#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 21


Jake, Josh, Thaddous, and Rick were all on duty as Clementine’s guards. Josh mindlinked me when they arrived at her house and then Rick linked me a few minutes later when she came storming out. Jake let me know when they got to the diner.

Little to Clem’s knowledge, the diner was owned by a member of my pack, Betty, and several other pack members worked there as waitresses, waiters, busboys/girls, cooks, kitchen staff, and whatever else Betty needed. So, I was receiving mindlinks left and right from the staff asking about the girl who they all had assumed was my mate, and why she was there with another man.

I was pacing all throughout my house, unable to sit still as I waited to learn what was going on with Clementine. Why did she fight with her brother and leave? What was she doing with Caleb at the diner? I was two seconds away from heading over there myself when Thaddous mindlinked me that they were leaving. A minute later, my phone rang and it was Clem.

“Clem?” I nearly shouted and then cursed at myself for sounding like such a dumbass.

“Way to play it cool, Alpha,” She giggled.

And just like that, I felt nothing but lust all because she called me Alpha. My member twitched and my pants became uncomfortably tight,

“By the way, your guys suck at being covert. I can see all four of them following us around.” She added.

“I figured they didn’t need to be stealthy anymore. I was honest about not wanting to sneak around or hide anything from you, my sweet.” I purred, unable to keep the need out of my voice.

I was met with silence for a few moments before she spoke again,

“I’m coming back to the house and Caleb is with me. He knows everything and I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first, but I thought he deserved to know. But, he’ll be needing some proof when we get there. Also, if it’s alright with you, I’d like us both to be your guests for a bit.” She spoke quickly but, honestly, I didn’t hear anything after I’m coming back, at least until she asked if she could stay.

“First off, Clem, you are not a guest and never will be a guest here. This is your home and anyone you trust is welcomed here. Secondly, anyone you trust, I trust, so it’s completely okay that you told him about us. I’ll tell Mateo that Caleb is coming back and he can shift as proof. It’s only fair that he gets to be his mate’s first wolf.” I said,

“We left the diner a few minutes ago, of course, you already knew that.” She chuckled and I clung to the sound, I already missed her so much.

“Yes, love, I do and I’ll be waiting for you ever so impatiently.” I promised.

“Lukas?” She whispered my name and I shivered,

“Yes, sweet mate?”

“You seem to be acting differently now.” Her voice shook slightly like she was nervous or embarrassed.

“I was holding back before so I wouldn’t give myself away to you before I thought you were ready to learn the truth. Also, now that Bastian and I are fully connected again, my instincts are on overdrive and I have all of his emotions flooding me, too. I’m being my authentic self with you, now, Clem. I don’t want to hide a single thing.” I replied honestly. Clem was quiet on the other side of the phone, “Clem?”

“Thank you for being honest. I wanted to tell you what I told Caleb to convince him to come here. I told him that, even though I know almost nothing about how I feel about you or this entire situation, I do know with complete certainty that I can trust you and the pack.”

Oh Goddess. Her confession had me falling right over the edge of sanity and lust had completely taken over. Bastian growled and snarled, clawing at my head and wanting out so he could find his mate and claim her as his.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear you say that. If you were here right now, you’d see how happy.” I growled into the phone and I could practically feel her blush from here.

“I’ll see you soon, Lukas.” The way she said my name, sweet Lord.

“Yes you will, my Goddess.” I promised her before ending the call.

I hurried out of the house and ran for Mateo’s home. I updated him but ordered him to stay here until I mindlinked him, or else he wouldn’t be allowed to see his mate. I knew it would take about an hour for them to reach the packgrounds, but I wasn’t going to risk missing them so I went straight to the front gate and awaited my mate’s arrival.

After a painfully long time, Caleb’s red SUV pulled up to the gate and I ran to the passenger side, ripping open the door and pulling Clem from her seat.

“Lukas!” She yelped in surprise but I was too busy shoving my face into her neck and breathing deeply.

“I’m sorry, my sweet, but I’ve just missed you so much.” I purred against her skin.

“It’s only been a few hours.” She chuckled, fidgeting nervously in my arms.

“Felt like a lifetime.” I lightly brushed my lips against her skin before pulling back. I fixed her now ruffled hair and cupped her face gently, “Are you okay?” I asked, looking over her carefully.

“I’m fine. Can we go inside?” She asked and Bastian howled in victory.

“Of course we can.” I said, grabbing her hand and slamming her car door shut.

“Uhm….” Clem looked at the now closed door.

“Oh, I was hoping you’d walk with me.” I begged, ducking my head so we were eye level. Clem sighed but looked around my shoulder to nod at Caleb.

“You’re strange, you know that?” She laughed at me but I just grinned and pulled her along aside me.

“I don’t know, I think that’s your fault.” I shrugged and she knocked her shoulder against mine playfully, “Will you tell me what happened with your brother?” I asked as we walked down the path alongside the driveway.

“Your men are nosey.” She huffed, rolling her eyes, “Danny made a comment I wasn’t happy about so I told him not to call me until he had his shit together.” She said, but I could tell there was more to the story.

“A comment?” I nudged her.

“I’d rather not talk about it right now.” She muttered and I gave her hand a squeeze,

“Whatever you want.” I smiled, “You know, you had a lot of people worried when you went to the diner without me.” I teased and her eyes shot towards me.

“The diner, too?” She waved her free hand around in frustration. I couldn’t help but laugh at her,

“The owner, Betty, is from the pack as is most of the staff.” I replied nonchalantly.

“That shouldn’t surprise me.” She mumbled under her breath. I dropped her hand and wrapped my arm around her waist instead, desperate to have her closer to me.

“I’m sorry, don’t be upset with me.” I fluttered my eyelashes flirtatiously and she rolled her eyes again, but I could smell a different sort of reaction rolling off of her.

“What are the names of the people you have following me?” She asked curiously and I growled. She closed her hand into a fist and threatened to punch me again,

“Sorry, sorry. Habit.” I mumbled.

“What now?” She asked in an irritated tone.

“You want to know about other guys.”

“You need to chill.” She said,

“Impossible with you around. But, their names are Josh, Jake, Thaddous, and Rick. They’re some of my best warriors and were hand selected by Mateo for your protection.” I explained.

“Seems like overkill, don’t you think?”

“Not at all. But, if it makes you feel any better, only two of them usually follow after you.” I shrugged.

“Why all four now?”

“Because I thought maybe you’d try and ditch them.” I looked at her sideways and she smiled mischievously,

“Awh, you know me so well.” She fluttered her blue eyes and, even though I knew she was screwing with me, it had me in a tizzy.

“Like I know my own heart.” I assured her.

I bent down to kiss the top of her head. She blushed and nibbled at her bottom lip. I pulled her abruptly to a stop and whipped her around so she was standing in front of me, both my arms encircling her tiny body.

“Lukas?” Her eyes pinched together in shock.

“You bite that lip and it kills me, little mate.” I growled, tugging her lip from her teeth with my thumb.

“I….I don’t even realize I’m doing it.” She confessed in a quiet voice, her eyes darting everywhere to avoid looking at me.

I cupped her face and forced her to focus on me.

“Let me have your attention.” I demanded and she froze, looking stunned, “I want to kiss you.” I whispered. As if on instinct, she licked her lips and I groaned painfully.

“So, kiss me.” Three little words sent me head diving off the cliff.

I crushed her to my body and consumed her lips with mine. I moved roughly against hers, licking her bottom lip and demanding entrance. She gave up eagerly and moaned beautifully into my mouth. I shivered and felt myself immediately stiffen, already turned on and standing at full attention for her. I ran my hands down her side and gripped her hips, pulling her against my groin. She reacted exactly how I wanted, melting her curves into my body and groaning.

I could tell she was becoming breathless, so I released her lips and moved my mouth across her cheek, over her jawline, and down her neck. She was shivering in my arms, her head dropping back to give me better access. I paused on her marking spot, sucking and nipping at her sensitive skin.

She moaned more wildly this time and Bastian ordered me to mark her and claim her as ours. I pushed him back and moved away from her neck, afraid that I wouldn’t be able to resist if I stayed there much longer.

I returned my lips to hers and kissed her more passionately this time. Her plump red lips were so unbelievably soft that I didn’t ever want to let them go. Reluctantly, I did. Pulling away just enough to separate our lips, I rested my forehead against hers and smiled at my mate. We were both breathing heavily and in a sort of haze. I sniffed and was happy to smell that she was hot and bothered just like I was.

“You’re going to be the death of me, woman.” I breathed out and she giggled, her eyes sparkling as they locked with mine, “You know I love you, right?” Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly in a gasp.

“I….” She opened and closed her mouth, speechless.

“It’s okay, my sweets, you don’t have to say anything back. I’ve loved you since the very first moment I met you and I’ll love you until I’m dead. I know you’ll feel the same one day.” I smirked confidently.

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