#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 22


My head was still spinning after my kiss with Lukas. I wasn’t a shy lover nor an inexperienced one. I knew what I wanted, I knew my own desires, and I went for them, which is why I was easily emboldened to ask Lukas to kiss me. But, I wasn’t at all prepared for the effects his mouth would have on my body. Never in my life had I been so turned on by a man’s kiss.

I had only said I love you to one man outside of my family, and that ended about as horribly as it can get. Call it PTSD or psychological trauma, but I was visibly shaken when he said those three stupid little words to me. Every other time a man had uttered those words, I had run for the hills, coming up with some lame excuse to end the relationship.

But, with Lukas, there was no fear or desire to run. There was only sadness and disappointment about not being able to say it back, and relief at his understanding.

“I want you to tell me about marking now.” I said after we had started walking again.

I couldn’t lie, the feeling of Lukas’ arm around my waist, drawing slow circles on my hip bone, was enough to make me nearly lose my train of thought. Lukas sighed and I looked up at his face, seeing the worry leans creasing his forehead.

“I don’t want to freak you out.” He mumbled.

“If I haven’t freaked out yet, I don’t think I’m going to.” I laughed nervously. Honestly, I was worried about what Lukas thought would freak me out if the whole werewolf and matebond thing wasn’t it.

“Marking is a way for werewolves to claim each other. It’s like a warning to other wolves that you’re marked and claimed so back off. It also shows which pack you belong to and if you’re ranked. Your mark will show that you belong to the Alpha of the Emerald Forest pack. Each mark is unique.” Lukas explained in a tight voice.

“How does it work?” I asked, almost afraid of the answer. By Lukas’ sigh, I had every right to be.

“It doesn’t hurt, I promise, Clem, I would never do anything to hurt you.” He assured me, looking at my face with a concerned expression. I just nodded and he continued, “Marking happens during the mating process and by me….biting you.” He said through a tense jaw.

First off, I assumed I already knew what the mating process was and, secondly, how could a bit not hurt?

“B…biting?” I stammered.

Once again, Lukas forced us to a stop and positioned me in his arms so he could comfort me gently.

“I know it sounds odd and painful, but it’s not. It’ll drain you and make you feel exhausted afterwards but it will be pleasurable.” He smiled at me while running his fingers through my ponytail.

His eyes told me that he wouldn’t allow the experience to be anything but pleasurable and I shuttered at that thought.

“Don’t be afraid, please.” Lukas begged, assuming my reaction was from fear instead of lust.

“I’m not. I’m curious.” A smile played on my lips. Slowly, Lukas began to relax and a mischievous grin spread across his face.

“Oh, I intend to make you very curious.” He winked and nuzzled his face against my neck again before pressing his warm lips on my skin, “You’ll be begging by the time I’m finished.” He promised in a voice that was so quiet I wasn’t sure I properly heard him.

“They’re going to think we got lost.” I mumbled, my voice shaking. Lukas chuckled and pulled away, we continued to walk.

“I don’t really care.” He replied smugly.

“Why does everyone call me Luna?” I asked another question that was bothering me. Lukas sighed again,

“Asking all the hard questions, I see.” He laughed to himself.

“I need to know everything if I’m going to be able to open myself up and make a decision.” I told him and he nodded, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed nervously.

“The Luna is the Alpha’s mate, his equal in every way. The pack recognizes you as their mother and has already committed to protecting you with their lives.” Lukas explained. A heavy weight fell on my shoulders.

“They haven’t even met me.” I said,

“They don’t have to. They can feel the connection just like I can, it’s just a different kind of connection. Their wolves know that you’re their Alpha’s mate and that automatically makes them loyal to you. A Luna is like the pack’s mother, caring for them compassionately and with kindness. She’s also the Alpha’s supporter and his heart. Without a Luna, the Alpha can go feral or devilish because he doesn’t have someone to calm him down and show him passion.” Lukas said,

His eyes remained glued to the path ahead and his face proved that he was deep in thought.

“The Luna is the only one who isn’t affected by the Alpha command. In all aspects, you stand above me and your safety takes precedence over everyone’s, even mine.” Lukas added.

“The Alpha command?” They were the least crazy words Lukas had spoken.

“It allows me to command anyone in my pack and sometimes even rankless wolves from other packs. I try not to use it often unless it’s for someone’s safety.” Lukas explained, finally looking at me.

I took a deep breath, held it for a second, and then released it dramatically.

“I’m going to need some time before I can form a response to that.” I said and Lukas smiled at me,

“Take your time, my love. I’m just thrilled you aren’t running and screaming.”

“I don’t run nor scream.” I glared at him and he laughed,

“Valid point. Okay, then, I’m glad you’re not pointing a weapon at me and punching me in the face.” He amended and I nodded, satisfied with his new response.

“How about once we get Caleb situated, I give you a tour of the packgrounds?” Lukas suggested and I agreed.

“Where will Caleb and I be staying?” I asked and Lukas’ face went cold again.

“Not together.” He snapped and I rolled my eyes,

“That’s not what I meant.” I huffed.

Lukas shook his head and smiled at me again. His emotions were beginning to give me whiplash.

“I would like you to stay in the house with me. You can have your own suite. Caleb can stay in one of our guest houses.” He said in a calmer voice.

“I don’t know about staying in the house with you….” I trailed off, but the look on Lukas’ face had me reconsidering.

“There’s bedrooms on every floor, you can stay as far away from me as the basement suite if you want.” He was pleading. I sighed and finally gave in,

“Alright, but there better not be any funny business by your or Bastian.” I jabbed a finger in his chest and he stifled a laugh,

“Yes, my Luna.” He saluted me and I shot him a menacing glare.

We finally reached the house where I had been held prisoner for the last two days. Mateo was pacing in front of the porch steps.

“Caleb is inside with Garrick and Lily.” Lukas said to me as we walked towards Mateo, “You okay, man?” He asked his friend. Mateo did not look okay.

“Luna, I am so sorry!” He shouted, running towards me.

Lukas growled protectively and pushed me behind his body. I tugged on his arm and freed myself from his possessive grip.

“I really wish people would stop calling me that.” I grumbled.

“Clementine, then. I’m so sorry for what I did and I want to beg you for your forgiveness.” Mateo literally dropped to his knees in front of me.

“Jesus, Mateo, stand up.” I shuffled away in disbelief and Lukas started laughing. I glared in his direction and he shut up.

“I didn’t do it to be vicious, I honestly just didn’t know what else to do to keep you here. I was afraid for my Alpha and desperate to protect my Luna.” He explained.

“Honestly, Mateo, I’m over the entire thing already. I’ve moved on by a mile. So much has happened since then that you sedating me is literally the furthest thing from my mind.” I sighed. Mateo’s face lit up,

“Are you serious? You forgive me?”

“Yes, I forgive you.” I had no idea why it was such a big deal, but if it got him to stop looking at me like this, I would say anything.

“Oh, thank the Goddess.” Mateo let out a breath of relief, “And thank you for telling Caleb the truth and bringing him back here. I want him so badly.” His face broke my heart.

“Listen, Mateo, Caleb is in a delicate place with everything. Not only did he just find out about all this,” I motioned around the pack, “But, he also hadn’t officially come out to anyone about being gay. I’ve known him for years, he’s my partner and as such, we tell each other everything, and even I didn’t know.” I explained.

“He wasn’t out?” Mateo looked shocked.

“He told his parents he was gay at 15 and they kicked him out. His family disowned him, everyone besides his grandparents.” I said, not exactly sure if I should’ve been telling him all of this or not.

“Those fuckers!” Mateo shouted and I actually jumped back, shocked at his outburst.

Lukas lunged in front of me and pushed me away. I stumbled, nearly tripping over my feet at how fast he moved me. Mateo picked up one of the decorative outdoor flower pots like it weighed nothing and threw it across the yard. It hit the sidewalk and shattered.

“Relax or I won’t allow you into that house.” Lukas’ voice was different than I had ever heard it before.

It was low and vibrated something deep inside my core. I shivered involuntarily and Mateo looked like he was about to hit his knees again, or piss himself, definitely one or the other. He turned his head to the side like he was baring his neck to Lukas and ducked his eyes.

“Sorry, Alpha, Luna.” He mumbled, glancing up at us both.

This shit was getting weirder and weirder by the second, I thought to myself.

“Can you keep your shit together long enough to go instead and speak with your mate?” Lukas asked in the same bone chilling voice. Mateo nodded, looking excited again,

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Clem, you okay, love?” Lukas wrapped his arm around me again and our eyes locked.

“I’m fine. I want to get this all over with so things can settle down some.” I sighed, feeling exhausted. It’s been one hell of a long day.

“Your wish is my command.” Lukas smiled, tugging at my ponytail once before leading the way inside.

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