#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 22


This woman was going to be the death of me, I groaned to myself as she snuggled her backside into me. I looked over her sleeping body to see that it was nearly eleven. I had fallen asleep quickly with Josie in my arms, but had woken up about 10 minutes ago to her stirring.

Arlo and I were both struggling to keep it together around Josie. She knew exactly how to tempt us. Although, to be fair, her breathing tempted us. Arlo wasn’t as keen on waiting as I was. I knew we couldn’t rush this, not if we were going to respect her human moments. However, Josie was making that increasingly more difficult.

She mumbled in her sleep and shifted her body, flipping over onto her back. She was a very restless sleeper. I propped myself up on my elbow and started drawing circles on her tummy. Her sweater was slightly hitched up, leaving her belly button exposed. Peeking out from the hem of her pants I noticed a small scar. It was an angry looking line that trailed up her stomach.

I grew angry thinking about someone hurting my mate. Josie’s sweet scent, strawberries and vanilla, quickly filled the air and calmed my emotions. I looked up at her face and saw her eyes blinking back at me. Goose bumps were rising on her tummy.

“What happened here?” I asked her, tracing the scar. She shivered.

“I was stabbed.” She shrugged, like it didn’t matter. My hand froze and cupped her hip, bringing her closer to me.

“By who?” I said between my teeth. Josie’s hands tangled themselves in my hair and I started to settle under her touch.

“Just some rogue when I was ten. I was playing out in our yard when a young boy came out of the woods. He was about the same age as me and wanted to play. I just thought he was a pup from our pack. After a couple minutes my mom came running out, asking who he was. We both stood up and the boy took a knife out from his pocket, he stabbed me and then ran away. The patrol was able to easily track him down. He claimed he was sent by his Alpha to check and see if the Alpha’s daughter was really human.” I felt her shrug as she told her story with little emotion.

“He was sent by an Alpha?” I questioned her.

“Yeah, back then, the rogues who were threatening us were part of a pack. They actually had an Alpha. That’s why they were so hard to stop.” I stayed silent. I didn’t know about this pack of rogues. It was incredibly rare for rogues to travel in packs or have Alphas. Josie shifted under me,

“Do you think it’s another pack of rogues attacking us now?” She asked, her voice starting to shake with worry. I started drawing circles on her stomach again, urging her to settle.

“It would make sense,” I said, determined not to lie or keep details from her again,

“But, we can worry about that when we get home.” She relaxed under me, accepting my answer. The next words out of her mouth stunned me into silence and set Arlo into a howling fit,

“Do we have to go on the midnight tour?” Something about her voice told us that she didn’t want to trade the tour for more sleep. I looked up at her and she had the most perfectly embarrassed look on her adorable face. There was a pink blush working its way up her neck as she gnawed on her bottom lip.

“What else did you have in mind?” I purred. She would have to say the words, I would leave nothing to chance. Josie wiggled down on the bed so her face was closer to mine. Her lips left no question as they ravaged mine.

She tugged at the hem of my shirt and I moaned eagerly under her. I ripped my shirt off and positioned myself on top of her. I ran my hands down her body, wiggling her out of her sweater. I admired her beautiful chest and she shimmied uncomfortably under my gaze. She tried to wrap her arms around herself, but I wouldn’t let her. I grabbed her wrists and pulled them over her head.

“Don’t hide yourself from me, ever. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” I whispered against her stomach as I placed kisses all over her exposed skin. She groaned under my touch and I felt the goose bumps taking over her skin. Her hands found their way back to my hair. I sucked on her neck before bringing my eyes up to hers.

“What do you want, baby?” I asked, my voice horse with desire. She pecked my lips,

“I want you, August.” My name on her lips was enough to make me squirm.

“August,” She said again as I started trailing kisses back down her neck.

“Hmmm.” I hummed in response.

“Just don’t mark me, okay? I’m not ready for that yet.” I look up at her from my spot near her belly button,

“Whatever you want, love.” She smiled in gratitude and went back to accepting my love. I unclasped her bra and admired what was mine, exploring them with my hands. I felt her hands on the buckle of my jeans and I helped her undo my belt. In a matter of seconds, both of our pants were on the floor.

I made love to my beautiful mate until she passed out in my arms, which was so much better than a midnight vineyard tour.

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