#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 14


“I swear, whoever is responsible for this is going to die.” I rambled angrily to Bastian. He was stretched out on the ground and I was pacing in front of him. He looked up at me with an amused expression,

“Oh, you think this is funny?” I snapped at him.

Bastian jumped up and walked in front of me, tilting his head to the side.

“You know, this would be a lot easier if you could talk.” I huffed and his eyes sparkled with laughter.

“I can, I just didn’t want to freak you out.” A voice echoed in my head and I jumped a foot off the ground.


“I can talk to you in your mind, I just thought that would make you upset.” Bastian’s voice sounded eerily familiar.

“I’ve been talking to myself for seven years.” I pointed out.

“Yes, and look at how close we’ve gotten without me even speaking.” Bastian said, “You knew my name without me even having to say it.

“Yeah, how does that work?” I asked.

“You and I are connected, that’s why I can come to you in your dreams. Our souls are bonded and, because of that, we can communicate without words. I can speak to you telepathically or simply through emotions.” Bastian’s voice echoed in my head but, instead of freaking me out, it somehow had the opposite effect.

“Our souls are connected? That doesn’t make any sense.” I scoffed.

“Yes it does and you know it. You feel it too, just like you’ve been feeling it with Lukas.” Bastian replied.

“What does Lukas have to do with any of this?” I snapped in confusion, feeling like the only one out of the loop.

“I’ll let him explain it once he wakes up. Just give him a chance, my sweet mate, and I promise we’ll both give you the world. He has all the answers you need.” Bastian curled up on the ground and rested his head on my feet.

“What did you just call me?” I muttered, looking down at him.

When Bastian stood at his full height, he was able to look into my eyes. Like this, curled up in a little ball, he seemed like nothing more than a puppy.

“I promise, it’ll all make sense.” He repeated.

“This is about whatever Mateo was talking about, too, isn’t it? He said I needed to stay to help Lukas get better.”

“Yes, it is. You can trust Mateo and Garrick, they care about you, too. Mateo has been looking out for you for as long as I have. Lukas’ soul is tied to you and it needs you to be strong.” Bastian’s green eyes glanced up at me.

“None of this makes any sense.” I grumbled and Bastian snorted as a way of laughing.

“It will and try not to be too mad at Mateo for having you sedated. He just didn’t know what else to do to keep you here.” Bastian added.

“Oh, I’m going to kill him for that.” I said matter-of-factly. Bastian continued to shake with his wolfy laughter,

“Go easy on him.”

“I can’t believe I’m debating with a dog who’s speaking in my mind. I’m going nuts, I should be committed.” I muttered to myself.

“No, sweet mate, you’re just a part of a world you don’t know about yet. Just know, above anything and everything else, that you are well loved and protected.” Bastian hopped up again and locked eyes with me, “It’s time to wake up now.”

I felt my eyes flutter open and I looked around the unfamiliar room. The walls were a dark gray and the lights were dimmed. I looked down and saw that I was in a large, King size bed with a dark colored comforter thrown over me. I groaned and sat up, holding my throbbing head.

Looking around, the room was very large and empty. There was matching dark furniture that completed the moody atmosphere including end tables on either side of the bed, a TV stand underneath a large mounted flatscreen, and a coffee table and desk which sat off to the side in a small sitting area. On the wall in front of me were two doors. I threw the blanket off of me and scurried across the room.

One door led to an ensuite bathroom complete with tiled shower and soaker tub. The second door was a walk-in closet complete with organizers and dressers. One side was empty. I grumbled in frustration and walked back into the bedroom. The perpendicular wall also had a closed door. I ran over and tugged at the door knob, it didn’t budge. Growling, I slammed my fist into the locked door. After trying the windows and noticing that I was way too far off the ground to jump anyway, I gave up on my daring escape.

I sat on the edge of the bed and glared at the door until I finally heard someone moving on the other side of it. I clenched my hands into fists and strategized about attacking the intruder.

“Please don’t kill me, Clementine.” Mateo’s voice came from the cracked door before his head poked through it.

“I make no promises.” I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest as I remained sitting on the bed.

“I’m sorry for sedating you.” He said, shuffling into the room.

“You’re gonna be.” I threatened him and Mateo dared to smirk at me.

“I’ll admit, it was a bit rash, but you just couldn’t leave and I had no idea how else to make you stay.” Mateo shut the door behind him and leaned against it.

“I have no idea why I need to be here.”

“You will once Lukas is all better and you two can talk.” Mateo promised.

“I’m not sure I can trust anyone who condones having someone sedated and kidnapped.” I replied bitterly.

“I did that, not Lukas. He’s gonna hand me my ass when he finds out.” Mateo had the good sense to finally look afraid.

“He’s not awake yet?” I tried to hide my concern.

“You’ve only been out for about an hour and no, he’s still unconscious. He’s healing though so it shouldn’t be too much longer until he’s strong enough to wake up.” Mateo shrugged.

“An hour? I saw his injuries, Mateo, it’s going to take longer than an hour for them to heal.” I stated. Mateo winked at me with a sly smirk,

“Oh, you’d be surprised by what our boy is capable of.”

“He’s not my boy.” I said stubbornly. Mateo threw his head back and laughed,

“Right, sure he isn’t,” he rolled his eyes, “I saw how you were with him when he got hurt and in the car. Do you normally throw yourself in front of wolves for strange men?”

“I’m an FBI agent.” I stated obviously.

“Likely excuse.” Mateo huffed and I threw my hands up at him, “Anyway, in the meantime, you need to stay here because I don’t trust you not to run if I let you out.”

“So you’re grounding me?” I glared at Mateo, “Should I call you Daddy?”

Mateo’s eyes went huge and he immediately paled.

“Goddess please don’t, Lukas really will kill me then.” He said in a small voice.

“Well, if he doesn’t, I will, so less work for me.” I shrugged.

“Listen, I’ll have food sent up to you so please don’t kill the staff.” He said, pushing off the door and fidgeting with the doorknob.

“You left me my gun.” I said, standing off the bed and resting my hand on it.

“You’re not a prisoner, Clem, and you’re definitely not in any danger. Those bullets won’t do anything to me, but I know it’ll make you feel more comfortable having it.” Mateo said,

“Won’t do anything to you?” I laughed humorlessly and Mateo just winked before leaving. I heard him lock the door behind him.

A few hours later the door opened again and a woman entered with a cart of food. She informed me that her name was Valerie and it was dinnertime. In turn, I informed her where she could shove her dinner cart and politely asked her to get the hell out. There may or may not have been some cursing involved as well as throwing of the food.

That night, I tried to stage my break out. I jimmied the windows open and figured I could make the two story jump to the grass below. I probably could’ve too if it weren’t for the army of men surrounding the place and eyeing me up like they were amused by my jailbreak idea. I waved at them with a cheeky smile before slipping back inside the window and slamming it shut. I tried to pick the door lock next, which I did manage to do quite successfully, but was met with another man made wall.

“Jesus, you guys are everywhere.” I grumbled at the 6 foot something man of steel hovering in front of me.

“For your safety, Lu….ma’am.” he grunted in a low voice.

“More like my misery.” I muttered in response before sinking back into the room.

I didn’t sleep a wink that night and, when Valerie returned bravely with breakfast the next morning, I was both exhausted and starving. She parked the cart in the sitting area as I threw daggers at her from the center of the bed.

“Can I help you with anything, Miss?” She asked in a polite voice.

“An escape plan?” I asked and Valerie gave me an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry, Miss. I think it’s wrong how the Gamma is handling this situation but I understand why and soon you will, too.” Valerie reminded me of my grandmother. You know, if I had a grandmother.

Neither of my parents had living parents they were close to so I had no grandparents. They were also only children so forget about aunts, uncles, and cousins. But, Valerie had that sweet, homey looking face that just made you want to break down and tell her your entire life story. She smelt of baked goods like she was working in the kitchen all day and had the most genuine smile I’ve ever seen. Her face was wrinkled slightly and her hair was a beautiful snowy gray, softly curled on the top of her head.

“The Gamma?” I asked, cocking my head to the side as I eyeballed the food.

“Mateo, Miss.” Valerie replied looking a bit nervous like she said something she shouldn’t have.

“Have you heard anything about Lukas?” I asked.

Mateo was too much of a chicken to come back to the room and I found myself curious over Lukas’ condition. I refused to admit that I was actually worried about him, though.

“He’s still unconscious, Miss, but healing quite well.” She replied.

“My name’s Clementine.” I stood from the bed and walked towards her, “And I’m sorry about my behavior yesterday. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you, you were just being nice.”

“It’s okay, Miss. Clementine, I understand. You should really eat some breakfast, though, you’re far too thin as it is.” Valerie smiled.

“It’s just Clementine.” I argued and Valerie chuckled as she motioned towards the cart of food. My stomach groaned in hunger and I was no longer able to refuse.

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