Zodiac Academy 4: Shadow Princess

Shadow Princess: Chapter 38

I was curled up next to Tory in her bed as midnight came and went. Christmas Day was coming and I was so glad to be spending it in our usual way, sleeping in one room, ready to wake at dawn together – or at least, I’d be waking at dawn and prodding Tory up too.

Tory was breathing softly, but sleep wouldn’t come so easily for me. My mind was spinning with thoughts and questions about our mother and father. I needed more answers and the walls themselves seemed to hold them, whispering in hushed voices I couldn’t quite hear.

I let my eyes fall closed, thinking of my mother, recalling her face from the mirror vision she’d gifted us. She’d known we’d walk in this palace again one day and unravel the secrets she’d left for us. And I knew there was more to find.

Pale light filtered through my lids and I cracked an eye, finding the moon had broken through the snow clouds beyond the glass doors which led onto the balcony. We’d left the curtains open to watch the snow pile up on the stone rail.

The whispers grew louder and I had the strongest sense that I wasn’t imagining them at all. The walls really were speaking, or maybe it was the stars. Either way, something was calling to me, pulling me from the warmth beneath the covers like a Siren’s song.

I dipped my feet into a fluffy pair of slippers and willed heat into my veins to banish the chill beyond our bed. I moved to the window, the moon looking brighter than I’d ever seen it, nestled amongst a blanket of stars which shone like diamonds.

“What is it?” I whispered like a crazy person, but I’d experienced too many strange things since my arrival at Zodiac not to believe in this. “What do you want to show us?”

Something caught my eye in my periphery and I turned to find Astrum’s card laying on the foot of our bed, the picture of The Sun glowing like a fire burned within it.

I moved towards it tentatively, my heart hammering as I picked it up and warmth crackled through my fingers. I turned it over to reread the message and heard the last line in my head, spoken in my mother’s voice. “Where wings meet justice, your blood was saved.”

My throat thickened as a small set of painted wings on the wall lit up under the moon’s rays, guiding me toward it.

“Tory,” I hissed, hurrying to wake her.

“I don’t wanna wear the Ass hat,” she murmured and I shook her arm.

“Get up,” I urged and her eyes squinted open.

“Darcy? What’s going on?”

“I think our mother wants to show us something,” I breathed.

She woke up fully, slipping out of bed and I pointed to the shining set of wings on the wall as she gave me an are you insane? expression.

“Look,” I urged.

“Shit,” she exhaled.

We moved toward it and I reached out, brushing my fingers across the embossed silver paint. The glow instantly died and another set of wings lit up beside the door. I inhaled deeply, turning to Tory who gave me a nod, sliding her hand into mine.

“Let’s go,” she said firmly.

We stepped out of the room and the crash of the waterfall surrounded us, along with the stifling heat of the pool. Another set of wings lit up on the other side of it and we hurried across the space toward it. As Tory pressed her fingers to it, another one glowed above a door to our right.

We jogged towards it and I pushed it open, revealing a dark corridor beyond. Tory cast a flame in her palm and I did the same as we stepped into the pressing black. The walls were illuminated as we walked, showing large paintings in gilded frames. Our mother and father featured in many of them, but there were other relatives too, all staring out at us.

At the far end of the corridor, a huge picture encompassed the entire wall. Our parents stood side by side, each of them holding a baby in their arms. My mouth parted at the way they looked at us, love pouring from their expressions.

“Seek well, search deep.” Mother’s voice filled the air and I stilled.

Tory looked to me, her wide eyes telling me she’d heard it too.

Another set of wings glowed to our left as we turned into a large ballroom. The ceilings were made of glass and one of the walls was too, looking out onto a patio under a huge sloped roof. The floor was so polished I could see our reflection in it as we walked, heading to the silvery wings in the far corner of the room. Beside it was a painted set of golden scales which ignited with the same power.

“Where wings meet justice, your blood was saved.”

I pressed my hand to it and frowned when it continued to shine. Tory moved forward, touching her fingers to it as well and a ripple of energy flowed along my arm.

A click sounded and a secret door swung open in the wall, revealing a dark passage with icy walls.

“Oh my god.” I leaned forward to look inside but the second I did, a wave of heat enveloped me. I was dragged into a vision of blood and death and fire.

Servants were strewn on the floor while four guards tried to hold a door closed at the end of the room. Smoke plumed beneath them and the scent of burning filled my nose.

One of the guards cast thick vines to hold the door in place while the others readied magic in their palms to fight whatever was trying to break through it. The walls shuddered as an immense weight fell against it and fear crashed through my heart as I stared unblinkingly at the scene.

Somewhere, a baby was crying and a woman was screaming, the horrible sounds tangling in my skull.

Another door flew open to my left and my heart halted at the sight of Professor Astrum. He was much younger, but his hair was already grey and falling around his shoulders. His hand was locked around a child’s who ran a step behind him.

“This way, don’t panic dear boy,” Astrum soothed him.

The door broke open and the guards were thrown aside by a huge tree-like arm as three Nymphs spilled into the room. Terror clutched my heart as the guards battled to destroy them but that awful sucking, rasping filled the air as the monsters took hold of their magic. Fire flared behind the beasts, climbing the walls and devouring everything in its path.

Astrum darted toward the secret door in the wall, guiding the boy’s hand forward to press against it. I looked down at the child with his raven hair and familiar eyes. I wasn’t sure if I really knew him or if the memory was tugging at emotions inside me, making me feel what Astrum had felt that day.

“This will lead us out of the palace,” Astrum promised. “Don’t look back!”

The two of them disappeared into the tunnel and the second the door closed behind them, the vision evaporated.

I gasped, leaning against Tory as the strength of the memory took a chunk of my power with it.

“Who was that?” Tory breathed and I shook my head, having no answer.

The door swung shut and the magic around it faded as it locked once more.

We tried pressing our hands to it to pull more memories from its depths, but the silver wings were quiet, the secret passed on.




I woke early on Christmas morning with a smile pulling at my lips, drinking in the beautiful room around me and the amber sunlight pouring across the bed. After last night, I was filled with hope. I didn’t have all the answers, but every minute spent here seemed to reveal something more to us and I was sure the palace had more to unveil.

Whoever the boy was that we’d seen in the vision, he had to be important somehow. I just couldn’t connect the dots though. It was as if my mother and Astrum had conspired to bring us this information, storing their memories in walls and Tarot cards and waiting for us to find them. But what did it all mean? We were surely still missing pieces of the puzzle.

I hurried out of bed and grinned as an idea came to me. I slipped onto the balcony, pushing fire magic into my blood to banish the cold as I stared across the incredible view. A high wall ringed the palace grounds and I could just glimpse a city beyond it with gleaming sky scrapers. I made a mental note to ask Geraldine where exactly we were in Solaria. We could have been a thousand miles from the academy or two and I decided to get a map of the world as soon as I could. I’d been so locked inside the academy bubble, that I hadn’t spent nearly enough time thinking about what lay beyond its walls.

I scooped up a snowball from the edge of the balcony and moved back inside, knowing this could potentially start world war three, but what the hell? I took aim at Tory, launching it at her and it exploded over her face.

She shrieked, leaping to her feet and her eyes narrowed on me. “Oh you’re so dead!”

She sprang off of the bed and I darted outside with a whoop of excitement, scooping up more snow and using my air magic to propel it at her. She laughed, raising her hand and casting a flash fire which melted it mid-air before picking up a handful of snow and launching it at me. It smashed against my chest and our laughter carried into the sky as we continued the fight until we were soaking wet and smiling our heads off as we headed back inside.

I soon went back to my room to get ready for the day, admiring the beautiful glass walls where water washed through them in a slow and never-ending circle.

I showered in the ridiculously lavish en-suite and dressed in a sparkly white sweater dress with a snowman on it – because hey, it was Christmas. I paired it with some knee high socks and pinned one side of my hair back with a silver clip.

My Atlas pinged in my bag and I took it out, biting into my lip as I found a message from Orion.



Merry Christmas, Blue. Looks like I’ll be spending it with you anyway. I guess you’ve heard the news?


I frowned, tapping out a reply as I headed out of the room to find Tory.



What news?



You’ll see…


Cryptic bastard.

I found Tory out in the hall wearing black jeans and a tank top.

I snorted a laugh. “Is that your idea of being Christmassy?” I teased.

“No…” She lifted something in her hand, waving a shiny star clip at me and pushed it into her hair. “Ta dar.”

“Jingle balls no!” Geraldine called from the top of the stairs. I looked up, finding her in an incredible midnight blue ballgown complete with Cinderella gloves and her hair twirled up into an intricate bun. “You must wear dresses fit for royalty!”

She started running flat out down the stairs which was pretty impressive in those heels and she came to a halt in front of us, shaking her head. She looked radiant, her skin seeming to shimmer under the lights and her earthy eyes were glittering.

“What does it matter?” Tory asked with a shrug. “It’s just us.”

“Gobble my nobble,” she breathed, tugging anxiously at her dress. “I didn’t want to say anything too soon in case I brought Daniel Downer to the party.”

“What are you talking about?” I pressed, a knot forming in my chest at her expression.

“It is a royal tradition for the Vegas to dine with the High Councillors and their families, and it has been decided that that tradition will be upheld in honour of your first Christmas back at the palace,” Geraldine said then held her breath, gazing anxiously between us.

“You mean Lionel Acrux will be here?” Tory balked, looking horrified.

“And the Heirs?” I gasped.

“Yes.” Geraldine bowed her head in shame. “I wished only for you to enjoy the time given to you before their arrival. But now I see what a salty flapjack I’ve been.”

I sighed, resting a hand on her arm. “It’s fine. And you’re right, it would have spoiled the days we’ve spent here knowing they were coming.”

“God, how long are they gonna be here for?” Tory asked, her brows pinched.

“For the afternoon and…the evening and then…the night also.” Geraldine cleared her throat. “They leave tomorrow at dusk.”

“Well we’d better get ready I guess.” I looked to Tory, realising what Orion had meant. He must have been accompanying Darius and his family here. And that fact descended on me like a lead weight as I realised we might not get any time alone together after all.

Trust them to spring it on him out of the blue as if he had no life of his own. I guessed that was what Lionel wanted though; everyone around him on a tight leash.

My gut clenched at the idea of seeing that puffed up Dragon bastard again after what he’d done to us. We’d have to pretend we didn’t remember what had happened on the Lunar Eclipse, act completely normal. Well, as normal as we could manage in the company of a man who would see us dead in a heartbeat. Especially if he knew we possessed the Fifth Element just like him. And that we were really Phoenixes instead of Fire Harpies. We were the biggest threat his family had ever known and he could never find that out. Not until we were trained well enough to protect ourselves.

Geraldine stayed with us as we headed into Tory’s room to get changed.

Tory glanced at me with a thought dancing in her eyes. “That closet has a bunch of royal gowns in it.” She pointed to the one where we’d seen the vision in the mirror.

My lips parted. “You mean our mother’s gowns?”

Tory shrugged one shoulder, some part of her unable to say that word even now. “They’re just going to waste.”

“This moment is made up of all my dreams,” Geraldine gushed and I turned to see tears swimming in her eyes. “The Princesses wearing their mother’s dresses – it’s getting me all wet-eyed and wobbling.” She wafted her hands under her eyes and I frowned, nudging her softly to draw a smile from her. “Go!” she begged. “The anticipation is eating my innards.”

I laughed as I followed Tory into the closet, taking in the beautiful array of dresses around me.

I thumbed through the rail to my right while Tory looked at the one opposite.

“Do you think they’ll fit?” I wondered aloud, plucking an incredible rose gold dress off of the rack and holding it against me.

“Looks like it will,” Tory said, picking out a heart-stopping ocean green dress.

I tugged my sweater dress off and pulled on my mother’s one, getting lost in miles of netting as the huge skirt fell around my ankles. Tory moved forward to lace up the back, the bodice strapless with a corset style that cinched in my waist.

I helped Tory into the green one, the lacy straps sitting delicately over her shoulders. The skirt swept out behind her as she twirled and the colour made her dark green eyes glitter.

We headed back into the bedroom and Geraldine burst into tears.

“Oh don’t, you’ll ruin your make up,” I hushed her, hurrying forward. She used her water magic to guide her tears straight out of her eyes so they didn’t make her mascara run, swirling around us in the air as we tried to soothe her. It was completely weird and totally cool.

“You just look so magnanimous,” she said, holding a hand to each of our cheeks. “I’m the luckiest lady in the whole of Solaria. I feel like I’m floating upside down on a cloud covered in Faeflies.”

“We wouldn’t get anywhere without you, Geraldine,” I said seriously and we all clutched each other in a tight embrace.

Geraldine led us out of our mother’s rooms and into another huge wing of the palace. We passed through immense dark halls which had a forbidding air to them and screamed of our father. I could feel his presence in this part of the palace like he was still pacing the corridors in a foul mood. I longed to know why he had such a cold heart. What had happened to him to make him so cruel?

It seemed so brave of my mother to accept him as hers despite everything she must have known about him. I hoped she’d been happy, but from the looks of the memories we’d seen, it seemed she was. Maybe it was impossible for Elysian Mates to be anything but happy with each other. And that made my mind catch on Orion and wonder if we really could be destined for one another like my parents had been.

We arrived outside a set of wooden doors, the iron handles shaped as two snake-like heads of a Hydra.

A couple of guards moved forward to open the doors and I straightened my skirt, suddenly feeling like we were about to be scrutinised from head to toe.

The doors pulled open and I forgot to breathe. We were at the top of a beautiful staircase which sloped down into a vast throne room. The ceilings looked half a mile high and blue stained glass windows let in a cold kind of light.

Purple fires roared in several fire places and I had the creeping feeling of standing in some dark lord’s lair. And I supposed I was. It was imposing, intimidating. And I imagined that was exactly how The Savage King had wanted his guests to feel. Even the fact that we entered up high like this atop a staircase meant we had to look down on anyone gathered below.

My gaze fell on the enormous throne sitting in the shimmering blue light which filtered down from the windows in straight shafts. It was made of dark stone, the wide seat rising at the back and splitting into fifty Hydra heads, their long necks winding together and reaching toward the ceiling. Two of them curved around to create the arms, their two-pronged tongues protruding and their sharpened fangs on show. All of their eyes were inlaid with sapphires which glinted under the light falling on them. It spoke of the power of the man who’d sat on it. It was a threat to anyone who challenged him and a statement about the magic which must have lived in him. It was also a sharp reminder of the way of Fae. The strongest ruled the land. And that would one day be us.

The doors opened at the far end of the throne room and a line of guards marched ahead of a group of people. The Councillors were dressed in fine clothes, the four of them walking in a line side by side. Behind them were the Heirs, each of them in smart black suits and bow ties. Orion was beyond them in the same attire, making my heart tumble as I took in his fine clothes and swept back hair. His arm was linked through Catalina Acrux’s who wore the most low cut dress ever, the swathes of white silk looking almost like a wedding dress. Behind them was Xavier with a large group of what I guessed were the other Heirs’ siblings and the Councillors’ partners.

They all stopped at the base of the stairs and Hamish appeared beside them, ushering us down.

I glanced at Tory and we locked hands as if on instinct, walking down the steps side by side while every eye in the room scoured us. I lifted my chin as Lionel stared at us coolly, his jaw ticking as we approached. There was an awkward pause where it seemed appropriate for either party to bow, but neither of us did. I could feel it set the tone as the Councillors exchanged looks. We hadn’t said a word about it and yet both Tory and I had clearly decided this intuitively. We were owning our power, our names. Besides, this was our home, which made them our guests.

Hamish cleared his throat, hurrying forward and I glanced over my shoulder, realising Geraldine had remained at the top of the stairs.

“You look wonderful,” Seth’s mom, Antonia, broke the silence first, seeming like she was itching to reach out and touch us. Her gown was pale blue with intricate little white flowers all over it, the colour enhancing her soft features.

“Beautiful,” Caleb’s mother, Melinda, agreed. “For a moment I thought I was seeing your mother twice.” She smiled kindly and the knot in my chest eased a fraction. Her rose red dress hung off her shoulders and hugged her figure perfectly.

Max’s father, Tiberius, stepped forward, holding out his hand to us. “It’s a pleasure to see you both again.” He looked regal in a dark blue suit and a white cravat.

We took his hand in turn, exchanging pleasantries before the air was cut with the sharpness of Lionel’s voice.

“Well I’m famished,” he said coldly, looking to Hamish. “Will we be made to stand here all day?”

“No, High Lord. We can move this pumping party bus straight into the dining room, hm?” he offered, looking nervous as he dabbed at his brow.

Lionel nodded curtly, barely sparing us a glance as he headed after Hamish, taking the lead despite the fact that I was sure we should have.

The Heirs slowed before us next and I couldn’t help but notice how handsome they all looked. For once, they resembled the princes they were, but the hardness in their eyes made me uncomfortable.

“You look amazing, Tory,” Caleb said, moving forward to place a kiss on the back of her hand. “Will you walk with me?”

He offered her his arm and she threw a glance over at Darius before nodding quickly and walking ahead with him. Darius immediately stalked after them with a scowl and my gaze flitted over to Orion beyond Max and Seth. His eyes burned a hole right into me and warmth spread down into the depths of my bones. I longed to force my way past the Heirs, shove Catalina and her fake boobs onto her ass and take her place beside him.

Probably not the best idea.

I forced my gaze away from him and back to the Heirs just as Geraldine appeared at my side.

Max’s throat bobbed as he stared at her. “Looking good, Grus,” he said and Seth rolled his eyes. “Will you walk with me?” He offered his arm and Geraldine surveyed him closely.

“I suppose I do need a dapper chap on my arm today,” she said airily, moving forward to link her arm through his and Max looked like he’d won the lottery as they headed away.

Seth held out his arm for me and I pursed my lips. “I’m good.” I stepped past him but he caught hold of me.

“Come on, babe. It’s Christmas. Truce for today, yeah?”

I frowned at him, but let him take my arm, knowing he still had the power to pull the trigger on me and Orion any time he liked. And wouldn’t that just make this day go from wonderful to fan-freaking-tastic?

“You look stunning by the way,” Seth said and my frown deepened in suspicion. “What?” he questioned my expression as we headed through a doorway and along a wide corridor.

“When you say something nice, it usually means you’re planning to do something horrible.”

Seth knocked his shoulder into mine, his fingers brushing against my skin in his wolfish way. I twisted my hand away to stop him and a low whine escaped him.

“It’s just a compliment today,” he swore. “I love Christmas, I’m not going to ruin it by being a dick. Besides, this is your home. I know how big of a deal this stuff must be to you.”

I gaped at him, wondering if an alien had abducted the real Seth Capella and replaced him with a fake. “Alright who are you and where’s the Wolf asshole gone?” I raised a brow and he snorted a laugh. He looked boyish and young in that moment, his hand sweeping back to fix a loose lock of hair into his bun.

“He’s still here, babe. Just sleeping.”

I lowered my voice as I answered. “Okay.”

“Why are you whispering?” he frowned.

“I don’t want to wake him up.”

“That’s it, that’s it, remember the old Vega ways!” Hamish called from up ahead. “Spiffing, oh quite magical.”

I tried to peer around the corner ahead, wondering what was going on. We turned and found a beautiful stone arch parting us from a brightly lit dining hall. The archway was built of two interlacing wings and was inlaid with glittering clear jewels which pulsed with light every time a couple stepped under it.

Lionel moved beneath it with Melinda and leaned forward to place a kiss on her cheek. My brows pulled together as they walked on and Tory and Caleb stepped in after them. Tory tried to keep going, but Hamish caught her arm and pushed her back.

“Gravelly gingersnaps!” Hamish gasped. “My lady, you cannot step through the archway without sharing a kiss with your companion. The stars will curse you with bad luck for the remainder of the day if you don’t, but gift you with good luck if you do. Your mother’s arch awakens every Christmas for just this thing.”

My heart twisted at that fact, the sweetness in my mother’s arch sullied by my own companion.

Tory huffed then Caleb dipped in, caught her waist and pressed a kiss to her lips. Darius stood behind them with his hands in his pockets, looking like he was about to go full Dragon on them. I couldn’t help a smirk as Tory danced away and Caleb hounded after her like a love-sick puppy.

Hamish caught Darius’s arm. “You won’t mind walking a fellow through, will you?”

Darius scowled, but guided Hamish rather forcefully under the arch, waiting while Hamish leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Darius moved on but Hamish waited on the other side to direct people through.

Max and Geraldine were next and she flipped her hair like she didn’t give a damn as they moved under the arch. She immediately planted her lips on his while he was still rolling his shoulders and puffing out his chest in preparation. Then she was gone just like that and he stood staring after her like a fish out of water.

“Off you trot, Mr Rigel.” Hamish swept him away.

He waved me and Seth forward and my stomach dipped as I realised he was going to put his mouth on me. Because there was more chance of me turning into a snowflake and floating away on the breeze than me putting my lips on him.

“Swap with me.” Seth turned around sharply. “You’ll go through with me, won’t you Aunt Catalina?” he asked sweetly.

Her face turned sour as she dug her nails into Orion’s suit sleeve possessively. My brows jumped up in surprise as Seth caught her arm and towed her toward the arch, giving her no choice despite her tight-lipped protests. I stood in front of Orion with a burning need to get closer to him, glancing over my shoulder as Seth kissed Catalina on the cheek then threw me a not-so-subtle wink.

What. The. Actual. Crap?

Orion’s eyes glowed keenly as he took my arm and guided me toward the arch.

“Hello Professor,” I said politely, my heart quivering like a leaf in my chest. I didn’t know why I was such a hot mess, I’d only seen him a few days ago, but some deep part of me needed his company like my lungs needed air.

“Miss Vega,” he said curtly.

Had Seth seriously just gifted this moment to us, or did he really not want to kiss me that badly?

We stepped under the arch and I looked up at Orion with my heart in my throat and my pulse absolutely everywhere. He leaned down, pressing his lips to my cheek close to my ear.

“You look indescribable,” he murmured so quietly I barely caught it.

His lips left a scorching mark behind and I didn’t know how such a simple touch could leave me so weak, but I felt it tearing at the edges of my soul.

He linked his arm with mine and we walked into the spectacular dining hall where a huge table awaited us.

“This isn’t how I planned to spend Christmas,” I whispered.

“Me neither,” he murmured, throwing a glance at the Vampires in the room to check they weren’t listening. “It’s gonna be really awkward when the mailman shows up with my extra large sex toy delivery.”

I laughed loudly in surprise and several of the Councillors looked our way.

“Is it an extra large delivery or an extra large sex toy?” I asked between tight lips as they returned to their conversations.

“You might find out later if the stars are kind to us.” He grinned widely then Catalina appeared, pulling him from my arms and my heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

I walked up to the end of the table where Tory sat between Darius and Caleb, both of their arms pressing against hers though they had plenty of room. She pouted, driving her elbows into them to make them back off and I threw her a sympathetic smile. That shit was hashtag awkward.

I dropped down between Seth and Max opposite her as the Councillors filled the middle of the table and Orion and the rest of the family members filed the other end. I could tell whose Seth’s siblings were because they were all over each other, barking with laughter and nuzzling against one another. He had six of them in total, four girls and two guys. Xavier was crowded in between two of the girls, looking a bit out of his depth as they leaned over him and played with his hair. The rest of the Heirs’ siblings were all talking easily like they were old friends.

Max turned to me with a lazy smile. “How are you enjoying your palace, little Vega? Are you having wet dreams about all the power that lived here once?”

“I don’t get wet dreams about power, is that something you struggle with?” I asked sweetly.

Max chuckled, nodding his head. “Can’t say it hasn’t happened.”

What’s happened to the jerky mcjerk crew today? They’re being nice. And it’s creeping me out.

“Dinner is served!” Hamish called and I looked up, finding a host of waiters spilling into the room holding silver platters filled with a feast for kings – and queens.

I was still kind of shell-shocked about the turn this day had taken. This had definitely not been how I’d planned on spending Christmas. Though I couldn’t help but admit, I was kinda curious as to how this was going to play out.

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