#2 When the Moon Turns Red

Chapter 10


I couldn’t believe how well she took the news about werewolves. I knew she studied folklore and I thought that maybe that would give me the benefit of the doubt, but I had no idea she would believe me so easily. I knew it was still an uphill battle though. She was nowhere near ready to trust me and I was terrified that telling her about the mate bond was going to send her right over the edge.

As much as my mate believed in the magical, she was also a logical thinker, that much was clear. She was driven to the supernatural by a desire to learn the truth about an unexplainable event in her life. There was no logical explanation for the mate bond, not really, not one that would satisfy her. I had no idea how she was going to process this.

“Noah, just tell me.” She sighed, visibly irritated. I couldn’t help but smile at her and the way she said my name.

The only thing that gave me some hope was how strong our connection was for her being human. When Sawyer mindlinked me that Evie was feeling my pain, I was both horrified and astonished.

“What do your studies tell you about soulmates?” I decided to approach the situation as logically as I could to make her feel more comfortable. She looked at my strangely, but answered me anyway,

“Lots of cultures have their own version of soulmates, but in general they are two people who belong together. Their souls were split at birth and they are cursed to spend the rest of their lives searching for each other.” She sounded like she was reading from a textbook and I couldn’t help but feel a ping of pride at my scholarly mate.

“Werewolves believe in soulmates too,” I began, watching as the wheels turned in my precious Evie’s mind,

“But, we don’t believe that we’re cursed by it. To us, mates are a precious gift granted to us from the Moon Goddess.” Evie interrupted me,

“The Moon Goddess?”

“She’s the one who created lycans and she decides who gets a mate. Not every werewolf is granted a mate and even those who are, don’t always find them. It’s considered a great gift and honor to find your mate. We believe that a mate is our other half, our missing piece. Werewolves don’t believe in dating or marriage, we believe in mates.” I paused to see if she had any more questions or was feeling overwhelmed. She just stared at me, unmoving and unspeaking, so I continued,

“Werewolves have heightened senses, so we find our mates by smelling them. Their mate will have a unique smell that drives the other person wild.” I think I lost her a little bit with the whole smelling thing.

“So, you smell something nice and then decide to spend the rest of your life with that smell?” She looked at me like I was crazy. I had to make her see how sacred the bond was.

“It’s more than just a scent, Evie. It’s a physical, emotional, and mental reaction. When mates are near each other, they feel safe and warm and calm. They feel each other’s emotions, so they can feel if their mate is in pain or happy or sad. When they touch it’s like a firework display goes off over their entire body. When we aren’t with our mates, we feel actual, physical pain and anxiety,” I took a deep breath, struggling to keep my voice in control. Evie remained silent and I could tell that I had her attention, so I kept going,

“Male wolves feel possessive over their mates, they think that the only safe place in the world for her is in their arms. When a he-wolf meets his mate, all his other priorities go out the window; it’s only her. She’s the most important thing in his life and he’ll do anything, be anything for her. Meeting your mate is like coming home.” I poured my heart out to her, hoping that she felt the truth and the passion in my words and praying that it was enough to convince her.

She just kept blinking at me, saying nothing. I wanted her to say something, anything, so I knew she was still conscious,

“Everleigh?” I probed gently.

“We’re mates, that’s what you’re saying?” She whispered.

“Yes, that’s what I’m saying.” I replied, judging her reaction.

“That’s what you meant earlier, when you said that you could feel the sparks too.” She was beginning to put all the pieces together.

“Yes, that’s the mate bond. You don’t feel it in the same way a wolf does, so I’m not sure what all you’re experiencing or going to experience.” I admitted.

“And when I felt your pain earlier.” She kept talking and I wasn’t sure she was even speaking to me. I answered anyway,

“That was unexpected. It’s rare for even werewolf pairings to feel things that powerfully.”

“And when you say you have a hard time being in control around me….” This time she looked up at me and waited for my response,

“You drive me wild, Everleigh. Everything about you is addicting. Not being around you, not being able to touch you, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my entire life. But, I’ll keep doing it if it makes you feel more comfortable. I’ll do anything for you.” It felt good to at least be able to speak to her honestly, even if I couldn’t hold her or be with her in the way I wanted, yet.

“I can’t think straight when you’re around,” She admitted and I grinned at the idea of her being affected by me as well; Remi howled in my head in approval,

“The way I act around you isn’t my normal, I’m not normally this social or open with complete strangers. I didn’t understand why I was feeling this way.”

“It’s the mate bond urging you to trust us.” I replied happily.

“Us?” She asked, her eyes finding mine again.

“Me and my wolf.” Now that freaked her out.

What?” She instinctively moved away from me and it felt like she ripped my heart out in that single move.

“It’s okay, Evie, you’re safe with both of us.” I cooed, trying to calm her down.

“Explain it to me.” She demanded.

“My wolf and I live symbiotically with each other. He’s always in the back of my mind, speaking to me. He has his own personality, his own name, but he displays more animalistic qualities. I’m in control most of the time, but sometimes he pushes his way to the front. Like when I saw Sawyer touching you, my wolf was the one who attacked him.” She looked more confused then she had all day,

“Your wolf took control and attacked Sawyer?” She repeated but I could tell that she didn’t believe me.

“He has pure animal instincts. A male was touching his mate and that pissed him off. It didn’t matter that it was someone we trusted. I wasn’t exactly happy about it either, so I didn’t put up a fight when he took control.” I tried to explain.

“That’s why you all kept saying that fighting was so normal.” She mumbled.

“I can control him, though, and he would never hurt you, either.” I begged her not to be afraid of us as Remi whimpered in my head.

“You said he has his own name?” Remi and I perked up at her question.

“Mate’s interested in me!” Remi barked in my head.

“Yes, it’s Remi. You know when my eyes turn black?” I asked and she nodded her head in reply.

“That’s Remi coming out.” I could tell that she wasn’t exactly comfortable with the idea of a wolf living inside my head. I had thought the mate bond would freak her out the most, but I was wrong.

“This is a lot, Noah.” She finally says and I could tell that she was reaching her breaking point.

“I know it is. What can I do to make it better? I’ll do anything.” I asked her softly.

“I just need some time to think.” That was literally the last thing I wanted to do, but I would do it for her. She stood up from the couch and I started to panic,

“You’re leaving?” I’ll admit, my voice sounded pathetic, but I didn’t care.

“It’s safe out there now, right?” She asked, looking towards the back of the house where she last saw the wolves.

“Yes, it’s safe.” I would burn down the forest if it kept Evie safe.

“I need to take some time to think.” She repeated, heading towards the door. She paused in the kitchen,

“You said male wolves are possessive,” I nodded,

“Does that mean you think you own me?” I could tell she was trying really hard not to spit the words at me.

“No, not at all, the exact opposite really,” I chuckled at her,

“If we’re talking about ownership, you own me, Evie. When I say possessive, I mean that in the sense of being uber jealous of anyone who is near you and being fiercely serious about your safety. As in you going alone to the grocery store is going to freak me out until you’re safely within my reach again. I’ll follow you anywhere.” I tried to convince her that the mate bond wasn’t ownership, but I knew that, from an outsider’s perspective, it really did look like it.

“That sounds like babysitting.” She pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest. I began to recognize that as a defense tactic. Whenever she felt small, she crossed her arms to make herself seem less vulnerable.

“I can see where you’d think that. I won’t lie, having a wolf follow you around everywhere you go has crossed my mind.” I answered honestly.

“That’s not gonna happen.” She said defiantly.

“I know, I’m willing to compromise to make you happy. We have a lot to figure out, this is new territory for me, too.” Evie’s expression softened and she dropped her arms down to her side again,

“You want to compromise.” She whispered like she didn’t believe me.

“Of course, love, anything for you.” The pet name slipped out and I watched her eyes widen in response. I cursed myself, I had been doing so good with keeping that in check, up until now. I waited to hear her response,

“Do you have a phone?” She asked me, completely changing the subject.

“Uh, yeah?” I stammered, caught off guard.

“I can text you when I get home so you know I’m okay.” She shrugged, fiddling with her phone and handing it to me. I looked at her in shock,

“You would do that for me?”

“I can compromise too.” She said with an attitude, like it was some sort of competition. I laughed at her and plugged my number into her contacts.

“Thank you.” I said sincerely, handing her phone over. Our fingers brushed against each other as she took her phone, sending a chill up my arm and down my spine. I could tell by the surprised look in her startling blue eyes that she felt it, too. She retracted her hand quickly,

“That’s so weird.” She muttered to herself before reaching for the door.

“There’s no door.” She said pointedly, waving her hand around where the door handle should be.

“That’s my fault.” I admitted with a grin. She shook her head at me but I caught the beginnings of a smile on her lips.

“Can I walk you to your car?” I asked, following after her.

“Okay.” She agreed and we walked silently to her car. I opened the door for her and waved as she pulled out of the parking lot.

“She’s leaving?” Sawyer came running up to me then, waving his hands around dramatically.

“She’s going home.” I said.

“Like forever?” he pouted.

“No, like for right now.” I rolled my eyes at him,

“She needs time to think and process everything.”

“How did she take it?” Sawyer asked.

“Like a Luna.” I replied proudly.

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