Zodiac Academy 4: Shadow Princess

Shadow Princess: Chapter 40

A knock came at my door and I woke with a groan, shifting under the weight of a heavy arm. I drew in a breath, realising Orion had stayed the night when we’d definitely planned for him to leave before dawn.

“Darcy!” Tory called through the door. “Open up.”

I released a breath of relief, slipping out of bed while Orion sank deeper under the covers. I put on his shirt, hurrying to the door and dispersing the silencing bubble we’d cast last night. “Are you alone?”

“Yeah,” she replied and I let her in, shutting the door quickly behind her.

She was dressed in a white winter coat with a faux fur hood, a sparkle in her gaze.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“The Heirs have challenged us to a snowball fight, that’s what’s going on,” she said with a manic grin. “It’s our game, Darcy. We’ll smash them!”

I laughed excitedly. “Oh I’m in.”

Orion shot to our side in a blur, his boxers in place. “I need to see this.”

“Just one thing…” Tory bit down on her lip, glancing at Orion like she wanted him to go away. She raised a hand, casting a tight silencing bubble around me and herself.

“What’s up?” I frowned as Orion folded his arms with a look of irritation.

“So I maybe, kinda hooked up with Darius again last night.”

Do not judge my sister. Do not, do not, do not.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” I asked in concern. “He hurt you, Tor…” Like drowned you in a swimming pool!

“I’m totally in control of it. Cross my heart.”

I nodded, relaxing a little. She could handle it.

Tory dropped the silencing bubble and glanced at Orion.

“Yeah, so I lip read that whole thing,” he stated. “I’m glad you’re making him happy.” He smirked.

“Dude!” Tory balked. “Not cool.”

“You just made it so easy when your tongue lolled out as you said Dariuuus,” Orion taunted and she shoved him in the arm.

I snorted a laugh, unable to help myself and Tory’s gaze whipped onto me accusingly.

“You should have seen Blue’s face when I told her you hooked up with him the first time.” Orion barked a laugh and Tory’s eyes widened.

“What so you and Darius just gossiped about me like a pair of girls? Then you told my sister before I had a chance to?”

“Technically you could have told me but we were ya know…not talking.” I shrugged innocently.

“That’s true. And anyway, Tory, it wasn’t like Darius told me about the size of your dick or anything,” Orion mocked and her eyes flared with a challenge.

“You’re right, that’s just what me and Darcy do with the guys we screw. I know alllllll about you and your sordid little ways, sir.”

“With your sister,” he deadpanned and Tory’s nose wrinkled.

“Ew, can we stop this conversation like right now?” I insisted, but they ignored me.

“Not the point,” she hissed. “And you can tell Darius if he describes a single freckle on my body, I’ll cut his balls off.”

“What is it with you and cutting people’s balls off?” Orion’s brows pulled together. “Just go for the jugular, you savage.”

Tory cracked a smile and the two of them beamed at each other like good friends. It felt freaking amazing to see them looking at each other like that.

“Right, get dressed – they’re waiting for us,” Tory said excitedly.

“Sure, right after I do a few of those sordid things to your sister,” Orion called and she clamped her hands over her ears as she ran out the door, her laughter calling back to us. I wasn’t sure I’d seen her this happy in a long time. But give my sister an opportunity to thrash the Heirs with snow and that equalled one smiley Tory. Or maybe it just had to do with the triple D she’d gotten last night (Darius’s Dragon Dick).

“How sordid?” I turned to Orion with a playful smile.

“So fucking sordid.” He hounded forward and I squealed as I ran for the en-suite, racing into the shower as he shot after me.

We were extra late to meet the Heirs by the time we got ready to leave, but I was hella satisfied.

I wore a khaki green jacket and warm gloves and Orion shot back to his room to fetch new clothes.

When I exited my room, he was waiting on the stairs dressed in a leather jacket, jeans and boots, looking divine and like he’d been standing there waiting for me for ages. Damn Vampire.

“Tory’s gone ahead,” he explained.

We headed through the palace and out of the main entranceway, finding Tory chatting to Xavier beside the Heirs, all of whom were standing around on the stone steps which led down from the palace.

“Where the hell have you guys been?” Darius balked.

Oh shit.

“Er-” I started and Seth raised his brows, enjoying the show as I fumbled for an excuse.

“Well I bumped into Darcy and she insisted she knew the way out, but ten wrong turns later and here we are,” Orion said smoothly and I pursed my lips.

“Yeah plus we passed this bookshelf and Orion saw some Numerology book on it and basically had to stop and have an orgasm over it,” I said with a shrug.

“Ha, that’s so you,” Darius laughed. “Bet it was a real smooth hardback.”

“Yeah, and the spine was so curvy,” Orion played along and I bit my lip on a grin. “I could have fingered those pages all day.”

“Alright enough with whatever the fuck is happening right now, let’s head to the woods.” Max pointed toward the western corner of the grounds, taking off to lead the way.

The walk was almost a mile there and I started to wonder if this was just going to be another Heir prank to add to my collection. But I was pleasantly surprised when we arrived in a wide clearing at the heart of the pine wood and no one sprang an attack.

“Right, it’s on. I’m not walking a step further,” Tory said, moving to my side.

“Hang on, you two can’t team up,” Max said, folding his arms.

Tory placed her hands on her hips and I raised my brows. “Why not?” we said at the same time.

“Because you do that mind communication thing that gives you an edge,” Max said firmly. “You can be the team captains.”

“Well…” I hesitated and Tory pouted.

“Done. That’s the deal or no game,” Seth said, waving us apart.

“Fine,” Tory gave in and I shrugged.

The other Heirs exchanged looks, but didn’t argue, lining up with Orion and Xavier for us to choose from.

“Youngest picks first,” Orion called and I smirked.

“Alright, I pick you Professor,” I said, looking to Tory with a challenging grin and she shot me one right back. Orion flashed to my side with a burst of Vampire speed, scooping up a snowball and freezing it in his palm to a solid lump of ice.

“Woah, psycho pants. Are we aiming to kill?” I asked and he smiled lazily, the hardened ball rising above his palm on a perfect tornado of air.

“Everyone here can shield.” He shrugged.

“Err, I’m not Awakened, I don’t have my magic yet,“ Xavier called.

Orion barked a laugh. “Fair point.” He let the ice return to snow. “You sure you still wanna play?”

“Oh I’m not just gonna play. I’m gonna destroy,” Xavier said with a fire in his eyes.

“Come on, pick someone Tory,” Max encouraged, bouncing on his heels excitedly.

“Caleb,” she said lightly and Darius’s usually carefree expression evaporated. His eyes narrowed on Caleb as he joined Tory’s side and flung an arm over her shoulders. She promptly shrugged it off, but that did nothing to soothe the rage in Darius’s eyes.

“Darius,” I picked and Tory shot me a oh you’re gonna play dirty are you? expression and I flung one back that said I’m taking no prisoners, Tor.

Like hell was I gonna turn down having a Dragon on my team. Even if he was a douchebag ninety nine point nine percent of the time.

“Didn’t realise you were so competitive, Blue,” Orion murmured as an icy wind gusted around us, his tone telling me exactly how much he liked finding that out about me.

I glanced at him with a smirk. “When it comes to snowball fights, I’m merciless.”

“Can you bring that team spirit to the next Pitball session?” he taunted.

“If you help me win, I’ll bring it to every Pitball session.” I held out my hand and he took it, his lips hooking up as a clap of magic rang between us.

Darius had Caleb locked in his sights already and I smothered a laugh, looking to Tory to see who she was gonna pick next.

“Max,” she said. “Let’s see what the Water Heir can do with all this snow.”

“Shit,” Lance muttered. “Xavier’s a liability, but fuck Seth right up the ass.”

“I heard that,” Seth said with a scowl.

“Dude,” Darius shot at Orion with a look of confusion, but he avoided his eye.

I frowned, looking at my final options. I didn’t really know Xavier, but the fact that he had no magic wasn’t exactly a good sign. But did I want Seth Capella on my team? Hell no. And did I want the excuse to kick his ass in a snowball fight? Hell yes.

“Xavier,” I blurted.

Seth pouted and headed over to Tory who immediately cast a silencing bubble around her team.

I did the same, turning to discuss tactics.

“We should all pick one target,” Orion said and I held up a hand to stop him right there.

“I’m the Captain,” I said, smiling sweetly. “And Xavier hasn’t got magic so he can’t take on someone on his own.”

“If one of you shields me, I’ve got a solid aim.” Xavier wiggled his eyebrows hopefully.

“I love you, bro, but I’m not gonna hold your hand through this, I’ll be too busy pummelling Caleb’s face with snow,” Darius said with a dark grin.

“He’s a Vampire, you won’t land a shot on him,” Orion said. “I’ll take Caleb.”

“Fine, Roxy’s mine,” Darius said with a smirk, seeming to warm to that idea suspiciously quickly. I pursed my lips, knowing exactly what he and my sister had gotten up to yesterday and hoping he wasn’t going to hurt her. Because it was obvious she felt something for him even if she’d never admit it to herself.

“That leaves Max and Seth,” I said thoughtfully.

“Max will ride Seth,” Darius said. “I bet my claim on it.”

Orion nodded firmly, getting that Captain look in his eyes again which said he wanted a win. “We can take them.”

I glanced over my shoulder to see Seth was already stripping down and I turned to Xavier with an idea. “How about you change into your Order form and I…ride you? If you’re okay with that?”

Xavier turned as pale as a sheet and I immediately knew I’d said the wrong thing.

“Oh I-I can’t,” he stammered, shaking his head and glancing over his shoulder like someone might appear right behind him.

“We’re almost a mile from the palace,” Orion said with a shrug. “No one would see. Just don’t fly.”

Darius scrubbed his knuckles against his jaw, his brows tightly knitted. “I mean, it would be good for you, Xavier. You must be desperate to shift.”

Xavier chewed on his lip and it hurt me to see how uncomfortable he was at the idea of something so natural. His father had so much to answer for and it made me furious on his behalf.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but this is my home, Xavier. And if you want to shift, then you shift.”

Xavier looked to his brother with so much hope in his eyes it kind of broke my heart. Darius laid a hand on his shoulder, a smile pulling at his mouth as he nodded.

“Father’s not going to leave the palace, he’s too busy snooping around, trying to dig up dirt on the Vegas.”

“He’s what?” I breathed, but Darius waved me off with a laugh.

“What’s he gonna find? That you’re expanding your bird sanctuary to take in misguided toads?” Darius grinned at me in a way that was totally without bullshit. He was sharing an in joke with me. A freaking in joke.

I snorted a laugh then shrugged. “Alright, are you doing this Xavier?”

“I’m doing it,” he said like he still wasn’t sure, but he reached for his shirt.

“Wait, not yet,” Orion said seriously. “We should run into the trees, split up and circle back on them. Keep Xavier for the element of surprise.” He bobbed on his heels and before I could tell him off for stealing my captain hat again, my stomach screwed up into a ball at him looking so damn cute. Besides, it was an awesome idea.

I pulled my eyes away from him, adrenaline pumping through my veins. “Okay, Lance buy us time to get away with your water magic then run like there’s a fire up your ass – which there probably will be,” I said, realising I’d used his first name but it didn’t look like the other two had noticed.

“As you wish, Captain.” He pushed a hand into his hair as his eyes dragged over me.

He was definitely getting off on this.

“Ready?” Tory called and I turned to her, nodding as I dropped the silencing bubble.

Seth was in his huge white Wolf form and Max was climbing up onto his back. Caleb had his sights set on Darius, but he didn’t have the Element of water. Which made Max and Tory the strongest on their team. Of course, I didn’t see how we’d land a hit on anyone who possessed fire. And come to think of it, she did have three Heirs on her team and I only had one. But a powerful and trained teacher had to count for at least one Heir – maybe not the Pegasus who was afraid to shift though. Better an underdog on the team than an assdog though.

“GO!” Max roared and Seth charged forward.

I turned fast and fled for the trees at Xavier’s side. The earth trembled violently and I glanced over my shoulder as Orion cast a huge wall of snow at the other team and Seth and Max collided with it. Orion shot off into the trees and I ran faster, thankful at last for the bi-weekly Pitball sessions and Physical Enhancement lessons which had kicked my butt into shape.

Darius darted off between two thick boughs and I spotted him climbing up one of them with impossible ease. Monkey Dragon!

I kept at Xavier’s side while he tore clothes off and bundled them in his arms.

A baying howl cried out behind us and I increased our pace before dragging Xavier behind a huge pine.

“Are you ready?” I whispered hopefully.

He nodded, placing his clothes at the base of the tree and turning his back on me, revealing his bare ass. I glanced over my shoulder, casting a tight air shield around us as I listened for approaching footsteps.

“You okay?” I asked, my heart pounding as Xavier hesitated a little longer.

“Yeah, I just – I don’t get to do this much so er – here goes.” He leapt forward and a glittering lilac Pegasus burst free of his body.

I stared at his beauty in awe and he snorted happily, trotting toward me and rubbing his nose against my shoulder. Another howl sounded behind us and I moved to Xavier’s side. He lowered a wing to let me climb up and joy filled me as I settled myself on his back.

“Let’s win this thing,” I said determinedly and Xavier neighed in excitement, rearing up and making me cling on for dear life before he shot forward into the trees.

He was crazy fast, the world a blur as he tore along the snowy ground, kicking up white dust behind us. I realised he was circling back the way we’d come and I gathered a storm of air around us, preparing to whip up the snow and hurl it at the first opponent we saw.

Laughter escaped me as Xavier weaved through the trees so smoothly it was like we were flying, his hooves barely touching the ground. A yelp somewhere to my left made me whip around and I spotted Darius on top of Tory, having jumped from his tree perch. My laughter rang higher as they wrestled on the ground, rubbing snow into each other’s hair and laughing like they didn’t hate each other’s guts.

A blur of white shot in front of us and I screamed as Max raised his hands atop Seth and a tidal wave of snow rose behind him. I released the storm around me, throwing sheets of snow at him in an attempt to uproot him from Seth’s back. Max took a full body hit but kept his balance, clearly not shielding as he used his magic to lift the huge line of snow behind him even higher.

His eyes locked on Xavier and he grinned widely. “Look at you, little dude! Fucking ace. Now let’s see how fast you can run!”

I squealed in excitement and alarm as Xavier spun away from them and I heard the whole hillside of snow racing after us.

Seth barrelled ahead of the wave as Max raised both arms, gathering up every bit of snow he could to add to his wall.

Two blurs sped by and I guessed Orion and Caleb were having their own high-speed version of the game as snow sprayed out from them.

“Go!” I begged of Xavier and he didn’t need encouraging twice, tearing through the woods like a hurricane.

I whooped to the sky as we outpaced Seth, but the rumbling of all that snow behind us didn’t ease. I glanced back, finding Seth and Max had peeled off, getting out of the way of the snow as it crashed through the trees and came after us at double speed.

“Shit!” I yelled, glancing over my shoulder and raising a hand. Fire bloomed in my palm and I threw huge balls of it at the wave, not holding back as I melted away as much of it as I could. It was terrifying and exhilarating but it wasn’t enough to save us.

“Hold steady,” I begged of Xavier, letting go of his mane and carefully turning around to face the other way. Shit shit shit, this is stupid and reckless and so much fun!

I raised my hands higher, calling on the deeper power within me, my Phoenix flames curling around my hands. I let them fly and two burning channels of red and blue fire tore into the snow, melting huge holes right through it.

The wall suddenly collapsed and I cheered in triumph, turning myself around and patting Xavier on the shoulder. He whinnied happily, slowing to a trot as we circled back towards the clearing where we’d started the game.

Tory came tearing out of the trees as we arrived, pummelling snowballs at us with air magic and Xavier lifted a wing to block them. I laughed, jumping down and scooping up snow, leaving my shield down as I propelled them back at her. Xavier trot-danced around us then turned his ass towards Tory and started kicking up snow with his back hooves.

“Xavier!” she cried through her laughter, throwing out a wall of fire magic to melt the snow he was tossing at her.

An arm locked around my waist and I screamed as a Vampire ran with me across the clearing. I realised it was Caleb as he slammed us into a tree then shook it hard to dislodge all the snow from the branches. He was gone in a flash and I was too late to stop it as it crashed over me, leaving me in a freezing pile up to my waist.

His laughter rang around the woods as he zipped about the place then an ah! sounded a second before him and Orion appeared at the centre of the clearing. Orion had frozen him up to his neck in solid ice and amusement ripped through me as I waded out of the snow to join the others.

Caleb clenched his jaw as he released his fire magic and the ice began to steam. But it was clearly strong enough to keep him in check for a bit longer.

“Get him!” Tory cried despite the fact that he was on her team.

Me and Orion joined in as we started pummelling his head with snowballs.

Xavier neighed his amusement, shaking his mane so glitter fell around him on the ground.

Darius appeared behind Tory with a huge snow ball held above her head, but as he saw what my sister was doing, he lowered it and looked at Caleb frozen at the centre of the space.

“A snowman,” he said brightly, walking forward, lifting his huge snowball up again.

“Darius,” Caleb warned. “Don’t you d-”

Darius planted the huge ball of snow over his head and I fell apart with laughter, dropping down to the ground as I clutched my side. Seth and Max arrived but neither of them continued the game, falling apart with the rest of us while Caleb thawed his way out. Fire flared at last and the snow and ice dissolved around him, leaving him soaked and scowling. It didn’t last long as he split a grin then jumped on Darius, tussling his hair and the two of them fell into a playful wrestle in the snow.

Orion dropped down beside me and I fought the urge to rest my head against his shoulder, sharing a smile with him instead.

Xavier trotted off into the woods and I guessed he was going to get his clothes as the game came to an end.

“We win,” I sang.

“Err no, this is just half time,” Max said, dropping down to sit beside Seth as he pulled on his clothes. He reached over, drawing the water out of them without a word and Seth nuzzled him in thanks. Everyone set about drying each other and I smiled as the peace of the moment washed over me. I wish it could always be like this.

The Heirs’ Atlases pinged all at once, but none of them took them out.

“Oh is it time for you all to take your crazy pills?” Tory taunted and Darius hid a smirk with his thumb.

“No, sweetheart.” Caleb stood up, stretching his arms above his head. “That means the press are here.”

Their Atlases pinged again and Seth got to his feet with a frown. “And that means my PA is doing her nut because I’m not standing right next to her ready to take interviews. Fucking Sharon.”

Their Atlases continued to blow up with messages and I took mine out, finding several texts from Geraldine. I’d left it on silent mode and hadn’t even thought to check it.



Cradle-snatchers in the night! The press will be here in thirty minutes – have you returned from your morning dalliance?



Bugger my backpack! Where are you and your sister? Fifteen minutes!!



I’ve laid out dresses in your rooms but flip my bits you’re cutting it close, your majesties!!



That vagabond of a Vulpecula is here!! Come show him what real royalty look like and ram your prowess down his raisin hole!



The throne room awaits you! Its empty womb is now fertile and ready for its new queens – come hither and implant it with your greatness!


“Implant it with your greatness?” Orion murmured as he leaned over my shoulder.

I snorted a laugh, knocking him away. “Excuse me snoopy snooperson, I have a throne room to impregnate.” I stood up and everyone frowned at what I’d said. “Geraldine,” I added in explanation. “Come on, Tor. We have to go.”

Tory pursed her lips as she stood up. “Do we really have to entertain some boring reporters all day?”

“You do if you want the public backing you, little Vega,” Max said, getting to his feet too. “So maybe you should stay here.” He winked, starting to walk across the clearing and the rest of us followed.

We soon arrived back at the palace, slipping in through a servants’ entrance in the west wing so no one would spot us. The halls were quiet as we headed along, none of us quite sure where to go as we roamed the winding corridors.

Everyone’s Atlases started pinging again, but no one took them out. I didn’t even check mine because I knew we were late as hell anyway.

“Stop,” Caleb and Orion said at the same time.

“What? Why?” I asked, but the other Heirs fell eerily still, looking to Caleb as he listened to something.

I moved closer to Tory, sharing an anxious look with her as the air around us became laced with tension.

“Fuck,” Orion breathed, his eyes whipping to me, filled with a swirling terror.

“What is it?” Tory demanded.

A blood-curdling scream sounded from far away, chilling me right through to my core.

“What’s happening, what can you hear?” Max pressed a hand to Caleb’s shoulder, his face twisting as he drank in his emotions.

Caleb and Orion shared a look and my heart slammed into top gear. Before either of them answered, they sped past us in a blur, throwing themselves against the door at the end of the hall. Vines burst free from Caleb’s hands, spreading out across the wood while Orion froze the lock and the edges of the doorframe.

I raised my hands on instinct, panic crashing through me in waves. “What’s happening?”

A huge weight slammed against the door they were holding shut and my shoulder bumped Tory’s as we pressed against one another in alarm.

Darius, Seth and Max moved to stand on either side of us with their hands held high and Xavier stood a step behind.

“Get in your Order forms!” Orion shouted as another shuddering slam sounded against the door.

A rasping, sucking noise filled the air and fear dug into my heart with icy talons.

“Nymphs,” Xavier gasped behind us.

I shed my coat and Tory did the same. I had a halter neck sports bra beneath my clothes out of habit these days and as I pulled my top off, my wings burst free of my back the same moment Tory’s did. The Heirs moved forward as our fiery wings spread out behind us, heat sizzling through the air.

I locked hands with Tory, memories of the last battle we’d fought coursing through my mind. I was afraid, but I wasn’t going to run. Our power could kill them. We were a weapon that needed to be used. But how had they gotten into the palace? And how many of them were here?

Seth leapt forward, shifting into his Wolf form and scales crawled across Max’s skin, peeking out beneath his clothes. Darius stood firm, fire blazing in his hands.

“Xavier, shift!” Tory urged.

He hesitated a second longer before bursting into his Pegasus form and bowing his head, lining his horn up with the door as he nudged his way between Tory and Darius.

“Move back!” Caleb caught Orion’s arm, dragging him away from the door, the two of them stumbling as the Nymph’s powers started to take hold of their magic.

I glanced around for another door, but this was the only way forward. Geraldine stood somewhere beyond this corridor, plus the servants, the press. We couldn’t just run, we had to fight, we had to help.

“We can take a couple of Nymphs,” Darius snarled as Orion joined him with a firm nod.

Seth growled in agreement, bending down ready to pounce as the doors trembled with another heavy crash.

“You’d take them better in your Dragon form and it’s safer anyway,” Orion muttered.

“I’ll shift when there’s room to fly,” Darius replied, his jaw set.

A huge crack splintered up the centre of the door and Tory’s magic flowed into my veins while mine flowed back into hers.

Our Phoenixes were wide awake and ready to burn the world down.

“Get ready!” Orion barked and I raised my free hand higher as red and blue flames chased each other in my palm.

The doors split open and a beast straight from the Shadow Realm stepped through, its towering height throwing a sheet of darkness over us. Its body was gnarled like bark and its red eyes glowed with bloodlust as it reached out its probed fingers and tried to suck the magic right out of us.

The full force of its power slammed into me and I felt it locking down my magic. But it couldn’t touch my Order powers. And I knew the strength of our fire could destroy it.

Tory squeezed my hand and we released our power at the same time, the chaotic whirl of flames spearing towards our enemy. The energy we created between us merged into an ice blue jet which ripped straight into the Nymph’s body. It exploded into a shower of ash and I gasped at the devastation we’d caused united.

Seth charged forward as another Nymph stepped into the shattered doorway, launching himself into the air and tearing out the creature’s throat. Tory and I ran forward, unleashing a monstrous whip of fire which severed the Nymph’s head from its shoulders before it burst into a shower of soot.

A horrible screeching noise sounded somewhere up ahead and I winced against it as another voice joined it, then another and another. The Palace was infested. Our home was under attack.

“We have to destroy them,” Tory growled powerfully and I nodded in agreement.

“Let’s go,” I breathed.

We ran forward and the rest of our group followed as we rounded into a long chamber.

“I know where this leads, come on!” Darius called, charging ahead of us.

Orion hurried to my side and the gentle brush of his shoulder was enough to calm my racing heart a fraction. Xavier cantered on behind his brother and Max took a seat on Seth’s back once more.

When Darius opened the huge door at the end of the chamber, Caleb shot to his side, the two of them moving through it together. The clash of a battle sounded beyond the door, the shriek of Nymphs and the wail of Fae ringing in my ears.

We sped after them and my heart hammered as we spilled into the enormous throne room.

The Councillors were locked in battle with fifteen Nymphs, their rasping, sucking power raking against my ears. Antonia had shifted into her chestnut Werewolf form and Max’s father, Tiberius, had his shining jade scales on show. I couldn’t spot Lionel or Melinda in the fray. Bodies were strewn across the flagstones in piles of ash, but I couldn’t tell who they were.

My heart jack-hammered as the Heirs split away from us, racing fearlessly into battle.

Xavier charged straight at a Nymph, skewering it on his horn before Antonia ripped its throat out and it scattered into ash.

“Darius!” Orion called and they shared a nod as Darius tore through his clothes, exploding into his incredible golden Dragon form. Four scaly feet slammed to the ground but not for long as he stretched his wings and took off into the air, circling around to the vaulted ceiling and releasing a ferocious blast of Dragon Fire down on the head of a Nymph.

“Fly,” Orion ordered us. “Go.” He squeezed my arm then took off in a flash before I could stop him. He brought a Nymph to its knees with his Vampire strength and Darius circled over to finish it, their moves so smooth it looked like they’d done it a thousand times.

“Come on.” Tory released my hand and I flexed my wings, taking off and flying up above the surging battle below.

I spotted a group of Fae by the back wall as two Nymphs closed in on them, stealing their magic and dragging it into themselves.

I pointed them out to Tory and we swooped down on them, our hands brushing. As our power collided, we released it down on the Nymphs, turning them to dust before they could take another step toward their prey.

Relief filled me as we circled above and the group stared up at us, pointing and gasping as they recognised us.

A horrible scream ripped through the air and panic seized my heart as I recognised Geraldine’s voice. I turned, hunting for her in desperation and spotting her on her back beneath a Nymph. Her father lay beside her unmoving and pure terror filled me as Tory and I raced to help.

A battle cry filled my ears and Max dove on the Nymph’s back, locking an arm around its throat and yanking backwards with all his might.

Geraldine scrambled away, tugging her father’s arm and my heart lifted as he stirred, crawling after her.

A bellowing roar of pain echoed around the room and Tory glanced over her shoulder in a panic.

“Go help Darius,” I urged and she nodded, darting off in the direction the roar had come from.

I swooped down on the Nymph Max was holding, my jaw clenched with rage. This beast had tried to hurt my friend.

“Max let go!” I demanded and he dropped from the Nymph’s back, slamming to the ground the second I let my powers fly. Two twisting ribbons of hellfire tore the beast apart and I came to land, holding out a hand to Max and helping him up. He caught my eye and a strange sense of camaraderie passed between us for an endless moment.

A groan of pain sounded and I turned to find Geraldine clutching a bloody wound on her arm. Max ran to heal her and relief skittered through me. I gazed around the devastation and I could see the strength in everyone as we fought united. Together, we were unstoppable. Together, we could win.

A Nymph’s arm rammed into my ribs and I was thrown across the room, gasping for air as stars burst in front of my eyes. I hit the ground in a corner of the room and pain spiked through my spine as I tried to move, but couldn’t. My ears buzzed and my vision blurred as I battled to regain my senses.

The Nymph who’d attacked me moved closer, its head cocked and a vile clicking noise sounding from its tongue. My heart trembled as its shadow fell over me.

My arms wouldn’t move, my fingers twitching but something was horribly wrong. Fire curled around my hands, but I couldn’t direct it as the Nymph leered over me, a hungry look in its gaze like I was a feast to be devoured.

A lump pushed at the base of my throat as fire crawled out from my skin, desperate to reach the monster before me, but I couldn’t wrangle it to my will. I couldn’t move, my body wasn’t responding. Terror reached into my core and took me hostage.

I couldn’t fight. I couldn’t even scream.

A shadow appeared in my periphery, colliding with the Nymph as it reached out its probed hand. Orion punched a hole through its chest, and the beast screeched so loud, the windows shuddered.

He brought it to its knees by brute force, taking hold of its head and tearing with all of his might. A crunch sounded and the Nymph exploded into embers, dancing around Orion in the air as he turned to me with a desperate fear in his eyes.

He dropped to his knees, pushing his hand beneath me and I gasped as pain splintered through me once more.

“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” Orion said gently and I nodded, trusting him to fix this.

I shuddered as warmth spread out beneath his palm on my back and sighed as the pain ebbed away, my spine healing under the intensity of his power. He sagged forward as exhaustion took him and I reared up, clutching him to me.

A protective growl escaped me as I encouraged Orion to his feet and pushed my hair from my neck. “Drink,” I demanded, yanking him against me. He dug his fangs into my throat and started swallowing my blood as fast as he could.

I stared around at the devastation over his shoulder and fear took root in me as I realised we no longer had the upper hand.

Antonia was pinned down by the foot of a Nymph while Tiberius desperately tried to get her free. Geraldine fought fearlessly between her father and Max, but they were being forced into a corner and I could see their strength waning by the second.

The death rattle of the Nymphs echoed through the air and pounded through my skull. Someone in their Nemean Lion form had been impaled on the end of a Nymph’s probes and blood was pouring across the floor like a river. The more I looked, the more death I could see, the more lifeless bodies and hopeless faces.

“Blue,” Orion whispered with a note of fear as two Nymphs turned our way.

I gritted my jaw, seeking out my sister across the room. Her eyes locked with mine in understanding and at the exact same moment, our Phoenix forms burst fully from our flesh. Fire scored away my clothes, wrapping around me like satin, draping over my limbs and caressing my body.

I stepped in front of Orion and stretched my wings out to shield him from the two Nymphs who wanted us, the flare of my fire reflecting in their lifeless eyes.

With a yell of rage, I raised my hands, scoring the air apart as my Phoenix fire blazed, forming wings of its own and destroying two Nymphs without so much as a thought. The fierceness of my power was overwhelming as it cut through the hearts of monsters, speeding through the room and taking out the creature who had Antonia in its clutches.

Tory destroyed two of the Nymphs advancing on Geraldine and Max and Darius swooped down after her, lifting another clean from the ground and tossing it through a huge stained glass window. The crash rang in my ears. Then the tinkling sound of a thousand shards filled the room as they cascaded over a Nymph and sent it straight into oblivion.

My eyes were drawn to the staircase as Lionel Acrux, Catalina and Melinda Altair came spilling out of the door. The three of them were covered in ash, their fine clothes ruined and their eyes wheeling between me and my sister.

Another Nymph fell prey to my fire and a feeling of invincibility coursed through my blood and made me heady. I wasn’t just powerful, I was power embodied. My Order form was a dominant being that was matched only by the indestructible force which was my sister.

A ragged breath left me as Tory finished the final creature across the room, her hands still glittering with sparks as she hovered above the throne.

Darius came to land with a thud, shifting back into his Fae form.

Silence reigned for a long moment then a cheer went up from someone which was quickly joined by others. Members of the press flooded out from their hiding places and servants huddled in corners hurried to join them, clapping and praising us. It took me a minute to realise some of them were chanting “Vega Queens, Vega Queens, Vega Queens!”

Geraldine took up the chant with her father, pushing Max aside as he tried to check her for injuries.

I spotted Gus Vulpecula creeping out from beyond the staircase, a sheepish look on his face. His rust-red hair was dishevelled and coated in dust, his wide eyes taking in the ash of the fallen Nymphs in shock.

Xavier hurried to Darius’s side, whinnying frantically. Lionel’s gaze fell on him as he descended the stairs, abject rage written into his features.

“Xavier is hiding,” Darius said loudly before Lionel could say anything, pretending the Pegasus beside him wasn’t his brother. “He’s safe, Father.”

Lionel inclined his head ever-so-slightly, but the look he gave Darius said he was still in trouble.

Tory moved to land beside me and I pulled her into my arms, so glad we’d made it through this unscathed. Our fire still wrapped around our bodies, saving our modesty and as we hugged, it flared brighter.

“How did they get in?” Hamish asked, wrapping an arm around Geraldine’s shoulders.

“The wards have fallen around the palace. They must have wielded some truly powerful magic to manage it,” Lionel answered, taking control of the room as all eyes fell on him. “But as we know, they have managed it before…”

“Are there any more of those frightly freaks in the wings?” Hamish asked.

“They’re all dead,” Lionel confirmed.

“Thanks to the Vegas,” a servant girl said, wiping tears from under her eyes. “We can’t thank you enough.”

Lionel’s face turned to stone. His eyes scraped over us and my heart pounded out of tune. “Phoenixes,” he snarled, the word slicing the air to ribbons. “You aren’t Fire Harpies at all.”

The Heirs looked between us in a mixture of horror and surprise.

Oh shit.

Orion caught my hand, lunging for Tory’s in the same instant. He hissed as our fire burned him and I immediately took control of it so he wouldn’t be hurt by it. He still held on tight to Tory and I could see her wrangling her own flames around him so they caressed him instead.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

“I’m taking the Vegas somewhere safe,” Orion announced, his voice filling the room.

“You are duty bound to my son,” Lionel said in a deadly voice.

Darius folded his arms, giving Orion a small nod. In an instant, stardust fell over us and we were yanked away on a whirlwind of lights. I gasped, hating to leave when so many lay dead on the ground. So many lives lost, Fae who’d served our family, who wanted me and my sister to sit on the throne.

My heart ached as we landed in Orion’s office back at the academy, my mind spinning as I tried to process what had just happened.

“I had to take you, the palace has been compromised,” Orion said in a dark tone. “The only place in the world you’re safe now is within these walls. And not just because of the Nymphs. Lionel knows what you are. It’s only a matter of time before he tries to kill you.”

“Shit,” Tory breathed.

“We need to fight back,” I gasped.

“Not yet,” Orion said in warning. “You’re not anywhere near ready.”

“We just turned those Nymphs to ash, maybe we are ready,” I argued, fire still blazing around me and coursing through my veins. I didn’t know if it was the adrenaline from the fight, but I felt ready to take on the world right then.

“Yes! Let’s cook us a Dragon,” Tory said determinedly.

“You don’t know what he’s capable of when he releases his full power,” Orion growled. “I’ve seen it. Your fire might turn Nymphs to dust, but Lionel is a fully trained Fae. And not just any Fae. He’s one of the most powerful Fae in the world.”

My blood chilled and I realised he was right. We might have had this powerful fire, but what about our magic? We couldn’t even do any kind of advanced spells yet. Lionel could probably kill us in a thousand ways we didn’t even know existed yet.

“You’re just stopping us so Darius can have the chance to take him on,” Tory accused. “You know if we make a stand, we’ll win.”

“Don’t presume to know the way I think,” Orion growled forcefully and Tory frowned but nodded in acceptance.

I took her hand, drawing her closer with a sigh. “We have to be sensible or we’ll end up dead.”

“But you will face him with me?” she asked hopefully.

“Of course. When we’re trained. When we’re ready.”

“It’s time you started thinking about allies,” Orion said in a low tone. “You need to build relationships that will help you politically.”

“You mean the Heirs,” Tory said scathingly.

“Do you?” I pressed and Orion nodded.

“Whose side are you on?” Tory narrowed her eyes.

“I’m on the side that stands against Lionel Acrux,” he said, his jaw tightening and my heart thumped unevenly at the strength in his gaze. “It’s the only side that matters.”



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