Zodiac Academy 7: Heartless Sky

Heartless Sky: Chapter 49

The celebrations were pretty intense and I couldn’t help but grin, in part because I was pretty fucking wasted but also because things were just going well for once.

My sanguis frater had found his redemption in the Elysian Mate bond and I was bathing in the joy and love being thrown their way by all of the rebels as they seemed to have instantly forgotten that he’d ever been a Power Shamed loser at all.

Hamish had been sobbing so damn much that Catalina had ended up taking him to bed early, and she hadn’t even pointed out the hairy balls Xavier had cast on his chin as a dare set by Gabriel. The massive balls had wobbled with every shuddering sob he took, and I had to think it was justice for how he’d treated my blood brother over his Power Shaming. I got the feeling Gabriel had seen it that way too as he’d kept running around the hall with Orion earlier, pointing them out to everyone, the two of them cracking up time and again like little kids.

I was enjoying a beer from my seat to the side of the room while I watched the others dancing and I soaked in the sound of fun and laughter all around me. Xavier was caught in the middle of a Tyler/Sofia sandwich, the two of them kissing his neck and releasing happy little whinnies which kept resulting in puffs of glitter flying out over the entire crowd and pretty much everyone in the dining hall was sparkling at this point. 

It was almost as though there wasn’t a war raging on beyond these tunnels at all. Almost.

My smile fell away though as I caught sight of another pair of dancers across the room, Seth’s arms looped around Rosalie Oscura as she moved to the music like she was born for it, her body swaying to the beat and hard not to notice. Except she wasn’t the one I was staring at. No. My eyes were on Seth’s hands as they skimmed her ass and she tipped her head back to howl loudly, causing Wolves all around the room to follow suit.

They looked good together. Perfectly fucking matched. Two gorgeous, powerful Werewolf Alphas who would no doubt produce the strong kind of offspring his mom and dad would freaking love to fawn all over.

I bit my tongue against the frustration I felt at watching them together, my jaw ticking as another Werewolf girl with long, dark hair moved in to join them followed by a guy with blonde curls who Seth gave a fucking peace sign to in greeting.

Fucking perfect.

My dick throbbed in my jeans as my smile slipped away and I couldn’t force out the memory of having him on his knees before me. How fucking good his mouth had felt wrapped around my cock and how spectacularly fucking dumb I’d been to start thinking it had meant something more than that to him. 

Sex was like eating to Werewolves. If there was a member of a pack who was hungry, they fed them, and if there was a member with a hard cock, they sucked it for them. End of. I doubted he even remembered it now, my dick lost in a sea of cocks and pussies which he’d had before and since.

I was such a fucking dumbass.

“Why the frown?” Tory asked, a hiccup escaping her as she dropped down into a chair beside me and placed a cake on the table in front of her. It was a gooey chocolate cake which looked fucking delicious, but weirdly had a hole in the middle of it and it looked like it might have been sat on too.

Tory shoved it to the far side of the table with the tips of her fingers, shuddering a little as she left it there and turned those big green eyes on me, waiting for my answer. She looked good. Happy. And there was something about her that lightened the ache in my chest a little because her and Darius really deserved that.

“Nothing. Just trying to decide if I wanna hook up with anyone tonight,” I lied, my gaze moving across the room again to where Rosalie was still dancing with the other Wolves, but Seth was gone and I had no idea where he was anymore. Not that I cared. But that blonde dude had disappeared too and there was a lump rising in my throat which made me feel kinda sick.

“Rosalie is looking stupidly hot tonight,” Tory said, her gaze following mine as she got the wrong end of the stick, but I didn’t bother to correct her. “I think I have a girl crush on her.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, not saying anything more than that because despite her being right, Rosalie just wasn’t who I wanted. “What’s with the cake?”

Tory’s smile turned wicked and she leaned in close to whisper in my ear. “It’s a trap,” she said excitedly.

“For who?” I asked.

She glanced around before answering, keeping her voice low once more. “Seth. He keeps stealing all of my goddamn snacks. And I’ve just been introduced to Orion’s lawyers – Darius has already got them working on the paperwork to declare their Elysian Mate status and have the Power Shame thingy wiped from his records.”

“You’re losing me,” I admitted, glancing at the squashed cake once more.

“Well, one of them has a cake fetish. As in, he doesn’t get hard for anything without a fondant topping. He was finished with that one.” She inclined her head towards the cake and I wrinkled my nose as the hole in the middle of it suddenly made a whole lot of gross sense.

“No way.”

“Yes way. And I still haven’t gotten revenge on Seth for pissing on me that time. So he has this coming.”

“By the stars,” I muttered, wondering if I should warn him, but Tory’s eyes narrowed dangerously as she realised I might.

“This is Fae on Fae, Caleb. Don’t go selling me out.”

“Fine,” I agreed, though as I eyed the cake, I had to wonder if I could keep my word on that one.

Before I could make that decision, Seth appeared from the crowd, a grin on his face as he spied the cake and I had to fight not to show the relief I felt at realising he hadn’t gone off with that blonde dude after all.

“That is my cake,” Tory warned, pointing her finger at Seth as she hiccupped again. “You can’t have any.”

“Oh yeah?” he asked, the challenge in his eyes saying he was gonna dive right into that thing headfirst at any moment.

“Seth,” I warned, unable to let this happen. “Don’t-”

“So now you’re on her side?” he demanded in outrage. “After I shared that mega bar of chocolate I found in her room with you?”

Tory gasped, pressing a hand to her chest as she glared at me in accusation. I mouthed an apology to her and Seth took the opportunity to lunge for the cake.

“No!” I yelled and Tory cried out too.

“I changed my mind, it’s too gross!”

But Seth already had the cake half way to his mouth, it was too late, or at least I thought it was.

Tory shot him in the face with so much water that he tumbled backwards off of his chair and hit the floor with a crash that rattled the tiles beneath our feet and the cake was sent flying away into the mass of dancing bodies.

“It was a sex cake,” Tory explained, a laugh falling from her lips as she got to her feet. “I couldn’t go through with it.”

“Why?” Seth demanded.

“You peed on me,” she replied, the two of them glaring at each other before he barked a laugh and leapt upright once more.

“Well maybe I’ll do it again!”

Tory shrieked and took off into the crowd, Seth chasing after her as she stumbled more than a little in her high heels and he howled like he was on the hunt.

My fangs prickled at the sight of her running, but as I pushed myself to my feet, I remembered my promise to Darius about hunting her and curled my hands into fists as I fought to get hold of my instincts.

I crossed the room to get myself another drink, spotting Rosalie Oscura once more as she danced with the blonde dude, and I wondered if I should try to hook up with her again myself. The best way to get over someone was to get under someone else after all. So why did I have about as much interest in doing that as I did in eating that cake?

I spotted my cousin across the room and shot over to join her, downing my beer on the way and falling into the seat at her side as she gave me a little salute in greeting and continued listening to the story Leon was telling her.

“Hey, lost girl,” I said in greeting, my nickname for her bringing a smile to her lips.

“Hey, little cousin,” she replied and Leon gave me a nod, not pausing for a moment in his story telling.

“-then a man leapt out of the bush with a badger on his ass and beer balanced on top of his head,” he said dramatically, gaining more of my attention as he balanced his own drink on his head and Dante called bullshit on his story, causing the two of them to fall into a spat which I watched with amusement.

I sat there with them as Leon moved from one tale to the next, each of them getting more ridiculous until I had no real idea if he was even telling the truth anymore. But no matter how many times he made me laugh, my attention kept straying back to the dance floor where Seth was once again dancing with Rosalie and her Wolf pack.

They kept brushing their hands over his arms and chest, drawing him into their pack and howling in excitement the longer he stayed there. It was fucking annoying. 

I tore my gaze away from them one last time and repositioned my chair so that I wasn’t able to see them at all, my skin prickling with the desire to turn around and look while I fought with everything I had not to do it.

A girl suddenly dropped into my lap, a giggle falling from her lips as she fluttered her eyelashes at me and reached out to stroke my jaw.

“Hey, I’m Lucy and I’m extremely flexible,” she purred. “Wanna find out how much?”

The desire to shove her off of me rose up forcefully but I stopped myself short of doing it as I tried to consider her offer. Seth clearly wasn’t interested, so was I just gonna sit over here, listening to Leon’s ridiculous stories all night before going off and sleeping alone? I mean, the girl was hot, I couldn’t deny that and the way she bit her lip made me think she’d be a fucking firecracker in the sack, but…

“Not tonight, sweetheart,” I said, getting to my feet and offering her an apologetic smile as I placed her down on hers. 

I needed to Fae up and own my shit though. Because if I wasn’t going to bury my problems with a night in this girl’s bed then I was going to have to just face them head on. Which meant I needed to talk to my best friend.

But as I turned back to the dance floor, ready to go over there and demand he come talk to me, my heart sank like a stone.

Seth was gone. And so was Rosalie Oscura.

A cold and empty feeling began to grow in my chest as my pulse pounded in my ears and I scoured the room for any sign of them, finding nothing at all. They weren’t here. And I hated the thought of where they could be so much that my fangs snapped out at the mere idea of it.

I strained my ears, focusing my attention on the rooms closest to this one and trying to listen out for him, but I heard her instead, Rosalie’s voice raised in a pitchy moan.

“Yes, like that,” she panted. “Show me how much you want to please me.”

A snarl escaped me and I shot towards the sound of her moans before I could overthink it because I couldn’t let this happen. Not without at least asking him if there was any chance he felt the same way I did and wanted something…more.


I shot down a dark tunnel and skidded to a halt outside a door which was cracked open enough to let me hear Rosalie’s moans loud and clear.

I threw the door open with a growl, my heart shattering as I took in the sight of Rosalie in the dark room, sitting on the edge of a table, her skirt shoved up and her hand fisted in Seth’s long hair as he feasted on her pussy and made her moan loudly again.

“Dalle stelle…yes, like that,” she urged in that husky voice, her hips grinding against his face as he licked and sucked at her and she panted loudly for him.

But as I felt like my entire fucking chest was about to cave in, a feminine moan reached my ears which sounded nothing like Rosalie and my breath caught as the girl spoke.

“You taste so good, Alpha,” she moaned. “Come for me, say my name as you come on my face.”

“I don’t know your fucking name,” Rosalie cursed. “But maybe if you use your tongue for something more useful than speaking, I’ll remember it afterwards.”

“Okay.” The girl dove between Rosalie’s thighs once more, moaning as she got back to eating her out and I reached out to flick the lights on because I had to be certain, but the hope in my chest and what I could see of the dark room already had my heart lightening.

“Ah, stronzo, what the fuck are you doing?” Rosalie snapped as she looked over at me, pushing the girl’s head back down between her thighs as she made a move to look around too. “Don’t stop,” she added and the Wolf on her knees got right back to fucking her with her mouth.

“I was looking for Seth,” I said, figuring I might as well own it at this point as I took in the empty room around them and finally accepted that he really wasn’t here.

Rosalie’s lips curved into a sly grin and she nodded. “Of course you are, siete destinati l’uno all’altro.”

“I don’t know what that means,” I admitted, glancing down at the girl on her knees for a moment as Rosalie bucked her hips and moaned once more.

“You will. I can always tell,” Rosalie replied cryptically.

“So…you and him haven’t…”

She barked a laugh, holding my eye and not seeming to give a fuck that we were having this conversation while she had her thighs clamped around some girl’s head. “No, Vampiro. As much as I might yearn for the taste of an Alpha, I don’t want to try and claim one who isn’t meant for me. I haven’t fucked him since we were all together at your academy last year and I have no intention to be with either of you again now.”

“O…kay. Well, I’ll leave you to it,” I said, fighting a smile at her candid reply and reaching out to flick off the lights.

Rosalie didn’t respond, instead tipping back onto the table and commanding the girl to use her fingers too before moaning even louder than before as she clearly followed her instructions.

I pulled the door closed on the sound of the two of them getting more into it and set my jaw as I made a decision. I was going to find Seth tonight and I was going to end this awkwardness between us one way or another. Because I was done being without him and that meant we needed to figure this out.


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