Chapter XXVII


15TH MAY 2002.

It’s been a year since the incident of the plane crash and the transplant of my heart. I feel so alive, the scars of the past may look visible but to me, they are dead. I am so grateful to the Doctor that was always with me from the beginning of my surgery to the end. Well, I forgot to say Doctor Vincenzo and I are on a date. We have been dating though for like three years, so today’s date is more like a special one, as he said. I am only quoting his words. Jeez! I don’t have what to wear for this date, oh my! what am I going to do. I pace around the room thinking of possible ways to get a dress. The door of my room swings opens revealing Aunt Mirabella outside the door. I looked at her with so much confusion writing all over my face. Why did she open the door, this wide? “Well, Ginevra, are you saying that you didn’t hear the doorbell ring?” Uhh, when did the doorbell ring? I have been up here and I know that the goddamn doorbell didn’t ring. “Sorry, Ma I didn’t hear it ring” “It’s ok dear, the was a box outside the door, it had your name on it but the person just wrote From your Ragazzo! Take it, I got to go back to the store to get more books for the library.” She hands me the box and walks towards the door that was open ajar. She turns to look at me with a smile. “Gine, be a good girl while I am out, take good care of yourself, I will be home for dinner, love you, bye” I run straight to my bed where the fancy decorated box laid. The box is wrapped in Turquoise blue paper with a grey ribbon, tied in a knot at the center of the box. I ripped off the wrappers impatiently, revealing a teal green satin dress and by the side of the box was a bag that had silver heels in it.

Oh my goodness, Vincenzo didn’t have to do this, this is way too much and I am pretty sure it’s so expensive. In four years, I wouldn’t even be able to afford this dress talkless of the heels. This is so Luxurious! I dial Ophelia’s number immediately. This was the first time I have used a phone. I never had the money to afford it, and it took me months to learn how to use it. Hello! Gine, howdy-doody?” Her loud voice filled the room. Jeez, she is so loud. “Guess what babe? ” I yelled.

“I don’t know Babe, tell me, you know I am not good at guessing” She laughed.

“Vincenzo and I have a date this night and wait I haven’t gotten to the fun part yet... He bought me a dress and some shoes, I didn’t know what to wear but he bought me clothes. They are too EXPENSIVE!” I screamed, popping the word expensive.

“Woow G, that is so awesome, I am going to come to your house right away, I won’t allow my bestie to go for her date looking so simple... So expect me right away.” She ended the call without letting me reply to her.



The doorbell of the front door rang like three times... opening the door, I see Ophelia. She had two paper bags in her hands. I am so confused, what did she bring again.” Are we going to eat outside at the front of your porch or you are going to let me in?” She asked bringing me out of my thoughts. I smiled and open the door wide for her to come in. “You didn’t tell me we are going to be eating and what is in the other Paper bag Ophe?” She pretends to think of something before giving me a sheepish smile. ” Uhh. Makeup!” Hmmm, makeup.

" So when is this date Gine?” She picks up a pack of sushi and a bowl of pasta with meatballs, this girl is going to kill me with so much food. I look into the paper bag that she had taken her food from, there was another bowl of spaghetti with meatballs and a polenta concia “Ophe this is too much, if I eat all this, what space will I have in my tummy when I go for my date?” I looked at her and she smiled. “I never said we will finish it today, you can keep yours in the fridge or if you are not going to eat it, well I am interested in yours.” She smiled at me and looked back at the movie she has been watching. I take a little from the polenta concia and make my way to the sitting room to sit beside Ophelia. “You didn’t answer my question though” She doesn’t remove her eyes from the Tv. “Oh my, I am sorry, I didn’t get the question. what did you ask me?” I asked still eating my food. “What time is the date?” Oh my, I forgot about the date. I hit my forehead mentally. “Well, he said he will be picking me up by 9 pm so I guess that should be the time.” She stares at the clock behind the dining table. “Wow, did you say 9 pm Gine? Because I am seeing something different here” I turn to look at the time to see the reason for her outburst. Oh my Gosh, the time reads 8:30 pm. jeez. we stare at each other faces in horror. ” Gine! you are going to be late, get up! let’s go” She stands up, dragging me to my bedroom. she pushes me into the shower, leaving me here in agitation. I take a quick shower and dried my hair immediately. I walk out of the bathroom to see Ophelia holding my dress to me and my undies. I put them on quickly and sit in front of the mirror, Ophelia does her magic on my face. I am not a fan of makeup, I only do it when necessary and I don’t think anything is necessary. Still scrolling through my phone, the doorbell rings twice. Ophelia and I looked at each other. Her hands were still on my hair tying the knots and putting the pins in place. “Sit here, don’t move, I will be right back. ok,” She leaves me in the room in silence. is it aunt mirabella or vincenzo? I kept asking myself.

“Is she home?”

And that is when I heard the voice have been waiting so long to hear.



She will look so sexy in this dress, I love the fabric satin, and the color would match with her skin and shape. I can’t wait o hold her. I feel so nervous about this proposal, I have never done it before. Obviously, but how will she react when I go down on one knee and say ‘will you marry me’ Calm down Vince. I said to myself. I will walk like a gentleman and ask her to be my wife as a man that has no fear. I stare at the blue velvet box laying on my bed, I open it and looked at the diamond ring in awe. I choose it because it is so beautiful and its beauty reminds me of Ginevra, she is everything a man wants in a woman. She is a beauty with a brain. I take out the ring, bringing it closer to my lips, whispering a silent prayer. “Please let this ring be good luck to me and make this day possible for me. I kiss it immediately placing it back into the box carefully. I keep it carefully not because it’s a diamond that is worth millions but because it means so much to me, the lady I will be proposing to today means a lot to me. I traveled to Paris to buy it because it’s unique. I will never buy common things for my girlfriend, she belongs to me and she needs to be treated like a queen.

Knock! Knock!

I stare at the door, who would knock at my door, I made it clear to the house staff that I would not like to be disturbed. “Who is it?“I asked with an angry tone. “Sorry, sir! There is a man outside and he says he is here to deliver your suits.” Oh, I forgot. “Ok Get the suit from him and send for Rasheed to me immediately” The was no reply from behind the door, I guess she had gone. I pick up the box from the bed and place it inside my dresser drawers. There was another knock on my door the second time, I open the door to take my suit from the maid. Rasheed stood behind her waiting for my message. “You called for me sir” Rasheed spoke up as soon as the maid left. “Yes I did, take these boxes ” I pick up the box that had the dress and shoes I bought for Ginevra by the table behind the door. It was wrapped in my favorite colors, turquoise blue, and Grey. I hand it over to him .“Hold this carefully, if anything happens to it, I will not hesitate to slit your tongue and have it for dinner.” His eyes popped up in horror. “Send these to Ginevra Esposito, she lives I the outskirt of This city and you will send me a notice when you have delivered it to her.” I turn to close the door “Yes sir” He walks off and I shut the door.

8:20 PM!

I had to cut all meetings for the rest of the day, I tell my P. A to take off all other meetings and office outings scheduled for the day. I call the nurse at the hospital to check if there was any severe case that needed my attention. Thank God they were mild issues. The other doctors at the hospital will handle it. I shut down my laptop and walk up the stairs to my room to take a shower. The time for the date is getting closer and I need to hurry. I choose 9 pm because I know how ladies are. I have dated many in the past and believe me when I say they take time to get prepared for anything. Giving Ginevra an hour time to prepare, thirty minutes can never be enough so I think that will do.


The drive to Ginevra’s house was quick. I remember begging her to live in one of the houses close to my estate but she refused, I even insisted that she should stay with me in my mansion but she refused. I was sad at first but I respected her decisions. I will never choose something uncomfortable for her, I will always make her feel happy. I park my car by the front porch, I take the blue velvet box and put it into one of my pockets inside my suits. I don’t want her to see it. It’s a surprise. I walk straight to her door and pressed the doorbell, twice. Is she home? The door knob turned, Ophelia? She was at the door. I gave her a friendly smile. “Come in,” She said with her hand gesture. I turn to look at her in confusion. “Is she home?” I asked looking around the warm house. “Oh yes, let me go call her” She smiled weirdly. She walks up the stairs, leaving me to memorize the whole setting of the house.

“Calm down breathe in, breathe out. walk carefully don’t think about anything but just think about your Prince.” I hear the sounds of heels walking down the marbled stairs. I turn to stare at the beauty that caught my breath from the day I saw her covered in blood. She is indeed a beauty, I will never forgive myself if I had lost her three years ago. I stand at the bottom of the stairs waiting for my princess. Ophelia stared at us in amazement. I take Ginevra’s hands, giving them a sweet kiss. “You are so beautiful, are we ready to go?” I whispered into her ears. She giggled “Thank you, Ragazzo, you look so hot” She whispered back to my ears. “Sei sexy la mia ragazza” I said out loud. “Ti Amo” Her accent is getting better. We laughed at our little talk. “Are you two lovebirds going to keep giggling all night or you are going for you are going for your date ?” Ophelia asked with an eyebrow arched up. We walked out of the door laughing.


“Donatos Italian street” “Afive star restaurant...?” I stood in shock at the tall building with decorated lighting’s meat & queens flour” Vincenzo slides his large hands against my lower back, pulling me closer to him as we walk through the front door. “Yes babe,” H,e s, aid, w, talking me to the spot reserved for us. I slid into the leather seating and pulled my menu to my eye level. Vincenzo grabs the other menu and glances at the papers. “This place is beautiful and ravishing.” “They have the best food in the city” I nodded as my nose took in the scent of the lemon water placed before us on the tables. The waitress came to our table and instantly drank at the sight of Vincenzo. “What can I give you?” Her large bust popped out of her half-unbuttoned shirt and she leaned forward to use it on Vincenzo. “.... and I’d like a Rigatoni with pork ragout” “What about drinks?” She asked. “Oh Uhm... Cannonau wine.” He set the meu down and nodded toward me as if the waitress was invisible. “Timballo Genovese and my drink..hmm an Aperol spritz.” I gave her my menu and watched as she left, swaying her hips dramatically from side to side. Rolling my eyes finally met his. ViViViViVincenzo’s eyebrow arched up with a straight smirk playing on his lips. “What’s wrong,” He asked. “Nothing..” I said continuously under his gaze of me, my boyfriend in front of me. Vincenzo folded my hands in his on his table.

“Hey I don’t care about any other girl, you are mine and you are the only one I love so don’t worry about that lady, I will fire her immediately.” He presses a red button beside the booth. Aman walked quickly to us with the same waitress earlier behind him. “Mr.De Luca is something wrong?” I looked at the lady, this time the Three buttons of her shirt were open showing her tits through her transparent shirt. I looked at her with disgust, what is wrong with her? Wasn’t she taught to dress properly? Vincenzo squeezed my hands rubbing them, he could sense my uneasiness. “Yes Nicholas, I have an issue and it’s annoying my girlfriend and she doesn’t feel comfortable with it” He looked at me nodding his head for me to agree.

“What’s wrong Madam, is it the food, I can tell the other chefs to prepare something lovely,” He asked nicely. “Oh no the food is lovely,” I said smiling. “That won’t be necessary, Nicholas, what is the name of the waitress that served us dinner?” Vincenzo asked. What does he want to do with her name.? “Barbara sir!” “Ok, thank you, I would like to speak with her.” The man Vincenzo called Nicholas gestures for Barbara to come forward.

“Barbara you are FIRED! “He said without remorse, I looked at Vincenzo in horror. Barbara’s eyes shot with tears as she begs, Nicholas called the security to drag her out of the restaurant. “Vincenzo, you didn’t have to fire her, please” I begged with a worried tone. He looked at me like had grown an extra head. “But you were so uncomfortable when she was around” He looked at me in confusion. ” I do feel uncomfortable around her but I don’t want to be the reason for someone to lose their job,” I said looking down at my feet. “Hmm ok, fine,” He said. “Thank you” I kissed his cheeks. “Yeah, anything for you loves” Finally we ate our dinner.


Vincenzo and I walked quietly in the garden. It is getting a bit cold out here and kind of late. I hope Aunt Mirabella wouldn’t be angry about my late outings tonight. I was so carried away by the scent and beauty of the flowers around me. I crouch down on my knees to sniff the scent of the roses. I rubbed my arms to prevent myself from getting a cold. What was I thinking when I left my jacket back at the apartment. Now I am cold and I need to cover myself. I feel heavy clothing slapped on my exposed back, it wasVincenzo’s coat. “Are you warmer now?” He rubbed the arms of his jacket that rested on my shoulders. “Yeah, thank you so much I kissed his cheeks. We kept on walking and talking about different things until I noticed he was leading me to the deeper part of the garden. There were candles arranged in order by the walkway. I smile at how cute and romantic this place looked. Vincenzo stays quiet smiling at my reaction the whole time. Down the lane, I spot a massive light that was boldly written “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” Oh my gosh, I don’t understand, what is going on? I turn around immediately to see Vincenzo on one knee, holding a blue velvet box that had a diamond ring seating in the center of the box. “Oh my, please tell me this is not a dream?” I shouted, rubbing my eyes dramatically to see if this was reality.

" Ginevra, the first day I laid my eyes on you, I knew I had seen my one and only bride. I loved you the very moment you were brought to my arms, I knew you are my other half. You are the only person I want to be with today, tomorrow, and forever. I want you with every bit of my heart. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, will you marry me?”

His eyes had so many emotions and I could sense his fear. I go down on my knees and hug him tightly. “YES! Vincenzo, I want to marry you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” I blushed.

“You have made me one of the happiest men on earth, Ginevra” He picks me up and pinned me around, kissing me deeply. We kept on kissing each other while a group of men with their trumpets and drums played, the chefs and waitress walked in with a cake that was decorated with lights that said, “SHE SAID YES!“. I can not believe I will be getting married to the one I love. I wiggled my butt from side to side.

“I said YES!”



I am so sorry, for taking this long to publish this chapter.🥺🥺

Thank you once again for reading my book.

Love y’all😘

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