Zodiac Academy 4: Shadow Princess

Shadow Princess: Chapter 3

Darius was in a foul mood as he slumped down in a chair and nursed his coffee with a scowl.

I moved to sit on the arm of his seat and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “She’ll come around.”

“She won’t.” He shrugged me off. “She’s always hated me, and why wouldn’t she?”

I sighed but I bit my tongue on saying anything else.

“What?” he growled, giving me a prompting look.

“You’re not just Tory’s enemy, Darius, you’re your own. It’s like every time you punish her, you’re trying to punish yourself too.”

“Thanks for the pep talk, Dad,” Darius said scathingly, clearly not in the mood to have a rational discussion about the subject.

A low growl rumbled through my chest and my fangs were on the verge of sliding out. I needed blood. I was utterly drained after last night but I’d refused to take it from Blue after all she’d been through. Darius had offered but as we’d been sharing a bed at the time, I’d figured that was a bad idea. The Guardian bond always made me feel weird shit when I fed from him.

“Drink,” he demanded, rising to his feet and tilting his head to one side. “You look like you’re about to lose control and do it anyway.”

I stood, my throat tight and the well of my power so hollow that I was on the verge of desperation. I lunged forward, digging my fangs into his throat and his arm wrapped around me immediately. The bond between us flared and as his blood spilled onto my tongue, a low groan of need escaped me. His grip became firmer and his hand slid into my hair as I took what I needed, devouring every drop as my heart pounded and I clutched his shoulders in an iron hold.

I broke away at last and we lingered too close to each other, his forehead knocking against mine. He pushed me back with a grunt of determination and I regained control of my emotions, detesting Lionel for the twisted bond he’d cast on us. I didn’t even know which feelings were my own when it came to Darius anymore and I hated to think that some of the love and trust we had with each other might not even be real.

I dropped down into the chair he’d vacated and he moved to sit across from me on the couch, healing the mark on his neck with a taut frown. “My fucking father has so much to answer for.”

“And he will,” I swore. “But in the meantime, it’s imperative we look out for the Vegas. Now more than ever before.”

Darius shook his head at me. “You sound like you’re on their side.”

“You know things are different now. And I’m not fucking blind, if you think I don’t see beneath this asshole bullshit you throw at Tory Vega, you’re wrong. I know you care for her. And we have to protect her and her sister from your father. From the Nymphs too.” I lowered my tone to a whisper despite the silencing bubble I’d cast. “You realise how big of a threat they are to you now? To your throne?”

He nodded firmly, his eyes swirling with darkness and making my chest tighten. “Yes.”

“But you’ll still protect them because you’re a good man, Darius. And there is more to the world than power, no matter what society teaches us.”

He swallowed, looking away. “I’m not a good man,” he said thickly. He glanced at me as shadows curtained his eyes and he blinked to draw them back. “And you’re not either. We’re just two fuck-ups who keep fucking up.”

I bit down on the inside of my cheek, the truthful sting in his words quieting my argument. “Well maybe it’s time we stop fucking up.” I stood, heading toward the door and glancing back at him. “We’ll have to train harder now that we have this dark power. Your father is gifted with the shadows too, but it will take him longer to harness them. My mother will no doubt help him, but even my family has never had access to this shadow Element before. I don’t know what to expect.”

“You’ll figure it out,” he said, his confidence in me bringing half a smile to my lips.

I nodded in goodbye and walked out the door. I needed to be alone with my thoughts for a while before I started my studies. It was my nature to sit in solitude on occasion; my Order form required it.

I headed outside where the morning sun was spilling through the branches above, making the frost on the ground glitter like broken glass.

I put on a burst of speed and ran along the path as a coil of mist swirled through the trees around me. I let my Vampire abilities carry me back to Asteroid Place, halting outside the fence just as a few snowflakes began to fall. I headed to the gate and it opened at my touch, recognising the signal of my magic as I walked inside.

The faculty pool looked like a bomb site. Towels, bottles and rubber rings were strewn across the place and a pair of speedos circled slowly at the heart of the water.

I moved toward my chalet, halting with a grimace as I found a sun lounger pulled across the alley that led to my door. Washer was laying face up on it with no fucking clothes on, his legs wide and hanging off either side of the seat.

“Fucking hell,” I muttered, trying to avoid the sight of his tanned junk but it just kept staring at me. For the sake of every man, woman and goddamn tree in the vicinity, I scooped up a discarded towel and tossed it over his lap.

I used a gust of air magic to carry me over the lounger and headed into my house, closing the door with a breath of relief. Silence hit my ears like the sweetest kind of music. I needed the quiet and the still to process everything that had happened.

I headed into the shower to wake myself up more fully. I’d barely had any sleep, but I was anxious to read up on Phoenixes as soon as possible. I needed to offer something useful to Blue. I felt like I’d failed her so completely last night that I didn’t know how I was going to ever make it up to her.

As I stood under the heavy flow of hot water in the walk-in shower unit, my hands curled into fists and I started to shake as I relived the entire night again. I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my forehead to the tiled wall as the memories found me. The way Darcy had bravely knelt and faced the shadows with her sister, the way fear had occupied every inch of my being. I could still feel her hand bound to mine by Lionel’s magic, still feel the suffocating powerlessness that had consumed me and made me realise how fucking precious she was to me. I’d lost my sister because of my mother and Lionel, and I’d nearly lost the only girl who’d filled the void Clara had left in her absence too. I didn’t care if Stella was my flesh and blood, I’d fucking kill her and Darius’s father for this.

With a shuddering breath, I turned the shower off and headed back to my room to get dressed. It wasn’t long before I was heading out of Asteroid Place again in the direction of Venus Library. There was only one section of the library I needed and it resided in the archives beneath the building. I let myself in with magic and headed through the quiet space. We’d locked most of the buildings on campus last night to ensure the students didn’t start screwing in every damn classroom and damage valuable school possessions like these books.

In the far right corner of the library was a long oriental carpet between two shelves. I rolled it back, pressing my hand to the hatch concealed beneath it and a click sounded as I was admitted. I opened it, heading down the wooden staircase into the dark chamber below, using air magic to close the hatch and draw the carpet back over it as I went.

It was icily cold beneath the building but as I passed through a barrier of magic and arrived in the enormous archives, the air became more bearable. The power humming through the chamber was put in place to preserve the texts of old. The towering shelves were built from stone, wielded by earth magic to house thousands of scrolls and leather bound books.

Pillars intersected the echoing space and I moved through it, eyeing the alphabetical markers as I searched for the texts on rare Order forms. Part of my job was to know all about each Order, and though I didn’t know a whole lot about Phoenixes, I recalled taking an interest in them back in my early days of working at Zodiac. They’d stuck out in my mind, fascinating me because of the mystery surrounding them. I’d poured over artists’ sketches of them many times and I’d recognised them instantly when Darcy and Tory had emerged.

The twins would pass as Fire Harpies long enough. They were reasonably rare; there were no students in this school with that Order, but my concern was them attending Order Enhancement classes. I’d needed to find a way to avoid that happening, because if they shifted regularly in front of Professor Avem, she would soon figure out they weren’t Harpies.

I located a section on Orders and began thumbing through the scrolls and books, hunting for something that could give me what I needed. It might take me all day, but I was going to stay here until I knew everything there was to know about Phoenixes to prepare Blue and Tory. Because there wasn’t a soul on earth who could help them right now, but me.


I sat in my office later that evening with my Atlas in front of me. I now had an album full of pictures I’d taken of every page in a book I’d discovered that detailed the gifts of Phoenixes. Typically, half of the book had been burned away in some long forgotten fire and I was furious because it had clearly once housed all the information about Phoenixes and their abilities we could have wished for. At least I had some answers to give the twins though. I’d invited Darius here too because I knew it was best to keep the four of us up to date.

As I waited for them to arrive, a heavy pressure built in my chest. Whispers filled my ears and darkness curtained my vision, making my breathing ragged. I felt the call of the shadows like I never had before, like I couldn’t escape it because it lived beneath my flesh now. There was nowhere to run from it, no way to pull back. And its allure was so inviting, I wanted to give into the encouragement of the whispers despite all the reasons I knew I shouldn’t.

My eyes drifted shut and a deep thrum of power flowed through my veins. I drew in a breath as ecstasy accompanied the sensation, urging me on, letting that well of dark magic pour into my blood.

I opened my eyes and found a coil of shadow wrapped around my hand and my lips parted in awe. I knew what it was. The Fifth Element. And I’d somehow wielded it, though I feared what it was capable of.

A knock came at the door and I forced the shadows away, pushing them back as I used my years of training to rip myself free of their seductive call.

“Come in,” I called as the magic vanished and relief rushed through me.

Darius entered first followed closely by Tory and my eyes moved instinctively beyond her to Blue. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and loose coils of shining cobalt tickled her neck. She gave me a small smile and I fought the urge to return it.

“Sit down,” I commanded.

I’d brought another couple of chairs into the room so the three of them moved toward the desk to sit, Darius to the left and Tory firmly taking the right chair so Darcy was left with the middle opposite me. Her knees brushed mine under the desk and I hooked my foot around hers on instinct.

“So…” I started, bringing up a screenshot on my Atlas, sensing tension building in the air. “I’ve found some information on Phoenixes.” I waved a hand to cast a silencing bubble around us, though I doubted it was necessary. I’d been on campus all day and the only place anyone was heading was to The Orb to get supplies of food and water to nurse their hangovers. I’d had to heal several headaches myself today, but that wasn’t due to alcohol. It was fucking stress and lack of sleep.

“What did you find?” Darcy asked, her brows raising with intrigue while her sister tried to peer at the picture on my Atlas.

“The text was damaged but I’ve been able to discern some of the gifts you’ll have,” I started.

Tory shot Darius a glare. “I’m voting the Dragon steps out of the room. Maybe I don’t want him knowing my gifts.”

“Tough shit, Roxy. I’m staying.” Darius leaned back in his chair, dominating it and I gritted my jaw, looking to Tory.

“He’s staying. I’ll discuss it with him either way, so there’s really no point in even starting the argument, Miss Vega.”

Tory rolled her eyes at me, looking like she was about to argue further.

“Just drop it, Tor. I wanna hear this,” Darcy urged and her sister gave in with a shrug.

I leaned forward in my chair, zooming in on the highlighted text at the top of the page. “Phoenixes are endowed with the capacity to exhibit high levels of resilience pertaining to the Divisus Orders and the subliminal Cardinal Magics.”

“What the shit does that mean?” Tory asked.

“It means, you’re easily able to fight off psychological magic. Like Coercion.” I gave Darius a pointed look and he sat up straighter.

“That’s why Lionel’s power didn’t work on us,” Darcy said, looking fascinated and I nodded, rubbing my knee against hers under the table. She was always such an enthusiastic student and fuck if that didn’t get me so hard for her. She shared my love of learning and I’d often enjoyed the way her eyes lit up in awe in my classes.

Focus, asshole.

I cleared my throat. “Now your Order has emerged, it seems it will be almost impossible for any psychological magic to be used on you. That includes a Siren’s emotional persuasion, I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear. Plus the memory probing of the Cyclops Order and the more subtle manipulation of trust by Vulpeculan Foxes.”

Both Tory and Darcy smiled at that and I looked to Darius to see his reaction. His face was impassive but a concerned look flashed through his eyes. He was going to have to fight against his natural instincts to squash the threat of the Vegas when it came to protecting them from his father, but I had no doubt he would be calculating a way to ensure he kept his claim on the throne. It was Fae nature. And I couldn’t really fault him for it. It was still my intention to ensure he claimed it too and unseat Lionel Acrux. But a small, niggling voice in the back of my mind was starting to suggest another way to resolve that issue. One which was a dangerous idea to even consider putting forward when it came to the Heirs.

I turned back to the text, reading the line which explained this particular gift in more detail. “The magical block against such powers is described as a fiery blaze, coursing under the skin like a barrier.”

“Yes,” Darcy said excitedly. “I felt it when Lionel cast the Coercion.”

Tory nodded, her eyes brightening. “So no one can ever get in our heads again?” she asked, hope burning in her gaze.

“So it would seem,” I confirmed and she gave me a triumphant grin.

Darius rapped his knuckles against the desk impatiently. “What else does it say?”

A shadow in my periphery preceded a knock on the window and everyone jolted in surprise as my heart lurched.

“Who the fuck is that?” Darius balked and I rose from my seat in shock as I found Gabriel goddamn Nox perched outside on the windowsill staring in at us. His huge black, feathered wings were folded behind him, revealing the artwork of tattoos covering his broad chest.

“By the stars.” I jogged around the desk, wrenching the window open and Gabriel jumped inside gracefully. He was only half shifted into his Harpy form, his jeans still in place instead of the silver armour that would normally cover most of his body when he was fully transformed. “Noxy! I thought you weren’t arriving until tomorrow?”

Gabriel embraced me with a bark of laughter. “Thought I’d drop in on this conversation, Orio. The stars told me to come.” He pulled away and we turned to the others who were all staring at Gabriel like he had two fucking heads.

“This is Gabriel Nox, your new Tarot teacher,” I explained then frowned as his words registered with me. “What did you see?”

Gabriel’s brows knitted together. He had the gift of The Sight and our friendship stretched back far enough for me to trust him implicitly. And more than that, he was my Nebular Ally. If he was here now, it was for a reason. And I wondered if our circle of four was about to become five. We’d met years ago when a bunch of students from his school had done an exchange with a group from Zodiac. It had coincided with a Pitball match between our academies too and we’d bonded after I’d given hell to a couple of guys he didn’t get along with.

“Last night I woke to one of the most powerful visions I’ve ever experienced.” His gaze fell on the Vegas and my heart beat harder at his expression. He moved toward them, bowing his head slightly.

“Phoenixes,” he breathed. “I saw you both as Phoenixes.”

“Well that’s just fucking great,” Darius huffed, rising from his seat and receiving a slap of feathers in the face as Gabriel moved to embrace Darcy and Tory in turn. Darius scowled as he stepped firmly away from him, looking to me. “We don’t need this secret reaching any more ears.”

“You can trust Gabriel,” I said firmly. “He’s my Nebular Ally.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Darcy said with a wide smile and Tory gave him one too, the two of them already seeming enthralled with him. He tended to have that effect on people, but something about the way they looked at him made me wonder if there was more to it than that. Something intangible. They didn’t seem remotely disturbed by the company of a stranger despite the subject we were discussing.

Darius stalked toward me and gritted his jaw. “I don’t think we should be letting random Fae in on all of this.”

“He’s not random. You’ve met him before,” I growled. “And besides, he’s my Ally. The stars chose him as my soul friend so he won’t betray my trust.”

Darius frowned at that, glancing between us with his scowl intensifying.

“How do you only shift so your wings are out?” Tory asked, her eyes sparkling like she wanted to learn that very thing.

“I can teach you,” Gabriel said and the two of them smiled.

“We have to keep their Order a secret,” I told him and he turned to me with a serious nod.

“How did it happen? How did they emerge?” he asked and I could feel Darius’s eyes boring a hole into my head. I decided it was best to keep the shadows a secret and everything else that had occurred last night. And though I hated lying to my Nebula Ally, I had a firm loyalty to Darius which I wouldn’t break.

“I guess the Lunar Eclipse brought it on,” I said with a shrug.

Gabriel smiled darkly. “What a night, huh? Trust me, I did not want to leave my bed this morning.”

“How are things with-” I started but Darius cut over me.

“Fun as this reunion is, could we get on with learning about Phoenixes?” he growled irritably.

Gabriel’s gaze narrowed on him. “How’s your father, kid? You have that same tight-arsed expression he’s always sporting. Are you growing into his shoes well?” he asked coldly and I pursed my lips as Tory snorted a laugh and Darcy elbowed her.

“He’s not like him,” I said but Gabriel didn’t look convinced. He knew about my Guardian bond with Darius, but he’d never accepted that I was truly friends with Lionel’s son. He hated the Acruxes and I couldn’t exactly blame him for that, but Darius was different.

“I’m just as powerful though,” Darius snarled, not helping the situation.

Gabriel’s eyes swept over him, then he pushed a hand into his ebony hair with a yawn, turning away from him toward the girls.

“I’d love some time to get to know you both,” he said. “The stars have sent me to help you, I felt it in every part of my being.”

“I’d like that,” Darcy said with a keen look.

“If you take us flying, you’ll be my new best friend, dude,” Tory said with a grin.

“Why don’t you teach them?” I suggested suddenly. “I need a reason to get them out of Harpy Order Enhancement classes. We’re going to pretend they’re Fire Harpies so Lionel doesn’t get wind of what they are. You know what he’d do if he found out what a threat they are. Do you know how powerful Phoenixes are rumoured to be?”

Gabriel nodded slowly. “I don’t know much, but I felt their power through The Sight. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced.”

“I’ll forward you the texts I found today,” I said. “Will you tutor them? I’ll tell Elaine they need time to adapt to their new powers.”

“Of course,” Gabriel said. “I’d be honoured.”

At least that was one problem solved. I moved back behind my desk, dropping into my seat while the others returned to their chairs and Gabriel stood behind Darius.

There was a natural aura flowing from Gabriel and I could tell the girls trusted him already. I half wondered if he might be Allies with them too, though it seemed like quite a coincidence if he was. Nebular Allies were common enough, but it would still be pretty unlikely. Though the way they were taking to each other made me think it was a real possibility.

Darius was a whole different matter. As a Scorpio and a Leo they were capable of forming a strong friendship, but only if the Leo could let go of their superiority complex and if the Scorpio saw past their own pride. But fuck if I saw either of them managing that.

I forwarded the texts to Gabriel before proceeding to explain the notes I’d made on their Order form. “I guess most importantly for now, you should know that your magic regenerates via fire. You need to be close enough to feel the warmth of the flames and you will be able to draw magic from it. Which explains why you had a hard time figuring out exactly what it was that regenerated you as there are fires constantly burning all around the academy. Not to mention the fact that as fire Elementals you can self-replenish whenever you need.”

“So what you’re saying is, our power is endless?” Tory asked, grinning in a way that was only going to piss Darius off. “As in, so long as I can cast fire, I’ll never run out of magic. Unlike big fat lizard shifters who have to pop off for a snooze on a heap of gold whenever they’re running low?”

Darcy tried to hide her laugh as Darius growled and I shot him a look, begging him to keep the peace so that we could get through this meeting amicably.

“What else?” Darcy asked eagerly, clearly realising the same thing I had and helping me out to distract the pair of them before they could start bickering or worse.

“Phoenix fire is born of the sun itself. It’s capable of destroying all matter and is able to sever many magical spells. In both Order and Fae form, Phoenixes are impervious to all types of fire, including that produced Elementally or through other Order forms. It is also capable of harming Orders which are resistant to fire like Manticores, Hydras and… Dragons.”

Darius stilled, his hands tightening on the arms of his chair while Gabriel chuckled under his breath. The twins shared a look, their eyes wide and full of excitement.

“So you’re saying that this big ass lizard can’t burn me at all, but I can totally cook his ass if I want to?” Tory asked with a smirk as she pointed at Darius.

“Why would you want to?” I asked, not really wanting to say yes and piss Darius off any more than he already was but I could see that her comment alone had been enough to do that.

“It’s just nice for all of us to know our capabilities,” Tory replied with a shrug. “And our limitations,” she tossed at Darius.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I surveyed Darius, wondering if he might come around to the idea that was circling in my mind. If he did, it would benefit every Fae in Solaria. Because Darius Acrux might not ever rescind his claim to the throne and I didn’t want him to. But maybe I could convince him to share it with two more candidates. I just had to ride out the fucking hurricane it would take to persuade him.

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