I didn’t love the idea of something fighting Noah for control of his body and mind, especially when that something was responsible for beating the crap out of Sawyer when he touched my shoulder.

“Molly is more human than me, she is more complex. Wolves are simple. We want our mates and anyone in the way is a threat. I only fight Molly for control when I’m mad and want to fight. I think once we find a mate, I will want control to talk to our mate or to protect him.” Kira explained and things started to make sense. Noah said the wolf was more animalistic and Kira said they were more simple. They just think about protecting who they love, even if that takes over from logic.

“You would never hurt Molly for control?” I asked. Kira’s eyes got huge,

“No one hurts Molly!” She growled.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just feel very protective of Noah and I’m afraid that the wolf inside him will try to hurt him.” I said.

“No, no! Alpha Remi loves Alpha Noah, he protects him. He would only hurt Alpha Noah if Alpha Noah hurts the Luna.” Kira’s voice was so innocent sounding somehow. I pictured a puppy instead of a giant demon dog.

“Thank you, Kira, you really helped me to understand.” Kira bowed her head,

“It’s my honor to serve you, Luna. Do you want to see me?” She asked with an excited hitch in her voice.

“What?” I wasn’t sure I understood her right.

“You see Molly, do you want to see me?” She repeated.

“You mean your wolf?” I asked.

“I am wolf!” Kira said defensively, clearly upset that I may have confused her with Molly.

“I’m not sure that I’m ready to face a werewolf.” I said in a small voice.

“I’m much smaller than Alpha Remi, I’m a better wolf to see first.” I cocked my head at her, she wasn’t wrong. I was going to have to see a wolf at some point, wouldn’t it be better to start with a smaller one?

“We’re in the middle of town.” I said, trying to find an excuse not to be face to face with a wolf.

“We can go to the bayou, on pack land, we’ll be safe there.” She nipped excitedly,

“I’ll give Molly back and she can drive us.” Before I could argue Molly’s eyes were back to normal.

“Well that seemed to go well.” Molly smiled at me like no time had passed.

“Could you hear all that?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m still in here,” She said, tapping her temple,

“I’m just not in control. Like right now, Kira is talking to me and she can hear everything that we’re saying, she’s just not the one controlling us.”

“Huh.” I said, digesting all the information.

“I know Kira’s a bit much,” I laughed at Molly, that’s the pot calling the kettle black,

“But she does mean well. If you don’t want to see her wolf form, she won’t be too offended.” I could tell by the look on Molly’s face that Kira would absolutely be offended if I didn’t want to see her. I sighed,

“No, I want to. I need to.” I had to jump off this cliff and get over my fear.

“Alright, do you want to ride with me or drive yourself?” I wanted to drive myself, but I was pretty sure if I did that I would never end up in the bayou.

“I’ll come with you, if that’s okay.”

“Let’s go, then!” Molly grinned, skipping out of my house. I grumbled as I drug myself across the living room. I grabbed my phone, keys, and jacket before following Molly to her car.

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