Zodiac Academy: The Awakening As Told By The Boys

The Awakening As Told By The Boys: Chapter 23

I sat in the classroom that had been allocated to me to conduct my one on one sessions with the Vampire who had been assigned as my own personal pain in the ass freshman. It was an annoying as hell tradition my family had started years ago which said that the older Vampire students in the academy should take on a freshman to teach the ways of our Order. It was necessary as our kind Emerged the moment our magic Awakened and we needed to learn fast how to contend with the bloodlust.

In theory that all sounded great. But in practice I found it boring as hell.

I had however taken advantage of having this space to myself for the hour before Teddy was due to show up just so that I could have a little alone time to chill out.

The door to the classroom banged open suddenly, interrupting my internal musings over what we should do about our Vega problem and lo and behold, a Vega herself appeared like my mind had conjured her.

Even better, it was my Vega. Though she didn’t seem to have noticed I was even here yet as she leaned close to the door she’d just thrown shut and listened for sounds beyond it.

I trained my gifted hearing beyond the door and heard angry shrieking and cries of vengeance coming from the other side of it as what sounded like a stampede of girls tore past the door.

“Hiding from someone?” I asked in amusement as Tory continued to listen at the door well after they’d passed her by. 

Tory’s heart leapt in surprise but she covered it with a scowl as she spun to find me there with my feet on the desk at the back of the classroom. I smiled at her to combat the death glare she was offering and she sighed.

“Well damn, I’ve run straight from a pack of hyenas into the mouth of a crocodile,” she muttered.

“Not a lion?” I teased, staying exactly where I was because we both knew I had her now. She wasn’t going to be leaving this room until I decided to let her.

“Oh no, they hunt together, you don’t strike me as the type to need any help in cornering your prey.”

My smile widened at that assessment.

“Sometimes it comes right to me without me having to do a thing,” I agreed, my gaze trailing to her throat as the thirst rose in me. I’d been intending to try and track her down after my session with Teddy, but this little game of the spider and the fly was much more alluring.

“Shall we just get this over with then?” she asked, stepping towards me with a sense of resignation hanging about her that took all of the fun out of the hunt. 

I looked to her neck again but then a better idea came to mind as I let my gaze roam lower, drinking in her body and finding myself hungering for a taste of something sweeter before the main course. 

I pushed myself to my feet and she fell still just far enough away that I couldn’t quite reach out and grab her as she looked up at me with enough heat in her expression to make me wonder if we weren’t both considering the same thing. 

“You know, I can feel your power,” I breathed, staying where I was and watching her as she hesitated there, unsure how to react to my behaviour, but I was done dancing around this. Besides, if we were successful in driving her out of here at the dance then I might not get another chance with her.

“Any idea on what I am then?” she asked, biting her lip and looking so damn hopeful that I actually felt bad about not being able to shed any light on that for her.

“Sadly not. I can only feel the depth of your power, the strength of it. And you’re strong. Once you learn to harness it, I have the feeling that I won’t be able to take an ounce of it from you without permission.” My mouth slipped into a smile and her gaze dropped to trace the movement, making my dick get all kinds of hopeful ideas.

“Why the hell would I ever give you permission?” she asked, arching an eyebrow at me like the idea of that was so absurd, but I was pretty sure I could convince her to enjoy my bite if only she’d give in to the urge.

I reached out and brushed my fingers across the pulse point at the base of her throat, enjoying the feeling of her heartbeat against my skin.

“You’re an Heir too,’ I pointed out. ‘If you make it past The Reckoning and complete your training here at Zodiac then the chances are that we will be in each other’s lives for a very long time.”

“I thought the whole point of your little boys club was to make sure my sister and I didn’t make it through The Reckoning? Don’t you want us gone?” she challenged.

I shrugged a single shoulder because sure, that was the plan. But I actually kinda hoped it wouldn’t work. I relished the idea of the challenge this girl and her sister could present to us. The thought of really having to fight for my right to claim the throne was exhilarating. If they weren’t driven out, if they made it through The Reckoning, then I was excited to see what they would become and what it would take to stay above them in the food chain.

“I’m interested to see how this whole thing will play out,” I admitted. “Perhaps you’ll fail and be gone by the end of the semester. Or perhaps you’ll rise up and claim your birth right. Before your parents were killed our families were their Councillors. We always would have held the power beneath you if things hadn’t gotten so messy with The Savage King. So maybe you’ll fail The Reckoning and be sent back to your boring, mortal lives or maybe the trials you’re enduring now will only make you stronger in the end and you’ll pass.”

“So in other words, you’re just going to keep going along with the other Heirs and their stupid stunts and whenever you’re feeling peckish I’m still fair game,” she snapped and shit she was hot when she was angry.

“Pretty much,” I chuckled, knowing it would piss her off more and enjoying that for some fucked up reason.

“Can you just get this over with? I have a lot of studying to do.” She tilted her chin in the angriest offering I’d ever seen but that wasn’t going to cut it today. What would it even take for her to want me to bite her? I’d have given a whole lot to hear her beg me for it that was for sure.

“Don’t you want to hear my proposition, Tory?” I asked in a seductive tone as I shifted closer to her, wanting to feel the heat of her body against mine.

“I can’t imagine anything that you could offer me to make me a willing participant in your dinner schedule,” she deadpanned.

“There may be one thing,” I said, teasing her, tempting her. 

Her eyes lit angrily and I could tell she was about to start cursing me or something equally aggressive, so I took a final step forward, caught her chin between my fingers and pressed my mouth to hers.

Tory sucked in a breath of surprise and I slid my tongue between the opening in her lips, kissing her roughly and dominating her mouth in a demand for her to give in to me. 

She raised her hands to my chest, palms flat against my pecs and for a moment I was sure she was going to shove me back with either her strength or her magic.

But then the moment passed and instead of fighting, she surrendered, her hands caressing instead of pushing me away, tongue moving with mine and lips devouring. And she tasted so fucking sweet.

I groaned deep in the back of my throat as I dropped my hands to her waist and walked her backwards until her ass hit the desk there.

I lifted her up easily, parting her thighs as I stepped between them and my cock throbbed as I drove it against her panties, stealing a little friction and loving the way she arched into the movement like she was aching for more of me. 

Her hands banded around my neck and she pulled me closer, kissing me hard and heatedly as her hips flexed and she ground herself against my solid cock

I moved my hand to her knee, tracing a line along the top of her long socks with my thumb before shifting it up her silken skin. 

Tory kissed me harder, her fingers pushing through my hair as she moaned between brushes of our tongues as I kept moving my hand higher, half expecting her to stop me while my heart thundered harder for every second where she didn’t.

I pushed my fingers beneath her skirt and she moaned again, her other leg hooking around my ass and dragging me nearer in a demand I was more than willing to give in to. 

I grinned against her lips, loving how quickly she’d fallen to my desire, but the moment I did, she sucked my bottom lip between her teeth and bit down hard to remind me of exactly what kind of animal she was.

I jerked back before she could spill my blood, laughing at the fire in her and pausing with my hand almost grazing her panties and the temptation of what lay beneath them.

“Why?” she asked breathlessly, suspicion colouring her green eyes and making me want to offer her the truth. “You can just take what you want from me. So why kiss me?”

“I can take your blood and power from you,” I agreed as I let my gaze wander down her tempting body. This wasn’t some game or anything to do with me being an Heir and her being a Princess. I just wanted her. Simple as that and I really wanted her to want me too. “But I desire more than that. And I’m a Taurus; when we set our minds on something it’s not easy to turn us from it.”

She scoffed, still giving me that suspicious look, though I was hoping I could convince her to trust me, at least for long enough to let me make her pant my name the way I ached to hear.

“You didn’t seem so against the idea the other night,” I urged while she stayed quiet.

“That was drunk Tory,” she said firmly. “She’s notorious for making bad decisions so I wouldn’t get too excited about anything you think she might have done with you. You shouldn’t presume anything that happens when I’m wasted will have any bearing on sober Tory.”

“And you think I’d be a bad decision?” I teased because she might have been right about that, but I still wanted to be one she made.

My lips twitched and I was almost certain I had her convinced.

“I’ve been with enough bad decisions to recognise one when I see them,” she said.

“How many, exactly?” I asked, leaning in to kiss her neck, my stubble grazing against her skin as I fought against the urge to take a bite.

“Enough to let me know that it’s a terrible idea.” Her breath caught as I reached the corner of her lips with my kisses and I paused to hear her decision, though if the way she was pulling me closer again was anything to go by, I was pretty sure I was about to get my wish. “Probably not enough to put me off entirely.”

I chuckled darkly, leaning back to gaze into her deep green eyes. I wanted her to say it, beg for it. Though that may have been a little ambitious with this particular princess.

The words didn’t escape her full lips, but as her gaze darkened with desire, she reached out and unhooked the top button of my shirt, making her decision clear.

I held myself still as she worked her way down every single button until she pushed her hands inside my shirt and dragged her hands across the hard lines of my muscles.

A shiver raced through my skin and my dick was working really hard to bust right through my fucking fly, so I stopped beating around the damn bush and claimed her mouth with mine once more. 

I could feel the tension leaving her as she gave in, her kisses rich and consuming as I explored her mouth with mine.

I moved my hand that final inch, my thumb dragging its way up the centre of her panties until I found her clit and pressed down, making her gasp in pleasure.

I began circling my thumb against her through her panties and she arched her back, her thighs widening further to give me all the access I wanted to destroy her.

I kissed harder as I began to unhook her shirt buttons with my free hand, wanting to see those fucking tits I’d been jerking off over in the flesh. 

Her hands continued to move across my bare skin as I kept working her clit and I gave up trying to take my time with her as she started panting with need. I shifted my hand, pushing her panties aside and growling with desire as I found her pussy soaked and ready for me and I immediately sank a finger deep inside her.

Tory moaned, her voice rough and breathy and so fucking sexy that I had to fight the urge to drop my pants and drive my cock into her here and now so that I could hear what it sounded like when I really made her scream.

But thanks to fucking Teddy, I knew I didn’t have time to fuck her the way I ached to and I didn’t want to rush through something I’d been daydreaming about for so long. So I was going to feel her coming for me like this, take control of her pleasure and leave her wanting more so that she was aching for me as much as possible the next time we found ourselves alone like this and I could really show her what I was made of.

My other hand found her tit and I squeezed it through her bra, groaning at the fullness in my palm and breaking our kiss as I worked my way down her body to better service her hardened nipple.

Tory leaned back, giving me a perfect fucking view of her with her shirt swinging wide and her skirt hitched up around her waist as I drove my finger in and out of her tight pussy.

I yanked her bra down, my dick jerking at the sight of her pink nipple before my mouth descended on it and I sucked it between my lips, coupling the move with the addition of a second finger driving inside her.

She moaned even louder, her pussy tightening like a vice around my fingers while I sucked on her nipple and felt her body surging towards its climax like I was playing the most exquisite instrument in the world.

The moment I felt her coming for me, I reared up and kissed her hard, swallowing her cries of pleasure and tasting her lust as I dragged my tongue over hers.

My dick was fucking aching and I growled with a desperate, needy plea of my flesh which I knew I didn’t have time to answer as the heat of our kisses softened and I slowly drew my fingers back out of her, fixing her panties into place again.

I broke off our kiss with a surge of effort, mentally planning to give Teddy the lesson from hell for forcing me to cut this shit short after I’d waited so long to claim it.

Tory blinked up at me in surprise and I had to fight the urge to pout like a bitch as I read the desire in her body and knew she’d been hoping to come all over my cock again after that stunning first round.

“I have a student coming in a minute to learn the art of Vampirism from an expert,” I explained, wishing I could just cancel the damn thing, but my mom had already been calling me out on not attending a bunch of these sessions and as our family name was linked to them, it was a bad look for me to miss any more of them.

“So that was purely for my benefit?” Tory asked in surprise as she began to re-button her shirt.

My jaw ticked with frustration, though I couldn’t claim she was the only one of us who had gotten something out of that.

“Oh no, I got plenty from that too,” I promised her, my gaze sweeping over her body appreciatively as I began to mentally plan all the things I wanted to do to every inch of her if I was lucky enough to get to do this with her again.

I buttoned my own shirt reluctantly though there wasn’t much I could do about my throbbing hard on aside from plan a trip back to my room as soon as I could possibly get out of this training session so that I could jerk off repeatedly with all of the new spank bank material she’d just gifted me.

Tory remained on the desk in front of me and I was hoping that was because her legs weren’t working right yet.

The thirst prickled at me again as I eyed her throat and she sighed loudly as she noticed.

“You’re still going to bite me, aren’t you?” she asked, her fingers curling around the edge of the desk.

“You could look at it as rewarding me for my efforts,” I teased, because there was no fucking way she was getting out of here without me drinking from her and we both knew it.

“Well that makes me feel a little better about leaving you with blue balls,” she taunted and I almost groaned in frustration as my dick throbbed in agreement.

“Next time, I’ll be sure to carve out a few hours to dedicate to you,” I told her. “And then neither of us will be left wanting.”

“Next time?” she asked, raising an eyebrow like that wasn’t at all likely to happen. But I could hear her heartbeat pounding and I knew she was wondering how hard I could make her come with several hours at our disposal and my cock a whole lot more involved in the act.

I found myself smiling again but then my mood dipped as I realised there wasn’t likely to be a next time if the other Heirs succeeded with their plans for the dance. I didn’t even really want to go along with the damn plan and in a moment of madness, I suddenly wondered if I could just save her from it. They would still strike at Darcy and maybe that would be enough to force the twins to leave the academy. But if I was being honest, I didn’t even really want them to leave anyway.

I moved closer to her again, tucking a lock of dark hair behind her ear. “Are you going to the dance on Friday?” I murmured and her pulse scattered, making my smile deepen in satisfaction.

“Err, yeah,” she said, that suspicious look returning to her eyes.

“Why don’t you blow it off?” I suggested, wondering if I could just convince her to stay away from it all together. She was my Source after all so the others couldn’t even really get mad at me for protecting her – that was kinda in the job description anyway. She blinked at me in surprise and I realised she’d probably thought I was going to ask her to go to the dance with me as her date. But I couldn’t do that, if I wanted to save her from the other Heirs and their plans then I needed to keep her away from the whole thing. 

“What possible reason would I have to do that?” she asked, shifting just enough to make my hand fall from her face.

I felt the rejection before she could even voice it, but I wasn’t going to give up that easily.

I ran my dislodged hand down her arm instead, raising goosebumps along her skin and hopefully reminding her of just how good I’d made her feel with these fingers. “Because then I could sneak out and come to your room. We could have the whole House and an entire evening to ourselves.’

“That’s pretty presumptuous of you, Earth boy.”

“Earth boy?” I asked in amusement, refusing to back down no matter how hard she was trying to resist me.

I held a hand out to her, bringing earth magic to my fingertips and causing a dark blue flower to blossom in my palm. Girls fucking loved that trick.

“Perhaps I’ve gotten what I wanted from you now,” she said, shifting forward to get up without reaching for the flower.

Okay, so maybe this girl didn’t love that trick after all.

I let the flower dissolve into nothing again and stepped forward to stop her from getting to her feet, smiling darkly.

“I’m confident you’ll come back for more,” I promised her and I could tell she was at least a little tempted by the prospect.

The door opened behind us and Tory looked around as fucking Teddy strode on in without even knocking. Gah, I was going to make his life hell today. His eyes widened as he looked between me and the girl I had half pinned to a desk and I leaned forward, covering for what we’d really been doing by taking what I’d been waiting for anyway.

My hand fisted in Tory’s hair as I held her exactly where I wanted her, sinking my teeth into her skin and her entire body tensed as the pure adrenaline rush of her blood swept over my tongue and down my throat. 

Fuck she tasted like a rainbow of blood on a damn ice cream smoothie. 

I drank deeply, relishing the taste of her power as it flooded into me before pulling back with satisfaction burning through me as I forced my gaze from the beauty before me and onto fucking Teddy. 

“Lesson one for today, Teddy,” I said. “Always prey on the most powerful creature you can overpower. Tory here hasn’t got a lock on her powers yet, so she’s currently fair game. Although unluckily for you, I’ve already claimed her as my Source so keep your fangs off.”

Tory got to her feet, nudging me back a step before grabbing her satchel from the ground beside us.

“Lesson two,” she added coolly, glaring at Teddy as he eyed her hungrily. “Don’t underestimate the depths of vengeance. My sister and I have more power than the lot of you, and you’d be fools to think we won’t remember what we went through while we were getting to grips with handling it.”

She shoulder checked Teddy as she passed him and he stumbled aside while I laughed at his expense.

She pulled the door open and I called out after her before she could leave. 

“Until next time, Tory!” I promised and as I listened to her pulse pounding harder, I had to hope I was right about there being a next time, and a time after that, and then another time again because I wanted to do that as often as I could.

‘So what’s the plan today, Mr Caleb?’ Teddy asked perkily.

Well, Teddy I’m about to give you the day from hell for cock blocking me and you won’t even know which way is up by the time we’re done.


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