#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 23


I woke up from my peaceful slumber with a smile on my face. I blinked my eyes against the warm sun that was beating through the windows. Stretching out in bed, I noticed that I was alone. I started to panic before I heard the shower and saw the steam rolling out from under the bathroom door. I sighed and sat up, admiring the mess we had caused in the hotel room. Our clothes were everywhere, blankets were haphazardly skewed across furniture, and decorative pillows were tossed on the floor.

I looked down at my naked body, running my hands up my arms and admiring the love bites August left there. I swooned at the memories of last night, relishing in my euphoria and deciding to go with the mood. I threw off the blankets and tip toes across the room, shivering as the cold air hit my skin.

“Now that’s a sight I could get used to.” I cried out as August’s voice nearly gave me a heart attack. I wrapped my arms around myself and attempted to hide behind the sofa.

“You scared me half to death.” I complained. August chuckled and covered the room in a few long strides. His sexy self was standing in front of me, dripping wet, covered only in a towel. I scanned the full length of his body, shamelessly, and came to rest on his eyes.

“I’m sorry, baby.” He purred, tugging at my arms,

“I told you not to hide yourself from me.” He said. I shrugged,

“I’m not a good listener.” I smirked. August rolled his eyes.

“That’s painfully obvious.” He grumbled, letting go of my arms and heading towards his suitcase. I continued picking through my suitcase for some clothes.

“I figured we could get some breakfast and then head home?” August said, tugging a shirt over his head. That answered my question on what kind of outfit I needed for today.

“Sounds perfect.” I chriped, grabbing my discarded jeans from the floor and a sweatshirt from my bag.

“I like those better on the floor.” August growled, trying to grab my pants from my hands. I giggled and avoided his reach, running into the bathroom and closing the door.

“You can’t hide what’s mine!” He yelled from the bedroom. I peaked out from behind the door,

“You don’t own me, Alpha.” I said with a crooked grin so he knew I was teasing him. He nipped at me through the slit in the door and I slammed it in his face.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. I swear, I was ready in less than 30 minutes, but you would have thought it took me hours. August had a room full of breakfast waiting for me.

“What is all this?” I laughed in surprise.

“I told you we were going to get breakfast.” August shrugged casually, sitting at the tiny dining table with a plateful of bacon, eggs, and sausage. Across from him was another plate stacked a mile high with pancakes. I licked my lips,

“Are those for me?” I pointed towards the plate.

“Duh.” August joked, sticking a forkful of food into his mouth. I skipped to the table and joined my mate for breakfast.

“I love you.” I said with my mouthful. August looked at me when one eyebrow raised. I stabbed the pancakes,

“The pancakes. I love the pancakes.” I clarified, but I wasn’t really sure that I needed to.

“Mhm.” August grinned, taking another bite of food. We finished up breakfast about an hour later, savoring every minute we had together. With our bags packed and road trip music established, we were both buckled into the car and heading home.

“Can I ask you something kinda serious?” I sighed after a few comfortable minutes in silence.

“Someone likes serious road trip conversations.” August observed and I shrugged.

“You can always ask me anything, Jo.” He said.

“The car guy at the hospital’s parking garage called me Luna.” I said quietly. August glanced down at me,

“That’s not a question.”

“Okay, the question is, does everyone think I’m the Luna?” I looked up at him, slightly irritated at his avoidance.

“The valet knew you as the Luna because I threatened him with a short, painful death if he didn’t take his time retrieving your car when we first met.” August’s eyes were sparking with mischief and I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“You threatened the valet?” I covered my laughter with my hand.

“Yes, yes I did.” August said matter-of-factly.

“You shouldn’t have done that.” My disapproval was lessened by my giggles.

“True, but I was going crazy thinking about how to handle a human mate who had no idea werewolves existed. Lucky for me, that wasn’t the case.” August winked at me before returning his eyes to the road.

“Anyway, other than the valet, my Beta and Gamma, Kasey, my father, and the 6 patrol guys are the only ones who officially know about you. Of course, the rumor mill of our pack is ever so active but I haven’t made any official statements.” August admitted.

“It’s not that I’m not proud or excited about being the Luna…” I began, August cut me off,

“It’s that you aren’t ready for that reality yet.” He glanced at me sideways and I relaxed under his gaze. I wasn’t sure how many times I needed August to reassure me that he understood my fears and hesitations, but it was at least one more time.

“I know that you’re going to make a fabulous Luna, Josie. You spent your whole life as the daughter of an Alpha, you were raised to be a leader. You’re a doctor, for crying out loud, being caring and compassionate is who you are at your core. I’m not worried about you stepping up to the job, I know you’ll be there when you’re ready and when you’re needed.” August reached over and grabbed my hand, resting our entwined fingers in my lap.

“Anything else you need to talk about, love?” August asked. I shook my head,

“I’m good, for now.” I smiled at him and he returned it. We spent the rest of the drive admiring the scenery we couldn’t see in the dark last night and enjoying each other’s company.

An hour later we pulled into the driveway of my cabin. August was quick to my side of the car, opening up my door and giving me a hand out. He grabbed our bags from the trunk and I led the way to the front door. I unlocked the door and stepped inside before realizing that I didn’t feel August behind me. I turned around and found him standing in the middle of the sidewalk, his eyes black and a glazed look on his face. He was mindlinking with the pack and something was wrong.

“August!” I called out. He shook his head and brought his attention to me. He met me on the porch and sat our bags inside the door.

“I have to go.” He said quietly, seriously.

“What’s going on?” I grabbed his elbow and demanded he fill me in on the danger. He cupped my face with one hand and tried to smile.

“It’s just the rogues.” He replied. Seeing my frustration, he quickly gave me more details.

“A group of my warriors are already out there. This group of rogues is fighting back more than the others so they need some extra help. Blaine and Dax are going to stay in front of the cabin to keep you safe. I’ll come back as soon as I can, love.” August was trying to reassure me, but something about the look on his face told me this rogue attack was much different than the rest.

“Be safe.” I ordered him. He placed a quick kiss on my forehead and ran off. Pulling his shirt from his body, he called back to me,

“Stay inside!” I grumbled at his orders but listened anyway.

Shutting the door behind me, I flicked the lock and pulled the curtain close. I started pacing through the kitchen and living room, occasionally stopping to do something trivial like making tea or straightening a pillow. After I realized that it had only been 10-minutes, I knew I had to do something to occupy my time. The tea kettle was warming on the stove and I decided to put a pot of coffee on too, thinking that the boys would be chilled after their battle. 5-minutes later and I was ready to explode with anxiety.

I started digging through my cabinets and realized that I desperately needed to go to the grocery store. So, I spent the next 10-minutes making a shopping list. I dropped the tablet when a howl ripped through the air; I knew immediately that it was August. I took a step towards the door and gasped as a sharp pain claimed my arm. I looked down and started feverishly rubbing my arm, trying to make the pain go away. I realized that the pain wasn’t real, not for me anyway. It was August’s pain.

I ran to the door and yanked it open. Ty’s wolf Blaine was standing on my front porch while Dax, Scout’s wolf, was on guard in the front yard. Blaine’s large blonde head fell towards me and I could sense the glare in his giant wolf eyes.

“What’s going on?” I asked loudly. Blaine huffed at me.

“Get back inside Luna. Man Alpha is gonna kill us if he finds her outside.”

“Well get her back inside, idiot.”

“What am I supposed to do? Tackle her? Then I’ll really be dead.”

“It would help if she could understand us.”

“Would you two just shut up and tell me what’s going on with August!” I yelled at the chattering wolves. Both their heads snapped towards me and I froze, realizing that I had just heard a mindlinked conversation between Dax and Blaine.

“Can she hear us?”

“Can you hear us?”

“Yeah I can hear you. Can we figure that out later?” I glared at them. Blaine spoke in my head,

“August was hurt. One of the rogues got a hold of his leg. He’s fine, he was able to fight off the wolf and the rest of the warriors pushed the rogue pack back. They’re getting ready to take him back to the packhouse. He shifted and he’s not healing right.”

“Bring him here.” I ordered,

“I’m a doctor and he’s my mate. Bring. Him. Here.” I growled, my Luna voice slipping out.

I was surprised at myself. August hadn’t marked me yet, I shouldn’t be able to mindlink with anyone and I shouldn’t have a Luna voice. I shook my head, it didn’t matter right now. Blaine nodded his giant head and mindlinked the rest of the warriors.

“Shift and get in here.” I told Dax and Blaine who were both standing on my front porch. I threw some blankets out at them.

“You cannot fit into my house like that. Shift.”

I started rummaging through the closet, yanking down the first aid kit and other medical supplies. I knew I wanted to be a doctor from the time I was a little girl. I had this house well stocked for medical emergencies and I knew how to handle a wolfie medical emergency. Scout and Ty came up behind me.

“Unless you want August to kill you, I suggest you go upstairs and get some clothes. Just grab whatever will fit, get some for the rest of the boys too.” I said absentmindedly, tearing through the first aid kit and setting out supplies. I started filling a bowl with warm water when the pack’s voices exploded in my head.

“Why are we going here?”

“We need to get him back to the packhouse.”

“What is a human going to do?”

“How did the Rogue’s get the jump on him?”

“The Rogues were after something today.”

I clutched my head in pain. It wasn’t the first time I had experienced the mindlink. After I turned six and started training, I began to hear the pack. But, it was limited. I only heard people who I knew, like my father, Jared, Benji, and the other Hayes boys. I had to let people in, they couldn’t just force their way into my head like the warriors were doing now.

The door slammed open, Dru, Theo, and Avery were carrying August in human form. Ford was the only one left in wolf form who I recognized. He and several other unfamiliar wolves were standing guard on the porch.

“Put him on the table.” I ordered, shoving the centerpiece to the floor. The glass candle dome shattered on the floor, but I didn’t care.

August was awake but in obvious pain. Although, he was alert enough to growl at his patrol to put on some pants in front of his mate. I stood at his head and smoothed down his hair,

“Honestly, not the most important thing right now.” I chastised him just as Ty and Scout returned with clothes. Everyone quickly changed while I grabbed the bowl of water and towels. I started wiping away the blood on his arm, I had to see where it was coming from.

“Scout, get me the gauze.” I called out, throwing another blood soaked towel down on the floor. Scout handed me a pile of gauze and I used it to soak up the blood.

“Why isn’t he healing?” I was startled at the sound of Ethan’s voice, I hadn’t seen him come in. Ethan and Hayden were both tugging on a pair of sweatpants as they walked towards the table.

“Silver or wolfsbane would be my guess.” I grumbled.

“There’s a black bag on the bar, I need it.” I said to no one in particular. Hayden quickly handed me the bag. I pulled out the clear glass jar and syringe.

“That won’t work on him. He’s not like your human patients.” A voice I didn’t recognize growled at me from across the room.

Ethan and Hayden were immediately in front of me, taking a protective stance. I heard August growl on the table. I pushed on his shoulder, making him lay flat. I didn’t care who’s ego I had to break to make sure my mate was taken care of. I couldn’t see the wolf who questioned me, but I spoke anyway,

“I know that,” I snapped,

“I’ve been treating werewolves almost as long as humans. I know how to adjust the dosage to work on wolves.” I didn’t bother to look up as I filled the syringe with this special blend of morphine. I made it up myself, with the help of the pack medical staff, when I was ten.

“This is going to dull the pain. I’m going to have to put in stitches.” I spoke softly to August who’s eyes were pinching together in pain. I ran my hands through his hair trying to settle him.

“I trust you baby.” His voice calmed all the nerves in the room. I wiped his arm with an alcohol wipe and jammed the syringe into his bicep. He winced at the pain. In order to penetrate his thick, werewolf skin, I needed a long, thick needle and lots of force.

“Ethan,” I called for the Beta.

“Yes, Luna?” He was at my side in a second.

“There’s a clear bin on the counter with alcohol and a suture kit.” Ethan nodded curtly and retrieved the bin.

“The morphine will help, but you’re still going to feel this.” I warned August just as I dumped the alcohol on his open wound. He cursed and started fighting against the pain.

“Ethan, Hayden, hold him down!” I ordered the Beta and Gamma, knowing they wouldn’t question me. They each grabbed one of August’s shoulders and slammed him down on the table.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” I kept repeating as I dried his arm and started stitching his wound closed. At some point, he passed out and I was grateful for it. Ethan and Hayden relaxed behind him and the others started to move closer as I finished up with the stitches.

“You don’t have to be sorry, Luna, you’re helping him.” Ethan said, patting my shoulder as I started to clean up the fresh blood on his arm.

“I’m causing him pain.” I said through my gritted teeth. I was doing my best to keep my cool.

“He was already in pain, you’re fixing him.” Hayden said.

“What happened out there?” I asked, folding up the medical pad with the bloody gauze and towels inside.

“The rogues were on a whole new level today, they were out for blood.” Ty answered my question.

“Why are you answering to this human?” That same voice from earlier cut through the room. This time, I was ready to face him. My patrol wolves were still trying to protect me, standing between me and the voice. I glared at them and they moved to the side.

On the other side of the room was a massive man with dark hair and mean eyes. He was tall with large muscles.

“Shut up, Vincent.” Ty growled at the intruder. Vincent glared at him.

“Do you have a problem?” I asked cooly. Vincent took a step towards me and the entire patrol moved closer to me in response.

“The Alpha needs to be with the packhouse doctor, not some human.” Vincent snapped. My back began to tingle as I felt a presence rise up behind me. The doctor in me wanted to shove August back down onto the table to rest, but I knew that would be useless. Vincent was threatening and questioning the Alpha’s mate, and August wasn’t going to stand for that.

Vincent’s eyes looked up and I knew he was making eye contact with his Alpha. I crossed my arms over my chest and didn’t move.

“Leave. Now.” August’s voice came out so calm, making it worse than when he growled. Vincent, looking shocked, turned towards the door.

“Wait.” I called out, moving across the room to face Vincent. He glared at me, but didn’t move.

“I’m your Alpha’s mate and your future Luna,” I said smoothly.

“I suggest you show me some respect.” Vincent’s eyes widened and he bowed his head in submission.

“You’re dismissed.” I said with a wave of my hand. I turned my back on him and was amused at the faces on the men around me.

Damn, Luna scary.” Ethan was the first to speak. August glared at him and Hayden elbowed him in the chest. I rolled my eyes and went back to what was important.

“You need to sit down.” I ordered the Alpha.

“Setting your sights on me now, baby?” August chuckled. I glared at him and pointed towards the chair. He held up his hands in surrender and sat at the kitchen chair.

“You need to take it easy. Whatever is keeping you from healing correctly is going to take up a lot of your energy.” I explained. August grabbed my wrists and pulled me down on his lap. I yelped in shock. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face into my neck,

Mine.” He growled. I sighed, patting his arms like I was consoling a child.

“Yes, baby, all yours.” I rolled my eyes at my puppy, taking in the amused faces of those around me.

“I think we’re good here.” I said to the patrol. They all shifted uncomfortably, looking to their Alpha for confirmation. I nudged him and he looked up.

“What are you fools waiting for? Your Luna gave you an order.” They all nodded and stumbled over each other as they tried to exit the cabin.

“Anything you need, Alpha?” Ethan asked, him and Hayden lingering behind the rest.

“Take some time and then we’re going to work on figuring out where the rogues got in.” I was proud of August for giving his Beta and Gamma some time to relax after the battle.

“Yes, Alpha.” They said together.

“Thank You, Luna, for taking good care of our Alpha.” Hayden smiled at me and nodded my head in response. The boys left the cabin and then it was just us.

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