#13 The Dragon King and his Werewolf Princess

Chapter 15 Calix

“What is your problem?” Mag asked as I paced up and down the hallway of the west wing.

“Nothing.” I snapped.

Mag was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched me.

“This is because River is off the property, isn’t it?” He smirked.

“If you don’t shut up, I’m going to break your jaw.” I threatened simply.

Oooh, you got it bad already.” Mag sang.

I stopped dead in my tracks and glared at Mag who held up his hands and clamped his mouth shut. There was a knocking inside my head and I let down the shield that protected my mind from any invasion.

“What?” I snapped through the mental link.

“We’re heading back to the castle.” Grier said,

“Hurry.” I grunted before slamming the link shut.

“They’re on their way back.” I told Mag before heading off towards the front foyer.

I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea of River leaving the castle on her first day here, especially after I explicitly told her I wanted her to stay inside. But, Vix had a point, she needed clothes and supplies and River wasn’t going to fit into any of hers; besides, a Queen shouldn’t be wearing hand-me-downs, anyway. She had been gone for three hours and it was enough to set my teeth on edge.

Goddess help me if she ever finds a way back to her realm.

I waited impatiently in the main foyer, pacing back and forth, until the door swung open and the seven of them strolled in. The guards were carrying armfulls of baskets.

“Take those to Lady Storm’s guest room,” I instructed the guards and they walked off immediately, “How was it?” I directed my question towards River.

“It was a new experience.” River replied.

“River says that shopping is much different in her realm and the human realm.” Vix added.

“Is it?” I waited for more details, but River didn’t offer any, “Are you hungry?” I finally asked.

“I’m tired.” River said,

“I can have dinner sent to your room, then.” I offered.

“Okay.” She shrugged.

I sighed, hating the soloum look on her face and the fact that I couldn’t do anything about it.

“I’ll take River back to her room.” Grier said,

River followed after Grier without any questions and I realized that they already had a strong relationship, just like she and Vix. It seemed like I was the only one on the outs with my own mate. Well, me and Mag. He was in the Tower with her so I think he was still on the shit list.

“Goodnight, then.” I called after her.

She looked over her shoulders,

“Goodnight.” She replied quietly.

I grumbled, feeling defeated, and looked back at Vix.

“She had a lot of fun at the market, even if she won’t admit it now. You should have seen her smile.” Vix said, grinning.

“I wish I could have. I think she purposefully hides it around me.” I complained.

“Give it time, Cal, it’s literally been a day. Think of everything that she’s been through? New realm, new species, new mate….and she only just turned 18. It’s a lot. She needs time to process it and you’re just a reminder of everything.” Vix spoke smartly.

“I’m just glad she feels comfortable around you and Grier, at least she’s not alone.” I sighed.

“We’ll keep her company, but don’t give up. You have to keep trying to get to know her.” Vix said,

“I need to respect her boundaries. She had them taken from her here once already.” I disagreed.

“You can respect her boundaries and still spend time with her. You just did it, by letting her go off to bed without a fuss.” Vix smirked at me, patting me on the back before brushing past me.

I had already pushed dinner back, which meant that I had some explaining to do to my mother. I figured it was better to come clean with them now then risk having them find out about it from someone else later. So, I stomped my way to the dining hall and sat down at my usual seat. Mother and Father were already there, watching me expectantly.

“I’m going to say this once and then I want to hear nothing of it. I’m handling it my own way and you will get information as it becomes necessary for you to know it, understood?” I said, mostly to my nosey mother.

My parents looked at each then back at me, nodding.

“The girl without marks who I let sit in the Tower?” I waited for them to acknowledge that they knew what I was talking about, “She’s my mate,”

Their eyes went wide and I could physically see the struggle it was taking for my mother to keep her mouth shut,

“She’s also a werewolf from the werewolf realm, their princess. She has no idea how she got here. She was dropped down in the Snow Cap Mountains while in the middle of celebrating her birthday.”

Father blinked in shock.

“I don’t know how it’s possible.”

“I think it must be the work of the Goddesses.” Mother said,

“Perhaps they think it’s time to bring the dragons out from the darkness?” Father suggested.

“Well it’s a terrible plan if that’s the case. She’s terrified of everything and she certainly hates me. According to her, everyone believes dragons are a myth; not extinct, but a fairytale. She just turned 18, she’s barely lived any life, and now she’s been dropped into all of this. A dragon mate who’s two centuries old? I can’t say I understand the Goddesses’ thinking on this one.” I lashed out.

“It’s not for us to understand their plan, but for one to transcend into our realm, the Goddesses have to be involved; both hers and ours. Selene and Tiamat must have their hands in this and we have to trust them. She’ll come around.” Mother said confidently.

“I told her about Revena and her people have a name for it, she called herself my second chance mate.” I said in a low voice.

“That’s the perfect name for it. She really is your second chance, Calix. Your second chance at love, at happiness, at having a Queen. This is everything you’ve been waiting for, but never dared to wish for.” Mother smiled softly at me.

“It would be wise not to screw this up, son.” My father doted out his words of wisdom.

“Thanks, Pop.” I grumbled and he grunted at me in response.

“Oh Goddess!” Mother shouted suddenly, “She was in the Tower this whole time?”

I looked down in shame.

“Yes, Dr. Monroe tended to her today and her wolf was able to heal her the rest of the way. She was able to escape because wolves are not affected by gold, only silver. After the silver from the chains left her system, her wolf healed her good as new. She’s staying in one of the guest rooms, but,” I already knew what my mother was going to say, “You are forbidden from going looking for her. She needs to do this at her own pace.” I warned her.

“Whatever you wish,” Mother nodded, but I could see the wheels turning in her eyes, “As long as she’s getting the care and attention she deserves. Please, Calix, offer her my support if she wants it. She must be terribly afraid and missing her family.”

I thought about that for a moment and decided that my mother’s affection and care could be just what River needs.

“I will pass it along.” I nodded in agreement.

“Grier must be so thrilled to have her here.” Mother said,

“Does she have a protection detail?” My father asked.

“Of course. Grier sensed her almost immediately and took up his post. I’ve assigned Enar, Bjorn, Koll, and Rolf as her guards.” I replied.

“Good choice.” Father nodded in approval.

“You know that Rolf means wolf, right?” Mother laughed and I looked at her in bewilderment for a moment,

“I did not.”

“Some things are just meant to be, my son.” She said in an ominous tone before tending to her dinner.

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