#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter 23


I wasn’t super thrilled about the idea of Harlow leaving the packgrounds, but I felt better about it knowing that all the girls, including Beta Callie, Waylon, and a team of guards would be accompanying her. I had to admit, I was impressed that Harlow agreed to all the company and that even Ric conceded to allowing her to go. This was sort of like a test, I guess, for all of us.

Ric and I agreed on five guards who would go with her. They were five of our most elite warriors and they were proud to be assigned to guard their Luna. It was lunchtime and we were all settled in the dining room waiting for Griff and Harlow to come back from whatever they were doing. I was just about to mindlink him when the sweet scent of my mate filled the room and I knew she was close.

Harlow was actually smiling as she walked into the room with Griffin’s arm casually draped around her waist. I looked at Ric in surprise but he was too focused on Harlow to notice. Griff pulled out a chair for Harlow and helped her into it.

“And how are you today, precious?” Ric was the first to greet her, picking up her hand and kissing it gently. She blushed and smiled at him,

“I’m okay.” She said quietly.

“Are you hungry?” I asked and her head snapped in my direction.

I noticed how her expression changed slightly when she looked at me and that’s when I knew how desperately I needed to have that one-on-one time with my mate. I wanted the connection that Griff and Ric seemed to have already formed with her and I wanted it badly. She bit her bottom lip and nodded, her blonde hair swinging in front of her face.

“Yes.” She said, stubbornly tucking the hair behind her ears.

I grabbed her plate and stood up, scooping some of the spaghetti onto it.

“Cheese?” I asked, motioning towards the bowl of fresh mozzarella. She nodded and I sprinkled a hearty amount on her pasta. I sat the bowl in front of her and her eyes sparkled.

“Pasta is my favorite.” She said, offering me a small smile. I returned it and grabbed a piece of garlic bread for her, but she quickly shook her head, “I’m allergic to garlic.”

“What is that vile herb doing on our table!” Lewy snarled in my head and I had to agree.

I stood up abruptly, grabbing the entire plate of garlic bread and walking around the table to collect all the bread from everyone else’s plates. Annie had a piece in her mouth that I snatched away and she yelled at me,

“Hey!” She cried out.

“Amanda!” I hollered and she came running.

“Gabe?” She looked startled as I shoved the plate full of bread against her chest.

“Garlic is banned from this house. The Luna is allergic.” I ordered and her eyes went wide.

“Oh my Goddess! I’m so sorry Luna, I’ll have it taken care of right away.” She said, glancing towards Harlow before hurrying back to the kitchen.

I walked back to my seat to see both Griff and Ric looking at me with amused expressions. Harlow’s eyes were wide and her face was pale, a fork full of pasta hovering between the plate and her face like she was in mid-bite.

“That was completely unnecessary.” Harlow said when I sat back down.

“Nonsense. It threatened your safety.” I replied matter-of-factly.

“I just get a rash.” She mumbled and I shrugged,

“Better not to risk it.”

Griff and Ric were trying very hard not to laugh at me, but they lost the fight and doubled over in a fit.

“You two would rather have the garlic here?” I glared at them and they shook their heads,

“No, not at all. I was going to do the same thing. It’s just, you looked hysterical doing it.” Griff snorted, trying to regain his composure.

“Can we just eat now?” I grumbled, stabbing my pasta.

“Thank you.” A soft voice murmured for my ears only. I glanced to my side and saw Harlow’s doe eyes were trained on me.

“You don’t have to thank me, ever, for anything.” I said just as softly, reaching under the table and taking her hand. She squeezed it and I felt the sparks warming my hardened heart.

Once lunch was finished, we all stood and I mindlinked the guards to join us.

“Harlow, these are your guards. Brett, Johnny, Carver, Williams, and Lauren.” I introduced them.

“Oh, uhm, hi.” She waved and they bowed their heads in respect,

“It’s an honor to guard you, Luna.” Carver said,

“Uh-huh.” Harlow didn’t have a response and her speechlessness was adorable.

“Nova, I want to know where you are going.” I said, directing my attention to my sister.

“Tysons Corner Center, of course.” Nova stated.

“You have to go to the biggest mall in D.C.?” I groaned in frustration.

“It’s also one of the biggest in the country, in case you weren’t worried, yet.” Annie smirked at me and I sighed. If she wasn’t one of the Beta Females I would have her head for talking to me in that tone.

“Perfect.” I grumbled, “Maybe we need more guards.”

“No, please, five is plenty.” Harlow said, her eyes wide as she frantically shook her head. I relaxed instantly when I looked over at her.

“And Waylon.” I added and she nods,

“Of course, there’s always Waylon.” She giggled and I was too captivated by the sound of it to be jealous over Waylon.

“Fine, but I want you all back by dark and you go nowhere else. Here, the mall, and back.” I said sternly.

“Yes, Dad.” Nova said in an annoyed voice. I growled at her in warning and she held up her hands in surrender.

“Here.” I pulled my wallet from my back pocket, already prepared for this moment, and handed over my credit card to Harlow.

“Oh, I don’t….” She started to argue but I shoved it into her hand.

“It’s a part of the deal.” I said, leaving no room for arguments.

“Thank you.” She said, hesitantly taking the card.

“Get whatever you want,” I told her, “Nova, go easy.” I narrowed my eyes on my sister. I didn’t know about Harlow, but Nova definitely knew how to shop.

“Can we go now?” Kori whined. She was standing beside Waylon with her hand in his.

She had it easy, her mate followed Harlow so she didn’t have to worry about leaving him. The rest of us had good-byes to say and anxieties to overcome.

“Come here.” I heard Ambrose’s gruff voice say as he grabbed Matti and pulled her against him. They shared a deep kiss.

Cambridge was giving Annie the same attention, even Callie and Deale, who were low on the werewolf PDA spectrum, were making out by the front door. I looked between my brothers and Harlow, who was standing in the middle of the three of us, and almost blushed at how awkward it was. Almost.

“Thank you all, again, for being okay with me going.” Harlow said, rocking back and forth on her heels nervously.

“Promise you’ll be careful, Harlow.” Ric said, moving to stand in front of her. He cupped her face and she nodded, “Stay with the guards and the girls, don’t go anywhere alone. I mean it, even the bathroom.” He said sternly and she smirked at him.

“Okay, I promise.” She said, Ric kissed her forehead and then stepped to the side.

Griffin was next, he wrapped his arm around her waist and placed a smacking kiss on her cheek. I winced at how cheesy it sounded.

“If you need anything, use anyone in the group to mindlink us, okay, angel?” Griff asked and she smiled at him in response,

“Okay.” She said again.

Griff moved and then all their eyes were on me. I guess it was my turn to say something sweet. I felt myself becoming uncomfortable as I stepped up to my mate. As soon as my hands landed on her skin, all of my nerves washed away and I melted into her eyes. She smiled sheepishly at me.

“I’m serious about that card, by the way, buy everything that you want. There’s no limit and I mean that literally, the card has no limit.” I said and she blushed,

“That’s really not….” I silenced her by putting my finger over her lip.

I trailed my finger down and tugged at her bottom lip. I saw some sort of emotion flash in her hazel eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it came. My hand lingered on her face, pinching her chin between my thumb and pointer finger and titling her face up to look at me.

“I’m not very good at apologizing and I’m not as romantic as my brothers, but I can do this to show you how sorry I am and how much I want this to work.” I whispered, “Will you let me spoil you, little mate?” I growled so low that only she could hear.

“Okay.” She squeaked, her voice catching in her throat. I smiled, satisfied with her response.

“Tomorrow you’re all mine, little mate. I want my alone time. Is that fair?” I asked and she nodded.

Someone cleared their throat behind me and the moment broke. I sighed and stepped away from Harlow, who was still blushing like crazy.

“Time to go!” Annie sang, looping her arm through Harlow’s and dragging her from the room.

Before she let herself be pulled down the front steps, she looked at me from over her shoulder and flashed me a beautiful smile. Once she and the girls were gone, I looked around the room and noticed that my brothers, Cam, Ambrose, and Deale were all looking at me with smug expressions.

“Shut up, all of you.” I growled, stomping away.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Gabe. We’re all whipped.” Griff snorted as he followed me towards the front door.

“I’m not whipped.” I grumbled and the guys continued to laugh at me.

Sure.” Ambrose said sarcastically.

“Congrats, Ambrose, you just got yourself assigned to training duty. Get your ass to the training grounds.” I snapped at him and he threw his head back, groaning.

“But, it’s the teenagers out there now.” He whined.

“Does it look like I care?” I said and Ambrose shook his head, sulking off.

Awh, grumpy Gabe.” Griff laughed at me and I shoved him, hard. He hit the ground with a satisfying thump.

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