#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter 22


I had no idea what had gotten into the triplets, but I was beyond grateful when they started visiting me one-on-one. It was so overwhelming having all three of them hovering around all of the time. I was shocked at my interaction with Godric two days before. After he apologized, we spent hours just talking and eventually we got on the topic of our favorite movies, so we watched his favorite movie on Netflix until dinner time.

The soft side of Godric was mind boggling, almost to the point of being deceitful, until I realized that it wasn’t an act or a trick and he was just being genuine. He was an honest to God sweetheart hidden behind brute muscle.

I guess today was Griffin’s day to impress. When he showed up solo this morning I started to get the idea that I was being wooed. But, since they were getting better at giving me choices and freedom, I figured that I could play along, for now at least.

“The girls gave me a pretty thorough tour yesterday, I don’t think I missed out on anything.” I shrugged.

“Well then, let’s see the places that aren’t on the grand tour.” He grinned at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Before I could ask what he meant, he grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room. Waylon jumped up and followed us in the elevator.

“Waylon, go talk to Gabe and Ric about who will accompany the girls on the shopping trip this afternoon. I can protect our Luna from here.” He said, waving off Waylon.

“You want me to tell them about the Luna leaving the grounds?” Waylon looked slightly nauseous.

Griffin threw his head back and laughed.

“Okay, hold on.” His eyes went black and a dazed look crossed his face for a minute or two. It looked like he was arguing with himself.

“They know.” He said and Waylon nodded before disappearing.

“What just happened?” I asked.

“Oh, I mindlinked Gabe and Ric.” Griffin shrugged, tugging me out the front door.

“It didn’t look like a pleasant conversation.” I noticed and he chuckled at me,

“You noticed that, huh? It’s okay, they’ll get over it. It was mostly just Ric wanting to go along and Gabe not being 100% sure about you leaving.” He shrugged, trying to sound casual.

“Gabriel doesn’t trust me not to run away.” I said. I wasn’t offended, how could I be? If I had the chance, I would definitely make a run for it.

Wouldn’t I?

“Gabe doesn’t trust anyone with anything. Just give him some time.” Griffin smiled down at me as we walked through the packgrounds.

Everyone smiled at Griffin and greeted him as we weaved through the streets. I was surprised that he knew everyone’s name and even had some pleasant conversations with a few people. He seemed proud to introduce me, but only told them my name, which I was grateful for. I didn’t need people around here thinking that I was their Luna or anything.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we moved away from the main part of the packgrounds and towards the woods.

“There are some pretty amazing sights around us. We’re inside the Crow’s Nest Natural Area Preserve. There’s miles of rivers and streams, wetlands, and some gorgeous hardwood trees that are as old as the pack.” Griffin grinned as he pulled me into the woods.

“How old is the pack?” I asked out of curiosity.

“More than two hundred years old.” He replied.

As we moved through the woods, it got darker under the canopy of lush trees. Only bits of sunlight streamed through the hardwoods that towered above us, leaving some areas as dark as night. I wasn’t one to usually be fearful of the woods, but the darkness and strange animal sounds had me on edge. I clung to Griffin’s hand, shoving myself against his side. Between the two evils, the dark woods and my kidnapper, I would take my kidnapper anyday.

“Are you okay?” Griffin asked, sensing my anxiety.

“It’s a little freaky in here.” I confessed.

“Angel, you’re safe with me.” He smiled, dropping my hand and wrapping his arm around my waist so I could tuck myself even closer to him.

I had the sinking suspicion that Griffin was enjoying this just a little too much.

We walked for a ways before we finally broke through the trees and into a large opening where the sun, thankfully, shone through brightly. There was a literal babbling brook racing through the open space and a flurry of birds took off from the nearby grove of trees. It was like something out of a fairy tale.

“Wow, this is beautiful.” I gasped, stepping out from under Griffin’s arm to walk further into the space.

“Not nearly as beautiful as you are.” Griffin said and I whipped around to laugh at him.

“That was ridiculously cheesy, Griffin.” I snorted but the look on his face quickly silenced me.

Griffin was in front of me in an instant, his arms wrapping around my body as he yanked me into his chest. I gasped but remained still, waiting to see where this was going.

“Say that again, angel.” He purred, his eyes darkening.

“Say what?” I stammered, recognizing that his wolf was coming forward.

“My name.” He said in a throaty voice.

“G…Griffin.” I felt my voice begin to shake.

Griffin ran his hands up and down my back in a soothing motion, his eyes closing for a moment.

“I’m sorry, angel. It’s just, that was the first time you said my name and it made my control snap a bit.” He chuckled nervously.

When his eyes opened they were back to a lovely shade of green and I relaxed slightly.

“Does your wolf have a name like Godric’s?” I asked carefully.

“He does. His name is Frost.” Griffin’s one eye was now black again, “And he would like it if you said his name, too.”

“He would?” I mumbled and Griffin nodded, tightening his grip on me. I felt my body mold against his and was surprised at how well we fit together.

I felt a little weird just saying his name so I had to think of something to ask him quickly.

“What is Frost like?” I asked and a low growl escaped his throat, “Is his temper like Quill’s”

Griffin chuckled,

“No one’s temper is quite like Quill’s, beside maybe Ric’s. No, Frost is much calmer and even tempered but he still has that possessive, protective instinct that all wolves have. He’s just a little more open minded.”

“He’s saying something now, right?” I asked, noticing how his eyes were switching from green to black. Griffin grinned,

“He is. He’s saying that he wants to be with you. He wants his mate.” One of Griffin’s arms dropped from around waist and then his hand was cupping my face.

“Can I….can I see him?” I asked hesitantly.

Another growl rose up from his throat, his entire chest vibrating and his eyes going pitch black. Griffin closed his eyes again and took several deep breaths.

“I’m s..sorry, did I say something wrong?” I stammered, afraid that I had offended his wolf. Griffin smiled and shook his head,

“Not at all, angel, you just made Frost’s day. He was trying to push through and shift immediately. But, I want to check that you’re sure about this?” He said, his hand playing with a loose strand of hair that was dangling beside my face.

“I’m sure. He….he’s safe, right?” I asked.

“Of course he’s safe, he’ll never hurt you just like I would never hurt you.” He assured me and I nodded,

“Okay, then I want to see him.”

Griffin stepped back and started taking his clothes off. I blushed and immediately turned around. I heard him laugh from behind me.

“You wound me, angel. You don’t want to see?” His voice was laced with humor. I sighed loudly and that only had him laughing harder.

“Okay, I’m going to shift. You ready?” He asked and I nodded before I realized I still had my back to him,

“Yes.” I said aloud.

I heard the sound of bones snapping and then it sounded like a heavy boulder smacked the ground. I jumped and turned around to see a giant wolf now standing in front of me. I realized that it was the sound of his paws hitting the ground that rumbled the earth like the aftershock of an earthquake.

Earlier, from the window, I hadn’t realized how big the wolves were. I was standing and Frost was still eye level with me. I felt like a tiny ant.

Frost flopped down on his belly, laid his head down on his paws, and looked up at me. I heard a low whine coming from him and I felt drawn to comfort the fluffy wolf in front of me. I slowly walked up to him and dropped down to my knees a few inches from his head. He army crawled up to me and nuzzled his head into my lap. I giggled and all my nerves were washed away. I buried my hand into the soft fur of his head and he started to purr like a damn cat.

“Okay, you’re cute.” I said and Frost snorted, looking at me with an unamused expression.

We stayed like that for a long time. Eventually, I felt comfortable enough to lay down, curling myself up against Frost’s warm fur. I had no idea how much time had passed and, honestly, I didn’t care. Never in a million years did I think I would be in this situation. That situation being, curled up next to a werewolf who had kidnapped me a few days earlier. I had no idea what was happening to me, I was turning into a softie. Stockholm syndrome, that was it. I was like Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

Eventually, Frost licked my face and I shoved him away, complaining loudly.

Ew! Frost!” I shrieked.

He seemed to snicker as he jumped up and trotted off. I wanted to turn around, but I was engrossed with watching the transformation. Frost started to shake and then, suddenly, he was on two legs instead of four and had skin instead of fur. Before I realized what was happening, my eyes traveled up his human form and locked with Griffin’s smug, stupid looking face.

I gasped and covered my face, a hot blush spreading up from my neck. I whipped around and refused to remove my hands from my now very hot and very red face. I heard him laughing behind me and the sound of fabric rustling. A moment later, I felt the familiar sparks as Griffin’s hands wrapped around my wrists. He tugged my hands from my face and pinned my arms to my side. His large, rough hands entwined with my petite fingers as we stood inches apart.

“You made Frost very happy, and me, too.” He said in a husky voice.

“I was surprised that I felt comfortable with him.” I confessed.

The look in his green eyes as he gazed down at me made me want to confess all of my darkest secrets to him.

“That’s the matebond, angel.” He smiled, leaning forward to plant a hot kiss on my cheek, “It’s almost lunchtime.” He said, his breath blowing across my face.

“Okay.” I mumbled, my knees were starting to feel a little weak. Griffin’s chest rumbled as he laughed at me, pulling his face away from my neck,

“Unless you’d rather stay here?” His eyes were sparkling with trouble.

I put my hands against his chest and shoved him away, making him trip over something and nearly fall to the ground. All the while, he was laughing hysterically. I rolled my eyes at him and started stomping away.

“Awh, wait for me angel, it’s dark in there!” He said, running after me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked together back through the woods.

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