Chapter XXVI


The bold writings are used to show that Ginevra is in a coma, the moment it is not in bold is when she is brought back to life. Meanwhile, the words in italics are the words she thinks or the conversation between her and other people in the other realm.


It is time!!

The weight of the room feels so choked up. How many people are in here?. I wish I could see them but I can’t, where is Vincenzo? What if these people harm me, I feel something is wrong somewhere. The voice of two men and ladies made me scared. What are they talking about? I can’t even make out a thing they are saying, all I could hear is one of the ladies call one of the men a doctor. My heart dropped in certainty. They are not going to harm me.

As the surgeon and the nurses worked to restart my heart, I floated above the operating table and found myself looking down at the entire scene. I noticed then that the surgeon, Vincenzo, with whom I had fallen so deeply in love had the looks of a billionaire or should I say, a Greek god. I couldn’t see his hair and what it looks like because it was covered in a surgical cap. He had a chiseled face, his face was enough to drive a girl nuts. What is he? A surgeon or a model in a magazine. I could see how careful he was when holding my body, the muscles in his arms bulged, and that gives me shivers up to my spine. My mind thinks of crazy stuff his hands could do to me.“Hey, come back to reality, Gine”. I mentally slapped my face.


I was pacing through a long tunnel that led to a huge metal door, I pushed it open with so much force, revealing a bright light. At the end of it, I saw Papa, mama, Matteo, behind them I saw a lot of people I have seen before but they were dead. They were all dressed in white, waiting for me and beckoning happily. But there was this lady, also dressed in white, she looks so beautiful, she had the brightest smile that struck me in the heart. She got the looks of a young lady, something about her is so familiar but I don’t know what it was. She walked up to me, giving me a loving smile. Why is she so happy? " Ginevra, my darling, you look so beautiful, the day I laid my eyes on you, I knew your beauty was a gift. I know you may not know me, because of the things that happened to you in the past. Follow me” She instructed, we walk through the beautiful gardens, the grass felt like cotton beneath my legs and the wind that blew felt like magic. Indeed this garden is beautiful. The trees were clothed with so many colors. The flowers spread the scents of happiness, who would live here and say they do not like it. I study the whole wonders that unfolded before my eyes. Children played around in harmony, and women and men stood together in peace.This place feels like heaven! I turn to look at the lady that smiled with so much love. Who is she and how does she know me? ” Sorry Ma’am, but how do you know my name.?” I asked with so much curiosity written in my voice. ” Hmmm My name is Margareta, but you can call me Greta.” She paused before speaking. “I know, this might sound crazy to you, but I am your Biological mother. ” I stared deep into her eyes, searching for lies but I didn’t find any. No, I didn’t want to believe it at first but something kept telling me that it wasn’t a lie. “I know that I have a mother but I never knew I would see her, so who is Papa and mama to you, cause my life gets confusing, I don’t know who to even believe anymore.” I shake my head stopping the tears from falling. “Shhh, it’s ok Vera, I would explain everything to you.” She cleaned the tears from my cheeks. “They are my cousins from my father’s side, they always wanted a daughter, so the day I found out I was pregnant with you. They envied me” She looked down at the grass, pains were written all over her face because of the memories she was about to spill. What did Mama and Papa do to her that she feels so sad? " Ginevra, Simone, and Beatrice never allowed me to visit them since they found out I was pregnant, they had a son three years before I conceived you, but still they were not happy with a son. The night my water broke{She sniffed, cleaning the tears from her eyes} I called Beatrice to drive me to the hospital but she hung up the phone, I tried calling her husband but he told me to never call his phone again. I didn’t have anyone to talk to except Mirabella, she was little and she wasn’t old enough to drive a car, so I walked to the hospital myself, 5 kilometers away from the apartment I stayed. It was a rainy night, I couldn’t wait anymore, so I started walking to the hospital immediately. People saw me on the road but no one helped me, so I kept on walking, holding the pain until a young guy stopped to carry me. I can’t remember him but I think he said his name is Vincenzo.” Vincenzo! Is it the Vincenzo I know or another? " But, why would your cousins treat you so badly, they are your family?” I asked.” You know Vera, is not everyone that is called a family that loves you or cares about you, I told myself, the next time I see that young man that saved me, I will thank him for helping me, but I never thanked him that much, I died immediately I gave birth to you. ” What if it was Vincenzo! " Mom {The word sounded so weird in my mouth, but I had to get used to it} The guy that helped you, what was the color of his eyes and what can you say about him?" I looked at her " Well his eyes were dark brown- hazel and I heard him talk on the phone, the person, I think it was his father, his father kept on calling him young De Luca, so I guess that is his surname or something” Oh my Doctor De Luca! I screamed, she looked at me in confusion.You know him?” “Yes, the Surgeon that is taking care of my operation” We smiled at the good things Vincenzo had done for us.

With a twinkle of an eye, I drifted to a dark room, I was seated on a chair at the center of the room, the was a bright light above my head that shined in the room, but the corners of the room were pitch black. The sound of people clapping filled the room, What is happening? I tried opening my eyes to adjust to the light but I couldn’t. Suddenly a deep voice spoke “LET THE FIGHT BEGIN” The continuous clap kept on ringing in my head. Where am I shouted... “THIS A BATTLE BETWEEN DEATH AND LIFE, ARE YOU READY... GO” What the hell is happening. Please someone help me. GO! I was pulled by a rope on the left, then the was a pull on the right. I do not know who was pulling me but I knew this wasn’t going to end well. tAt the left side of the room, Papa, Mama, and Matteo were no longer dressed in white but black, they pulled me towards them, I looked to the right side of the room, and I see My mom dressed in white, she was the only one holding unto the rope. Three against one, how is this going to end. I kept on staring at her, she had a smile of hope on her face. I turn to look at the ones I have called family for years, fighting and dragging the rope with so much anger written all over their faces. But what is my fate, is it Death or Life, I don’t want to die now, I don’t want to end up with Papa and Mama, they had one a lot of evil things and I don’t think happiness comes with death. Look at Greta, she looks so happy, even when she died, she smiles. I stare at the light above me and whisper a word of prayer. Lord, please give me another chance in the living, give My mom the strength to fight this battle. Immediately the was an earthquake, I was still tied up to the chair, the people I once called family got swallowed by the ground, Mama kept shouting for my help, Papa said I should drag the rope to save them but my body didn’t move an inch. Matteo screamed for my help but all I did was shut my eyes in pain. Immediately I looked to my right, my mom ran to me quickly untying my hands. She held my face, I saw the tears in her blue eyes, I was also crying “Vera, you will go back to the garden and you will see an old man dressed in a white coat he will keep you save, I love you so much darling, I will always be with you{She touched the center of my chest} in your heart.” “Please don’t leave me again, let’s go together” I cried “You have to go and don’t look back” I kept on running through the dark tunnels, running as fast as I could.


I lay on a putting green grass, the was an old man, with his face covered with light, dressed in white clothing. He stared at me with a smile. Who is he? I used my hands to cover the lights from my eyes to see his face. He gives me his hands, i stand up with his help. My surrounding was covered with trees, everything was green. Where is this place, the third dimension or what?

“How are you doing Ginevra?” He asked walking ahead of me. How does he know my name, is he a kind of god or something or was there an announcement of my arrival. “I know you are wondering how I know your name, well my name is Vito De Luca, I am Vincenzo’s grandfather, he spoke so much about you” Why would Vincenzo talk about me? " Uhm sorry sir, if I may ask, why does your son talk about me?” ” Well, he loves you and it is only love that draws two souls together, what is meant to be, will be” What is meant to be, will be, I have heard this from someone before. “So it’s true that your grandson loves me? But why?” “Yes he loves you, but the question why, I can’t answer, when you see him, you would ask him”

We walked down the garden, really this place was full of wonders, everything looks so green! ” Sir am I ever going to live, cause death keeps calling my name, it keeps pulling me and I want another chance.” The man looked straight into my eyes and smiled, his smile showed off his white teeth, but his skin looked so smooth and clear. What skincare is he into! Oh gosh, I ask a lot of questions. ” {He laughed}, Ginevra, the answer is deep within you, do you want to live again?” He asked. I thought for a moment, would I like to leave this beautiful garden and happy life? Hmmm Yes, I need to live a new life, my life hasn’t started, so I can not die anytime soon. I inhaled before I spoke my mind. " Yes sir, I would love to live again” He smiled before nodding his head. We kept on walking down the lakes, which led to a beautiful fountains and then to rainbow mountains. ” You know Ginevra, you lived a troubled life, but you still cared for the people that cause your sorrows, you deserve so much, because of the smiles and happiness you brought to people’s lives, that was the reason why I chose to sacrifice myself to keep you alive” What does he mean by sacrifice himself for me? What did I do to deserve this sacrifice? ” What do you mean,” I asked softly. He smiled at me before he explained. “Ginevra, since the day my son spoke about you, I remembered a lady I once helped when she needed to pay for her father’s drugs, I believe she is the one who directed you to me, her name is Magretta {MOM!} so since then, I knew my fate is to help anyone that needed help, the is happiness in making people’s lives better, I found out that she was your mother and my grandson saved her, so now I knew it was time to put a smile on his face and make life happy for the both of you.” My mind kept drooling about Vincenzo, everything about my life was surrounded by him. Is fate drawing us together? ” So now Ginevra, I will grant you your wish, walk down that tunnel and everything will be normal.” Was this happening, a second chance! Tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably. I walk towards the tunnel but stop immediately at a spot. I turn around and looked at Mr. Vilto, who kept on smiling at me. I run up to him and hugged him like it was the last time I would see him. This is the last time I would ever see him. ” Thank you so much, I am so grateful for everything” I released him from the tight hug. “I know dear, go now or you are going to make Vincenzo cry the more” we laughed at his comment.


My eyes opened slowly, and the sound of the beeping machine got me so irritated, I looked to the left I see the body of Mr. Vilto laying lifeless on the bed, He saved me. I searched the room for any sign of Vincenzo, but he wasn’t there. I understand the feeling of losing someone you love so much. I kept staring at the people around me as they concentrated on my body and not my face. “Oh my, she is awake” That was the cry of one of the nurses at my right, that kept staring at me with a smile.” I will let Doctor De Luca know” One of the doctors said, the room door opens within three minutes, revealing a handsome man, Vincenzo! He looks so much hotter than before. The look of stress and dried tears in his eyes switched with a smile of happiness. He is happy to see me. ” Thank God, thank you, Doctors and nurse, you can give us time together, I want o talk to her alone” He instructed. His voice is so deep. He turns to look at me immediately, sitting on the chair that was beside the operation table. ” How do you feel?” He asked, I didn’t speak yet but I nod my head to reply that I was fine. He pinched my hands softly” Can you feel this?” I nod ” Hmmm, Ginevra, thank you so much for waking up, I don’t know what I would have done if I had loosed you” I stared at him as e spoke out his feelings, he was crying and all I could do was run my fingers through his arms. “I Love You, Doctor Vincenzo,” I said with a smile playing on my lips, he looked up to me to see if what I said was real. He kissed my temples before two ladies walked into the room. A lady in her late 50′s and Ophelia.

They kept on talking, laughing about the things they had experienced for the months they found out I was in a coma I smiled all through at their stories while Vincenzo kept on staring at me. I squeeze his hands to get his attention. ” How long have I been asleep?” He caressed my face ” 180 days”

I was asleep for 180 days and fought death for 180 days but just in one day, I put up a smile to people who had prayed for me to wake up.

A/N 2


I am so sorry this chapter is long, but it explains everything that happens on the 180th day in Ginevra’s realm. Hope you like this chapter.

Thank you and love y’all😘

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