#13 The Dragon King and his Werewolf Princess

Chapter 16 Calix

I was up early the next morning and practically buzzing with energy. All I wanted to do was see my mate and I knew a lot of that had to do with my dragon pulling me towards her. Maybe I couldn’t talk to him like River could talk to her wolf, but I knew exactly what he was thinking. He was already infatuated with both our mates, River and Lavender, he wanted them and resisting the pull was getting harder by the second.

I was sitting in my office with my morning coffee, looking over the financial ledgers submitted by the leaders of the four regions. The leaders of each region took their lead from the Crown, including their budgets. Every month they send in their budget requests and what they needed it for.

The Snow Cap Mountains were led by Governor Jens, the Dark Forest’s Governess was Frida, Seaside Harbor was led by Governor Carr, and the Royal City was overseen by Governess Ignar. They were voted in by the people of each region and held a ten year reign, after which they could run for reelection against other candidates.

I was typing away on my computer when I started to feel on edge. I glanced up towards the door just in time to hear a small knock coming from the other side.

“Yes?” I called out gently, having some idea as to who might be knocking on my door.

The door creaked open and River’s small frame slipped through the crack.

“I don’t mean to bother you.” She said and I shook my head,

“You’re not bothering me. Is everything okay?”

I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only 6:00 AM.

“This place is so big and empty,” She mumbled, “I’m not used to it.”

“Well you can come see me anytime. Please, sit,” I motioned towards the sofa and she sat on the edge of the cushion, “What’s your home like?”

“Busy and loud,” She smiled, “Anyone from the realm is welcome to the castle, and the Beta and Gamma families also live there.”

“I imagine it’s much quieter here.” I listened to myself and realized how stupid of a response that was.

I raked my hand through my hair in frustration, cursing myself for being so damn awkward around this woman. Then, an idea struck me.

“Breakfast won’t be served for a while. How about some waffles?” I said, remembering her story about her poisonous waffles.

She cracked a smile at me,

“Only if you make them.” She laughed.

“Only if you help.” I countered.

“That might be dangerous.” She warned me with a serious look in her eyes.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smirking at her expression.

“I’ll take the risk.” I said, offering her my hand to help her stand.

Her delicate hand slipped into mine and an involuntary shiver went down my spine. I studied her face and noticed how her eyes flashed black for a second before returning to their beautiful pools of blue. She bit her bottom lip and locked eyes with me. I got lost in her gaze for a moment, clinging to her hand which was shaking in my grasp.

“Lead the way.” She whispered in a small voice, shaking me from my trance.

I smiled and pulled her along behind me. She dropped my hand once we reached the hallway and I bit back a complaint. I took her to the house kitchen and she immediately perched herself on one of the bar stools. I started pulling out supplies and lining them up on the island.

“First things first, you need to crack the eggs.” I said, teasing her.

She glared at me, but I could tell she was mocking me with her pouty expression. I slid the egg carton, a mixing bowl, and a trash bowl towards her.

“You have to crack the egg on the edge of the bowl, then dump the yolk in the mixing glass, and the shell in the bowl.” I explained.

She looked at me like I had two heads.

I chuckled and picked up an egg, placing it in her hand. With my hand still covering hers, I guided the egg towards the edge of the bowl and cracked it against the rim. She jumped when it broke and I helped her split the egg, the yolk sliding into the mixing bowl. I brought her hand over to the trash bowl and she dropped the shell inside.

“Got it?” I asked and she nodded, her eyes pinching together as she focused on cracking the second egg herself, “Perfect!” I cheered and her smile lit up my world.

“I feel like an idiot celebrating over cracking an egg.” She laughed at herself, staring down at her slimy fingers.

I made a paper towel wet and cleaned off her fingers.

“You’re not, you’re just learning.” I shrugged.

“What’s next?” She asked, seeming more excited about her culinary lesson.

“We learn what 2 tbsp of butter means.” I laughed and she smirked at me.

I pulled out the tablespoon and handed it to her along with the butter and a knife. I showed her the lines on the butter wrapper and how it showed her where to cut for 2 tbsp. She skillfully used the butter knife and held the portion up proudly.

“Good! Now, take the wrapper off and put it in the measuring cup so we know it’s right.” I said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

She pulled off the wrapper and did as I instructed. I told her to drop the butter into the bowl.

“You’re a natural already, mon p’tit bout.” The term slipped out before I could help myself.

Her head snapped up and her doe eyes studied me carefully.

“I am not little!” She pouted, “You’re just a giant.”

I laughed loudly at her face.

“You’re quite small, little bit.” I translated my term of endearment into English.

I was surprised when she first spoke the language and told me that she was French. It was the first language I learned after English and had always been my favorite, something I spoke often when I was feeling emotional or passionate.

My mother would say that it was another demonstration of the Goddesses’ plan for us.

Mon p’tit bout, my little bit, and that’s what she was. Mine.

Mon géant.” She whispered, blushing slightly with her eyes casted downwards.

My giant.

“Yes.” I said simply and that was all the answer River needed.

She glanced up at me with a small smile on her lips.

“What’s next?” She asked.

We finished measuring out the ingredients for the waffles and we mixed it up by hand. She grinned at me before scooping her finger across the batter and sucking it off. I stared at her with a lustful gaze, trying to hide my temptation from her so she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. Luckily, she was too focused on the taste of the batter to notice.

“Yum!” She declared and I smiled,

“I’m glad you approve.”

I used a measuring cup to dribble the batter into the waffle maker while River watched me from the island. I stacked up six pancakes on a plate and sat them between us, plopping two down on her plate and two on mine. I handed her a knife and fork. She cut up the waffle and drowned it in syrup before taking the first bite.

“How can you tell what it tastes like with all that syrup?” I asked, laughing.

She narrowed her eyes at me, syrup still on her lips, and took another big bite. I studied the sticky amber colored liquid dripping down her lips and felt my dragon pounding against my mind. I groaned quietly and averted my gaze to my own plate of waffles.

Beau Feu,” Her sweet voice said, capturing my attention again,

Her eyes locked with mine and I knew she had sensed my dragon.

“Lavender senses Beau Feu.” She said,

“He came forward a bit.” I confessed.

“Why?” She asked and I felt myself becoming a bit embarrassed.

“He was watching you eat and you….you have some syrup on your lip.” I mumbled.

River’s face turned a deep shade of pink and she picked up her napkin, wiping it against her mouth.

“I didn’t realize….”

I shook my head quickly,

“Don’t worry about it,” I assured her, “He’s an animal.”

She laughed at my stupid joke.

“So’s Lavender.” She smirked.

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