Zodiac Academy 7: Heartless Sky

Heartless Sky: Chapter 43

I cantered down the corridors in my Fae form with a neigh of victory as Sofia ran at my side, pink glitter cascading from her blonde hair as she smiled.

“You really did that?” she laughed.

“Yeah, and he’s gonna freaking kill me when he gets out of there,” I said with a snort of laughter.

“You’re so funny, Xavier,” she said with a wide grin.

“Oh yeah?” My chest puffed up as we turned another corner and slowed to a halt. We were both breathless as we hid in the dark and adrenaline was coursing through my veins.

“How did you do it?”

“It was all about distraction,” I said with a shrug. “I got someone else to make the potion, then I left the opportunity to chance.”

“That’s genius.” She smiled, her eyes dipping to my mouth and suddenly I was moving toward her, aching for her as I slid my hand into her hair and pressed her back against the wall.

A small gasp escaped her and I gave her a moment to push me away, but she didn’t.

My throat bobbed as I stared down at this perfect creature who’d captivated my dreams. She was the most beautiful mare I’d ever seen, and I couldn’t believe the way she was looking at me right now.

I threw caution to the wind, leaning down and pressing my mouth to hers, stealing a kiss that didn’t belong to me, but I took it all the same. She resisted for half a second then melted against me, drawing me closer as passion and need drove us toward each other.

“Tyler,” she said against my mouth.

“Forget Tyler,” I insisted.

“Hard to forget him when he’s standing right here,” Tyler growled then he grabbed the back of my shirt, ripping me away from Sofia.

I turned to him, stamping my foot in rage and our foreheads slammed together as we whinnied furiously at one another.

“The rest of us are also here,” Darius said, scaring me out of my damn mind as I whipped around and found him, the twins and the other Heirs all waiting to get by. In my lust, I had totally forgotten that we’d left the classroom together and like a fucking awkward duck, here I stood, making a damn scene, blocking the tunnel so they were all just forced to watch me.

“Oh, er, sorry,” I said. “I’ll let you guys go.”

I took a step to my left but so did Darius. I jerked to a halt and moved right but he did that too, the awkwardness intensifying as Tory sniggered beside him. The third time it happened, Darius huffed a cloud of smoke into my face, grabbed my arms and lifted me up, planting me against the wall so that the entire group could file past us.

I glared at Tyler through the line of them as they went and the moment they’d all headed off down the tunnel, we lunged at each other again, our foreheads butting, whinnies filling the air.

“You think you can touch my girlfriend and get away with it?” Tyler snarled.

“She wants the strongest Pegasus, Tyler, and that’s me,” I insisted.

“Stop it,” Sofia snapped. “I like both of you, okay?” she tried to pull us apart, but we ignored her, our heads knocking together once more as we fought for dominance, trying to force the other one to submit.

I was so sick of Tyler acting like I was less than him. My instincts demanded I crush him beneath me and claim my rightful position as Dom of our herd. I’d fallen for Sofia a long time ago, and yeah maybe I knew it wasn’t my right to move in on another guy’s girl, but this was more than that. It was a need of my Order. I had to claim her as I had to claim the Dom position. And it wasn’t some primal claiming either, I loved Sofia. And I wanted her as mine in every way. To fly at my side as my mare and ride through clouds and rainbows together.

“That’s it,” Sofia huffed as Tyler and I started shoving each other. “Until you can figure this out between you two, I’m done.”

“What do you mean done?” Tyler rounded towards her in alarm.

“Done, Tyler,” she said firmly. “I can’t handle all this aggravation anymore. I’m barely even glittering lately, I need a relaxed environment. This isn’t healthy for any of us.” She sighed, looking between the two of us with want in her eyes then she turned and walked away from us with a sad whinny, disappearing after the others who had headed towards the dining hall.

“Now look what you’ve done.” Tyler shoved me in the chest and I stumbled back into a wall. “Everything was fine until you showed up with your stupid quaffed hair and your hot as fuck abs, and now your fucking dijazzle to top all other dijazzles. It’s bullshit. And you know what?” He grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled it off, tossing it away. “I’m done with this game. You wanna try and take my position, then come at me Xavier!” He slapped his hand against his bronzed chest. “We fight and whoever wins claims the Dom title once and for all and the other one has to suck it up and never challenge the other again.”

“Fine by me,” I said, pulling my own shirt off and stamping my foot in preparation of the fight.

“Oh, hey there boys,” Washer purred as he appeared at the end of the corridor in his speedos, a towel draped over his arm. But he wasn’t heading to or from a bathhouse in this tunnel so why the fuck was he dressed like that? “Do you need someone to referee your little spat? I’d be more than happy to offer my assistance.”

I wrinkled my nose and Tyler folded his arms like he was trying to cover up some of his muscular chest.

“Come now, let’s see you limber up first,” Washer encouraged before starting to do lunges. “Follow my lead. Like this. Get deep into the glutes.”

I glanced at Tyler as he grimaced.

“Wanna go to my room for the fight?” Tyler muttered and I nodded quickly, the two of us turning and cantering away from Washer as fast as we could.

“Don’t be like that!” Washer called after us. “At least remember to oil up your bodies before you get started, it’ll help keep your movements nice and fluid.”

“Ew,” I ground out.

Tyler shuddered and I was relieved when we made it to his room and he pushed inside. I followed him, rolling my shoulders as he kicked the door shut, ready to go full wild mustang on his ass.

Tyler picked up a bottle of oil from his nightstand squirting it over his chest and rubbing it into his skin.

“What are you doing?” I asked in surprise, my gaze falling to the firmness of his muscles as the oil highlighted them all.

“Washer’s a perve, but he’s also right about the oil thing,” Tyler said.

“Why do you have that lying around?” I asked in confusion and he gave me a filthy look.

“You are such a little virgin, Xavier,” he said with a grin and I realised the oil had glitter in it that sparkled against his skin.

“Fuck off,” I snarled. “I’m not a virgin.”

He whinnied a laugh. “It’s sad how much you deny it.” He tossed me the bottle of oil and I poured a load of it in my hand, glossing it all over my chest and arms.

When I looked up, I found Tyler adjusting his sweatpants and kicking his shoes off.

“No magic,” he said. “Let’s just beat the fuck out of each other and see who’s the top stallion.”

I swallowed thickly at that, but raised my chin at the challenge and nodded. I could take him on, I’d been keeping up with training here, doing morning workouts and pushing myself hard daily to stay strong. Darius had been more than happy to help me out with building a regime and if I could keep up with his relentless drills then I could do this. But from the look of Tyler’s muscular frame, he was probably working out just as much.

I tossed the oil onto the bed and he we eyed each other for a moment, the tension in the room prickling against my skin.

“Come on then,” he goaded me, opening his arms wide. “Or is the little spare, Xavier Acrux the virgin too afraid to fight me?”

I whinnied in anger, charging towards him and throwing a punch that crashed into his gut. He doubled over, but smashed a fist into my kidney in response, making pain radiate through my side. I shoved him away from me and he landed on the bed, bringing his legs up and slamming his bare feet to my chest, making me stagger backwards.

He lunged at me with a neigh of fury, his fist ramming into my jaw and I responded with an equally hard blow to his ribs. He grabbed my shoulders and I grabbed his in return, trying to fight him back as our hands slipped and slid over our oiled up skin.

I dug my nails in as he reared forward and bit my shoulder, a neigh of rage leaving me as I shoved him back and swung a punch at him. But I missed and he leapt at me again, his weight knocking me into a table and sending a bunch of shit falling off of it with a crash that echoed off the walls. A tarot deck went flying, cards spilling all over the floor and The Tower looked up at me like it was fucking mocking us with its predictions of destruction and chaos. But that was fine by me, because this fight had been a long time coming.

I threw my shoulder into his chest, knocking him back as I dug my heels in, thinking of Sofia as my instincts burned and flared. I had to force him beneath me. I had to make him submit.

The backs of his knees hit the side of the bed and he fell down beneath my weight as I clambered on top of him, driving him down into the mattress and throwing a punch into his face.

“I’m the Dom!” I snapped and his lips parted as he stared up at me then he bucked his hips, knocking me off of him as he turned and rolled onto his knees, making a move to escape me.

I pounced on him again, forcing his head down into the sheets. “Say it. Say I’m the Dom, Tyler. Say it.”

I let go of his head so he could look back at me and say it. But instead he turned his head and his gaze fell to my crotch and I followed his line of sight, realising I was rock hard, the outline of my cock pressing against my sweatpants.

Heat burned lines across my cheeks as Tyler’s eyes lifted to mine, but he wasn’t looking at me with a mocking smirk like I expected, I found a pool of lust in his eyes.

“You’re not the Dom unless you prove it,” he croaked and I knew what he was saying, what he was asking of me. A moment of silence hung between us where the fight shifted to something else, and the energy in the room burned in a whole different way.

“Prove it,” he demanded again and suddenly I was shoving him back down against the sheets and grabbing the bottle of oil from the bed, driven on by instinct alone. I freed my jewelled cock, pouring the sparkling oil all over it before yanking his sweatpants down.

“Do it,” Tyler groaned, his words a plea and a demand at once.

I didn’t let myself consider a single doubt before I was lining my cock up with his ass and driving it inside him, forcing him down beneath me and thrusting my hips as a neigh of pleasure fell from my lips. And oh my fucking stars that felt so good, my dick wrapped tight inside his body like it had been made perfectly to fit right there, and the way he groaned my name said he felt the damn same. Why had I never done this before? Why the hell had I held off on this feeling of ecstasy?

“I’m not a virgin anymore now, am I Tyler?” I laughed lustily, my blood thrumming with the perfect feeling of my cock inside him as I began to move.

“Fuck you.” He groaned, pressing his ass back against me and meeting every drive of my hips as I held him beneath me and I gasped at how good this felt, lost to a haze of desire and rage and instincts that made my head foggy.

“Who’s the Dom?” I demanded again through breathless pants as I pinned him down and rocked my hips faster.

“You are,” he replied through a moan and I replied with a neigh of pleasure as I felt myself teetering on the edge of oblivion. There was so much pent up rage and anger between us and it was making me lose my mind now it was culminating in this perfect act which felt so star damned inevitable, I had no idea how I hadn’t seen it before.

“You’re the Dom. Oh my stars, you’re the Dom,” Tyler said breathlessly.

Those words made me finish with a loud whinny, stilling inside him as I reared over him, pressing him firmly down beneath me and panting as I came down from the high that was making my veins buzz better than any rainbow I’d ever flown through.

But as my thoughts realigned, I looked down at Tyler and realised what I’d done.

“Oh fuck,” I breathed. “Sofia.”

“Xavier,” Sofia’s voice reached me in reply and my head whipped around as I found her standing in the doorway, her eyes dragging over us in shock.

“I’m sorry,” I blurted as Tyler lifted his head and looked to her too.

“Shit, Sofia, baby. It wasn’t planned, it just happened. I don’t even know how it happened,” he garbled.

She stepped into the room, kicking the door shut behind her and pulling her dress off in the next move. Her tits were bare and the tiny sparkly pink g-string she wore clung tightly to her pale skin as she walked towards us.

I eased my hips back, releasing Tyler and pulling my sweatpants up as he rolled over and I slid off of him as I knelt on the bed.

“What are you doing?” I asked around a lump in my throat and she walked past us with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, heading through an archway in the room and the sound of a shower carried to us.

Tyler shoved off of the bed, tugging his pants up as he ran after her and I raced after him too, unsure what to fucking do. Anxiety warred in my chest, but my veins were buzzing too, solidifying my position as Dom of the herd. As much as I wanted to feel bad about this, every part of my Order was telling me it was right. And it was confusing as hell.

There was a shower there carved into the rock, water falling from a pipe which must have been made with earth magic, tumbling down over Sofia in a spray as she washed herself, caressing her breasts with her eyes shut and her head tipped back.

Tyler looked to me as we stood shoulder to shoulder before her and she finally opened her eyes, biting her lip and beckoning us closer.

“Both of us?” I asked and she nodded, all hesitation abandoning me as we moved as one into the shower and she sank her tongue between Tyler’s lips.

“He Dommed me down, it was instinct,” he said and she leaned back, capturing hold of my hair and dragging me closer.

“I know, I saw,” she panted as my hands fell to the soft curves of her waist as the water washed over me heavily. “And I’m happy. Because this is the answer we’ve been looking for.”

I met Tyler’s gaze again and his throat bobbed as his eyes dipped to my mouth and Sofia pushed our heads close together. His mouth pressed to mine and I accepted his tongue between my lips, kissing him and finding my heart rate picking up again.

I’d thought about guys before, even jerked off over these kinds of fantasies plenty of times, but since I’d fallen for Sofia I’d been more caught up in the idea of her than exploring those desires in me. But as I kissed him harder and thought of how fucking good it had felt being inside him, I knew that this was what I’d been hungering for in all of those tension filled moments we’d shared. My feelings for Sofia had clouded that desire to me, but now that I’d given in to it, I knew I wanted more. And as my cock got solid again and Sofia pressed her ass back against me, I knew I was all in with this arrangement. It felt so damn right, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed how much Tyler had appealed to me before. I’d been so caught up in trying to dominate him that I hadn’t even realised what else I’d been hungering for from him.

I broke our kiss, leaning down to kiss Sofia instead and she moaned against my mouth as Tyler gripped my sweatpants and yanked them down. I kicked them off and groaned as he washed my body with soap, his hand slipping over the ridges of the gemstones on my cock and making me ache for more. He slid the tiny g-string off of Sofia, tossing it at our feet and baring her gem encrusted pussy to us both, making me so hard I ached.

Tyler moved behind me, his mouth on my neck as he pushed Sofia forward so she had to brace herself against the wall, then he gripped my cock again and guided it to the hot wetness of her pussy.

“Like this,” Tyler growled, driving his hips against mine and forcing me inside her with that single hard thrust, making Sofia cry out and a neigh of pleasure tumble from my lips.

Tyler gripped her hips, pulling her back to meet every one of my thrusts as he continued to drive against me from behind, showing me how to please her as she moaned both of our names.

“Stars, that’s so good,” Sofia sighed and my chest swelled as Tyler took hold of my hand, guiding it around her waist and over the gemstones adorning her pussy then onto her clit.

He moved my fingers in circles and she shivered with pleasure for us before he let go of my hand and left me to keep up the rhythm, building her towards ecstasy as her pussy gripped tightly around my shaft, every one of the gemstones in my Jacob’s ladder grinding inside her in a way that had her falling apart for me.

I reached behind me, my instinct to please my Subs driving me on as I forced Tyler’s sweatpants down, and gripped his cock in my fist. He groaned deeply, moving to my side to watch me and Sofia as he let me take the reins, and his eyes became hooded as he watched my dick driving in and out of her while my fist glided up and down his length.

Sofia came with a shudder, her moans filling up the space as her pussy suddenly clamped down on my cock and I gasped as she forced me to come with her, driving my hips forward a couple more times as I rode out the wave of pleasure, unable to believe how good this felt.

I pulled out of Sofia and she turned to us with desire in her eyes as she reached for Tyler’s cock too and we worked together to please him, our fists slipping up and down his length until he was coming against Sofia’s thigh and the three of us collided in a desperate, messy kiss as the hot water raced over our flesh.

My heart was pounding to the most thrilling tune it had ever known and I knew this was right where I belonged, the three of us finding the most perfect harmony between each other. And though I may have become the Dom, I’d never expected things to go this way, we were falling into a natural order that pleased our inner Fae and had found a way to balance the urges of our kind. And holy fucking shit, it felt like heaven.




I galloped through the halls, hunting for everyone as my dick tingled with the amount of sex I’d had today. I was a sex stallion, I mean a stallion of sex, or a sex horse, gah fuck it, I wasn’t a virgin anyway and that was all that mattered. I was sooo not a virgin.

I whinnied my joy as I heard the sound of people talking up ahead, recognising Orion’s voice as he said, “This changes things.”

I rounded into the passage, glad he was there most of all because he was the one who’d called me out in front of everyone for being a virgin, and now he was going to eat his words.

I leapt out into the passage, placing my hands on my hips. “Ha-ha! You can’t use my blood anymore for your elixir, Orion. I had loads of sex. Loads and loads of sex. With a guy and a girl. I double dicked and double dipped and all the doubles and had my dick in all the holes, Orion. All of them.”

Orion looked to me in shock as did the rest of our group who were standing around him, but none of them smiled and Darius carved a hand down his face, shaking his head.

“Someone just died, Xavier,” Max hissed and Orion stepped aside, revealing a bloody body behind him on the floor, also unveiling my mother and Hamish standing beyond the corpse.

Mom was pale as she looked to me. “That’s wonderful news, sweetie, well done you, you look like you did a great job too, but we’ll have to discuss it later, okay?”

No…no. Not again.

I didn’t want to discuss my sex life with my mom. I’d just told her point blank I’d fucked a guy and a girl in all the holes. Oh my stars I just said ‘all the holes’ in front of my mother.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean- by the stars, I thought the murderer was caught,” I rambled, backing up as I stared at the bloodbath between them all.

“Looks like Justin Masters wasn’t the killer,” Tory said and Geraldine shrieked, holding a hand to her forehead.

“That wigworm has been abused so terribly for his crime. And now he must be an exonerated insect, set free to fly like a beetle to the sky,” Geraldine said, falling against Max and sobbing against his shoulder.

“What the hell are we gonna do?” Darcy questioned anxiously. “Why can’t the Cyclopses find who’s doing this?”

“Bless my hyacinth, we must intensify the interrogations,” Hamish said. “We will begin at once.” He took my mom’s hand, heading off down the corridor and a few rebels hurried forward, covering the mutilated body with a blanket while everyone else started walking my way.

I turned, finding myself face to face with Gabriel, his upper lip curling back in a snarl as he took hold of my arm. “Hello, you little shit.”

Oh fuck.

“Do you know how long it took for Orion to get me out of that pube forest?” he hissed.

“Um…a while?” I rasped.

“Long enough for me to nearly choke on my own pubic hair, Xavier. Long enough for that,” he growled, taking out his Atlas, bringing something up on it and showing it to me. “Get your little asshole of a friend to take this down.”

“He’s actually my Sub now,” I said with a hint of pride in my voice as I looked at the video Tyler had just posted to FaeBook.

“I don’t care if he’s the son of the moon itself and has come down to earth to gift us all with moon magic, Xavier. You will tell him to take this down.”

I nodded quickly as I read the FaeBook post Tyler had put up online, the video of Gabriel playing beneath it, his pubes knocking Geraldine to the ground as she ran for her life, wailing about dying the way she’d always feared she would. She crawled towards the door in desperation, her hand outstretched as she began to disappear into the dark hair before Max dragged her free, promising she wouldn’t die this way and they made it out of the room.


Tyler Corbin: Things got #hairy in class today when there was a #pubetastrophy after @Gabriel Nox tried to teach us the importance of keeping a tidy bush. His pubes quickly got out of control and his #wangwig went from a #furryfriend to a #bristlybeast in less than a minute. Quick to act, Lance Orion dove in to help only to find himself amBUSHed as the #cockcarpet smothered him and he found himself with his friend’s #willywhiskers in his mouth and nowhere to go. Despite how hard Orion battled the #peenpelt, he was lost within the #deeppubesea and we have yet to lay eyes on him since.


#youhaireditherefirst #thelostfurld #bashedbyyourownbush #deathbyphallusfuzz #willthepubenatorbeback


Carson Alvion: Justice. *bush emoji*

Mikaela Colgan: Orion can come battling into my bush any time he likes! #bravethebush #bushbandit

Leon Night: HAHAHAHAHA Orion is buried in Gabe’s #cocklocks

Erica Collins: I miss you, Leon. Why won’t you answer my calls???? #Mindyforlife #thislionessislonely #cryinformylion

Savannah Desiree: Holy moonstones! I’d dive into that #pubacioussea to rescue the #hotharpy any day of the week

Jasmine Andrea Ray: Snip for Gabriel! We’ll all pitch in! #I’llbringmyclippers #finderskeepers

Marta Segura: That’s what you call a hairy situation #savethehotprofessors #itsnotlearningunlessmyloinsarea-burning

Telisha Mortensen: Don’t wanna make it weird, but I’d EAT my way to Gabriel and Orion in that pubalicious room #dontknockittilyoutryit #furryfeast

Zian Williams: I hope there’s no minocrabs in there! #thecrabsareaftertheabs


“Sorry?” I tried as I swallowed a laugh, wondering if I should explain the deal I’d made for my dick gems, but Gabriel didn’t seem in the mood to see them all right now, so I decided not to get them out.

“You’re not sorry,” he growled. “But you will be.” He shoved me towards the bloody mess left by whatever had attacked the dead Fae as their body was carried away by the rebels. “Clean that up without a single drop of water magic.”

“But-” I gasped, and he pushed me to my knees in front of the carnage.

“I can do a whole lot worse,” Gabriel warned and I sighed in resignation, starting to clean up the mess. But as he walked off with the rest of our group and I was left trying to deal with the blood and gore strewn across the ground, I still couldn’t help but feel that this was one of the best days of my life. And I muttered to myself, “Worth it.”

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