#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 15


“Where’s Clementine? Is she okay?” I shouted at Garrick the second I was conscious.

“She’s unharmed.” His reply was suspiciously well worded.

“What happened?” I grumbled, wrestling with the hospital bed sheets so I could stand.

“Alpha, you really should….”

“Save it, Dr. Moreson.” I put my hand up, silencing the doctor. He sighed and walked away.

“You were attacked.” Garrick began,

“Yes, I remember that part.” I snapped as I unhooked myself from the machines.

“It was really quite something. Clementine came rushing right to your side and got between you and the rogue.” Garrick said, looking impressed. I, on the other hand, felt sick.

“She what?” I nearly lost it.

“She’s fine. Mateo was there and took out the rogue. Then he shifted and got you both into your truck.”

“Clem came here?” I asked in shock.

“Yeah, yeah, she did.” Garrick nodded but his face was pale as he stuttered.

“Then what?”

“Well, she wanted to leave.” Garrick stated.

“I’m not surprised. She doesn’t know anyone here and it’s a new place.” I was still staring at him skeptically.

“Mhm, mhm.” Garrick agreed, nodding his head like a cartoon character “Yeah, so, Mateo didn’t think it would be good for you if she left.”

“So, he convinced her to stay?” I cocked an eyebrow in question.

"Welllll...In a manner of speaking.” Garrick was rocking back and forth on his heels nervously.

I sighed and stood up, glaring at him so he knew I was over whatever game he was playing,

“What exactly happened?” I was almost afraid of the answer.

“She was threatening to leave and was really upset. She even threatened to arrest Mateo,” I laughed at that mental picture, “And Mateo, well he panicked, and he didn’t know how to convince her to stay and he was afraid for you so......so he had Nurse Kelly sedate her.” Garrick shouted the last few words at me.

“I’m sorry?” I must’ve heard him wrong.

“Mateo had Nurse Kelly sedate the Luna.” Nope, that’s what I heard the first time.

“What the hell was he thinking!” I shouted.

“I wasn’t here, I was dealing with the rogues,” Garrick replied defensively, “But everyone says there was no convincing her to stay.” He was speaking quickly as I stormed out of the room.

“So he had her fucking sedated? Yeah, sure, that makes sense!” I yelled, “How long?”

“She was only out for about an hour but you’ve been unconscious for two days.” Garrick said, nearly running me over when I came to a sudden stop.

“And where, praytell, has my mate been for those two days?” I asked in a snarky tone.

“Locked in your room.” Garrick’s voice was small.

“I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.” I growled as I continued my charge through the hospital.

“He was just….”

“Just stop, Garrick, before I kill you, too.” I snarled, “What about her brother? Where does he think she is?”

“We texted him from her phone saying she was going to Quantico for the weekend to collect some of her things.” Garrick said and I shook my head in response.

“The Luna has made nice with Valerie. She got her to eat and to stop trying to break out,” Garrick explained, trying to add some good news to the shit storm of bad news, “But, she wasn’t successful in stopping her from shouting obscenities about Mateo from the windows everyday, all day.” He continued.

I shoved open the hospital building’s doors and nearly ran across the pack grounds, ignoring everyone and everything in my path.

“I don’t blame her.”

“She also describes, in graphic detail, all the ways she’s going to murder him.” Garrick added.

“Perfect, she can have at it. I’m sure she’s plotting my death as well.” I muttered.

“She’s mentioned it once or twice.” He said, mostly to himself.

“And the pack?” I asked, noticing, for the first time, all the strange looks I was getting as I neared my house.

“They’re worried about their Alpha being injured, curious about the rumors regarding your mate, and concerned that their possible future Luna is being held captive and shouting from windows.” He said plainly.

“Outstanding.” I replied sarcastically, “Wait here.” I ordered him once we reached my house.

I ran up the steps and stopped outside my bedroom door. I could hear Clementine’s voice coming from the other side.

“I mean how long am I supposed to stay here?” She asked.

“I heard the others talking and, rumor has it, Lukas should be waking up soon.” I recognized Valerie’s voice. It hesitated at my name, probably because she was used to calling me Alpha.

I took a deep breath and knocked. The voices stopped and then Valerie was opening up my bedroom door.

“Alpha.” She bowed her head.

“It’s alright, Valerie. Thank you for keeping my mate company.” I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. She smiled at me before slipping out of the room.

“Oh, look who’s awake.” Clementine stood from the sofa in the small sitting room and put her hands on her hips.

“Clementine.” I sighed.

“There is not a shovel around that can dig you out of this hole.” If looks could kill, I’d be 6 feet under already.

“I’m going to explain everything….” I started, stepping closer to her.

She dropped her arms and stomped towards me, her finger jammed into my chest.

“How dare you? What kind of man has someone sedated and kidnapped!” She yelled.

“I didn’t….”

“What kind of man has friends who thinks it’s okay to do that on his behalf?” She snapped.

“I don’t think it’s okay and I swear to you that Mateo and Garrick will be punished….” She wasn’t having any of my excuses,

“I don’t give a damn! I was stabbed with a needle and locked in a monochromatic room for two days!” She yelled, waving her hands around.

“Monochromatic….” I started to sound offended before I shook my head, “No, that’s not the point. The point is, I’m sorry for everything and I swear I can explain it all.”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses. I’m leaving.” She shoved past me and I let her.

“I know what happened to your parents.” My voice had her skidding to a halt before she could open the door.

“What did you just say?” Her voice was cool and detached as she slowly turned back around.

“I know who killed your parents. I’ve always known.”

“Now, that can’t be true because that would mean you’ve been lying to me for the last month.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

“No, not the last month,” I shook my head, “The last seven years.”

Clementine’s face fell and paled, her beautiful blue eyes growing two sides too big. My heart broke at her face but I knew it was time to come clean.

“What?” Her mouth formed the words but hardly any sound came out.

“When we met in the woods a month ago it wasn’t for the first time.” I confessed, “We met in that same spot, seven years ago.”

“No, I can’t do this.” Her voice broke and she turned back towards the door.

I closed the space between us, pressing the palm of my hand against the door right by her head. She froze, her body stiffened as she kept her back to me.

“I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know. I did what I thought was right. If you stay, I promise to tell you nothing but the truth from here on out.” I whispered into her ear.

“Why should I trust you?” She mumbled.

“Because, my sweet mate, I’ll give you the entire world if you let me.”

Clementine went rigid next to me and she whipped around.

“What did you just say?”

“I know nothing makes sense….” I began but she shook her head,

“No, what did you call me?”

“You’re my mate.” I replied. She studied my face before walking away from the door and from me.

“The whole truth, 100% honesty.” Clementine demanded.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Then who is Bastian?” Of all the things I thought she’d ask, that wasn’t one of them.


“Seven years ago, when I was in the woods, a white wolf defended me. That same wolf showed up at my house later that night before I was taken to the hospital. Ever since then I’ve dreamt about him. After your idiot friend knocked me out, I dreamt about the wolf again and he spoke to me. He told me his name was Bastian and he called me the same thing you just did.” Clementine explained, looking like she didn’t even believe it herself.

“You’ve been speaking with her?” I asked Bastian.

“Since we first met.” Bastian replied.

“All this time…..”

“Where do you think I’ve been? You left her but I stayed. I developed our connection which kept you from being weak over your severed matebond.” Bastian explained.

“I thought it was just me going crazy at first. After I started studying psychology I figured it was just my mind’s way of coping with the trauma. But, after he spoke to me two days ago I’m back to thinking I should be committed.” She laughed nervously.

“No, you’re not crazy. Bastian is real and he’s a part of who I am.” I sighed. This wasn’t exactly the part I was going to start with, but here we are.

“That’s what he said, too. He kept talking about your souls being connected.” Clementine looked skeptical.

“Come on, this isn’t something I can tell you. I have to show you.” I said, opening the door and stepping out. When I noticed Clementine wasn’t following, I turned around and gestured for her, “You’re safe, Clem.”

She took a deep breath and nodded, finally following after me. I mindlinked Mateo and Garrick to meet me in the backyard so she wasn’t alone with just my wolf. We walked through the house and out the sliding back door. The backyard was private and enclosed with a white picket fence.

“Just stay there.” I told Clem, leaving her on the stone patio. I walked further into the yard and took off my shirt, “I have to get undressed.”

Clem just gave me a look that said she wasn’t amused and crossed her arms over her chest.

“I just want you to remember that you’re always safe with Bastian and I. Did he ever make you feel otherwise?” I asked her and she shook her head, “Good.”

This wasn’t exactly how I dreamed standing naked in front of my mate would be like, but it’s what I got. I reached down inside myself and for Bastian. It didn’t take long before he was taking over the shift and we were standing on all fours.

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